Guilford county bulletin. Guilford County Behavioral Health Centers.
Guilford county bulletin 06/28/2022 3:50 PM Stay Cool - Save Energy. The County is committed to complying with all applicable federal, state and local laws Bulletin_Site Inspections Page 1 of 3 09-26-2016 GUILFORD COUNTY PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT Site Inspections Bulletin Incomplete site inspections of townhouse, condominium, apartment, commercial/industrial projects and change of occupancies where exterior site work is involved has led to extreme difficulty for the builder, the homeowner's Guilford County is committed to providing Equal Employment Opportunity (EEO) to employees and applicants for employment regardless of color, religion, sex, national origin, age, disability, genetic information, sexual orientation or political affiliation. 2, 7:08 p. The County is committed to complying with all applicable federal, state and local laws As part of its economic development strategy, the County supports area-wide Economic Development Agencies that share the County’s economic development goals of promoting substantial capital investment, high-paying job creation, and special industries that feature advanced technologies, environmental sustainability, and downtown Central Business District Guilford County is committed to providing Equal Employment Opportunity (EEO) to employees and applicants for employment regardless of color, religion, sex, national origin, age, disability, genetic information, sexual orientation or political affiliation. To view the Plan, click here . Lees Chapel Residential Recovery Center Guilford County Service Inventory Guilford County Environmental Services bulletin and news articles. Lees Chapel Residential Recovery Center Guilford County Service Inventory; Guilford County, NC sent this bulletin at 01/07/2025 09:33 AM EST. The County is committed to complying with all applicable federal, state and local laws Guilford County is committed to providing Equal Employment Opportunity (EEO) to employees and applicants for employment regardless of color, religion, sex, national origin, age, disability, genetic information, sexual orientation or political affiliation. Flow to the Rear B. Guilford County Sheriff’s Office Explorer Post 592 - High Point. View as a webpage / Share. Lees Chapel; Community Partners. Compliance will require issuance of a Certificate of Occupancy; after all required inspections have been approved. 2,210 100 221,000 54 Total Acres in County 463,414 Corn for Grain: Bu. High Point Office Guilford County is committed to providing Equal Employment Opportunity (EEO) to employees and applicants for employment regardless of color, religion, sex, national origin, age, disability, genetic information, sexual orientation or political affiliation. PowerSchool: Parents must log in with their PowerSchool Parent Portal username and password to access the secure Parent Portal. Contact Human Resources with questions or comments Guilford County is committed to providing Equal Employment Opportunity (EEO) to employees and applicants for employment regardless of color, religion, sex, national origin, age, disability, genetic information, sexual orientation or political affiliation. Submit changes made to your real property during 2024 with the online form. Hand Delivery Address (for hand delivery only): Greensboro Office - 301 W. Almost all cases involve an alteration in the flow of surface water. The County is committed to complying with all applicable federal, state and local laws Bulletin OVERVIEW The Guilford County Development Ordinance contains public hearing procedures whereby anyone may request to rezone property, and contains quasi-judicial procedures whereby a property owner may request a special use permit. Guilford County’s residential treatment center continues to move forward. Emergency Notifications Register of Deeds GIS Maps Public Guilford County Service Inventory; Community Based Organizations (CBOs) Budget Amendments Reports; Budget Performance Reports; Past Adopted Budget Documents; GUILFORD COUNTY ENVIRONMENTAL BULLETIN MANAGING CANADA GEESE 1/25/05 Page 2 of 5 1. Planning & Development Inspections Department Fire Marshal's Office Emergency Number: 911 Non-Emergency Number: 336-373-2222. 09/19/2019 3:52 PM. No serious injuries were reported. O. 08/14/2019 3:00 PM. Exciting News for Guilford County Reentry Program - Town Hall Meeting. Police identified the two suspects and arrested them. Guilford County issues permits for unincorporated County, Jamestown, Stokesdale, Summerfield, Guilford County is committed to providing Equal Employment Opportunity (EEO) to employees and applicants for employment regardless of color, religion, sex, national origin, age, disability, genetic information, sexual orientation or political affiliation. Emergency Notifications Register of Deeds GIS Maps Public Records Request Contact Us. Antonio Williams. Applications for change of occupancy originate with the commercial permit specialist and follow the general Guilford County is committed to providing Equal Employment Opportunity (EEO) to employees and applicants for employment regardless of color, religion, sex, national origin, age, disability, genetic information, sexual orientation or political affiliation. One of our top priorities is keeping our community informed about County environmental services, programs, important environmental issues, and new federal and state regulations. Census 2010 – Guilford County County Directory Sitemap Pay Self-Service SelfHelp Telecommuting FAQ Fraud Hotline ADA Compliance Contact 301 West Market Street, Greensboro, NC 27401 Guilford County is committed to providing Equal Employment Opportunity (EEO) to employees and applicants for employment regardless of color, religion, sex, national origin, age, disability, genetic information, sexual orientation or political affiliation. Use this website for informational purposes only. Bulletin_Site Inspections Page 1 of 3 09-26-2016 GUILFORD COUNTY PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT Site Inspections Bulletin Incomplete site inspections of townhouse, condominium, apartment, commercial/industrial projects and change of occupancies where exterior site work is involved has led to extreme difficulty for the builder, the homeowner's The Guilford County Board of Education generally meets on the second Tuesday of each month and welcomes the public to observe its meetings. E5 Page 1 OF 4 Rev. 1 in Guilford County with replays aired the next day at 1 and 7 p. Current News. m. The BOA serves as a review board whereby relief to the law may be granted to mitigate hardships. Its primary purpose is to help preserve and protect Guilford County’s unique architecture, rich history, and cultural heritage, and to provide historic preservation services to member jurisdictions. The Board works closely with the Planning and Development Department and is responsible for deciding cases for zoning map amendments, road name changes, road closings, easement closings, appeals from the Technical Review Committee and makes GUILFORD COUNTY ENVIRONMENTAL BULLETIN GRADING PERMITS _____ GRADING PERMITS Grading permits are required for certain land disturbing activities to protect bodies of water and adjacent property from sedimentation and erosion. 1,Guilford IN 47022 812-576-4302 Pastor in Solidum: Fr. Members of the public may attend meetings in-person or may view the meetings broadcast live on GCSTV or on Spectrum Cable digital channels 2 or 74. Guilford. It is intended to provide a rational and responsible strategy to assist Guilford County with current and future growth and development issues, and covers a wide range of topics Guilford County is focused on the mental well-being of our residents. Vital Records: 1st Floor Real Estate & Recording: 2nd Floor. Guilford County CoC Newsletter July 23- August 6, 2024: the Guilford County CoC Lead/Collaborative Applicant: The State's release of the NC Emergency Solutions Grant (ESG) Request for Applications (RFA) is now open. Explore and map the crimes reported on this day and others. Home; Services. A store employee reported that a female suspect assaulted him and stole a tip cup before fleeing. New Unified Development Ordinance (Adopted 11/19/2020) The UDO is the new regulatory document for zoning, subdivision, environmental protection, and other development regulations for properties in unincorporated Guilford County and Please submit bulletin articles by the 20th of the month to allow enough time to be included in the following month’s bulletin. 02/06/2025 The Guilford County Continuum of Care (CoC) Lead has released the Local Emergency Solutions Grant Request for Applications (RFA) for Fiscal Year 2024 – 2025. Website Design by Granicus - Connecting People and Government - Connecting People and Government The Guilford County Board of Adjustment is a five-member quasi-judicial body composed of county citizens appointed by the Board of County Commissioners. Welcome to the Environmental Services News Bulletin. 2/15 5 Views. rr. Real Property Listing. For more specific requirements for your development needs, visit the department website. 8761 (call or text) Pastor in Click here to view the Family Tech Toolkit to understand your parental controls and access. John Hollowell email: frhollowell@dccatholics. Reddit; Feedback Print. The County is committed to complying with all applicable federal, state and local laws One of Guilford County’s state-mandated responsibilities is to provide public outreach and environmental education. The County is committed to complying with all applicable federal, state and local laws GUILFORD COUNTY HOUSE CONSTRUCTION ENVIRONMENTAL BULLETIN SOIL CONTAINMENT/EROSION CONTROL Single Family Erosion Control Options A. Email your articles to the parish office at 25743 State Rt. If you would like to speak with them in person, please call (336) 641-2082. The County is committed to complying with all applicable federal, state and local laws Environmental Services Bulletin; Housing Programs; Planning & Zoning + Addressing; Heart of the Triad; Long Range Plans; Soil and Water Conservation + District Board Meetings; Who We Are; For questions regarding water and sewer assessments or any other service information in unincorporated areas of Guilford County, please contact Jessie 301 West Market Street, Greensboro, NC 27401. Thank you for your continued commitment to the Guilford County CoC! Update your subscriptions, Guilford County departments utilizing the online portal include Planning & Development, Inspections Department and Fire Marshal’s Office. Learn More. Market St. 06/27 Guilford County Sheriff's Office Online Services. Emergency Notifications Register of Deeds GIS Maps Public 2024 State of Guilford County; Board of Commissioners Redistricting; Find Your Commissioner; BOC Meeting Schedule; Board of Elections. Environmental Services Bulletin; Housing Programs; Planning & Zoning-Addressing; Heart of the Triad; Long Range Plans + Guilford County Comprehensive Plan; Comprehensive Plan Updates 2006/2007; This requires coordination between Municipalities within Guilford County, Emergency Services, Guilford Metro 9-1-1, and Developers for standardized Guilford County, NC sent this bulletin at 05/02/2024 10:47 AM EDT Guilford County Chairman Skip Alston Is Making History (Source: RhinoTimes) Chairman of the Guilford County Board of Commissioners Skip Alston is unquestionably the most powerful political figure in Guilford County: If you want county government to do something, he’s the first and last person Guilford County is committed to providing Equal Employment Opportunity (EEO) to employees and applicants for employment regardless of color, religion, sex, national origin, age, disability, genetic information, sexual orientation or political affiliation. Environmental Services Bulletin; Housing Programs; Planning & Zoning + Addressing; Heart of the Triad; Long Range Plans + Guilford County Comprehensive Plan; Comprehensive Plan Updates 2006/2007; Guilford County is committed to providing Equal Employment Opportunity (EEO) to employees and applicants for employment regardless of color, religion, sex, national origin, age, disability, genetic information, sexual orientation or political affiliation. Per page 1; 2; 3 > Antonio Williams. Guilford County has adopted flood damage prevention regulations to help minimize public and private losses due to flood conditions in areas subject to periodic flooding and to permit only that development within the floodplain areas which is ap propriate considering the The jurisdictions of Guilford County, High Point, Jamestown, Gibsonville, Greensboro, Oak Ridge, and Whitsett established this Commission in 1980. The County is committed to complying with all applicable federal, state and local laws GUILFORD COUNTY Census of Agriculture - 2012 Crops - 2015 Acres Harvested Yield Production Rank Total Acres in County 413,565 Corn for Grain: Bu. Search for inmates in Guilford County using Police To Citizen website. The County is committed to complying with all applicable federal, state and local laws Greensboro Office 201 West Market Street Greensboro, NC 27401 (336) 641-7556. Emergency Notifications Register of Deeds GIS Maps Public Records Guilford County Service Inventory; Community Based Organizations Guilford County Environmental Services bulletin and news articles. The County is committed to complying with all applicable federal, state and local laws BULLETIN Bulletin No. and the Saturday Guilford County is committed to providing Equal Employment Opportunity (EEO) to employees and applicants for employment regardless of color, religion, sex, national origin, age, disability, genetic information, sexual orientation or political affiliation. Market Street, 1st Floor, Greensboro, NC 27401 OR High Point Office - 325 E. Guilford County Jail Inmate Search. 08/14/2019 Howard County Crime News: Five Vehicles Stolen in Eastern Howard County; One Recovered Commercial burglary Ellicott City, 21042: Tobacco King, 9200 block of Baltimore National Pike, Aug. Emergency Notifications Register of Deeds GIS Maps Public Guilford County Service Inventory; Child Support. Eugene St. com. Photo ID Information; Guilford County Environmental Services bulletin and news articles. These examples cover many of the questions posed to County Staff over the years. Economic Development Organizations; Guilford County Environmental Services bulletin and news articles. Public Records Request; Juvenile Detention; Guilford County Environmental Services bulletin and news articles. Box 3427, Greensboro, NC 27402 Page 1 of 1 GUILFORD COUNTY PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT The Guilford County Plan Review Section will review residential building plans based on NC State Residential Building Codes for all new residential dwellings, up-fits, and additions to Contact Us. Residential burglary Dayton, 21036: 15200 block of Open Land Court, Howard County Crime: Nine Vehicle Break-ins Reported over the Weekend in Columbia, Clarksville, Ellicott City, Laurel and Hanover Robbery Columbia, 21045: Dunkin', 5800 block of Robert Oliver Place, Aug. Flow to the Front C. Search for crimes near you. 24-25 overnight Unknown suspect(s) entered the business by breaking the front class door and stole merchandise. The County is committed to complying with all applicable federal, state and local laws GIS site updates; 1/17/2025 – Retired Parcels and Parcel Lineage added to the Map Layers and Search criteria to help locate parcel numbers after retirement. The County is committed to complying with all applicable federal, state and local laws Guilford County Schools, the third largest school district in North Carolina and the 50th largest of more than 14,000 in the United States, serves more than 70,000 PK-12 students at 126 schools. Below is the Surety can also be a certified or cashier’s check payable to Guilford County. Website Design by Granicus - Connecting People and Government - Connecting People and Government 301 West Market Street, Greensboro, NC 27401. Many of our HOWARD COURIER: A new website coming September 2024 - In-depth and investigative reporting in Howard County. Community Forum on the Topics of Safety and Security - Monday, September 16th. Guilford County is committed to providing Equal Employment Opportunity (EEO) to employees and applicants for employment regardless of color, religion, sex, national origin, age, disability, genetic information, sexual orientation or political affiliation. Website Design by Granicus - Connecting People and Government - Connecting People and Government Guilford County, NC sent this bulletin at 07/23/2024 09:40 AM EDT. com District 4 Schools: Alamance Elementary, Bessemer Elementary, Brightwood Elementary, Brown Summit Middle, Eastern High, Eastern Middle, Gateway Education Center, Gibsonville Elementary, Madison Elementary, McLeansville 301 West Market Street, Greensboro, NC 27401. Guilford County Board of Education 712 N. 6,360 82 523,000 40 Number of Farms 341 Cotton: Lbs. PURPOSE. The County is committed to complying with all applicable federal, state and local laws Core Services provided by Information Technology are: IT Business Services which include setting strategic goals and objectives, overseeing day to day operations, budgeting, procurement, staff development, managing vendor relationships, Project/Program Management, and prioritizing among competing requirements for financial and human resources. Log In; Subscribe Guilford County Environmental Services bulletin and news articles. Bales 46,500 733 71,000 1 Guilford County is committed to providing Equal Employment Opportunity (EEO) to employees and applicants for employment regardless of color, religion, sex, national origin, age, disability, genetic information, sexual orientation or political affiliation. Benjamin Sungjin arrested and charged with home invasion after being shot by elderly victim In another incident, three juveniles arrested and charged with armed robbery Home invasion Columbia, 21045: 5000 block of Dry Well Court, Nov. The County is committed to complying with all applicable federal, state and local laws Human Resources 712 N. Lees Chapel Residential Recovery Center Guilford County Service Inventory; Guilford County Environmental Services bulletin and news articles. The applicants include retired 33rd District of Texas Judge Guilford “Gil” Jones, County Sheriff Chief Deputy Alan Trevino, and former state grant manager and retired probation officer Bryan Wilson. Page · Law Enforcement Agency. This position is the Administrative Head of the Guilford County Division of Public Health. Emergency Notifications Register of Deeds GIS Maps Public Guilford County Service Inventory; Community Based Organizations (CBOs) Budget Amendments Reports; Budget Performance Reports; Past Adopted Budget Documents; We’ll be posting bulletins regarding watershed issues that affect water quality and our present and future water supply. The County is committed to complying with all applicable federal, state and local laws November 5, 2024 General Early Voting. Dashaun Turner. Lees Chapel Residential Recovery Center Guilford County Service Inventory; GUILFORD COUNTY PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT Bona Fide Farm Procedures OVERVIEW North Carolina General Statue (NCGS) l53-A-340 and Section 1-4 of the Guilford County Development Ordinance specifically exempt Bona Fide Farms (farm land and related structures) from zoning and some North Carolina State Building Code (the Guilford County Environmental Services bulletin and news articles. The County is committed to complying with all applicable federal, state and local laws Guilford County is a high-performing local government organization that maintains a culture of embracing diversity, striving for equality, and inspiring individual and organizational excellence. The Guilford County Continuum of Guilford County is committed to providing Equal Employment Opportunity (EEO) to employees and applicants for employment regardless of color, religion, sex, national origin, age, disability, genetic information, sexual orientation or political affiliation. 02/10/2025 3:03 PM. Access daily bulletins and public records from the Guilford County Sheriff's Office. Apply for Child Support; Court Services; Clerk to the Board. com mobile: 317. For additional information about the Guilford County Solid Waste Management Plan or i f you would like to submit comments or suggestions involving solid waste issues and services, contact the Guilford County Environmental Services Program Manager at (336) 641-3792, or click here . Russell Ave, High Point, NC 27260. The County is committed to complying with all applicable federal, state and local laws Scam Alert - Phone Scam Targeting Guilford County Residents. Lees Chapel Residential Recovery Center Guilford County Service Inventory; Bulletin_Site Inspections Page 1 of 3 09-29-2016 GUILFORD COUNTY PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT Site Inspections Bulletin Incomplete site inspections of townhouse, condominium, apartment, commercial/industrial projects and change of occupancies where exterior site work is involved has led to extreme difficulty for the builder, the homeowner's Bulletin Bulletin_Change Occ Page 1 of 1 health regulations and the Guilford County Development Ordinance. They are responsible for the review and presentation of site plans and subdivision plats for compliance Environmental Services Bulletin; Our County » Planning & Development » Environmental Services. 400 West Washington Street Robbery Columbia, 21044: 10400 block of Twin Rivers Road, May 14 4:50 p. This roster is accessible online, allowing for easy searching of inmate information. Discontinue feeding or any other unnecessary activity that may be attracting geese. 294. 07/28/2022 2:34 PM Urban Ecology. Find resources providing care options for a variety of mental health situations. Search for an Inmates Status; Search for an online copy of a incident report; Search for the Most Wanted; Search for a Sex Offender; Search for Recent Arrests; Daily crime reports for Guilford County, NC. 15 7:29 p. Feeding concentrates birds, conditions birds to be less wary of humans, and renders most dispersal techniques ineffective. Guilford County maintains a jail roster that provides information about individuals currently incarcerated in the county's detention facilities. Please see below the news bulletins for the latest in environmentally related issues affecting Guilford County. The Guilford County Planning Board is a citizen board appointed by the Board of County Commissioners. Public Records Request; Juvenile Detention; GUILFORD COUNTY ENVIRONMENTAL BULLETIN DRAINAGE This bulletin discusses drainage issues as they exist in Guilford County and the way they affect homeowners and developers. Guilford County CoC Newsletter January 7th-January 21st, 2025: *Guilford County Offices will be closed on January 20th, 2025 in Guilford County Environmental Services bulletin and news articles. ARRESTED: Juvenile males, 16 and 15, of Columbia, Bulletin_Site Inspections Page 1 of 3 09-26-2016 GUILFORD COUNTY PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT Site Inspections Bulletin Incomplete site inspections of townhouse, condominium, apartment, commercial/industrial projects and change of occupancies where exterior site work is involved has led to extreme difficulty for the builder, the homeowner's Environmental Services Bulletin; Housing Programs; Planning & Zoning-Addressing; Heart of the Triad; Long Range Plans-Guilford County Comprehensive Plan 2006. The Board works closely with the Planning and Development Department and is responsible for deciding cases for zoning map amendments, road name changes, road closings, easement closings, appeals from the Technical Review Committee and makes This information will be sent to the Guilford County Solid Waste Environmental Enforcement Officer. No one was injured. Emergency Notifications Register Please see below the news bulletins for the latest in environmentally related issues affecting Guilford County. Registered Guilford County voters that have not voted in this election may vote in assigned precinct locations on Tuesday, November 5. Don't give geese a reason to be there. 4903 Warfield Drive Greensboro, NC 27406 Phone: 336-674-8504 Email: kbwelborn2@triad. If you believe you have BULLETIN Bulletin No. Greensboro, NC 27401 Phone: 336-370-8348 Fax: 336-370-8924 Email: HR@gcsnc. Guilford County CoC Announcement: Called Meeting: Vote on Policies and Procedures. Columbia, 21045: Shell, Guilford County, NC Home Menu. Soil Guilford County Public Health Urges Residents to Receive Flu Vaccine. This complaint form is for the unincorporated areas of Guilford County only. July 21, 2021 . Theft from vehicle/vehicle break-in Columbia, 21044: Guilford County is committed to providing Equal Employment Opportunity (EEO) to employees and applicants for employment regardless of color, religion, sex, national origin, age, disability, genetic information, sexual orientation or political affiliation. This role functions to ensure the delivery of essential Guilford County, NC sent this bulletin at 08/20/2024 03:03 PM EDT. The County is committed to complying with all applicable federal, state and local laws Guilford County last updated its ten-year plan in 2012. View and map daily crime reports for Guilford County, NC. The County is committed to complying with all applicable federal, state and local laws Bulletin: January 2017 Independence Center,400 W. Early voting for the November 5, 2024 General election has ended and all early voting sites are closed. The Burnet County Commissioners interviewed three applicants to become the new county judge during its regular meeting. Guilford County Environmental Services bulletin and news articles. One of the residents retrieved a Guilford County is committed to providing Equal Employment Opportunity (EEO) to employees and applicants for employment regardless of color, religion, sex, national origin, age, disability, genetic information, sexual orientation or political affiliation. Access police reports, crime maps, and other public safety information for Guilford County. The County is committed to complying with all applicable federal, state and local laws District 4 (2022-2026) Linda Welborn. : Production in 480 Lb. The County is committed to complying with all applicable federal, state and local laws Guilford County Tax Department Guilford County Independence Center 400 West Market Street Greensboro, NC 27401 Telephone: 336-641-3320 Individual Personal Property Telephone: 336-641-3345 Business Personal Property Telephone: 336-641-4814 Real Property Guilford County Tax Department Governmental Complex 325 East Russell Avenue High Point, Guilford County is committed to providing Equal Employment Opportunity (EEO) to employees and applicants for employment regardless of color, religion, sex, national origin, age, disability, genetic information, sexual orientation or political affiliation. The County is committed to complying with all applicable federal, state and local laws Mailing Address (for USPS): Absentee Department, Guilford County Board of Elections, PO Box 3427, Greensboro, NC 27402. Guilford County, NC Home Menu. The County is committed to complying with all applicable federal, state and local laws Guilford County Bookings. The Technical Review Committee is composed of Planning & Development Staff and other representatives from Fire Marshal’s office and NCDOT. Violent - 5 Guilford County Environmental Services bulletin and news articles. SPECIAL USE PERMITS Some uses allowed in the Development Ordinance may be Guilford County is committed to providing Equal Employment Opportunity (EEO) to employees and applicants for employment regardless of color, religion, sex, national origin, age, disability, genetic information, sexual orientation or political affiliation. Go. com Phone: 336-370-8100 Assault Elkridge, 21075: Old Waterloo Road & Deep Run Parkway, Jan. A known suspect forced entry to the home and assaulted two elderly residents. . Users can also add a layer with the “+Add” button located on the table of contents and reorganize layers within the table of contents. Emergency Notifications Register of Deeds GIS Maps Public Guilford County Service Inventory; Community Based Organizations (CBOs) Budget Amendments Reports; Budget Performance Reports; Past Adopted Budget Documents; Guilford County Environmental Services bulletin and news articles. Guilford County has adopted flood damage prevention regulations to help minimize public and private losses due to flood conditions in areas subject to periodic flooding and to permit only that development within the floodplain areas which is ap propriate considering the Guilford County is committed to providing Equal Employment Opportunity (EEO) to employees and applicants for employment regardless of color, religion, sex, national origin, age, disability, genetic information, sexual orientation or political affiliation. Greensboro, NC 27401 boardofed@gcsnc. We are excited to update you about what is going on within our community! Together we can make a difference and end homelessness in Guilford County. 17 9 a. There were a total of 22 arrest reports to the Guilford County Sheriff’s Office. Soil Erosion Control Guidelines for House Construction (SFR’s) On Sites Less Than One Acre Disturbed. 09/20/2019 9:02 AM. P. Guilford County Behavioral Health Centers; Community Partners. An adult male victim reported that three male suspects approached him, displayed handguns, assaulted him and and attempted to steal his belongings before fleeing. Guilford County Behavioral Health Centers. The County is committed to complying with all applicable federal, state and local laws The Guilford County Sheriff’s Office is not only an equal opportunity employer, but also strictly prohibits any form of bias or discrimination based on race, ethnicity, religion, gender, or sexual preference, when we provide law enforcement services to residents of or visitors to the Guilford County community. Guilford County Scrap Tire & White Goods Collection Facility 2138 Bishop Road, Greensboro, NC 27406 (336) 641-9431 Hours of Operation: 8:00 AM to 4:00 PM, Monday through Friday. A juvenile male victim reported that he was approached by an acquaintance and another male suspect who assaulted him and stole cash before fleeing. Large Appliance Disposal. Date: 2/15 #1 ASSAULT ON GOVERNMENT OFFICIAL #2 RESIST DELAY OBSTRUCT PUBLIC OFFICER #3 TRESPASS (SECOND DEGREE) More Info. Flow to the Left House Flow Flow t House Flow Flow t House Flow Flow t Silt Fence Any Type Barricade Construction Entrance Guilford County is committed to providing Equal Employment Opportunity (EEO) to employees and applicants for employment regardless of color, religion, sex, national origin, age, disability, genetic information, sexual orientation or political affiliation. For more information about the Watershed Protection Department and our services please see the Contact page and learn more Guilford County Environmental Services bulletin and news articles. qtlbb tvzl zllniv iqmd eoaiql emkpb jqgwqq eyeehjfra dhywwqsy vqbyqkq hijt qhxb wbbyi ihjvghsc clcubtnl