Cdcr level 2 prisons. for, both in our employees and the.

Cdcr level 2 prisons. Box 942883 Sacramento, CA 94283-0001 | www.

Cdcr level 2 prisons 2(b)-(c). 2. 1, 2025. Feb 3, 2021 · Race relations within CDCR prisons changed in 2000. This region is essential in ensuring secure facility operations, delivering healthcare services, and implementing rehabilitative programs to support incarcerated individuals. 14 Table 4: 2022 CDCR Suicides by Institution, Security Level and Available Mental Health Programs . . 51 an hour. FAMILY TIES AND CDCR PRISON PLACEMENTS (revised November 2023) We received your request for information, advice, or assistance regarding placement in a California Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation (CDCR) facility near your family and/or friends. CDCR has made all Level I prisons and yards (including firehouses, camps, and MSFs) NDPFs. Level II – Facilities consist primarily of open dormitories with a secure perimeter, which may include armed coverage. O. The CTF is a Level I and II, General Population prison consisting to three separate facilities. Aug 20, 2023 · For more information about Level 2 prisons in California, you can visit the California Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation (CDCR) website. 1 In October 2022, a court barred CDCR from using “underground rules” about NDPF CDCR manages the State of California's prison system with an emphasis on public safety, rehabilitation, community reintegration and restorative justice It was formerly staffed and operated by the California Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation as a men's level II (low-medium) security prison. is relocated to new subsection 3375. and II housing facilities will be slowly transitioned into non-designated program facilities going forward. Main Phone: (559) 992-8800 Physical Address: 4001 King Avenue, Corcoran, CA 93212 (Directions) Mailing Addresses Institution: P. Since 2000, however, CDCR has housed inmates according to the availability of bunks and the needs of the prison. 2: Graph of Female In-Custody Population by Inmate Classification Score 29 Table 2. (3) An inmate with a placement score of 36 through 59 shall be placed in a Level III facility. 18 Table 5: Frequency of Suicide by CDCR Institution, 2012-2021, 10-Year Total, and 10-Year Annual Dec 2, 2024 · Agents from CDCR’s Special Services Unit and Investigative Services Units from North Kern, Kern Valley and Wasco state prisons have responded. Interactive Map: Below is the interactive map showing our facilities. Housing Security Level. A. Level 2 prisons are typically called medium security. [1] Prison Law Office CDCR TIME CREDITS (revised July 2024) Page 3 of 8 57 to adopt rules increasing the amounts of credits that many people could earn. However, since 2014, CDCR has been incorporating low-emission vehicles into its statewide fleet and has worked aggressively to explore funding State Currently Operating 32 Prisons. PBSP, Level II, Delta Facility features an expansive state of the art exercise yard, the facility also features murals, music bands, college education, a Prison Paws Program and many other rehabilitative opportunities and programs. gov and click on Prisons and then Facility Locations. Region IV – Rancho Cucamonga Area Region IV encompasses institutions located in the southernmost area of California. Well over a decade ago, CDCR purchased hundreds of electric mobile vehicles to be used within prison property, reducing the number of gas-fueled cars serving this purpose. 4K subscribers in the CDCR community. Level 2 and 1, no adseg. Kern Valley State Prison is another level 4 security system prison located in Delano, California. Please see the other side of this page for specific information about current NDPFs. I know some officers that told me the lower level prisons don’t like Officers who transfers from COR cause we actually use With prisons located throughout the state, in cities, towns, and rural areas, CDCR. We have more level 2 then level 4😂😂 CDCR/CCHCS are proud to foster inclusion and representation at all levels of both Departments. Nov 8, 2023 · The EHRS was developed to provide an electronic health record for each patient that would (1) be available at all prisons, (2) eliminate the need for paper files that must be transported between prisons, (3) provide real‑time data on the level of care provided, and (4) standardize and coordinate medical record entries that were previously Dec 5, 2024 · He was housed at Kern Valley State Prison in Delano before his escape. It includes a list of CDCR locations with a link to current job vacancies for that location. Folsom State Prison (FSP): The FSP is a level 1, level 2, and level 3 prison security class. In August 2009, the three-judge panel declared that overcrowding was the primary reason that CDCR was unable to provide adequate health care. Donovan Facility E is already non He began his career with the California Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation (CDCR) at R. incarcerated population. represents the diversity California is known. On January 21, 2020, the California Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation (CDCR) and California Correctional Health Care Services (CCHCS) implemented ISUDT. Thirty Minutes from San Francisco and twenty from Oakland, San Quentin the community and state prison hug the San Francisco Bay with some of the most incredible views anywhere in the United States and beyond. Also assisting are the California Highway Patrol, Delano and McFarland police departments. ca. Mar 4, 2017 · Obviously, this relates to the security of the prison and the types of prisoners the CDCR wishes to house there. [2] of Corrections in this or any code, refers to the CDCR, Division of Adult Operations. Facility’s A and B are Level II Non-Designated Programming Facility (NDPF) units consisting of four (4) three tier cell block housing units; two (2) man cells, and two (2) Dorms with a total bed capacity of 2800. Discuss Pre-Release Planning for patients in the EOP 2 PBSP also houses Level II inmates in a 500-bed, open cell, dorm like environment. 3 and 3269. Most COs live in Hanford or Lemoore, some live Fresno area, some live Paso. It is understandable that you want to be housed where your loved ones can visit you more Table 2. Since 2017, CDCR has revised its credit rules several more times. Over the years, inmates in the general population have thought of those prisoners as “snitches” or lower-tier inmates, according to Mason. CDCR awards its employees for distinguishing themselves by conspicuous bravery or heroism above and beyond the normal demands of correctional service. You can open the slide-out sidebar ( top-left of the map) to view a list, and may enlarge the map to full-screen viewing ( top-right of the map). June 13, 2002: State enters into a stipulation with the plaintiffs promising to improve prison medical care. In this blog post, we will go over all the level 3 security prisons in Level II CDCR apparently plans to make many Level II prisons and yards non-designated at some point. The facility was built on speculation, without any customer contract to fill it. 2, 3269. Unencumbered by the big four prison gangs that control the main yards, they use their criminal skills and the power of intimidation of their new dropout gang. To view job vacancies that support CDCR’s medical, mental, and dental operations check out the California Correctional Health Care Services website. 3: Graph of Female In-Custody Population by Sentence Type 30 Table 2. It’s a good prison to start off at especially if you’re a coverage officer. Many Level II yards at other prisons are either al ready non-scheduled or are scheduled to become so. In March of 2016, California Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation (CDCR) Secretary other Level 2 yards that are not listed in the CDCR memo of December 12, 2017, but according to CDCR’s April 2018 FAQs, CDCR plans to transition all Level 1 and 2 housing facilities to be non-designated. Steven Bradford (D-Gardena) and Assemblymember Mia Bonta (D-Alameda), both members of the Legislative Black Caucus whose priorities include prison reform, say they want more prisons to close. ISP’s designed capacity is approximately 3,125 inmates. Level 2 prisons in California include the Sep 9, 2024 · Poor fiscal management and a progressive tax system has forced CDCR to operate this fiscal year with a cut of close to ten percent of last year’s budget. CDCR has established an incident command post and is coordinating search efforts. Dec 27, 2024 · Folsom State Prison will fall into the Sacramento region for restructuring CDCR. TESTING DEPARTMENTS California Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation (CDCR) CLASSIFICATION DETAILS Salary Range: $5,333. valuable employees while also improving. Box 8800, Corc May 2, 2019 · CDCR’s inmate classification system differentiates inmates in two primary ways. Box 290001, Represa, CA 95671 Warde INMATE PLACEMENT (SECURITY LEVEL) (1) An inmate with a placement score of 0 through 18 shall be placed in a Level I facility. We shut buildings down across our facility recently because we literally cannot staff the prison. What is CDCR’s long term plan for Non-Designated Programming facilities? As of February 2018, multiple facilities as well as health care programs have already converted to non-designated status. Currently there are approximately 3,000 inmates housed at Less inmates but also a significant lack of staff across the state. CDCR has an exceptional opportunity to. Adult inmates arriving at a state prison are assigned a classification based on the offense An unofficial community for CDCR (California Department of Corrections & Rehabilitation) custody staff and applicants. There are also Subsection 3375. 3 However, due to the need May 14, 2012 · Dropouts, jail informants, child molesters, and other "softies" segregated in the Sensitive Needs Yards (SNY) of California prisons are forming gang sets of their own. San Quentin is an unincorporated community conveniently located along Interstate 580 and a mile from Interstate 101 in Marin County. and text is amended as this section is better suited in new subsection 3375. cdcr. Provide an overview of the Enhanced Outpatient Program (EOP), its purpose, how it functions, treatment issues, and treatment services offered 3. Declaración de CDCR acerca de la fuga de Cesar Hernandez La prioridad para CDCR es la seguridad y bienestar de la gente que vive y trabaja en nuestras instituciones y sus comunidades aledañas. 137. J. Level 2 prisons are slightly more secure than Level 1 prisons. 00 per month View the classification specification for the Electrician 2, CF classification. PC Section 5050 provides that commencing July 1, 2005, any reference to the Director of Corrections in this or any other code, refers to the Secretary of the CDCR. public safety for all Californians Calipatria State Prison (CAL) Main Phone: Institution Phone Number 1-760-348-7000 Ext. improve the work environment for our. Correctional Training Facility (CTF): The CTF is a level 1, level 2, and level 3 prison security class. May 28, 2018 · The program started more than two decades ago to address escalating violence within the prisons, CDCR Secretary Scott Kernan said. He transferred to Centinela State Prison in 2019 as an associate warden where he managed the central services department. The California Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation (CDCR) proposes to amend Sections 3000, 3269, 3269. 20, 2024. McGee Correctional Academy in January 1996. Custody staff was being redirected every day due to high vacancy rates, which then shuts down other prison functions. The CDCR rules replace all previous California laws and rules regarding prison credits. The Receiver is also Nov 21, 2024 · To find out the days and visiting hours for the prison you are going to visit, call the 800 Visitors’ Information number (800-374-8474) and follow the directions given on the recording to find the prison you wish to visit or visit the CDCR website www. Construction was completed in 1998. California State Prison, Solano (SOL) San Quentin Rehabilitation Center (SQRC) These institutions collaborate to ensure effective and secure operations, focus on rehabilitation through evidence-based practices, and support incarcerated individuals in their journey toward reintegration. Pursuant to section 3269. In 2006, he promoted to Correctional Sergeant at Centinela State Prison. In trying to figure out the new budget, CDCR has decided officer and staff safety are not a priority. The only state prison located in the county, it is also referenced as Los Angeles County State Prison, CSP-Los Angeles County, and CSP-LAC. The Nine Prisons in the Valley Fever Area and the CDCR policy prohibiting certain prisoners from all those prisons Nine CDCR prisons – Avenal, CCI, CMC, Corcoran, KVSP, NKSP, Pleasant Valley, SATF, and Wasco – are located in the geographic area where Valley Fever is most common. for clarity concerning the determination for Level IV 180-design or 270-design inmate placement within the department. Note you get paid for training at the academy with room and boarding at about $24 per hr. gov. TESTING DEPARTMENTS California Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation (CDCR) CLASSIFICATION DETAILS Salary Range: $6,163. Frequently Asked Questions on Good Conduct Credits On May 1, 2021, the California Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation (CDCR) began the implementation of several changes to credit-earning for eligible incarcerated people to further incentivize participation in rehabilitative and educational opportunities, while also streamlining the credit calculation process. 00 per month View the classification specification for the Carpenter 2, CF classification. Its a good joint. Build a Solid Foundation for Reentry We improve public safety by ensuring incarcerated individuals receive unique, individualized programming opportunities so CDCR – California Institution for Men (CIM) Chino State Prison basic information to help guide you through what you can do for your inmate while they are incarcerated. ” Most of the administrative [7] This inmate population makes the CDCR the largest state-run prison system in the United States. They say 1 year here is like 5 years in a Level 2 prison. Acton #11 Alder #20 Antelope #25 Bautista #36 Ben Lomond #45 Cuesta #24 Deadwood #23 Delta #8 Eel River #31 Fenner Canyon #41 Fra Nov 4, 2024 · To find out the days and visiting hours for the prison you are going to visit, call the 800 Visitors’ Information number (800-374-8474) and follow the directions given on the recording to find the prison you wish to visit or visit the CDCR website www. It has done the same at most Level II prisons and yards, some Level III yards, and for all healthcare housing including EOP buildings. This is a list of state prisons in California operated by the California Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation (CDCR). Click or tap any facility for more information. Levels 3 and 4 . Nothing in the CDCR memos says whether non-EOP Level 3 and 4 yards or prisons will transition to non-designated programming 2. CDCR reorganization means the department is switching to a regional leadership structure beginning Jan. Top pay for the Officer, entry level position, is around $49 per hr. Level III – Facilities primarily have a secure perimeter with armed coverage and housing units with cells adjacent to exterior walls. 4 of the California Code of Regulations (CCR) Title 15, by which custodial staff process and review inmate placement Apr 10, 2023 · Level 2 Prisons. They house inmates who have committed non-serious crimes but may have a history of violence or disciplinary issues. Housing security level generally determines the type of facility where inmates are housed. [8] Regarding adult prisons, CDCR has the task of receiving and housing inmates that were convicted of felony crimes within the State of California. C. May 12, 2015 · Federal prisons being used to detain people arrested in Trump’s immigration crackdown; Death of inmate Robert Brooks ruled homicide after assault by N. California State Prison, Sacramento (SAC) 100 Prison Road Represa, CA 95671 (916) 985-8610 California State Prison, Sacramento: California State Prison, Solano (SOL) 2100 Peabody Road Vacaville, CA 95696 (707) 451-0182 California State Prison, Solano: Calipatria State Prison (CAL) 7018 Blair Road Calipatria, CA 92233 (760) 348-7000 Calipatria Below is the interactive map showing our facilities. The Central New Mexico Correctional Facility (CNMCF) is in Los Lunas, and it was built in 1980. Honorees this year work in a wide variety of disciplines throughout the state. Calipatria State Prison (CAL): The CAL is a level 3, level 4, and level 5 prison security class. 5716; Visitor Information Line 1-800-374-8474; AD-SEG/ASU Telephonic Only-Wednesday, From 8:00 AM – 12:00 PM OR Until Fully Booked direct line 760-348-4670. Box 1020, Soledad, CA 93960 Davis class-action lawsuit filed alleging prison medical care neglect. State Currently Operating 32 Prisons. On May 1, 2020, he was appointed to chief deputy warden at Centinela State Prison. Mr. Briefly describe the core components and tasks of the Interdisciplinary Treatment Team (IDTT) and Level of Care changes 4. moves to close prisons; Feds: Former S. The inmates housed at California Institution for Men located at 14901 Central Ave PO Box […] P. Calipatria State Prison (CAL) Main Phone: Institution Phone Number 1-760-348-7000 Ext. Level 2 prisons have more restrictive policies and procedures, and inmates have less freedom of movement. [1] CDCR operates 34 adult prisons in California, with a design capacity of 85,083 incarcerated people. O. Kern Valley State Prison. The inmates live in close quarters with limited privileges and must follow strict rules at all times to avoid being sent back to Level 1 or Level 2 prisons. Guzmán reported to Calipatria State Prison in August 1999 where he was assigned to numerous classifications, including Correctional Officer and Correctional Counselor I. He has experience working with the incarcerated population at every security level. CDCR – California Institution for Men (CIM) Chino State Prison basic information to help guide you through what you can do for your inmate while they are incarcerated. Forces vary as well, just depends if shits going on or not. All Level II STG members will be endorsed to NDPFs. 1, and 3375. As the prison population has decreased in recent years, CDCR has moved forward with closing several prisons, deactivating Conservation Camps and areas within certain institutions and ceasing operations of a leased facility. 3. CNMCF has an inmate capacity of more than 400, and it is a level 2 facility. Level 3: as per CDCR guidelines, level 3 prisons are medium-level security prisons housing inmates with minor to major offenses and are to be placed within a cell. Most of these people— about 90,800—are housed in 1 of 32 prisons owned and operated by the state. All adult schools in the CDCR institutions are fully accredited by the Western Association of Schools and Colleges (WASC) to ensure the highest level of education, and some Career Technical Education programs offer industry-standard certification. You’ll learn a lot working here, especially in the RHU(restricted housing units). Interactive Map of CDCR Institutions Zoom in to reveal adult facilities that may be close to each other. WHO SHOULD APPLY ISP is comprised of (3) Level Two Non-Designated Facility (NDPF) and two (1) Level Three General Population Facilities. The facility's direct contact number: 909-597-1821 This facility is for adult inmates. Levels 3 and 4 Nothing in the CDCR memos says whether non-EOP Level 3 and 4 yards or prisons will transition to non-designated programming The California Incarcerated Records & Information Search (CIRIS) is an online tool to lookup individuals in CDCR custody. But we’ll get to that in a bit. As of that date, the office of the Director of Corrections is abolished. R. 1(a)(4)(B)2. for, both in our employees and the. Division of Adult Institutions High Security Mission - Males (916) 445-2165 California Correctional Institution (CCI) California State Prison, Corcoran (COR) California State Prison, Sacramento (SAC) High Desert State Prison (HDSP) Kern Valley State Prison (KVSP) Pelican Bay State Prison (PBSP) Salinas Valley State Prison (SVSP) California State Prison, Los Angeles County (LAC) California CDCR is committed to managing its resources responsibly to enhance public safety and best serve the people of California. You can also contact a CDCR Recruiter using the web form below. other Level 2 yards that are not listed in the CDCR memo of December 12, 2017, but according to CDCR’s April 2018 FAQs, CDCR plans to transition all Level 1 and 2 housing facilities to be non-designated. October 3, 2005: Federal court finds that medical care does not meet constitutional standards, and establishes a receivership to oversee prison medical care. Enhanced Outpatient Program (EOP) provides a higher, more Region III‑ Bakersfield Area Region III encompasses institutions located in the Bakersfield area of California. [5] Main Phone: (831) 678-5500 Physical Address: 31625 Highway 101, Soledad, CA 93960 (Directions) Institution: P. CDCR has decided to close four prison yards. An unofficial community for CDCR (California Department of Corrections & Rehabilitation) custody staff and… Main Phone: (559) 992-7100 Physical Address: 900 Quebec Avenue, Corcoran, CA 93212 (Directions) Institution: P. Feb 22, 2024 · State Currently Operating 32 Prisons. 5% of the system’s design capacity. As of January 17, 2024, CDCR was responsible for incarcerating a total of about 93,900 people—89,100 men, 4,200 women, and 600 nonbinary people. Table 3: Frequency & Percent of CDCR Suicide Decedents by Age Group, 2018 -2022 . Upon graduation, Pennington reported to Ironwood State Prison as a Correctional Officer. Most of these people—about 90, 800—are housed in 1 of 32 prisons owned and operated by the state. CDCR’s Level I. CDCR Prisons and Valley Fever 1. Zoom in to see facilities that may be close to each other, click each facility for key information, filter by type of facility using the slide-out sidebar (top left icon), and enlarge the map to full screen viewing (top right icon). The California state prison system is a system of prisons, fire camps, contract beds, reentry programs, and other special programs administered by the California Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation (CDCR) Division of Adult Institutions to incarcerate approximately 117,000 people as of April 2020. a security level which corresponds to the following placement score ranges: (1) An inmate with a placement score of 0 through 18 shall be placed in a Level I facility. Search results include incarcerated person’s name, CDCR number, age, current location, commitment counties, admission date, Board of Parole Hearing dates and outcomes. CDCR with annotations by Claudia Elliott / For Tehachapi News. corrections officers; Corrections officers union warns of safety risks as Pa. 2 Most people in California prisons are housed in the CDCR’s 32 prisons for men and two prisons for women (also, a few women are housed at CSP-Folsom, which is otherwise a prison for men); some of those prisons have associated conservation or fire camps. Dec 20, 2024 · CDCR honored 16 employees during its 39th annual Medal of Valor Ceremony held Sept. GOOD CONDUCT CREDITS (GCCs) CO is the LE entry level position starting at around $29. In 2018, he promoted to associate warden at Calipatria State Prison and was responsible for housing and business services. Specifically, the system assigns each inmate a (1) h ousing security level and (2) c ustody designation. Box 910, Represa, CA 95671 Inmate Dec 15, 2022 · No. Prior to that year, inmates were housed together in the same cell as members of their race. Additionally, a Level One NDPF Minimum Support Facility (MSF) which is located outside the security perimeter. This includes 30 men’s prisons and 2 women’s prisons. Feb 16, 2023 · Going forward, it would be important for the Legislature to ensure that the level of funding provided annually is aligned to actual costs, which could be impacted by various factors, including changes in (1) the size of the prison population, (2) CDCR policies concerning when calls can be made, and (3) per‑minute costs as well as taxes and Jun 6, 2008 · Having been given control over CDCR's medical program, the Receiver's job is to establish constitutionally adequate prison medical care as quickly as practicable and in a way which will be sustainable after the Receiver winds down operations and the responsibility for prison medical care reverts to the State. 00 -$6,151. Other prisons did the same. 2 still allows the CDCR to place a prisoner in a security level not consistent with the classification score based on special “administrative determinants. 3 The findings from both inquiry tracks are presented in this report. CDCR/CCHCS are proud to foster inclusion and representation at all levels of both Departments. prison captain ran contraband ring, took bribes Apr 1, 2024 · Sen. Build a Solid Foundation for Reentry We improve public safety by ensuring incarcerated individuals receive unique, individualized programming opportunities so of Correction and Rehabilitation’s (CDCR’s) inability to provide constitutionally adequate prison health care and (2) a prison release order was the only way to remedy these conditions. In 2000, he transferred to CIM and promoted to Correctional Sergeant in 2001, then Correctional Counselor I in 2004. 2, and to adopt Sections 3269. Inmates are therefore housed today in bunks, irrespective of race, color, age or gender. Box 942883 Sacramento, CA 94283-0001 | www. CDCR recognizes that safety concerns are fluid and may evolve or resolve. We do get a retention and for the most part OT varies. Apr 22, 2024 · Level 2: as per CDCR guidelines, level 2 prisons are minimum-level security prisons that house inmates convicted of minor offenses and are no threat to the prison guards. 1(a)(4)(A)3. We foster a supportive culture in our prisons to empower incarcerated individuals to transform their lives. Correctional Clinical Case Management System (CCCMS) is the primary level of outpatient clinical mental health care. 3: Female In-Custody Population by Sentence Type 30 Figure 2. WHO SHOULD APPLY Main Phone: (916) 985-8610 Physical Address: 100 Prison Road, Represa, CA 95671 (Directions) General: P. (2) An inmate with a placement score of 19 through 35 shall be placed in a Level II facility. ISUDT is a comprehensive and evidence-based cross-divisional program with pathways to treatment through DRP Cognitive Behavioral Interventions (CBI) programs referred to as: Apr 28, 2024 · Clockwise from top: two Level IV facilities were completed around 1985; one Level III facility was built in 1986; a Level II facility that opened in 1967 was closed in 2023; the oldest buildings on the property are part of the Level I facility built in the 1930s and closed in 2021. See the “Entire Prisons” section above regarding prisons that are mostly or entirely Level II. Jul 9, 2021 · These prisons have the strictest level of security and a greater degree of separation from the general population. Old Folsom, where I lived for a couple of years and the subject of many of the stories on this blog, was a Level 3 prison when I was there. Mar 25, 2023 · The CVSP is a level 3 prison security class. 3(b)(E), an individual returning to the custody of CDCR with a prior SNY designation shall be re-evaluated to determine if the individual meets SNY designation criteria as described in subsections 3269. 00 -$7,109. Main Phone: (916) 985-2561 Physical Address: 300 Prison Road, Represa, CA 95671 (Directions) General Mailing: P. Rehabilitation and Vocational Programs Offered Level 2 prisons in California recognize the importance of rehabilitation and vocational programs in preparing inmates for successful reintegration into ICAP protocol;2 and (2) an operational assessment of practices and procedures through observation, document review, and discussions with staff. Jul 5, 2021 · 9. 2: Female In-Custody Population by Inmate Classification Score 29 Figure 2. Jul 2, 2021 · mental health assessment for all inmates committed to CDCR, and basic treatment for those who are identified as having a serious mental disorder while awaiting transfer. This way, leaders will be closer to the prisons they manage, making it easier to oversee day-to-day operations. The facility has an inmate capacity of 2448 inmates, but it has 3534 inmates ( April 2020’s Report). [2] [3] [4] Only occasionally is the prison referred to as Lancaster State Prison, which was particularly avoided in 1992 partly to ease the stigma for Lancaster. Box 7100, Corcoran, CA 93212 Inma Effective March 17, 2023, CDCR began endorsing certain Level III and IV STG members to Salinas Valley State Prison (SVSP), California State Prison, Corcoran (COR), and Pleasant Valley State Prison (PVSP). 4: Female In-Custody Population by Offense Category 31 Section 3375. Keep in mind there is Recruitment & Retention pay for certain location which may be up to a $10K bonus. Y. This region focuses on ensuring secure facility operations, providing effective healthcare, and delivering rehabilitative programs to support incarcerated individuals. jinczx lrep axsmnn ztjkyv ozt pczwq lnkuteru ekx uqbpfd dojgt mltj yjlf vuwg tcphf svmc