Welsh quaker surnames View all issues and information about a specific journal by choosing one from the dropdown. Quaker Family History Society for family historians with Quaker ancestors from the British Isles In 1681 a group of Welsh-Quaker gentlemen obtained a tract of some 40,000 acres in Pennsylvania. His descendants ended up in Indiana. For a more comprehensive look at the formation of fixed surnames in Wales the reader can refer to Welsh Surnames, by T. 4 (1893), pp. 7% in New Zealand, 4. Welsh surnames are the product of two different influences. Bevan Surname Resources on The Internet. 385-411. From the late 1650s onwards the movement spread quickly into Wales. He lived on Black Creek near a Quaker meeting house. Click here for further possible spellings of this surname. In 1686 he and his family sailed for the Quaker settlement in Pennsylvania. It means "much loved", from the intensive prefix an-combined with a mutated form of caru "to love". It is possibly derived from Welsh cyn "foremost" and the common river name suffix wy. The Copies section contains information for finding the physical item. This is a list of notable people associated with the Religious Society of Friends, also known as Quakers, who have a Wikipedia article. a few sources for some accurate data on Moore genealogy. The place name was recorded as Crave in the Domesday Book of 1086 and is thought to have come from the Welsh word craf meaning garlic (in the Middle Ages the Craven area was known for its wild garlic). ; William Price was a pioneer of the Canadian lumber trade in the early 19th century. The Craven surname in England derives from the district of Craven around Skipton in the West Riding of Yorkshire. Many of them are derived from the Welsh language or Cymric which was dominant here during the early medieval period and into the High Middle Ages (c. James J. Dr. The surname in the Welsh patronymic style dates back to the late 13th century. Levick, The Early Welsh Quakers and Their Emigration to Pennsylvania, The Pennsylvania Magazine of History and Biography, Vol. Welsh “P” surnames came from the “ap” roots, such as Price from Popular last names reflect cultural influences, for example. 'Genealogical notes relating to the ancestry of the people called Quakers in Wales,'and 'Early Meetings of the people called Quakers in North Wales, Monmouthshire and Glamorganshire,' by Thomas Allen Glenn, 1920. Orange County, North Carolina, before 1758. Lastly here there was William Hughes, born of uncertain origins in Virginia around 1780. Pembroke: rare: Dublin etc. Richards Surname Resources on The Internet. As an American given name, it steadily rose in popularity through the beginnings of the 20th century and peaked in the early 1930s (closely mirroring the similar-sounding but unrelated name Melvin). I could not find anything in Wales to confirm or refute Evan's parents, but I just marked Add to Print List Remove from Print List Notes. The answer to your question is that Welsh Quaker families that were conductors along the routes of the Underground Railroad gave the run-away slaves their family Until sometime around the 15th and 16th centuries, Welsh surnames were most often given as ‘son of’ (ab/ap) or ‘daughter of’ (ferch/verch). Charles Roughton e-mail address: [email and listed as his heirs, wife Mary, children: Benjamin, Mary, John and James. The Welsh Quakers believed an agreement was reached to create a "Welsh Tract" on 40,000 acres (160sq km), where the language of government, law, business and daily life would be Welsh. Wood Surname Meaning. Ellis developed The background of the Welsh Quaker migration to Pennsylvania: Granite Mountain Record Vault: British Film: 832243 Item 5: 7764053: Results per page: Page. History and genealogy of the Welsh Howell surname (derived from the Welsh Hywel). The internet's standard list of the 10 most common Welsh surnames (in their conventionally Anglicized spellings) is Jones, Williams, Davies, Thomas, Evans Elis (from the Greek Elias and city along with the biblical Elijah) was a popular medieval name, having been adopted by some early saints. Morgan ap Llewelyn in the 14th century was the first to adopt Morgan as a surname. The name in England is mainly locational, describing someone who lived atte wode or at or by a wood. Bevan is a name of Welsh origin, derived from ap Evan meaning “son of Evan” where Evan is the Welsh John. 385-413 5. Aberystwyth Grammar School magazine 1891-1897; The Aberystwyth young men's magazine; Abstainer; In many cases, there is no concrete way to connect the the Welsh surnames to the ancient Welsh last names held by ancestors prior to the 15th century. Cooney Irish From Irish Ó Cuana meaning "descendant of Cuana The surname Tharp occurs more in The United States more than any other country/territory. With the promise of great economic opportunity and the assurance of complete religious liberty, a committee of Welsh Quakers met with William Penn in London to negotiate the purchase of a tract of land. Many tried to found a new homeland for their people. Following the Restoration, Welsh Quakers were, if anything, more severely persecuted than before. 1% in Australia, and 3. This meaning gave rise to other surnames, such as Bywood, Underwood and Atwood. History is interesting! I had no idea of our wonderful devout Quaker ancestors. And as a consequence of this, in 1682, John AP John led a small delegation of Welsh Quakers and met with William Penn at London. ; Alwyn – a handsome and dependable Welsh river name meaning “friend, generous. Similarly, among my father’s and mother’s ancestors were migrants to It gives the meaning and history of each name, its original form, where it came from – Ireland, Scotland, England, Wales or France – and why it changed to what it is today. But, so severe was the persecution, that from 1681 on some hundreds of the Welsh Quakers fled to Pennsylvania, thus seriously weakening the movement in Wales. These surnames may refer to villages, mountains, rivers or distinctive features of the Welsh landscape. Explore the most common surnames in Wales. Early Quakers in America had slaves. g. Those surnames derived from place names were initially adopted by families that held land. 3 million Topographical surnames can be derived from features of a landscape (Hill, Ford) or from place names (London, Aston, Eaton, Molyneux). The most common Irish names: Based on statistics from Ireland’s CSO; Old Irish last names: Like Ó Cléirigh – the oldest recorded name in Europe Ancestry; Wales Databases Search A collection of over 140 Welsh databases of probate, census, directory and Wales a guide to finding online genealogy resources, including archives, libraries, surname lists, parish registers, cemeteries, directories, war memorials, electoral From an English surname that was derived from the Welsh given name Merfyn or the Old English name Mærwine. Check the Call Number, Location . WOW! This would be a huge project to take on. Welsh: ap Harry, son of Harry. In order to understand the meanings of Welsh surnames, a The Welsh Quaker community played a significant role in early Welsh migration to America. Ellis developed from an early time as a surname in North Thomas ap Harry or Thomas Parry was a weaver from Cardiganshire and a Quaker. 17, No. He seems to have come to New Jersey [Pennsylvania] and from there to. The earliest settlers of this Welsh Tract were peers of William Penn and planned to establish an exclusive Welsh Quaker Barony, but the experiment failed. tells about the conversion of Welsh people in Wales to the Quaker faith, their rapid growth and persecution, The Welsh name Pew is a patronymic surname created from the Welsh personal name Hugh. ; William Price was a 19th century physician and eccentric, best known today for his promotion Lloyd Surname Meaning. Later Parrys of his line moved to Bucks county. ; John Evans was the Welsh explorer who produced an early map of the Missouri river. ; Godfrey Evans played for the English cricket team as But what’s the history and meaning behind these traditional Welsh surnames? Read on to find out. He arrived at the Welsh tract in Pennsylvania in 1699. Henry Wood, a Welsh Quaker, arrived with his family at Newport, Rhode Island in 1670. Select Surnames; Family Surnames; Surname History; Famous Today; Genealogy Sites; Contact; Search for: The Quaker John Howell, “a native of the ancient walled city of Aberystwyth,” came to Philadelphia in The name poked fun at the early 1900s families who settled the community who had surnames like Hogg, Mare, Steer, Lyons, Fox and Wolfe. Pugh is Welsh and derived from the Welsh patronymic ap Hugh (son of Hugh), Hugh being a male personal name that had been introduced by the Normans. These surnames reflect the traditional Welsh patronymic system, which was used until the 16th century, whereby the children of a man named In terms of children's surnames, Welsh naming customs have also evolved. 1000 – 1300). Richard Price was a Welsh moral and political philosopher of the 18th century. The second influence is owing to the Surname origins home "" from the blog archive "" from the Irish Roots column archive AND after a run-in with a skeptical 23andMe Relative Finder contact--who didn't believe that WEST could be a Quaker surname, or that Quakers lived in North Carolina--I decided to compile a list of some of more well-known Quaker surnames from Chester Co PA, Bucks Co PA and Guilford Co NC. The Yearly Meeting for Wales 1682-1797 Addeddate 2021-05-29 12:42:11 Identifier welsh-quaker-yearly-meetings Identifier-ark ark:/13960/t0hv3xd55 Ocr Welsh surnames are those held by individuals living in Wales and overseas within the Welsh diaspora. attracted Welsh immigrants seeking religious tolerance and communal living. Edward was a surgeon there, a Justice of the Peace, and a member of the Pennsylvania Assembly. Forebears knows about 113,593 unique surnames in Wales and there are 27 people per name. He did well and later settled in New Jersey. Other languages that influence English last names include Welsh, German variations, Scots, and Gaelic. Edward Jones from Bala in Merionethshire was among the first arrivals in 1682 at what became Merion township in Montgomery county. The surname Tharp is the 28,654 th most common last name on earth, borne by approximately 1 in 388,877 Oddly, the Welsh weren't big on slave ownership in the US, most of them were Quakers and slave ownership would have been against their ideology. Read specific journals. Prior to that time the prototype for the Welsh name was the patronymic, such as “Madog ap Jevan ap Jerwerth” (Madoc, son of Evan, son of Yorwerth). Mary, a Welsh woman. He was faithful to the end. In Wales this surname seems to have absorbed forms derived from the Welsh personal name Elisedd, meaning one who is kindly and benevolent. Early Welsh Quakers. When Wales started using surnames, the "Represents the first 276 pages of 'Welsh settlement of Pennsylvania,' written by Charles H. The Welsh name Owen became two surnames, Owen and Bowen (from ap Owen), when English-type surnames began to take hold in the 16th century. The Richards nursery in the Tamar valley. As Welsh names were patronymic then he should definitely be "Lewis ap David". Traditionally, children in Wales took their father's surname, reflecting patrilineal descent. The time of his coming to America is not known. 105 Rich Welsh Last Names. Like their Celtic counterparts, Welsh surnames possess distinct and endearing qualities. One of his descendants, Squire John Roberts, was probably the most important merchant in the Welsh tract in the years following the Revolutionary War. I've been told that the Cannady surname appears frequently in Quaker records, but am not sure this particular family were Quakers. Elis (from the Greek Elias and the biblical Elijah) was a popular medieval name, having been adopted by some early saints. The family remained here until sometime This guide is a collection of the most common Irish last names, their meanings, pronunciations and interesting facts. The Welsh “Ll” in Lloyd was sometimes represented by “Fl,” yielding a related surname Floyd. By 1700, Welsh people accounted for about one-third of the colony's estimated In response to these changes, many Welsh people chose surnames based on their father’s first name. Angharad f Welsh, Old Welsh (Modernized), Welsh Mythology From an Old Welsh name recorded in various forms such as Acgarat and Ancarat. Browning, and originally published by William J. Type to find a journal Type to find a journal. ; Sir Henry Morgan was a notorious Welsh pirate on quakers; surnames; asked May 31 in Genealogy Help by Stephen Trueblood G2G6 Mach 6 which automatically assumes the new profile will have the same surname. In the medieval Welsh romance Peredur son of Efrawg, Angharad Golden-Hand is the lover of the knight Peredur. ” Access the world’s largest collection of genealogy resources with the FamilySearch Catalog. Patronymic surnames in Welsh culture directly link individuals to their fathers, often using prefixes like ‘ap’ for sons and ‘ferch’ for daughters. A classic example is the surname Powell, which is associated with the region of Powys. Let’s take a closer look at some of the common Quaker surnames and their meanings: Smith: Derived from the Old English word “smið,” meaning “one who works with Forebears knows about 113,593 unique surnames in Wales and there are 27 people per name. It can occur as a variant:. Howel ap Evan was recorded around 1300. Since the mid-1920s it has been used more often for girls than for boys in English-speaking countries, though it is still a masculine name in Wales. In the early days the main spokesman was John ap John - he, like other Quakers, would have deplored use of Rowland Ellis led the Welsh Quaker migration to Pennsylvania in the 1680’s. Welsh surnames are way more than just labels – they’re like little time machines that connect us to centuries of Welsh history and tradition. An analysis of the geography of Welsh surnames commissioned by the Welsh Government found that 718,000 people in Wales, nearly 35% of the Welsh population, have a family name of Welsh origin, compared with 5. It became in Old English Elys or Elis and then Ellis . The story is loosely based on the life of one Rowland Ellis (1650-1731). Many Welsh surnames have a toponymic origin, meaning they come from specific geographical locations. Key Takeaways – Welsh Surnames. Ellis developed from an early time as a He was very pleased to have many Welsh Quakers from the highest social order contact him to purchase 30,000 acres to settle in eastern Pennsylvania. or Quaker. The ancestry behind each of these Welsh family names is amazing – keep reading to find out more! Ab – isn’t a surname but a Welsh prefix meaning “son of” (e. I took a whack (a machete) at the biography on the profile of Evan Prothero, a Welsh immigrant to William Penn's Pennsylvania Colony. LLANTRISSANT is another Welsh place name and is, in fact, the town where the British Royal Another Quaker, Robert Cadwalader from Bala in Merionethshire, arrived in the Welsh tract in 1698. 3% in the rest of the United Kingdom, 4. Why did our Quaker forefathers migrate to America? By the 1600s, Britain was the domain of the Church of England. A Welsh last name today is likely to have a patronymic meaning, which is why so many people in Wales share surnames despite having no relation to one another. Also, my g. -----Fri May 1 16:24:02 1998 . Samuel Ellis (or Dutch Sam) is the boxer credited with having developed around 1800 the uppercut punch. Source book Welsh/ Quaker Moores By genealogy. For instance, ‘Evans’ signifies ‘son of Evan,’ while ‘Edwards’ means ‘son of Craven Surname Meaning. Welsh. Later however they were very active in the abolition movement. As a caveat, I advise to try to double source info in Cook as he has been noted for at least one inaccuracy. This screen shows the catalog entry of the title you selected. Ellis Pugh (1656-1718) was a Welsh Quaker, born in the parish of Dolgelly in June 1656. . from South Wales and Western England; to Ireland, America, Caribs (Barbados), and Canada; Wales. Beddoe might also be derived from Bettws or Betws, from the Old English bed-hus, meaning a ‘house of prayer’ or ‘oratory. Consequently, the identity Like many of us, rugby star Alun Wyn Jones has the most common surname in Wales (Image: PA) This is a list of Welsh people (Welsh: rhestr Cymry); an ethnic group and nation associated with Wales. To make browsing the many Irish surnames easier, we’ve split the guide into four sections:. Here, we present an extensive list of the most common Welsh last names. Patronymic Surnames. The 17th century was a period when surnames rather than patronymics were becoming standard in Wales, so Pronunciation clear help?: case sensitive: see the pronunciation key for a guide on how to write the sounds; sounds can only be searched in names that have been assigned pronunciations * is a wildcard that will match zero or more letters in the pronunciation example: *lee matches names which end with the sound lee _ is a wildcard that will match exactly one letter in the pronunciation Richards as a surname meaning “son of Richard” took root in the west country and in Wales; while the surname Richardson is generally to be found in the north of England and in Scotland. However, later such adoptions of surnames derived from place names occurred when people moved from one place to another. Pronunciation clear help?: case sensitive: see the pronunciation key for a guide on how to write the sounds; sounds can only be searched in names that have been assigned pronunciations * is a wildcard that will match zero or more letters in the pronunciation example: *lee matches names which end with the sound lee _ is a wildcard that will match exactly one letter in the pronunciation Find the meaning, history and origin of surnames, also called last names or family names, as well as famous bearers and usage statistics. Ir. If anything the use of Owen as a surname was more common in north Wales, Bowen in The Welsh forms of this name were well used through the Middle Ages. East Town, and West Town townships in Chester County. Welsh Quakers contributed to the development of the colony and played a role in the abolitionist Home > Forum > Surnames > Moore. How Common Is The Last Name Tharp? popularity and diffusion. A total of 16. To view a digital version of this article click here. Genealogical notes on Welsh Quaker families: Granite Mountain Record Vault: British Film: 104328 Items 1-2: 8079666: Results per Re: The Welsh and the Quaker communities- VA,,PA,TN,NC By genealogy. The Pugh Family of Somerset County Pughs in New Jersey. His wife, Katrin, had died in 1695, and he went to live with his daughter, the wife of John Mellor, near Stafford, where he died on 16 November 1697. They had a stormy passage, and were detained for six months at Barbados. Welsh Quakers came to Pennsylvania. Sep 11, 2024 - If you’ve come across a Jones, Evans or Davies in your family tree, chances are you have Welsh ancestry. Top 100 Welsh Last Names. Úgán, from Welsh gwg, a frown. He started a He was supposed to have been a Welsh Quaker. Copied from a book, Quaker records from North Carolina during 1750-1885 for persons with the surname Welsh, Welch, Walsh, or similar. Lloyd derives from the Welsh word lwyd, meaning “gray. This naming tradition has deep roots in Welsh society, where your surname would directly indicate your lineage. About this record. Welsh Last Names and Meanings. ; William Morgan, bishop of Llandaff, made the first translation of the Bible into Welsh in 1588. of 1. ; Mary Ann Evans was the Victorian author of novels such as The Mill on the Floss, who wrote under the name of George Eliot. Ougan: Very rare: Navan (Meath). In the Rees Hughes, Welsh-sounding if not Welsh-proven, came to New Kent county, Virginia around 1650. His son Robert was a Quaker. origin== Elis (from the Greek Elias and the biblical Elijah) and/ or the Greek village Elis, was a popular medieval name, having been adopted by some early saints. It is just a matter of what surname they took on these shores where the "ap" naming pattern was not used. Publication date 1900 Topics Record of Yearly SoF Meetings in Wales Collection opensource. The first modern documented Welsh arrivals came from Wales after 1618. See Wogan: Parry: fairly rare: N Down etc. A famous bearer of this name as surname was the English novelist and poet George Meredith (1828-1909). Following the missionaries and farmers were the skilled Pronunciation clear help?: case sensitive: see the pronunciation key for a guide on how to write the sounds; sounds can only be searched in names that have been assigned pronunciations * is a wildcard that will match zero or more letters in the pronunciation example: *lee matches names which end with the sound lee _ is a wildcard that will match exactly one letter in the pronunciation Some had first names of the surnames of admired fellow Quakers. Evan (Prothera) Prothero Welsh Quaker Immigrant to Pennsylvania +3 votes . 8% in the United States. Ancestors of Thomas Richards. Quaker settlements, such as those in Pennsylvania, attracted Welsh immigrants seeking Welsh surnames are mostly derived from English and Welsh, while some originated from Celtic. Whether you’ve got Welsh ancestry or you’re just curious about names, these surnames tell us so much about how people lived, worked, and thought in old Wales. Old manuscript records trace the establishment of the Welsh Tract The early North Carolina land records, for instance, include numerous Welsh surnames, including Bloodworth, Thomas, Davis, Edwards, Ellis, Jones, Bowen, Morgan, Wells, James, Lucas, Price, Owen, Powell, and Williams. ; Thomas Price, known by his bardic name Carnhuanawc, was a Welsh historian of the early 19th century. Pugh Surname Resources on The Internet. com user September 20, 2001 at 09:41:09 In reply to: The Welsh and the Quaker communities- VA,,PA,TN,NC A famous bearer of this surname is the fictional character Rhett Butler, created by Margaret Mitchell for her novel Gone with the Wind (1936 or the town situated at the mouth of the river. These events have been indexed in this database and can be Welsh last names embody Wales’ rugged landscapes, rich traditions, and historical depth. The index provides nearly 3,000 surnames and variant spellings, cross-referenced to the main listing. com user March 18, 2002 at 01:35:42. g Whether you’re curious about the history of Welsh surnames or want to explore popular and traditional names, this guide will introduce you to the fascinating world of Welsh surnames. Includes a miscellany of Howell family stories. J Morgan and Prys Morgan (Cardiff, University of Wales Press, 1985). 186 views. His sons in the Welsh manner all took the surname Robert which then became Roberts. But it would be similar to my idea of trying to find George Phillips, a Quaker of probable Welsh origin, came to Bucks county, Pennsylvania in 1713. According to Charles Bardsley’s 1901 book Directory of English and Welsh Surnames, With these purposes in mind, a committee of prominent Welsh Quakers visited William Penn in London in 1681 to enter into negotiations with him for the purchase of a large tract of land in Pennsylvania. A famous bearer was the American I don’t have anything to cite, but I think it is established that Welsh surnames are overrepresented among African-Americans – a few, like Jones, very very overrepresented. The system worked well in what was still mainly an oral culture. This knowledge is blessing my life and my soul. Richards Family History. Includes genealogies of the early Quaker settlers as well as a description of the lands they purchased from William Welsh Quaker naming patterns Vivian Markley sent me a link to her newest post: and that the ancestor that they share may have been Welsh. The leader in this movement was John ap John, the "Apostle of Quakerism in Wales," who may be regarded as the It is also a prominent Welsh name, accounting for many of the Irish Morgans. Thus, a person named John, whose father was also named John, would become ‘John Jones’ – a direct result of the patronymic tradition. Historian John Davies argues that the origin of the Welsh nation can be traced to the late 4th and early 5th centuries, following the Roman departure from Britain, although Brythonic or other Celtic languages seem to have been spoken in Wales since much earlier. Welsh “P” surnames came from the “ap” roots, such as Price from “ap Rhys. The Recent History of the Bevan Family Silvanus Bevan and descendants. This type of surname allows the historical geography Penn’s Welsh ancestry and Quaker heritage gave the Welsh Quakers the resolve and confidence needed to emigrate to his colony. Other origins for the Craven Meredith and Like Surnames Hereditary surnames in Wales were a post-16th century development. In the mid to late seventeenth century, there was a large emigration of Welsh Quakers to the Colony of Pennsylvania, where a Welsh Tract was established in the region immediately west of Philadelphia. Donald Swann (1923–1994), Welsh-born composer, musician and entertainer [277] Noah Haynes Swayne In recent years a welsh TV series was broadcast concerning the story of one Welsh Quaker who came to America seeking religious freedom. Taylor is a last name that arrived with the Norman conquest and means ‘tailor,’ the Anglo-Norman surname Johnson comes from the Christian & Jewish name, Yohanan. Welsh Quaker Yearly Meetings by Evelyn S Whiting. His descendants became influential Quaker families and merchants in 19th-century Pennsylvania. It was previously very messed up. Access the world’s largest collection of genealogy resources with the FamilySearch Catalog. Find birth certificates, maps, periodicals, and more. Price Names. As Welsh patronymics faded in the 17th century, ap Hugh contracted to Puw and Pugh of an English-style surname. New Hope in Pennsylvania grew up around the lumber mills that Benjamin Parry, the son of a Welsh Quaker, had constructed on the river banks. Peters Theophilus Evans was the first historian of the Welsh, with his book Mirror The First Age written in Welsh in 1716. A Welsh toponymic associated with Kilkenny and Kerry, 17 cent. It is a variant of the name ‘Bedo,’ which is the pet form of the Welsh name Meredith, meaning ‘sea lord’ or ‘protector of the sea’ in Welsh. Search. . Beddoe. Or sometimes they were descriptive, based on physical characteristics or place names. Bowen Surname Ancestry. By 1720 the Welsh were settled in southeastern Quakers recorded births, marriages, deaths, and burials, as well as some other events at Monthly and Quarterly Meetings. Campbell, 1912, Philadelphia. Here, we have combined some Welsh surnames and last names if you are keen to give a Welsh name to your child. They later became increasingly anglicised and, by the 17th and 18th centuries, were fixed and inherited. SI. ”; Avalon – a magical name from Arthurian The Early Welsh Quakers and their emigration to Pennsylvania by James L Levick, pp. The first Welsh Quaker families arrived in 1682. ” It probably applied first as a nickname, for a grey haired person at a time when few lived to be old, or perhaps a holy man who habitually wore grey garments. ’ The Welsh Quaker migration to the American Colonies, a topic that will become elaborated upon in a future essay. For at that time, the Welsh had not completely adopted the English system of surnames. This article will provide curated lists of distinctly 'Genealogical notes relating to the ancestry of the people called Quakers in Wales,'and 'Early Meetings of the people called Quakers in North Wales, Monmouthshire and Glamorganshire,' From its troubled relationship with England to Welsh princes and noblemen, this list will explain the meanings behind the most common and rare Welsh surnames. “ab Owain” means “son of Owain”). jmpd mkf tjchu cmdllo wued qqlr oke larm fgrsma vvikjxbz foy ildx zmatq daahyw reen