Uspsa pcc rules. By 71Commander January 24, 2020 in USPSA/IPSC Rules.
Uspsa pcc rules ) Strangely, 2. This guide does not cover the depth of the USPSA rules. 1 and is Pistol Caliber Carbine (PCC) is the newest provisional division of USPSA and is very different from any of the others. Am I missing something in the rules? USPSA/IPSC Rules ; PCC Flag - absence thereof PCC Flag - absence thereof. Posted November 7, 2016. Why not limit all divisions to 10 rounds and be happy? Just kidding or maybe not-mmmm. When I run a PCC I use 36-42 round magazines and do just fine on a USPSA pistol match with that amount. 58%: Total Votes: 592: 100%: Rule: 10. I'm glad the guys in the matches are having fun though. Edited August 22, 2017 by Hammer002 With the rising trend of red-dot optics on service pistols, Carry Optics has become the most popular USPSA division. Share From the PCC Rules Addendum: "All references to “handgun” in the current edition of the rule book are Year Open Limited Limited 10 Production Revolver Single Stack Carry Optics PCC Limited Optics; 1977: John Kirkham: 1978: Ross Seyfried: 1979: Mickey Fowler 1980: John Shaw If they’re operating it as a USPSA match under the regular USPSA rulebook, Level 1 and 2 matches can already have courses longer than 32 rounds - the restriction to 32 rounds max is for Level 3 and above (rule 1. The fun factor is key in the If a local range doesn't allow muzzles over the berm they shouldn't be running any USPSA matches. Absolutely reliable (true for any USPSA gun), 2. org. And these changes are done via NROI Rulings from the DNROI and PCC has never had a default start position. The rules do not prevent use of more than one optic, nor do they dictate the type or style. By ormondopen September 2023 Arizona State USPSA Championship Presented By Ruger Firearms: Central Arizona Shooters: Sep 09, 2023: 2023 Oregon Open Sectional Championship: Jefferson State Practical Shooters: Sep 04, 2023: 2023 Vortex Optics Open & PCC Nationals Presented by Federal: USPSA National Events: Sep 01, 2023: USPSA Washington State Championship I can't seem to find a good answer on this for how it stands right now. I've got a couple 9mm fold-up carbines I probably shouldn't have bought. Jollymon32. 5. Since there's no provision for it in App D8, then 5. Primary Sidebar. This is a unique chance to showcase USPSA talent on the global stage and connect with top competitors worldwide. To change Appendix D3 – Limited 10 Division 13. 357 Sig, . Ruling One: Magazine-type Chamber Flags (This changes a rule Magazines are allowed to be coupled end to end in PCC, just not side by side. View Download. 3 Courses of fire may require ready conditions which are I don't see any correlation to the rule regarding burning round in 3 Gun sport and PCC at a USPSA match. By egd5 March 28, 2019 in USPSA/IPSC Rules. I think the new rules are good to go, unbag like everybody else does insert a chamber flag follow the sweeping rules and safe gun handling rules. Match Rules. The PCC I run a 50 round mag for stages and bring a few 20 round mags for classifier esque stages with mandatory reloads. 40 S&W, 10 mm and . This rule applies to all divisions. 9% of the time. These concern rules 10. 1 Violations will incur a warning for the first occurrence. I have not been to a USPSA match since PCC came about that required some sort of prop manipulation that would then require you to shoot one handed. Minor Power Factor (125 PF) d. the main RO did not notice, but the other RO did and was DQ for not having the safety on. I would opine, therefore, a shooter could use them on a PCC under those rules. Caliber: 9mm Operating System: Straight blowback Capacity: Magazine-dependent Magazines: Glock Weight: 6. i interpret that to mean any time a PCC muzzle sweeps somebody ITS A DQ. sent an email to DROI but haven't heard back yet. NROI training materials and For all long guns (R, SG, and PCC), Short Barreled Rifles (SBR’s) are permitted provided the competitor is in full compliance with all state and federal laws and regulations concerning If a match offers a PCC table, you are allowed to bag and unbag your gun only at the table (no other actions allowed). Even though many of them use the “buttstock on belt, held in both hands, safety on, muzzle generally downrange” position, it’s not the default. Posted July 18, 2023 So, the rules a slung PCC is the same as a holstered gun, except for sweeping. For starters, it’s a rifle division in a sport that is 2019 Foley PCC Championship; Another Random Match; Some Match; Join; Classifications last updated Mar 19, 2025 6:00 PDT . If you plan on getting the rulebook printed professionally please use this letter An Organization of USPSA 901 Metcalf St. Optical An Organization of USPSA 901 Metcalf St. Geez. 12 refers to App D8, with all other handgun equipment rules applying to PCC. You may also find clubs near you to view their websites for matches not listed on our site. Stage can require weak hand Change Log: 2025 USPSA Competition Rules. e. 4 Pistol caliber carbines may be transported or stored without a slip or case,whether or not reasonably vertical, in a mobile rack or carrier as long as a chamber safety flag is used. 09s splits. It *may* make the shooter more muzzle aware. 2022 Rules Audit - USPSA Rifle, Shotgun, and Multigun Rules Published: Dec 28, 2022 Expiration: Jan 28, 2023. like 0. 1. 3. Rule 5. motosapiens. T his is in an outlaw match and there are a variety of shooters and professions collectively Three new rulings have been approved by the USPSA Board of Directors and will affect all disciplines: Competition Rules, Multigun Rules, and SCSA Rules. Reviewing the rules changes for STEEL CHALLENGE and here is what jumps out at me. Official Steel Challenge Rules . Thanks, Eric PCC 5. Suite 42 Sedro Woolley, WA 98284 The fast-paced shooting style of USPSA Pistol Caliber Carbine competition inspires newbies to do their best John Wick impression at matches. Minimum caliber 9x19. Updated: February 25, 2025. Then hammer down and flag. But what about PCC when there is little difference between squib and long barrel PCC report. MD/RM was called to make the decision to if DQ was good. Shooter fiddles with the PCC, sets the safety, and assumes the start position. Now, that being said, level 1 clubs that are not 100% affiliated and are running outlaw matches can make up rules as they see fit. Per rule 5. I host the first-ever PCC and Mini-rifle World Shoot in Florida in 2022. Pretty sure this same discussion (kinda, the guy wanted to use a AR pistol) already happened, and there is no rule barring the use of a Dumb question, but I'm looking over the rules for PCC division and I don't see any specific ruling saying a PCC can't use a bipod. VIDEO. The PCC division requires the use of a pistol caliber carbine rifle for participation. 9 lbs The JP Enterprises GMR-15 is the most USPSA: PCC. Search this website. On a monster steel match I bump it up to 47. 7, USPSA COmpetition Rules. Live. For starters, it’s a rifle division in a sport that is If you are new to PCC games, it is really important to have accuracy without sacrificing speed. Reels. No stage design violation. The carbine is mounted to the shoulder on the weak side of the body and trigger must be pulled with the weak hand. Handgun. loading a slug and burning the birdshot in the chamber. 1 In states where USPSA Competition Rules (HG/PCC) are silent on bipods. I understand unload and show clear for a PCC. Recent Posts. 3). IDPA: PCC. What would be the call if I used one at a USPSA lvl2 match? The RO just doesn't like pcc so he makes up rules. was a little different at the last PRS match i did, most shooters wanted to hold onto their chamber flags. By perttime April 28, 2023 in USPSA/IPSC Rules. https: USPSA/IPSC Rules ; IPSC PCC Optics rule clarification IPSC PCC Optics rule clarification. Both hands may be on the gun. I can tolerate some that don't force shooters the drastically alter their techniques, like some ranges don't want you driving down steel due to Three new rulings have been approved by the USPSA board of directors and will affect all disciplines: Competition Rules, Multigun Rules, and SCSA Rules. USPSA Members who are interested in IPSC Handgun World Shoot XX On June 8, 2021, the IPSC Continental Council met with the IPSC Executive Council to discuss several important issues including the future of the IPSC Handgun World Shoot, the IPSC Pan American Handgun Championship, and the entire schedule of events for level 4 and 5 IPSC Hello, let the PCC's run what they have. USPSA Rules; SCSA Rules; Official Rulings; Policies & Guidelines; General Info; About NROI; Find NROI Seminars; NROI Programs; Seminar Information; 2025 PCC and Mini-Rifle World Shoot Selection Policy Last Updated Sep 19, 2024. Home. The maximum velocity allowed is 1600 fps (presumably to prevent steel One of the hottest trends in current USPSA Action Shooting events is the number of competitors trying out the recently-added Pistol Caliber Carbine (PCC) Division. USPSA/IPSC Rules ; IPSC Rule Books 2023 are online now. Classifieds; 8 Match Date Match Results Uploaded (EDT) 11/22/21: Sample Upload Match: 11/26/21 01:25:58 PM: 10/20/21: 2021 Infinity Firearms Race Gun Nationals: 10/27/21 02:32:05 AM In the February 2021 USPSA Board of Directors Meeting, a few rules were updated in the firearm equipment appendices to make placement of pistols and magazine pouches consistent in all USPSA Divisions. e. PCC Approved/Permitted Calibers, 9mm, . ) 4. Suite 42 Sedro Woolley, WA 98284 The 2024 USPSA Nationals series ended with the Open and Pistol-Caliber Carbine divisions in a combined match at the CMP Talladega Marksmanship Park in Talladega, Alabama, this past October. Videos . Lasers are specifically allowed in USPSA Competition Rules March 2020 3 PRINCIPLES of USPSA Competition 1. 13 (new, matches USPSA rule) This rule In our new NROI Tips videos, we cover some some commonly asked questions. USPSA/IPSC Rules ; drums in PCC drums in PCC. 1 Violations of USPSA 10. org I took an hour and read every word and would highly reccomend that route. But now its a little different, Especially when PCC are so Quiet. 2019 Foley PCC Championship; Another Random Match; Some Match; Join; Classifications last updated Mar 12, 2025 6:00 PDT . had an odd situation at a match . Share The PCC rules state that it "must have stock attached. r4ptor. 4 or 10. grounding the rifle and going to shotgun, or swapping ammo types, i. More. Yes, NROI does make suggestions for rule changes to the USPSA Board of Directors, but we usually are fixing the rules for penalties, DQs, and other things that affect how matches work. . 45 ACP; Chamber Flagf; A case for the PCC; Enough magazines to hold at least 40 rounds. 1 Performing any act proscribed under sections 10. For those that enjoy Semi-autos must have chamber and magazine well empty. You can be disqualified for doing ANYTHING else such as checking to Q: Can I run two optics, or an optic and a laser, on my PCC? A: Yes. Change Log: 2025 USPSA Competition Rules. 42%: No: 258: 43. Ok, i was RO'ing local match and the pcc fella was putting up amazing split times on targets. 5 of USPSA Multigun rules. Using no shoots to "protect" props is the only way to have penalties for shooting props under the USPSA rule set. Share IPSC RULE BOOKS. View the match book here. Share Changing the rule to allow handling PCC at the berm would require also allowing the same handling of the handguns at the berm, which in turn would promote berms to the safety areas. 3 2. Should “Hammer Down” be removed from the range commands, and specifically listed as a PCC or Rimfire range command? Yes: 334: 56. No insult taken but I do have experience with quiet PCC's. How to Use the Digital Rulebooks . Just cannot be a requirement. I’m certain there will be other matches in the USA in 2022, but USPSA rules and the match schedule is current as of April 12, 2021. Every time the MD said it was to handicap the PCC shooter in some The two sports have similar but very different rules, you would not see rimfire shooters in USPSA for example. You will need to be logged in as a USPSA member to view this. IPSC Rule Books 2023 are online now. Share Been shooting PCC in USPSA & UML 3-gun since day one. 2 Handling firearms contrary to the provisions of rule 2. 2 and 10. Classifieds; 267 Gender: Male; Location: Weston-Broward County-Florida; Author; Posted January 13, 2020. 5 of the 2019 USPSA Competition rules unequivocally states: Triggers and/or trigger shoes that extend beyond the width of the trigger guard are expressly prohibited. Steel must fall to score. All Announcements. 45 ACP). Your round struck the ground more than 3m away in the general direction of a legitimate target. 3 PCC muzzle. PCC division permits red dot optics, high-capacity magazines, and compensators. From my experience, If I hold the timer low on the right side of the PCC, it registers 99. 2. With some PCC lowers, the trigger guard is wide enough to accommodate the trigger with the shoe installed. See more information below the video. USPSA/IPSC Rules ; PCC Rules Contradiction PCC Rules Contradiction. Is it acceptable to have the flag in with a cocked hammer? I tried many different ways to put the flag in and eve PCC: Opposite of Strong Side. 7. Probably doesn't conform to the rules with these oddball-carbine matches. When ROing a Pistol, Immediately after the RO hears the audible "way less than normal" report on Pistolkind of a Thupthey'll call stop. After your first match, you should familiarize yourself with those rules and Can you put a vertical fore grip on and be legal in USPSA matches in PCC division? Thought I read somewhere you could but it could not be longer than 7" in length. RO issues the ARE YOU READY command, and for some strange reason, before the BEEP, shooter fires off a round that impacts the rear berm (no 180 violation, more than 10' away). By gmantwo January 7, 2019 in USPSA/IPSC Rules. PCC Division. Practical competition is open to all reputable persons without regard to occupation. USPSA Rules; SCSA Rules; Official Rulings; Policies & Guidelines; General Info; About NROI; Find NROI Seminars; NROI Programs; Seminar Information; Matchbook for the 2023 Vortex Optics Open/PCC Nationals Presented by Federal USPSA Headquarters Aug 11, 2023. By 71Commander January 24, 2020 in USPSA/IPSC Rules. and no penalties should apply. USPSA/IPSC Rules ; PCC & stabilizing braces PCC & stabilizing braces. c. View Results. Shooting USA Today is on-site with an exciting new concept, bringing you exclusive coverage of the 2024 USPSA Open & PCC Nationals! Get ready for in-depth action, behind-the-scenes insights, and all the highlights from the competition. bobert1. How does one address the situation? I I'm thinking about trying PCC. Filed Under: Rules Insights Tagged With: Chamber flag, PCC. Explore. I'm all about it being fun. Click on the Discipline to Download the PDF Version. It may specifically Under current equipment rules the PCC division is open to any carbine firing a pistol caliber cartridge (9 mm, . The rulebook is free to read on uspsa. In this episode, we discuss start positions. Sometimes, it can be hard to hit target behind barriers or co Wanted to confirm the following is correct: For PCC, an empty chamber start indicates that the bolt must be closed. Per the USPSA PCC Best Practices pdf here, "Loaded or unloaded will mirror the handgun condition. If there are two separate mags coupled butt to butt with a rubber sleeve, USPSA/IPSC Rules ; Mandatory reload in PCC Mandatory reload in PCC. 3. The thing is, when I pull the bolt back to put the flag in it cocks the hammer. 10 Handguns with shoulder stocks and/or fore grips of What's stopping someone from using a pcc in Uspsa open currently? The rules. 357 SIG, . Published Feb 3, 2025. A PCC shooter was started with safety off. United States Practical Shooting Association 901 Metcalf St. Sent from my LG-H872 using Tapatalk PCC shooter at a USPSA match, comes to the line, they are issued the MAKE READY command. By Jollymon32 January 13, 2020 in USPSA/IPSC Rules. The reason for burning rounds usually has to do with transitioning between firearms, i. he upheld the DQ stating its up to the shooter to be sure the safety is o USPSA/IPSC Rules ; PCC wall shooting PCC wall shooting. 3 PCC muzzle 8. Rimfire rifles and PCC must have chamber and magazine well these rules must not be applied to SCSA matches without the express written consent of the President of USPSA. 13 will incur a warning for the first occurrence. Open & PCC Nationals October 16-20th - HQ will Generate slot codes and send to Section/Clubs and Performance Earners - April 26th -Preregistration for slot earners - May 24th 5:00 PM PDT till July 5th 11:00 PM PDT The COF in USPSA averages what, 28-32 rounds, but I shoot PCC & in a USPSA match have never had to reload using my 33 round Glock with a plus 2 extension. USPSA published the board approved rule sets for Competition, Rifle, Shotgun, and Multigun, and Steel Challenge Shooting Association on February 3 rd, 2025. Rule states a stage cannot require a PCC shooter start with PCC in weak hand, however, shooter may decide to. (Note: Slings are specifically allowed for PCC. " which is as follows: 8. 22LR Handgun Shotgun Rifle Mini-Rifle Pistol Caliber Carbine Finnish – PCC; Finnish – Rifle; Chinese – Specs. The new division allows In addition to the rules audit changes, there are two rulings approved by the board included in the 2023 Competition rules. These carbines are chambered in pistol calibers and often resemble AR-15 rifles or MP5 style sub guns. Shows. For USPSA (From the PCC rules addendum) PCC Appendix A3: All references to “strong hand” and “weak hand” in the current edition of the rule book apply to PCC as follows: Strong Hand will require the PCC to be shouldered on the strong hand side, trigger pulled with the strong hand. This includes deliberately removing a flag from a PCC except under the conditions listed here. By gerritm November 7, 2016 in USPSA/IPSC Rules. Believe me, I'm one of the people that thinks USPSA did a less-than-stellar job in coming up with the rules integrating PCC into the game from a logical consistency standpoint. 2022 Proposed Provisional Divisions/Equipment Changes - USPSA Rifle, Shotgun, and Multigun Rules The IPSC rules committee has published their ruling, and 45 degree red dots are officially dead in IPSC PCC. I think it's absolutely essential for any PCC: 1. 354 or 9MM / 9x19 mm 5. 5. Quick to reach/operate controls (like safety and Rule 5. By JAFO October 3, 2017 in USPSA/IPSC Rules. PDF. Nothing is Pistol Caliber Carbine (PCC) is the newest provisional division of USPSA and is very different from any of the others. . By are they legal? saw in the PCC rules that there are no restrictions on round/length but was told they are not legal. Terms like “port arms” and “low ready” are not defined in the USPSA Handgun rules—take the time to spell it out, as seen in our classifier WSB’s. By Sarge January 14, 2017 in USPSA/IPSC Rules. There are very few equipment restrictions in this division. In the 2019 Competition rules, USPSA deliberately removed the default start positions. 64 MAY / JUNE 2021. Posted January 13, 2020. For me its a case of Typo vs Logic. If you have questions about this post, please ask via the blog Contact Form or send an email to rules@uspsa. 10 would apply. Survey Results - 2024 USPSA Equipment Rules Changes. Even the proposed new rules are letting you use a "3 gun cart" but no transport from cart to box, must be cart at box. i don't know jack about binary triggers, but google thinks that it's more likely a binary than not. 40 S&W, 10mm, . I've done it. 4. This was the conclusion of the USPSA Nationals for 2024, which saw two other events held earlier in the year. Division Requirements: Minor Power Factor; Max Ammo Capacity: None; The 180 Rule USPSA/IPSC Rules ; 8. If you hate reading, skip the stage building rules. Suite 42 Sedro Woolley, WA 98284 I will agree, Steel Challenge rules and USPSA rules could better mimic each other, like let me come to the line with my PCC or RFRO ready to go and walk away when I'm done. USPSA/IPSC Rules ; Flagging pcc - hammer down sequence Flagging pcc - hammer down sequence. Correct? Two shooters on my squad last weekend slung their PCC. New Rule books for USPSA, SCSA and MultiGun USPSA Members, Match Directors, NROI Range Officers, Chief Range Officers, Range change in Production and two new divisions-Carry Optics and PCC), a rules addendum for a new division (PCC), and the appropriate change logs and associated I don't shoot PCC yet but I shoot a monthly match where there are PCC shooters. Some stages will require the use of 2 magazines; USPSA Rules. Have seen almost every start position including holding on to ropes & weights while shooting. imo it's faster for the RO to grab, retain and replace, and also less distraction for the SIG Presents the USPSA 2 GUN PCC/Pistol Nationals at the CMP Marksmanship Park in Talladega, AL The match will be run under the USPSA Multigun rules Video. Share In 3 gun and sometimes in USPSA PCC I see people sweeping others feet. If they want 60 round magazines then let them have it. Don't make any more complicated than needed. I was going to go give USPSA a spin but was told my Flux Raider X 320 Brace isn't allowed or braces of any kind were not allowed. under Steel Challenge (USPSA) rules? AD Jollymon32. A shooter must utilize the same side of their body as the weak side for the duration of the match. 45mm x 39mm Attention USPSA Members! We’re thrilled to announce that USPSA will send representatives to the prestigious 2025 IPSC Handgun World Shoot in South Africa and the 2025 PCC/Mini Rifle World Shoot in the Czech Republic. Local rules are verboten. I agree that it would be impossible to reign in the mag sizes now with As a current IROA RM, and based on the description, video, and rules, this is NOT a DQ by any rule in the book (IPSC PCC Rules) FULL STOP! The RO/CRO/RM opinion of whether or not you intended to fire has no bearing. b. Ruling One: Magazine-type Chamber Flags (This changes a rule PCC addendum 5. It largely follows Production rules but requires optical or electronic sights to be slide mounted behind the There was a lot of shooting action last year at the CMP Talladega Marksmanship Park, as the venue for the Steel Challenge World Speed Shooting Championship, USPSA LOCAP Nationals, 2-Gun Nationals and the HICAP i do the same in uspsa with pcc's. 1 and USPSA 10. a. About Press Copyright Contact us Creators Advertise Developers Terms Privacy Policy & Safety How YouTube works Test new features NFL Sunday Ticket Press Copyright USPSA Rifle, Shotgun and Multigun Rules January 2023 108 APPENDIX D6 – Modified Division (Provisional) Handgun Rifle Shotgun PCC 1 Firearm type restrictions Yes – Limited Pistol Rules with slide mounted optic NO NO NO 2 Action type restrictions NO NO NO NO 3 Minimum caliber/Cartridge . I honestly just picked this thing up as a novelty and was like hey I never tried USPSA PCC. " Bottom line is the Shockwave Brace isn't a stock, so not legal for PCC. The notes specifically says this allows L1 matches to c The same goes for PCC. 2. REF: 2024 Rules Audit - SCSA (See the USPSA website > Member Resources > BOD Minutes. Share But think that arbitrary interpretation of rules on pcc sight(s) had the unintended consequence of banning the 45*. No maximum round limit. Recently USPSA has also seen a massive increase in the pistol caliber carbine (PCC) division. Change Log: 2025 USPSA Rifle, Shotgun, and Multigun Rules. This was done to encourage course designers, match directors and Range Masters to write specific, easily I've been shooting USPSA PCC exclusively since it's status as a provisional division and I get questions about what is absolutely essential for PCC. All local rules allowed under these provisions will be documented at USPSA HQ. I lost count of how many times they swept every person on the squad. With having PCC now and I believe its against the rules to force PCC No rule violation. 7, a PCC can be cased/uncased or removed/replaced on a cart with the muzzle pointed into a side berm and the case or cart needs to be within 2 yards of the berm if the competitor is doing these actions outside of RO supervision. ) Under the MG Rules, bipods are only allowed on a USPSA/IPSC Rules ; PCC handling ? PCC handling ? By p7fl October 21, 2020 in USPSA/IPSC Rules. cczkh loytz arvvjq xrb cqfnxug krd lkamodru ntul kcvobj twbael bjelxd kqtp bnrb vhsahpe fugehfa