Ur10e working area com universal-robots. ur10e 技術仕様 update 190919 コントロールボックス 特長 ip等級 ip44 iso14644-1クラス (クリーンルーム) 6 周囲温度範囲 0-50°c i/oポート デジタル入力 デジタル出力 アナログ入力 アナログ出力 高速パルスデジタル入力 16 16 2 2 4 i/o電源 24v 2a 通信 同期周期:500hz The UR10 Series is the most powerful cobot of the danish manufacturer Universal Robots with a working range of 1300mm and a footprint of 190mm. In compliance with: EN ISO 13849-1, PLd, Cat. 5 kg and 1300 mm reach, making it ideal for a wide range of applications. com; Academy; myUR; Partners; (11 lbs), it only consumes an average of 200 Watt, the same as a gaming console. The built-in Force Torque sensor delivers maximum precision and allows the UR10e to be programmed for highly sensitive applications. jbm July 14, 2016, 11:36am ROS packages to work with the ur10e installed in IRIS lab. Joint ranges: Unlimited rotation of tool flange, ± 360 ° for all other joints ± 360 ° for all joints: Speed Universal Robots A/S Energivej 51 DK-5260 Odense S T: +45 8993 8989 sales@universal-robots. With a focus on safety, the UR30 comes equipped with built-in safety features, including force-sensing technology and collision detection, allowing it to work UR12e是一种用途十分广泛的协作式工业机器人,具有高有效荷载(12. working area 2650 UR10 working area, top view All dimension is in mm For public use REV. Чертеж «Mechanical documentation UR10e Working Area» язык: EN, страниц: 2, размер: 837. com Техническая документация Universal Robots UR10e. Tool: Approx. 4 in) Degrees of freedom 6 rotating joints Programming 12 inch touchscreen with polyscope graphical user interface Working range ± 360° UR10e Thông số kỹ thuật Liên hệ Là robot linh hoạt nhất của chúng tôi với khả năng thực hiện các tác vụ có trọng tải ấn tượng là 12,5 kg và tầm với 1300 mm, UR10e là lựa chọn lý tưởng cho nhiều ứng dụng. Usually the robot’s working temperature is from 5 to 45°C. C’est le robot idéal pour une grande variété d’applications. 024 0. With Plane restriction it restricts UR10 working area, top view PROPRIETARY AND CONFIDENTIAL THE INFORMATION CONTAINED IN THIS DRAWING IS THE SOLE PROPERTY OF UNIVERSAL ROBOTS. But this will not simply work (similar to a laptop/pc), as the controller checks if an external screen is connected whilst Hello, i have the following setup: Two UR10e Robots in the same safety area with a fence with 2 doors around. 39. ANY REPRODUCTION IN PART OR AS A WHOLE WITHOUT THE WRITTEN PERMISSION OF UNIVERSAL ROBOTS IS PROHIBITED Location:X:\Mekanisk Udvikling\UR10\CAD\Simple Page 1 User Manual August 1, 2013 Robot: UR10 Euromap67 SN UR10: SN CB2:; Page 2 Universal Robots A/S. Acquista fiducia con 10+ anni di scadenza completamente testati, rimborso entro 30 giorni, garanzia di 360 giorni! Техническая документация Universal Robots UR10. Modify and customize: Use the software's tools to modify the design as needed. With built-in force/torque sensor, UR10e 技術詳情 控制盒 性能 功率消耗 標準操作下約350W 合作操作 17項先進的可調整安全功能,包含手肘監控 符合ISO 10218規範的遠端控制 認證 EN ISO 13849-1, Cat. 1000697 - UR3e - e-Series. / 39. The information herein is subject to change without notice and should not be construed as a commitment by Universal Robots A/S. About us Contact us Careers We're hiring; UR merchandise Training / Resources. UR10e Der Cobot mit einer Traglast von bis zu 12,5 kg. 3 and working area, side view 232 2601 working area, top view 92,2 163,9 Robotarm, dimensions Universal Robots has more than 50+ local ofices and a wide network of channel partners (distributors and system integrators) worldwide. 5 kg / 27. Add to favorites {{requestButtons}} out tasks like packaging and palletizing in facilities where there is a larger distance between different operating areas. This can save you time on production lines where distance can be a factor. Today, more than 50,000 UR collaborative industrial robots have been delivered to customers across industries and around the world. The 1300mm reach spans large working areas Robot working area PDF - UR3e - e-Series; Robot working area PDF - UR3e - e-Series Drawing no. File type *. So I want to restrict area of LIFTKIT. Most CAD software supports various file formats, so ensure compatibility. working area 2672 All dimension is in mm For public use Our most versatile robot, the UR10e delivers an impressive payload of 12. 17 advanced safety functions. 3 lbs) Reach 500 mm (19. This could include UR10e by Universal Robots Description: The UR10e is the Universal Robots’ family’s most powerful robot. 优傲UR10e机器人. Herewith, is it possible to restrict that zone (coordinates) with URScript? Tool flange for UR3e, UR5e, UR10e and UR16e 6 H7 6,20 ±0,20 Lumberg RKMW 8-354 connector 31,50 H7 41,70 SECTION A-A 50 ±0,1 63 H8 A A 4 x 5 8 M6 - 6H 8 29,60 6,20 45° 4 x 90° Contact Universal Robots A/S Energivej 25 5260 Odense Denmark +45 89 93 89 89 sales@universal-robots. Today, more than 75,000 UR I/O power supply in tool 12V/24V 600mA continuous, 2A for shorter periods The Universal Robots UR10e is a highly versatile collaborative industrial robot arm with a high payload capacity (10kg) and long reach. Ngày nay, có hơn 50. 2 in) 900 mm (35. TEL: +45 89 93 89 89 FAX: +45 38 79 89 89 WEB: universal-robots. TITLE: DATE 100400 0 Working area UR10 CB3 Status change date: 612 128 116 572 116 1300 The UR10 is the largest robot in the Universal Robots collaborative series, with a payload up to It is effective at completing tasks across a larger area with a reach up to 1300 mm. Hello everyone, Currently we are working on the project where UR10e stands on the pedestal, like column. Use the intuitive Teach Pendant to program by simply moving the cobot to the desired waypoints or select from pre-programmed functions on the touchscreen. I recently updated the polyscope software version on UR10e, as we needed interpreter_mode which wasn't available in the older version (5. 5公斤。效能產能雙進化,全天運作也不怕。臂長1,300 mm,作業範圍更廣,新版UR10e協作型機器人專為滿足更多需求而生。 L’UR10e est un robot collaboratif extraordinairement polyvalent, offrant à la fois une importante capacité de charge (12,5 kg) et une longue portée (1 300 mm). 4 in/s. 95 Кб; Чертеж «Mechanical UR10 working area, top view UR10 working area, side view 190 190 Recommended Reach 2600 Recommended Reach Ø2600 Max. 1 m/s / Approx. If you know it, answer the question now and increase your reputation as an UR10e Spezifikationen Traglast 12,5 kg (27,5 lbs) Reichweite 1300 mm (51,2 in) Freiheitsgrade 6 rotierende Gelenke Programmierung 12-Zoll-Touchscreen mit Polyscope grafischer Bedienoberfläche Stromverbrauch Maximaler Durchschnitt 615 W Typisch bei moderater Betriebseinstellung 350 W UR10/UR10e Collaborative Robot Due to its relatively high payload, which is 10 kg and long reach radius with up to 1300 mm, this robot is ideally suited for many scenarios. 5 lb. 5kg、リーチ1300mm で、広範囲な用途に最適です。 世界中のさまざまな業界で活躍するユニバーサルロボッ ト。累積出荷台数は90,000台を超えて UR3e UR5e UR10e UR16e Specifications Payload 3 kg (6. About us Contact us Careers We're hiring; UR merchandise UR10e Spezifikationen Traglast 12,5 kg (27,5 lbs) Reichweite 1300 mm (51,2 in) Freiheitsgrade 6 rotierende Gelenke Programmierung 12-Zoll-Touchscreen mit Polyscope grafischer Bedienoberfläche Stromverbrauch Maximaler Durchschnitt 615 W Typisch bei moderater Betriebseinstellung 350 W View and Download Universal Robots UR10/CB3 user manual online. With Plane restriction it restricts other areas as well, which doesn’t work for me. 1000698 - UR5e - e-Series. com UR10e ツールフランジ A A UR10e ユニバーサルロボット(UR)のUR10eは、きわめて高い汎 用性を備えています。可搬重量12. This file constitutes “Graphical Documentation” the use of which is subject to and UR10e tech sheet 2 Pages. 0 UR3e UR5e UR10e UR16e Specifications Payload 3 kg (6. Mit einem Arbeitsradius von bis zu Page 1 User Manual UR10e Original instructions (en) e-Series; Page 4 UR10e User Manual; Page 5 The information contained herein is the property of Universal Robots A/S and shall not be reproduced in whole or in part without UR10e Ficha técnica Contacto El UR10e, nuestro robot más versátil, ofrece una impresionante carga útil de 12,5 kg y 1300 mm de alcance, lo que lo convierte en el modelo ideal para una amplia gama de aplicaciones. 5kg)及长工作半径(1300mm),非常适合机器看护、码垛和包装中的广泛应用。 全新UR10e負載提升25%、達12. Learn more about JT CAD files HERE. The question about Universal Robots UR10 has already been answered, but there may be a better solution or alternative available by now. Robots can tackle larger parts or move The UR10e robot used in this work is shown in Figure 1. Import into CAD software: Open your preferred CAD software and import the downloaded files. JT (open CAD file) for e-Series UR10e robot. 000 robot cộng tác UR đã được chuyển giao Now on Used-Machines. Remove immediately any oil or liquid spillage. Elbow ± 360° ±180°/Sec. working area 2672 UR10 working area, top view 190 2547 Recommended Reach Ø2600 Max. Flexible cobot designed for seamless integration into a wide range of applications. shop | Automazione di affinità. Sliding doors with polycarbonate panels are available on each side of the station, with interlocking systems to safely secure the work Available: CAD file of UR10 Base mounting dimensions (DXF, PDF) Tool flange dimensions (DXF, PDF) Universal Robots Forum UR10 mechanical documentation. Wrist 2 ± 360° ±180°/Sec. Last modified on Nov 08, 2023. UR10e Ficha técnica Contacto El UR10e, nuestro robot más versátil, ofrece una impresionante carga útil de 12,5 kg y 1300 mm de alcance, lo que lo convierte en el modelo ideal para una amplia gama de aplicaciones. (group work/seminar/training) Connecting a mini display>display cable allows the use of an external screen. Blog Get the Migatronic UR10E Sigma Select instruction handbook with AI-powered Q&A! Instant answers & PDF download for your welding robot setup & operation. 5公斤,臂長 1,300公釐,應用範圍廣泛。 已有超過50,000台優傲協作型工 業機器人在世界各地、各個行業 中使用。UR10e是四個e系列機 種之一,e系列每款各有不同負 載及臂長,它彈性靈活、編程 簡易,可輕鬆應對您所需 UR10e是一款功能多样的协作式工业机器人手臂,拥有高达10公斤的有效载荷和卓越的伸展能力。不仅具有1300mm的工作半径,还兼具超凡的精度和有效载荷。 Hello everyone, Currently we are working on the project where UR10e stands on the pedestal, like column. Shoulder ± 360° ±120°/Sec. All other joints: Max 180 °/s . Do not step on the machine. 2 in. Chances of touching liftkit is quite small, but anyways I want to prevent it. . 5 kg, 这意味着一天24小时的工作效率更高。UR10e具备1300 mm的工作半径以及丰富的 UR10e technical details UPDATE 190919 Control box Features IP classification IP44 ISO 14644-1 Class Cleanroom 6 Operating Temperature Range 0-50°C I/O ports Digital in Digital out Analog in Analog out Quadrature Digital Inputs 16 16 2 2 4 I/O power supply 24V 2A Communication 500 Hz Control frequency Modbus TCP PROFINET Ethernet/IP USB 2. thousands of companies share our vision of creating a world where people Universal Robots UR10 & UR10e | 1300mm Arbeitsradius | 10kg Traglast | 12" Polyscope Bedienfeld | Kraft Moment Sensor | Bildungsrabatte | Universal Robots UR10 & UR10e | Zantech innovates and eases welders work thanks to UR10e cobot. 6). 110110 6-axis robot arm with a working radius of 1300 mm / 51. (20245202450) or higher, it is equipped with the female M8 connector. Il est ainsi idéalement adapté à un vaste éventail d’applications de chargement de machines-outils, de This can also be used in sessions with multiple people working on the bot, so everyone can see what is happening. 4 in) Degrees of freedom 6 rotating joints Programming 12 inch touchscreen with polyscope graphical user interface Working range ± 360° The Universal Robots UR10e is a highly versatile collaborative industrial robot arm with a high payload capacity (10kg) and long reach. We do not recommend to use Freeware 3D programs they may give wrong dimensions. The UR10e-Series is capable of automating tasks up to 12. This versatility is supported by the Universal There is a UR10e robot with a robotiq 2f_140 attached to it. 2. e-Series UR10e UR10 working area, side view 190 Recommended Reach 2600 Max. The UR10e lets anyone program in just minutes. Download the CAD files for the specific robot model you are working with. 6 lbs) 5 kg (11 lbs) 10 kg (22 lbs) 16 kg (35. 3. TITLE: DATE 100400 0 Working area UR10 CB3 Status change date: 612 128 116 572 116 1300 Robot weight: 33. working area 2672 Max. 3 kg / 73. UR10 robot is well-suited for palletizing, packaging or assembly in places, where larger distances between different working areas can be a factor. TITLE: DATE 0 UR10e Working Area Status change date: 1000700 28-05-2018. giorgigedaminski June 14, 2022, 8:03am 9. Our e-series Max. com ⚙️ as classified listing online: used Universal Robots UR10e-Serie - Automation Equipment on sale | maximize your profit with Used-Machines 📈 TN-S Decentralized work area mist collector Stainless-steel internal work area enclosure Fluid cabinet doors SIEMENS SINUMERIK 840D sl with GROB4Pilot Generation 2 UR10e Technical Specifications Contact Our most versatile robot, the UR10e delivers an impressive payload of 12. Key Features: Pay Load - 10 kg Reach - 1300 mm Updated: 9 September, 2021. Today, more than 75,000 UR 1. 1000701 - UR16e - e-Series UR10e Robot UR16e Robot UR20 Robot UR+ Products Company. 5 lb (Mechanical Interface)Reach: 1300 mm / 51. 4 in/Sec. After upgrading until last week, I didnt face any problem in accessing the gripper from the robot. They now serve more than 1,000 《第六章 终章》在VMware中进行UR10e机器人的手眼标定实验全过程(ur10e手眼标定实验实机演示) 猪神-PIGGOD: 检查下相机是不是连接了,手眼标定有没有报错 《第六章 终章》在VMware中进行UR10e机器人的手眼标定实验全过程(ur10e手眼标定实验实机演示) Robot working area PDF - Drawing no. UR10e is one of four e-Series Richiedi e ottieni subito il prezzo di UNIVERSAL UR10e carico 10KG area di lavoro 1300MM da inRobots. 2: The green area below the ramp is the allowed speeds for a With a 25% increase in payload capacity, the new UR10e collaborative robot from Universal Robots can do more work that requires lifting. 2 in Weight: 28. Features IP classifi cation IP54 ISO Class Cleanroom 5 Temperature: The robot can work in a temperature range of 0-50°C Power supply: 100-240 VAC, 50-60 Hz Cabling: Cable between robot and control box (6 m / 236 in) UR10e Our most versatile robot, the UR10e delivers an impressive payload of 12. jt. giorgigedaminski June 13, 2022, 8:30am 7. 7 lb Temperature: The robot can work in a temperature range of 0-50°C Power supply: 100-240 VAC, 50-60 Hz Cabling: Cable between robot and control box (6 m / Hello everyone, Currently we are working on the project where UR10e stands on the pedestal, like column. UR10e是我们最畅销的协作机器人,升级只为更强大。UR10e载荷提升25%至12. UR. You Robot working area DXF - Drawing no. The drawings include labels for the base, reach of the robot arm, and various physical Base and Shoulder joints: Max 120 °/s. A reach radius of 1300mm also enables it to carry out tasks like packaging and palletizing in facilities where there is a larger distance between different operating areas. The UR10e is suitable for a wide range of applications in machine loading, palletizing and packaging. Zantech is a family-owned company founded in 1985. 5kg) como longo alcance (1300 mm) o que o faz adequado para uma grande variedade de aplicações como machine The GrabCAD Library offers millions of free CAD designs, CAD files, and 3D models. 95 Кб; Чертеж «Mechanical 此文件名称为机器人手臂模型ur10 图纸,属于机械设备,智能装置分类,软件为solidworks 2016,可供设计参考 UR10e Spécifications techniques Contact L’UR10e, notre robot le plus polyvalent, supporte une charge utile impressionnante de 12,5 kg sur une portée de 1300 mm. Today, more than 75,000 UR collaborative industrial robots have been delivered to customers across industries and around the world. Thanks for the answer. For more information regarding this, please see the Product Change Notification: Change To M8 Female Connector On The e-Series. Safety planes don’t work for us in Assessment of force control for surface finishing – an experimental comparison between Universal Robots UR10e and FerRobotics active contact flange April 2022 Mechanical Sciences 13(1):361-370 若要找多功能機器人,非UR10e 莫屬,負載12. Technical Questions. In Produktionslinien, in denen Entfernung eine wichtige Rolle spielt, führt dies zu RISK to UR10e industrial robot working in food industry inside a freezer. com DWG NO. Typical TCP speed 1 m/Sec. 5 kg with a reach radius of 1300 mm, enabling tasks like packaging and palletising in facilities where there is a greater distance between operating areas. 3, PL d, EN ISO 10218-1 力量/力矩感測器 - 力量, x-y-z 力量/力矩感測器 - 力矩, x-y-z 範圍 100 N 範圍 10 Nm The workspace of a UR arm is spherical, and in the working area diagrams that you’ll find under the support site it’s represented with two concentric circles, a smaller one labelled “Recommended Reach” and a slightly larger This enclosed robot workstation is designed for an overhead installation of collaborative robots. The company is a supplier to the metal industry and specializes in laser cutting. Academy Technical Resources Articles FAQ Insights. 1000700 - UR10e - e-Series UR10 working area, side view 190 Recommended Reach Ø2600 Max. 7 in) 850 mm (33. mechanical. The 1300mm reach spans large working areas without compromising precision or payload capacity. Due to the outstanding payload of UR10e. Hasta la fecha, hemos entregado más de 50 000 robots industriales colaborativos UR a clientes de todas las industrias y de todo el Hello everyone, Currently we are working on the project where UR10e stands on the pedestal, like column. UR10e Robot UR16e Robot UR20 Robot UR+ Products Company. It is practically impossible for the robot to work in -30°C, since the oil inside the gears may harden and even UR10e. UR10/CB3 robotics pdf manual download. - iris-ua/iris_ur10e Der UR10e eignet sich hervorragend für Prozesse, bei denen Roboter und Menschen Hand in Hand arbeiten sollen, wie beispielsweise Verpacken, Palettieren, Montage und Pick & Place. We want to restrict the robot from this column not to collapse it when working. Robot working area DXF - UR5e - e-Series; Robot working area DXF - UR5e - e-Series Drawing no. Universal Robots. [rad/s] Max joint speed in normal mode time 0. 524 4. Wrist 1 ± 360° ±180°/Sec. Keep the working area clean and tidy. Hasta la fecha, hemos entregado más de 50 000 robots industriales colaborativos UR a clientes de todas las industrias y de todo el O UR10e é um robô colaborativo industrial extraordinário, que apresenta tanto uma elevada capacidade de carga (12. I saw that u can connect the two . The UR10 is very easy to set up with customers reporting an average set up time being Axis movement robot arm Working range Maximum speed Base ± 360° ±120°/Sec. The document contains engineering drawings of a UR10 robot including side and top views showing its working area and key dimensions. Join the GrabCAD Community today to gain access and download! Hello everyone, Currently we are working on the project where UR10e stands on the pedestal, like column. Blog UR10e Product Fact Sheet - March 2021 UR10e Technical Specifications Our most versatile robot, the UR10e delivers an impressive payload of 12. Universal Robots Forum Restrict Area for UR10e. Any suggestions about restriction area? show Unfortunately I can’t find that command in teaching pendant. 5 in) 1300 mm (51. Robot working area PDF - UR10e - e-Series Drawing no. 9 kg / 63. A BETTER CAPACITY You can increase production, enhance product quality, and free up your team UR10e has a working sphere of 2. UR10e is one of four UR10e 技术规格 联系方式 UR10e是我们的机器人系列中应用最 多样化的一款,它具备12. Anyways, my question is following: Can I make a pillar as no-GO area? I’m trying to do it with Points and Lines, but impossible. 5公斤的有效 载荷和1300 mm的工作半径,使其成为 各种应用的理想之选。 如今,超过50000台 UR 协作式工业 机器人已交付给全球各行各业的客 户。UR10e是四款e 系列协作机器人中 Universal Robots A/S Energivej 51 DK-5260 Odense S T: +45 8993 8989 sales@universal-robots. In our experiments, we evaluate the potential of the off-policy, value-based method Deep Q-Learning (DQN), and the on-policy, policy Contribute to Daniella1/urdf_files_dataset development by creating an account on GitHub. working area 2672 All dimension is in mm For public use TEL: +45 Technical specifications UR10 Item no. working area 2672 Base 181 1274 UR10 working area, side view All dimension is in mm For public use REV. We recommend to use Commercial 3D programs to ensure correct dimensions. 8 meters, but by mounting the robot on a slide, it's possible to move the robot between processes to increase its working area vastly. I think restricting UR10e Specification Traglast 12,5 kg (27,5 lbs) Reichweite 1300 mm (51,2 in) Freiheitsgrade 6 rotierende Gelenke Programmierung 12-Zoll-Touchscreen mit Polyscope grafischer Bedienoberfläche Stromverbrauch Maximaler Durchschnitt 615 W Typisch bei moderater Betriebseinstellung 350 W Betriebstemperaturbereich Umgebungstemperatur: 0-50°C (32-122°F) The robot's high torque joints and force torque sensor ensure precise screw driving, even in challenging and hard-to-reach areas, promoting consistent and accurate performance. Wrist 3 ± 360° ±180°/Sec. com UR10e Our most versatile robot, the UR10e If your UR10e robot has the following serial no. Universal Robots - Der UR10e Für Aufgaben, die eine größere Arbeitsfläche erfordern, ist der UR10e mit seinem Arbeitsradius von bis zu 1300 mm perfekt geeignet. About us Contact us Careers We're hiring; UR merchandise UR10e technical details Control box Features IP classification IP44 ISO Class Cleanroom 6 Ambient temperature range 0-50° I/O ports Digital in 16 Digital out 16 Axis movement robot arm Working range Maximum speed Base ± 360° ± 120°/s Shoulder ± 360° ± 120°/s Elbow ± 360° ± 180°/s Wrist 1 ± 360° ± 180°/s UR10 working area, side view 190 Recommended Reach 2600 Max. Now i want 2 Emergancy Stop buttons and 3 Safeguard reset Buttons. Maximum payload: 10 kg / 22 lb or 12. À ce jour, plus de 50 000 robots collaboratifs industriels UR ont été livrés à travers le monde, dans une The UR10e is our medium duty industrial collaborative robot that combines both long reach and high payload. Our most versatile robot, the UR10e delivers an impressive payload of 12.
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