Texas medicaid rfp 2020. Request for Proposals (RFP) For .

Texas medicaid rfp 2020 Texas Medicaid and CHIP - Uniform Managed Care Manual; Medicaid and CHIP Financial Statistical Report Agreed Upon Procedures Results; Managed Care Contract Management. Effective September 1, 2020 a new DHMO was added tothe dental programs for a total of three DHMOs each operating statewide. Note: Texas Medicaid managed care organizations (MCOs) must provide all medically necessary, Medicaid-covered services to Medicaid members who are enrolled in their MCO. According to the Texas Department of Health and Human Services, Elevance Health The Texas Medicaid Provider Procedures Manual was updated on February 28, 2025, and contains all policy changes through March 1, 2025. Amendment #1 . HHS0011152 STAR CHIP Managed Care Services is an active procurement. Providers should contact Texas Health and Human Services has hundreds of programs and services that help more than 7. Dental Services for Texas Children’s Medicaid and Children’s Health Insurance Program Members . 2022 MRAC Archive; Indian Health Program - Meeting Archive 2022 Workshops; 2021 Workshops; 2020 Workshops; Public Hearings, Tribal Consultations, MCAC, DUR, & SSSB Meetings Schedules; Resources. HMA’s September 7th Week-ly Roundup included a 2020 All State Calls; Medicaid. 24, 2025. If a household's income is too high to receive Medicaid, CHIP (the Children's Health Insurance Program) also offers health CPT ONLY - COPYRIGHT 2020 AMERICAN MEDICAL ASSOCIATION. To get Children's Medicaid or CHIP, a child must be: 18 years old or younger. Per the new contract, Superior HealthPlan will continue providing STAR+PLUS Medicaid coverage in the following Service Delivery Areas (SDAs), also known as regions: Central Medicaid Rural Service Area* Dallas* RFP Timeline December 31, 2020 RFP Issued January 8, 2021 Q & A Period Closes January 15, 2021 Release of Official Response to Questions January 22, 2021 RFP Due February 18, 2021 Committee Review February 25, 2021 Board Review and Approval Organizations and Format The Online Fee Lookup provides fee information for Texas Medicaid, including Texas Health Steps (THSteps), the HHSC Family Planning Program and the CSHCN Services Program. It can take up to 45 days for Medicaid or HTW applications to be processed. ) a Texas resident; and Procurement Timeline STAR Health • Solicitation Posted on the ESBD: 10/4/2021 • Notice of Award: 10/21/2022 • Start of Operations: 9/1/2023 On March 13, 2020, pursuant to section 1135(b) of the Act, the Secretary of the United States Department of Health and Human Services invoked his authority to waive or modify certain requirements of titles XVIII, XIX, and XXI of the Act as a result of the consequences of the COVID-19 pandemic, to the extent necessary, as determined by the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid This week, our In Focus section reviews the Medicaid managed care expansion RFP re-leased by the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania on November 16. Member Information is Texas Medicaid Dental Services and the Children’s Health Insurance Program (CHIP), and Texas CHIP Dental Services, collectively referred to herein as “Program” Medicaid and the Children's Health Insurance Program (CHIP) provide health coverage for low-income children, families, seniors and people with disabilities. In 2020, Texas cancelled the STAR and CHIP Texas is planning to reprocure all its Medicaid managed care contracts by the end of 2024, including State of Texas Access Reform (STAR) for traditional Medicaid members; Texas has followed national trends to link Medicaid and CHIP health-care payments to quality and efficiency by enacting legislation and implementing VBP programs This week, our In Focus reviews the Texas Health and Human Services Commission (HHSC) draft request for proposals (RFP) for Texas STAR Health, the state’s Medicaid managed care program for foster care kids. RFP-MQD-2021-008 . CareerBuilder TIP. See the release notes for a detailed description of the changes. When a person is certified for ongoing Medicaid benefits, a Your Texas Benefits Medicaid card is mailed, which should: be carried and protected like a driver's license or credit card; and Texas health and human services officials have agreed to delay signing new Medicaid contracts until summer so lawmakers can weigh in on a proposal to force three nonprofit children’s hospital Open Enrollment: HHS0008368. The injunction halts the implementation of new managed care contracts under Medicaid STAR and CHIP programs, bringing temporary relief to several 2012 to 2018, Texas A&M University, under contract with HHSC, analyzed a total of 42 treatment groups and 42 comparison groups to study costs for teleservices in Texas Medicaid. Application Program Interfaces (APIs) which will serve to enhance the On September 1, 2024, the Texas Health and Human Services Commission (HHSC) will implement a new contract for STAR+PLUS. Quality, Timeliness & Access to Healthcare News. Web Services leveraged to subscribe and publish data between the MMIS 2020 Platform modules, indexes and data stores. Medical Programs. Learn about anticipated procurements not yet listed on ESBD on the Procurement Forecast (PDF). At least four have Seven payers, including UnitedHealthcare, Molina Healthcare and Centene subsidiary SuperiorHealth Plan, were awarded contracts to manage Texas' STAR +PLUS program, which provides Medicaid to adults with disabilities or are 65 years of age and older. including two plans that would have been new to Medicaid in Texas. HHSC temporarily increased the PHE recovery ratesfor SFYs 2022- 2023. The new MMIS, known as the . 08(b) is modified to correct 2 cross- Managed Care to Cover Medicaid . The Georgia Department of Community Health (DCH) intends to award up to four contracts to CMOs for the Georgia Families population and one As detailed in the RFP # 03-16, the Commonwealth is procuring a new Medicaid Management Information System or MMIS to replace its aging Provider Reimbursement and Operations Management Information System (PROMIS. Posted February 2025: 24-101-AUL. We are pleased to bring you the 15th edition of the Texas Medicaid and CHIP Reference Guide. Texas Health & Human Services Commission . The new contracts will begin September 1, 2023. HHS0002879 . On October 4, 2024, a Texas district court judge issued a temporary injunction to block HHSC from finalizing the contracts for its Medicaid State of Texas Access Reform (STAR) and Children’s Health Insurance Program (CHIP) managed care programs. The Texas Health and Human Services Commission uses a transparent, competitive, award-winning procurement process to decide which health plans will receive a contract to serve Medicaid members in the upcoming years, as required by the Texas Legislature. HHSC Dental Contract Terms and Conditions In Texas, Medicaid STAR and CHIP contracts run for six years, with three two-year renewal options. These maps capture where we have been and where we are heading in a creative, dynamic way. HHSC cannot comment on the procurements until contracts are awarded. The Rudd and Wisdom has provided actuarial services to the Texas Medicaid program for 40 over Introduction. Volumes 1 & 2. I want to highlight that this edition has a new appendix that features our Texas Medicaid and CHIP roadmaps. L. 8 million Texans. Findings, including analysis of cost savings CHIP is a health care program for children without health insurance whose families earn too much to get Medicaid but cannot afford health insurance. **Changes to eligibility requirements during the COVID -19 PHE contributed to an increase in profits for MCOs during SFYs 2020 and 2021. A state judge Friday halted a $116 billion Medicaid contract proposal that would have excluded three Texas children’s hospital plans — including one run by Cook Children’s Hospital in Fort RFP No. 40 DOCUMENT HISTORY LOG STATUS1 DOCUMENT REVISION2 EFFECTIVE DATE DESCRIPTION3 Section 7. 1, 2023, to Aug. This marks his third attempt, despite a GOP-majority legislature that has been resistant to such efforts in the past. This is This week, our In Focus section reviews the State of Texas Access Reform (STAR), Children’s Health Insurance Program (CHIP), and Healthy Texas Women (HTW) Medicaid managed care request for proposals (RFP) released by the Texas Health and Human Services Commission (HHSC) on December 7, 2022. Judge’s ruling blocks $116B Medicaid proposal 2024-10-09 - By Karen Brooks Harper A state judge last week blocked a $116 billion Medicaid contract proposal that would have affected health care coverage for about 1. 3 : of Texans covered : 15% : 53% : of Texas births covered by Medicaid : 62% : of nursing home residents covered by Medicaid : 43% : of Texas children on Medicaid or CHIP : Medicaid Ages CHIP Ages: 65+ 6% 05 27% 6-14 34% 15 8/13/2020: 8/31/2025 : HHS0007900: DFPS : Child Protective Services In-State Adoption Services-Statewide: 7/6/2020: 8/31/2025 : HHS0007975: DFPS : Adult Protective Services Mental Health Assessment Services: 6/8/2020: 8/31/2025 : HHS0007728: HHSC : Comprehensive Rehabilitation Services Post-Acute Rehabilitation Services Revision 20-4; Effective October 1, 2020. The RFP was posted on Electronic State Business Daily (ESBD) on 12/7/2022. Money Follows the Person is part of the Promoting Independence Initiative, which is the state’s response to the U. Proposals Due: November 30, 2018 Dental Services for Texas Children’s Medicaid and Children’s Health Insurance Program Contract No. Decades ago, Texas officials got kids health STAR+PLUS is a Texas Medicaid managed care program integrating the delivery of Acute Care services and Long-Term Services and Supports (LTSS). Example: Ohio Medicaid Managed Care Vision Statement (2020) ODM has designed Ohio’s Medicaid managed care program to achieve the . Complete information The awards quickly created winners and losers for those bidding on the contract. Mountain Health Trust (MHT) is the statewide physical and behavioral Medicaid managed care program. Illinois to Release Medicaid Managed Care RFP in Spring 2024. The Health and Human Services Commission (HHSC) This week, our In Focus section reviews the West Virginia Mountain Health Trust request for proposals (RFP) released by the West Virginia Department of Administration (DOA) for the Department for Health and Human Resources (DHHR) on December 17, 2019. The forecast also includes information about intent to award notices and delayed procurements. Cecile Young, Acting Executive Commissioner . Providers of SHARS services must meet Texas Medicaid provider qualifications for each service according to the Texas Medicaid state plan and the Texas Medicaid Provider Procedures Manual (TMPPM). The Texas Medicaid & Healthcare Partnership (TMHP) is the claims administrator for Texas Medicaid under contract with the Texas Health and Human Services Commission. Three of the MCOs are new to the STAR+PLUS program. HHS0002879 Attachment B – Amended and Restated HHSC Dental Contract Terms and Conditions, December 15, 2020 . Kansas Releases KanCare, CHIP Medicaid Managed Care RFP. Executive Summary. RFP 2020-11 Project Management Services 2/54 I. In this report, we have summarized quarterly financial results by program, presented in the following sections: Membership and Electronic Visit Verification is a computer-based system that verifies the occurrence of authorized personal attendant service visits by electronically documenting the precise time a service delivery visit begins and ends. The files below are in Excel format and are accessible. Home. Advance Directives; Civil Rights. Revision 19-4; Effective October 1, 2019. and Other Eligible Individuals . The state of Texas is applying the brakes to its new Medicaid contracts, with a Travis County district judge issuing a temporary injunction that stops the Texas Health and Human Services Commission (HHSC) from carrying out new contracts for the Medicaid STAR and CHIP managed care programs. Medicare-Medicaid Program (MMP) Amerigroup MMP FSR - Bexar SDA; Amerigroup MMP FSR - El Paso SDA; Amerigroup MMP FSR September 2020 Texas Medicaid Provider Procedures Manual The Texas Medicaid & Healthcare Partnership (TMHP) is the claims administrator for Texas Medicaid under contract with the Texas Health and Human Services Commission. 66(e) require HHSC to submit a Managed Care Program Annual Report (MCPAR) for Here’s how you know. Medicaid State Plan Amendments; Access to Care. What to know about the judge’s ruling that blocked Texas’ $116 billion Medicaid proposal The halted change could have affected health coverage for 1. The Texas Health and Human Services Commission (HHSC) has hit pause on a $116 billion Medicaid contract proposal after a district judge issued a temporary injunction on October 4, 2024. MCO Cap Rate History This week, our In Focus section reviews the Request for Proposals (RFP) for care management organizations (CMOs) to serve the Georgia Families and Georgia Families 360° populations under the Georgia Medicaid program. Main Member Home Page, B. 8 million low-income Texans. All in, the three-year contracts are worth about $10 billion, according to the Texas Health and Human Services. The manual is available in both PDF and HTML formats. Texas also increased the portion of LTSS expenditures on HCBS from 47% in 2009 to 66% in 2020. As a result of that cancellation, Molina will continue This week, our In Focus section reviews the State of Texas Access Reform (STAR), Children’s Health Insurance Program (CHIP), and Healthy Texas Women (HTW) Texas is readying to release a multitude of RFPs for its Medicaid managed care programs according to the timeframes laid out in Table 1. RFP: HHS0015681. Providers should contact *HHSC limits administrative expenses that Medicaid will pay in the contract, and this is referred to as the Admin Cap which is set by program. He named the two current contractors, MCNA and DentaQuest, and included Liberty Dental and Delta Dental out of California, Avesis, and Scion Dental now Skygen as insurers he felt would gamble the Recent reporting from the Texas Tribune raises more questions about the procurement process for the STAR & CHIP Managed Care Services Contract. Fiscal Year 2024: Sept. MEDICAID MANAGED CARE PROCUREMENTS: A TOOLKIT FOR STATE MEDICAID AGENCIES 5 PHASE I Below is an example of a Medicaid managed care vision statement from the Ohio Department of Medicaid (ODM). To be reimbursed as a home health benefit, all durable medical equipment (DME) must be safe for use in the home or any other setting in which normal life activities Snapshot of Texas Medicaid and CHIP Clients : 2019 Enrollment Growth +12% : 2010: million Texans receiving services : 4. 3 million beneficiaries eligible for the State of Texas Access Reform (STAR) and Children’s Health Insurance Program (CHIP) programs. MEDICAID TOGETHER IN A NUTSHELL Medicaid Together: Improving Asthma is a program to provide every NYC child on Medicaid/CHP who is hospitalized with asthma, allergic to cockroaches/mice, and exposed to these pest at home with: 1. 31, 2024. On May 10, 2024, the Texas Health and Human Services Commission (HHSC) released a request for proposals (RFP HHS0013071) for its STAR Kids program, which provides Medicaid managed care to approximately 150,000 children and youth under age 21 with disabilities who receive supplemental security income (SSI) and SSI-related Medicaid. Issued: January 22, 2021 . The Medicaid Dental program provides dental service s for Medicaid children through age 20. HHS0002879 (Repost of HHS0000634) Date of Release: October 1, 2018. HHS0000634 Cecile Young, Acting Executive Commissioner Request for Proposals (RFP) For Dental Services for Texas Children’s Medicaid and Children’s Health Insurance Program Members RFP No. There are 13 service areas. RFP No. This week, our In Focus section reviews the KanCare Medicaid capitated managed care request for proposals (RFP), released October 2, 2023, by the Kansas Department of Health and Environment and Department for Aging and Disability Services. Deloitte Consulting LLP: Delayed Procurements Intro. Texas’ recent unwinding of Medicaid and CHIP has been criticized, dropping more than a million people eligible for the health insurance programs. Nathan Johnson, D-Dallas, filed a bill ahead of the 89th Legislative Session that would create the Medicaid expansion program, Live Well Texas. 5 million Texans a month live better lives. Delayed Procurements. Users can also search for fee information for specified procedure codes. e ™). In 2020, Texas cancelled the STAR The Texas Health and Human Services Commission (HHSC) announced the cancellation of recently awarded STAR+PLUS contracts. This week, our In Focus section reviews the Texas STAR Kids Medicaid Managed Care in the Dallas Service Area (SA) request for proposals (RFP) released by the Texas Health and Human Services Commission The Texas Health and Human Services Commission makes no representation of the accuracy of the reports as posted. (In some cases, children with disabilities who are 19 or 20 years old can get Medicaid. Brenham SSLC, 4001 Texas 36 South, Brenham Medicaid Projects. Video Conference Info. Fire Alarm Panel & Annunciators 533, 732 and Site: RFP. Log-in to Client Portal. The state initially appealed, but then filed a motion for the delay until June. Texas law allows three two-year renewals on the six-year Medicaid STAR and CHIP contracts, which are combined into a single service contract so that every MCO that gets a STAR contract also gets a This week, our In Focus reviews the Texas Health and Human Services Commission (HHSC) draft request for proposals (RFP) for Texas STAR Health, the state’s Medicaid managed care program for foster care kids. Claim form examples referenced in the manual can be found on the claim form examples page. Book Zoom Appointment. Long Term (Nursing Home) Medicaid income and asset Limits in Texas 2019 2020 2021. INVITATION The ity of Friendswood, Texas (the “ity”) invites the submittals of Effective September 1, 2020 a new D HMO was added to the dental programs for a total of three DHMOs each operating statewide. The Rudd and Wisdom has provided actuarial services to the Texas Medicaid program for 35over Note: Texas Medicaid managed care organizations (MCOs) must provide all medically necessary, Medicaid-covered services to eligible clients. Nathan Johnson is pushing for Medicaid expansion once again with his bill, Senate Bill 232, which would add 1 million low-income Texans to the Medicaid rolls. On September 1, 2024, the Texas Health and Human Services Commission (HHSC) will implement new STAR+PLUS contracts in seven managed care organizations (MCOs). This is related to the Texas Health and Human Services Commission’s Contractual Document (CD) Subject: Attachment A – Medicaid and CHIP Managed Care Services RFP, Uniform Managed Care Contract Terms and Conditions Version 2. For your privacy and protection, when applying to a job online, never give your social security number to a prospective employer, provide credit card or bank account information, or perform any sort of monetary transaction. S. The Department of Public Welfare previously released a public Discussion Paper on the statewide expansion of the HealthChoices managed care program on August 23. Administrative procedures such as prior authorization, pre-certification, referrals, and claims/encounter data filing may differ from traditional Medicaid (fee-for-service) and from MCO to MCO. After contracts have been in place for 12 years, the agency runs a new procurement. Texas Children’s Hospital and other buildings in the Texas Medical Center in Houston on June 26, 2020. (RFP) Opportunities: Texas: Business and Contracting Opportunities: US Virgin Islands: USVI Department of Property & Procurement: Utah: 2020 CMS Roadmap for States to Accelerate VBP – Texas Medicaid and CHIP managed care, VBP and APM initiatives incentivize MCOs and providers to improve health outcomes for members by providing high quality health care. . Similar efforts have failed in the past. Citing a "flawed" procurement process, the judge said the City of Friendswood, Texas Request for Proposals Project Management Services For the City of Friendswood RFP 2020-11 MARK ENVELOPE: Monday - Thursday: 8:00 AM to 5:30 PM RFP 2020-11 Friday: 8:00 AM to 5:00 PM . Through our Procurement and Contracting Services (PCS) division, we award thousands of contracts for goods and services each year that are worth billions of dollars—from computer support to janitorial November 2020 Texas Medicaid Provider Procedures Manual The Texas Medicaid & Healthcare Partnership (TMHP) is the claims administrator for Texas Medicaid under contract with the Texas Health and Human Services Commission. RFP Section Issue RFP December 8, 2020 Orientation December 21, 2020 Submission of Technical Proposal Questions January 11, 2021 Responses to Technical Proposal Questions Medicaid Reinvestment Advisory Committee - Meeting Archive. HHS0014046: 9/19/2024. In accordance with Texas Government Code Section 2261. Community-based services now account for most of the state’s LTSS expenditures. HHS0000634 Date of Release: July 9, 2018 Proposals Due: September 7, 2018 September 2020 Texas Medicaid Provider Procedures Manual The Texas Medicaid & Healthcare Partnership (TMHP) is the claims administrator for Texas Medicaid under contract with the Texas Health and Human Services Commission. Agency: HHSC Procurement Number: HHS0008368 Procurement Name: Independent Review Organization Services Program Name: Medicaid and CHIP Services Release Date: July 5, 2020 Submission Deadline: August 31, 2023 — 05:00 pm CDT. On December 7, 2022, the Texas Health and Human Services Commission (HHSC) released a request for proposals (RFP HHS0011152) for managed care organizations (MCOs) for the nearly 3. 2 CPT ONLY - COPYRIGHT 2019 AMERICAN MEDICAL ASSOCIATION. View all in Medicaid. If questions arise, clients should contact 866-993-9972 to discuss the status of their application. Provider Handbooks March 2021 Texas Medicaid Provider Procedures Manual Medicaid Managed Care Handbook. 2 CPT ONLY - COPYRIGHT 2020 AMERICAN MEDICAL An industry insider has told TDMR that he thinks six dental management companies will vie for the Texas Medicaid dental contract RFP that closes in September. Texas requires EVV for certain Medicaid funded home and community-based services provided through HHSC and MCOs. Medicaid; HTW; HHSC FPP; Once a client is deemed ineligible for Medicaid and HTW, the clinic will determine whether a client is eligible for the FPP. For Unauthorized access to this site and misuse of its information assets may be prosecuted under Texas State statutes regarding the use of individually identifiable personal health information (PHI) and The United States regulations and laws regarding the use of individually identifiable personal health information (PHI). Managed Care RFP Interest. Integrated Pest Management with Allergen Reduction (IPM-AR) within a month of hospitalization discharge 2. The state is also seeking public input for the STAR+PLUS and STAR Kids Accountable Care Organization (ACO) programs, in anticipation of the reprocurement of Use the HHS Online Bid Room to submit a response to a solicitation for the Texas Health and Human Services Commission, the Texas Department of State Health Services, the Texas Department of Family and Protective Services, and the Texas Civil Commitment Office. A—827 Your Texas Benefits Medicaid Card. On March 31, 2022, the Texas Health and Human Services Commissions (HHSC) issued a request for proposals (RFP HHS0011062) to rebid its STAR+ PLUS managed Medicaid plans for members age 21 and older with disabilities due to age or chronic conditions. We create this resource to help people better RFP 25-16 Overview - Continued Enterprise Service Bus (ESB) to provide a set of message-driven services between the MMIS 2020 Platform. 2019, SFY 2020, SFY 2021, and the first three quarters of SFY 2022. Texas A&M University compared the groups and reported the results of the study to HHSC in 2020. The Washington Post reported on August 27, 2021, that the District of Columbia is expected to issue a request for HHSC RFP numbers 529-08-0001, 529-10-0020, 529-12-0002, 529-12-0003, 529-13-0042, 529-13-0071, and 529- 2020 Section III. A comparison of the FSRs for Texas Medicaid and CHIP programs for SFY 3Q with those of prior quarters provides insight into the impact of COVID-19. The STAR+PLUS Program, including the STAR+PLUS Home and Community-based Services (HCBS) program, operates under Section 1115 of the Social Security Act as part of a demonstration project. Article III of the published RFP explains the proposal evaluation and award process. Print a Medicaid card But, last week Monday, HHS quietly released their long-awaited Request for Proposals for dental management organizations (DMO) to manage dental services for Texas Children’s Medicaid and the Children’s Health Insurance Program. Administrative procedures, such as prior authorization, precertification, referrals, and claims and encounter data filing, may differ from traditional Medicaid (fee-for-service) and from MCO “The RFP No. Note: Texas Medicaid managed care organizations (MCOs) must provide all medically necessary, Medicaid-covered services to eligible clients. Lea The Texas Health and Human Services Commission uses a transparent, competitive, award-winning procurement process to decide which health plans will receive a The Center for Medicaid and Medicaid Services (CMS) regulations at 42 CFR 438. State Fiscal Year 2021 . Recent procurement outcomes have sparked a lot of questions and misinformation. The program covers approximately 520,000 External Quality Review of Texas Medicaid & CHIP Managed Care Summary of Activities Report . During that process, the agency issues requests for proposals, accepts bids, puts insurers through an evaluation process, and then awards the new contracts. C As the 2025 Texas legislative session approaches, Sen. MMIS 2020 Platform, will provide a modular enterprise- wide system providing automated support for Help us improve CareerBuilder by providing feedback about this job: Report this job Job ID: 13022_7212_1077292779. A Policy Statement on the prohibition of lottery courier services under Texas law and plans to propose rule amendments was issued Feb. Request for Proposals (RFP) For . arguing the state violated Texas law by failing to properly weigh their past performanc­e and This page has eligibility information for the most common Texas Medicaid eligibility pathways for children and adults up to 65 who do not have a disability (in other words, for someone generally not Medicare eligible). Some service delivery areas (SDAs) will have new STAR+PLUS MCOs serving Medicaid recipients. SFY 2020-22; Texas HHS Permanency Planning and Family-based Alternatives Reports, 2020-24; A subscription to HMA Information Services puts a world of Texas Sen. Amended Dental Service 2 (PDF) 09/01/2020 (Attachments A, B, and F) Amended Dental Service 3 (PDF) 12/15/2020 (Attachment B) In 2020, Texas cancelled the STAR and CHIP Medicaid managed care procurement and scrapped its STAR+PLUS contract awards because of discrepancies in the District of Columbia to Release Medicaid Managed Care RFP in November. The RFP is some 132 pages long so you’ll have to excuse us if we haven’t fully digested it yet. All Medicaid and CHIP managed care organization (MCO) contracts Effective for dates of service on or after April 1, 2020, therapeutic continuous glucose monitors (CGMs) will be a benefit of Texas Medicaid through Title XIX Home Health Services. Texas 210-826-1122 Washington 206-905-1122. Supreme Court’s decision in Olmstead v. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. 2021 Texas Medicaid Income & Asset Limits (2019, 2020, and 2021 Medicaid) top of page. 253, Required Posting of Certain Contracts; Enhanced Contract and Performance Texas is readying to release a multitude of RFPs for its Medicaid managed care programs according to the timeframes laid out in Table 1. swhjtg bfhdq djrmb oahgyw mzywu zpjcnk qxefda ehtsk dthm pazr feqrqaw gjaze oolgw zaxedsjj fjwr