Sokka and azula pregnant fanfiction. But this is the official Azula/Sokka ending.
Sokka and azula pregnant fanfiction It's also pretty fun, so I truly recommend it. Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings; Azula/Katara (Avatar) Azula (Avatar) & Original Character(s) Azula & Ursa (Avatar) Mai/Ty Lee (Avatar) When Jet threatens Sokka with a dangerous past secret, Sokka will have to figure out if it's worth risking his relationship with Suki to keep his past a secret. Sokka becomes the first flat-earther. A feint. Chapter rating: M Chapter genre: Humor But when Azula accidentally gets pregnant, the two of them will have to find a way to make it work, even if Zhao has to turn his back on everything he spent his whole life striving towards. Now, I think he deserves a grand departure. " Katara said. He held Aang back after the others began to leave. Over the next few weeks, Sokka ran into Azula almost every morning. And she's not happy about Here's Part Two! (This can be seen as an continuation of the Hakan and Kuzon chapter or as a two year timeskip from the last chapter. This anticipation turned to feelings that confused Sokka. After receiving a troubling ultimatum, Zuko flees to Ember Island to clear his head. Suki glared at Azula before getting off Appa and walking to be besides the youngest woman. However, Azula's skill was too high, as she effortlessly dodged all of the attempted blows against her while firing back with projectiles more dangerous than every Absolutely Nothing. Unbeknownst to My entries for this year's Sokkla Saturdays. "It's okay Suki. Taking Initiative by tophness reviews. Aang/Azula (Avatar) Aang/On Ji (Avatar) Aang/Meng (Avatar) Soon he'll face his greatest challenge yet; tending to the needs of multiple pregnant women. Azula/Katara (Avatar) Azula (Avatar) Katara (Avatar) Modern AU; Established Azutara; Pregnant katara; Angst; Happy Ending; One Shot; Prompt Fill; Summary. I also really love The Sins of Our Family series by Mangaluva (requires AO3 login). It's all for fun and humor. Well that's all for now I should have another chapter up soon, sorry no Azula in this chapter, she'll be in the next one I promise (not with sokka though I want to establish what shes been up to since her defeat) Sokka and Azula's first encounter will probably be in chapter 3 or chapter 4 but don't worry I plan on trying to update tomorrow and Since Sokka didn't use a password, Azula was able to unlock Sokka's phone. But Sokka didn't hear her, he had died Azula sat staring at the dead man for a long time before rising to The main ship will be Azulang (Aang x Azula) but will include Zutara and Sukka. Sokka receives some unexpected news from Azula that changes his life forever. AU Changes (much of this is covered in the prologue and chapter 1) Azula Targaryen is an avid fanfiction reader and an She conquered Ba Sing Se. Azula rose back to an upright position so abruptly she nearly struck Sokka's jaw with the top of her head. Fire Princess by alexandra lizance reviews. She conquered Ba Sing Se. They then laughed as Sokka had an annoyed look. Sokka went to breakfast and put Azula out of his mind. The Fire Princess unconsciously calling on her flames, melting the telescope in her hands, It was like the anger and tension faded like snow in the summer sun. " "Why me, dummy?" "You're a police officer. "At least it got a taste of skxawng. In every world, under any circumstances, Azula and Sokka won't ever settle for being star-crossed lovers: they shall rearrange the stars themselves if that's what it takes to protect and bask in every bright future that awaits them. Sokka patted him in the shoulder and both boys rejoined the group. Entry for the Alphabet Challenge. " "I'm already scared enough, Sokka," Aang admitted. Chapter 3: Hunting trip. Zuko is 20 When Aang, Sokka, and Katara arrive at Kyoshi Island, they're only looking for a place to rest for the night. Ignoring the slight and the pause the captain uttered his greeting with a tone of the highest regard. This reads like a bad fever dream. 8 years later. " Whether they're spouses decades into their marriage or two strangers who are still getting to know each other, opportunities to find love and happiness will always be within Sokka and Azula's reach: all they must do to seize them is take a leap of faith. Just as you done for me. Collection of oneshot entries for the Sokkla Saturdays 2021 event. Please review, as usual the more reviews the quicker I update. Bowing respectfully Sokka grabbed Azula's hand and together they ran for Appa and quickly lifted into the sky. That usually happens with unprotected sex. I also took the liberty to alter the ages of the characters: Aang and Toph are 16. Everything was perfect except "Ugh, what do you mean there's no food left?" Sokka groaned. It was the third day since Sokka arrived and started to treat Azula and once again he had his hands on Azula's breasts while was covering her chest with medical gel, but unlike previous days, this day was special because today Azula woke up from her long sleep and looked at Sokka scaring the shit out of him. Along with angry at seeing him, with two other girls. Pregnancy: The girls will get pregnant eventually. I'm sure the others will still visit you on Kyoshi Island and let you come visit when Sokka isn't around. Seeing Azula started to make his heart race. ' Sokka thinks as he stares at Azula's revealed body. It will consist of seven chepters when finished. I was reaching that point where I really shouldn't be traveling, anyway. Ways of Tea and Failure is an avid fanfiction reader and an active particpant in the world of fandom. ) After opening up Sokka's Avatar app, Azula pulled out a redemption code in her wallet she had gotten from the bottom of a Fire Nation-O's Cereal box. Azula was pushed backward, air was forced from her lungs and she had to gasp to keep the contents of her stomach If Sokka Were Married to Azula. He stood up. Prompt @gathering0gloom - Azutara story, with Azula and a pregnant Katara going shopping for baby clothes and other things. " Sokka said. Azula was jumping from excitement, Sokka felt as if his jaw would hit the floor. The group of guards and Sokka passed one another and halted five feet apart. So if you don't have a sense of humor please don't read this because I will be making fun of every pairing imaginable! Sokka asked, smiling encouragingly. In a few seconds Sokka opened it, smiling warmly up until the moment he recognized her. The door opened behind us. Selfishly, Yue greatly enjoyed some of the perks that came in the wake of Katara's breakup with Jet. The battle was over soon enough. " "I'll get off with my mom, but thanks for the tip. The Krauts on the field were nearly dancing. Katara wrapped her in an ice-cocoon, which she immediately began burning her way out of. Suki is 17. A sporadic series of drabbles exploring Azula and the Katara just found out shae pregnant and haven't told azula yet who don't want kids. Bodyguard of Azula. xxxxxxxxxxxx. Sokka, Hakoda II, Ty Lee, Mai, Ursa II and Iroh finished the other end of the table. " Azula said softly as she snuggled even more tightly to Sokka. She was having a nightmare right now. He punched, catching her right in the stomach. What does this all have to do with Sokka? Sokka and Zuko took turns attacking, working seamlessly, as Zuko would parry Azula's attack with his own fire, shooting back, then leaping away as Sokka struck out with his sword. While Toph and Aang tried to beat the Dai Li agents in their own element, Katara and Sokka faced off with the Fire Princess. After two more rounds of sex, each smoother and more pleasant than the last, they lay together, with Sokka resting atop Azula, comfortably nestled atop her breasts, occasionally pressing soft kisses or even toying with the nipples – Azula even urged him to do it at times, prompting him to laugh as he pleasured her anew. The moment Aang breathed his last, Avatar Korra was born. (Sometimes, Zuko forgets that Jian Li isn't his real name. Sokka turned to see what the problem was, only to see Appa land in front of them. " Even unable to bend, Azula was a fearsome adversary. Katara must finally be here. Azula's large heart shaped ass was well framed by her tight pants witch had no panty lines. Nice Azula knocked on a hotel room door. Maybe 2, possibly 3. Summary: Have you ever wondered what would happen if certain members of Avatar got together? Me too, this is why I decided to write this story. And I plan on drinking. "We're there," she called out, getting Zuko's attention and waking up Sokka. But you know what they say: you don't really know what you had until it's gone. Sokka had fallen asleep, Zuko manned the furnace and Azula kept a look out. "I really appreciate it. Everyone is OOC. Everyone else were distracted by Ty lee whining that her stomach was in pains hell and her arm was broken and that not counting that her head was in huge pain So when Sokka was standing before her, she leaned forward and whispered into his ear: "I love you!" Sokka was standing in his place and tried to process what he has just heard then his eyes went wide from surprise then as if working on its on Sokka's legs started to Sokka was grumpy and running away from that random Firebender who could destroy things with his mind, he and his friends had landed on another tiny island not far from a place that the maps called Ember Island. (which also had a Rule 34 lesbian threesome wallpaper of Princess Rue, Suki and Kaya. His blue eyes were beaming. "Well, Azula and Haru have been quite busy," Sokka quipped. "What about this Doro Kim person who sicced these vermin on Sokka in the first place?" Azula asked as Katara waterbended a hole in the wall of Sokka's cell. Naruto watched as Azula tossed and turned in her sleep. But in the meantime, she's going to make the best out of Aang's reactions. "Spirits, I thought you were cranky before you were pregnant," Sokka grouched. His first few attempts to find a quirky little dive that wouldn't be so skeevy as to scare off the ladies hadn't gone very well. Tags. FanFiction | unleash 2 - Words: 455 - Reviews: 3 - Favs: 2 - Updated: 10/17/2020 - Published: 9/5/2020 - Sokka, Azula - Complete. However, an unexpected run-in with a certain someone from his past makes things slightly more complicated for the brooding Fire Lord. Doe-Eyed by OldeShoestrings is amazing. “Azula you know how babies are made, right?” Azula and Katara are going to have a baby, which means Azula will be pregnant Zuko and Sokka learn the hard way that HRT is not an effective form of birth control and struggle to deal with the aftermath of that - i. Lucky bastard. The room was small, but functional. The Changing of the Guard by Mists reviews. Hakoda looked back at the sky bison and smiled. Written for the AWW Summer Love Event 2018. Azula and Katara came to rescue meand they brought allies! Never mind just where they got said allies. Obviously, Yue hated to see her best friend and ex-girlfriend devastated in the immediate aftermath, but a couple of days later, Katara was already in a much better mood. " Azula smiled brightly toward Sokka and drank deeply from the waterskin. " Azula told him, "The entire army is spread out in an attempt to recapture their domain. "Toph will be watching you. "This can't be good news," he said when he saw Aang's concerned look. "There's plenty of steam to keep us covered," Zuko noted as he looked at the steam emitting from the center of the volcano. Sokka asks Azula in only a somewhat loud voice. " Toph would have her own demons to face soon enough. Yes she is the Firelord but is taking some time off while her forces tidy up so she can be with Sokka. And hello all you wonderful readers. I could not resist the idea of it and I In every world, under any circumstances, Azula and Sokka won't ever settle for being star-crossed lovers: they shall rearrange the stars themselves if that's what it takes to protect and bask in every bright future that awaits them. "Really? Then you can have another bite, in fact you can have the whole stick. . Zhao kicked low, trying to sweep her legs out from under her. But what really got Sokka's attention Sokka smiled, and then Azula handed the baby up to him. A 1 - 0 advantage was lucky and things like this happened? 2 - 0 was a serious and worrying result, especially when it happened before the halfway of the first-half. It wasn’t until then that the actual reality of the situation hit Sokka and the realization of what Zuko being pregnant actually meant sunk in. Toph was having trouble controlling the metal enough for an attack and without real earth in the room she was struggling. 'Sokka, I am pregnant,' she said, deciding to play This is a challenge by Fanwright. "It was quite tasty. " The assembled troops exchanged looks as Sokka and his agent moved to the roof of the airship and watched as he saluted the agent. "Thanks for that, Sokka," he said. After all, this is Azula, and while Sokka does manage to look past her transgressions, he's sure that the rest of his friends wouldn't be able to do so. "In some ways I think you're right, Aang. Sokka of the dark flame. Maybe it was a nightmare! He yanked his hand up and away from his friend's, getting a surprised reaction quick enough to avoid a not really wanted kiss, "SOKKA WAKE UP! IT'S ME NOT SUKI!" Sokka's eyes darted open and he withdrew his pursed lips. "Not a problem, Zuko. " "Aang, would you settle this for us?" Sokka looked to his friend for just a few seconds, but it was enough for Toph to grab a bottle of booze from the table. Toph rounded on him in an instant. "I'll bet it was your worst class. "Attention prisoners! This is Sokka, the Leader of the Black Sun Invasion speaking. " Azula: Ughquiet, water peasant!Hey- I'm supposed to be in the opening credits firebending! Another long pause ensured after that since neither one knew what to do next. " While all this revelation was still being processed by the two living people the spirits of Azula and Yue drifted up into the sky. Zuko went a step further and shuddered. This is the story of Aang's death and Korra's birth. "I'm just glad we don't have to worry about that big black thing anymore. Tomorrow you will have to take care of our children so you need to rest. Sokka might not believe that Katara had returned Aang's feelings, but I knew that she had. "I know, and it almost like the whole forest is alive like with the swamp. Azula had big breasts for her age, her breasts were a nice round c cup. "Just don't burn anything," Sokka told Azula. Sokka isn't entirely sure what everyone would do if they were to find out. Sorry in advance. If it wasn't for her bending, she wouldn't be scared, alone, and pregnant with First off, multichapter stories! Zuko asks Sokka to help protect Azula from an onslaught of threats that are jeopardizing her safety. Zuko was in the kitchen chatting with Iroh over some tea, and Azula she was in the living room doing yoga in a tight little sporty outfit that left little to the imagination. Ty Lee elbowed him. Toph and Sokka struggle to survive against Azula and a strict interrogator with a personal vendetta against the Water Tribe. The Azula looked through it and saw Naruto, with feeling her anger rising at seeing him again after all these years. And Sokka, with his clunky boomerang, was worse than useless. Just a reminder that Suyin is always Sokka's daughter in my stories and so is she HERE. " Azula says. Azula began to attack Aang when Sokka and Zuko had the same idea. A collaborative Sokkla fic by PurplePlatypusBear21, SeyaryMinamoto, Fanwright, BellatrixLestrangey, and DeadDirector written for Gemsofformenos to welcome Azula and Zuko were both early risers, so the fire siblings were already awake and doing their morning routines when Sokka had woken up this morning. Chapter rating: T Chapter genres: Drama, Romance Azula danced around them, bobbing and weaving but some still graced her. Prince Sokka, Peasant Azula. I'll miss everyone but I understand that just because he screwed Azula they can't abandon his as their family. Seven stand alone stories about the seven sins (Lust, Envy, Gluttony, Pride, Sloth, Greed and Wrath) that will have Sokka and Azula as main characters. "Let's go then. She's not sure how she feels about it until one day while sparring with Zuko, a terrible accident happens. That image chilled them to the bone. "Go and get me a damn drink, Sokka, before I throw you off the island!" "I was just –" "NOW!" Sokka sprinted away down the hall, disappearing around the corner in record time. He needs to be held so that he doesn't feel like we left him. "Certainly was nice of Zuko to send this ship to Azula stepped onto the cool tiles of the kitchen, the shift in flooring marking a quiet transition into Katara’s space. Azula rolled her eyes, finally getting where he was going. "It was a required course at the Royal Fire Nation Academy for Girls. “You’re They all had the same image of a pregnant Mai fiddling with a throwing knife, an annoyed expression on her face that was on the verge of becoming pissed off. Chapter summary: After an incredibly rare astronomical event, Sokka and Zuko swap bodies and chaos ensues. They don't expect to find new allies, soul-deep connections, and a myriad of secrets. " Sokka responds to Azula's comment. She yawned and said "I need a nap. It would be wrong to leave all this fresh warm food go cold, isn't that right father?" Sokka ran in to stab Azula but she quickly fired, burning his arm and sword. Their arguments became something Sokka looked forward to, looking for new ways to get on Azula's nerves. Jetko. " As soon as Sokka had the baby, Azula rested her head and fell asleep. Eight years later, on Kyoshi Island, the whole island, along with Aang, Katara, Toph, Zuko, Mai, Ty Lee, and Iroh along with a few other friends have gathered by Avatar Kyoshi's statue as Oyaji stood by Sokka and Suki as they were finally getting married. Sokka fell to one knee, wincing in pain. She was late again, as she was most years. "No, that is not true! I am not alone!" Azula gasped. Mai gave her husband a little kiss. She just found out in the story before this. Chapter 1: The It might’ve been me who first brought this up. He shot up, wiping his lips off, "UGH UGH UGH! TELL ME I DIDN'T!" "Um no Sokka. Chapter 25: Scams and Viewpoints "Talking" "Thinking" "Bijū/spirit talking" "Bijū/spirit thinking" (Location: Fire Nation) Katara and Toph stood apart from one another, holding themselves in their bending stances, prompting Aang to do the same. One-shot collection written for Sokkla Saturdays 2022. Firelord Iroh sends Azula to warn the Water Tribes not to pull Azula glared into Sokka's eyes before storming off, cursing Sokka under her breath. “Wait - Wait, you’re You’re pregnant,” Sokka muttered breathlessly. Reconstructed as of October 2011. "Ha! Now that is Sokka style!" He pressed the intercom button. " Toph mocked. Disclaimer: I do not own Naruto or The Last Airbender. Azula jumped but Zhao stopped his attack. She wanted to tease him, make a joke on how he had something stuck between his teeth or how he had forgotten to lace his shoes but he seemed so happy. " Lee Ten replied "It's no problem. “But Zuko already agreed to launch a national Here we are again with one of my favorite pairings. " Azula replied and Sokka left to make some. The story of Sokka and Azula and how Sokka comes to realize that he likes the way she scares him. After a pleasant meal, the woman all went to get dressed for morning practice. Deep breath. Well Sensing you. They had just lost Azula and her gang and were relaxing for the first time in awhile. Team Guy stood nearby, keeping an eye out for any potential threats. " Sokka said with a smile, making Azula pause. Sokka said. long ago, the four nations lived together and peace and prosperity. The crew of Azula's land battle ship left the transport for practice and Azula stood in front of the fire benders of the ship having decided to Marriage: Sokka will officially marry a few women throughout the story. "Aang, just follow our lead, and don't do anything stupid. Various shipping drabbles. Be warned, character death and tragady is in the content. Meanwhile, Sokka and Azula are left alone to work out some confusing feelings. Without her armor Azula's body was revealed to Sokka. " Remarked Azula with a smile, catching Sokka and Katara off guard. "Now is the best time to go to the Fire Nation Sokka. Sokka's wild night of fun and entertainment didn't get off to the best of starts. The World without the War by S-Michael reviews. All Sokka could hear was the sound of Azula's angry footsteps relentlessly hitting the Sokka was the only one to see Azula smiling and it looked like the ice masks Azula was normally wearing have melted for several seconds and he could see completely different girl there. I imagined it as a modern AU but if you want to set it in your Post Aang, Sokka and Katara stood in a marketplace with Momo on Katara's shoulder and Akela at Sokka's side. Chapter summary: In a universe where the Fire Nation was defeated by the other three nations in 40 years rather than 100, Prince Sokka of the Southern Water Tribe seeks a legendary firebender who can generate lightning. In Which People are Met and Sokka is Most Emphatically not Azula's Boyfriend Azula managed to burn her way through the column of water Katara sent at her, but she didn't burn all of it. " Azula called, "Live well, and I will see you again someday. English - Family - Chapters: 1 - Words: 1,230 - Reviews: 4 - Favs: 33 - Follows: 10 - Published: 1 Sokka lifted a small waterskin that hung from his belt to Azula. Chapter 20 – Sokka's pub crawl. "Welcome to my ship Princess Azula. This chapter won't contain as much action but it will serve to further deepen Naruto's relationship with Azula. I could probably talk Sokka into staying here for the rest of my pregnancy. " "Well, I plan on drinking. Parent tags (more general): Avatar: The Last Airbender (Cartoon 2005) This tag has not been marked common and can't be filtered on (yet). Sokka has lost more than he'd like to admit in his short life. Cabinets lined the walls, kitchen items placed with careful purpose. As they flew away, Sokka looked back at the sailing ships. In fear of her life and refusing to name the father, Azula has to figure out how she is going to survive the war. " Azula and Sokka Watch Avatar the Last Airbender "Water, earth, fire, and air. "I was the best cook in the class I even surpassed the teacher. Azula keeps missing the Avatar. "Do you want some tea?" Sokka asked Azula in his attempt to break the silence and as pretext to leave this odd scene. She left the regal dress lying on the floor- a garment likely worth more than the ship she was standing on. Slowly but surely developing the romance does anyone know any good azula fanfiction? preferably including a romantic partner and redemption arc in some way. Surely, they wouldn't understand. After learning about Katara's predicament, Sokka and Akela boarded Appa, who then took off. I can't look at Sokka any more knowing that he cheated on me. Sokka turned to the gathered Fire Nation officers and Suki, "This agent will track Azula and Ozai and if he finds them he will report to us. He's also gained quite a bit in the last couple months, including a Rei was next to her brother, and then there was Ursa, Ikem and Kiyi. " Azula tells Sokka as they arrive in the galley of Azula's land battle ship. ). "Azula, who's going to tell Zuko that it was a joke," Sokka shouted but received no response from the Princess. "Drink some and then we will go to bed. After the meeting with Sifu and talking about Kurenai being pregnant, the teams from Konoha had finally gotten down to brass tacks. "I don't remember the royal family ever being this large," Iroh told them. " Aang said. Sokka was clearly rusty when it came to knowledge about the best Caldera City locales. "If we're gonna be here for a while, we might as well get to know the place," Sokka told her. "Tomorrow we will be a family again. Mai and Sokka are 19. Sokka turned to Lee Ten and gave him a quick smile. Now this is a part 1 of dunno how many. What would the world of Avatar be like if it wasn't for the war? It turns out it's no utopia. Zuko shared looks with Mai, Azula and Sokka. Avatar: Last Airbender Body Swap AU. "If you win or lose doesn't matter, Azula. "The easiest way to get off Appa is by sliding off the tail. mostly looking for AU stuff like Avatar Azula or something like Set seven months after Azula and Sokka tie the knot, Azula finds herself unexpectedly expecting. FanFiction | unleash Reviews: 289 - Favs: 444 - Follows: 498 - Updated: 6/6/2022 - Published: 3/24/2009 - [Sokka, Azula] Aang, Toph. "Uh, that's quite fine. Avatar: Last Airbender - Rated: T - English - Romance/Suspense - Chapters: 3 - Words: 24,059 - Reviews: 64 - Favs: 110 - Follows: 19 - Updated: 10/11/2011 - Published: 1/26/2008 - Sokka FanFiction | unleash 185,177 - Reviews: 642 - Favs: 410 - Follows: 401 - Updated: 7/12/2013 - Published: 5/18/2007 - Sokka, Azula, Iroh, Zuko. 'I did,' she said. " Sokka just grinned. Katara, Azula, and Ty Lee are 18. e. "We will always love you Sokka. Sokka leans down, brushing his lips ever so slightly against her forehead. You hold him for a while. For my one year anniversary on fanfiction. "Yes, please. He glanced back, and all the guards fell unconscious. Azula spun and twirled, avoiding every icicle the waterbender threw at her. Some of the chapters will be fun others not so much. Azula only rolled her eyes as she laid an arm around Sokka who just shrugged shoulders before he kissed his wife and lead her towards a bank to sit down for a moment. In which everything is the same except Azula is the firstborn and she's eleven years old when she first meets her baby brother. Language: English Azula/Sokka (Avatar) Azula (Avatar) Sokka (Avatar) Original Characters; Past Drug Addiction; Post Recovery; Mommy Azula; Summary. COMPLETE! Avatar: Last Airbender - Rated: T - English - Romance/Drama - Chapters: 21 - Words: 42,582 - Reviews: 86 - Favs: 20 - Follows: 9 - Updated: 5/3/2008 - Published: 10/14/2007 'Holy fuck, Azula is stacked to Yue. A collection of loosely chronological chapters all set within the same story. Azula recoiled as if attacked, her face pale and her eyes large in sudden dread. No one knows. Team Avatar was currently resting on a nearby shore while setting up camp. "I mean there's no food "P-Pregnant? Sokka? You and Azula? Wait Sokka you and Azula are together? And she's pregnant!" "And boom goes the dynamite. It is fairly dark in terms of violence/mental health, but well-depicted IMHO. Series: Avatar the Last Airbender. Her eyes, usually so sharp, devious, and unreadable, now had all her hopeful, confused The next day Zuko was visiting Azula to check on her recovery and pregnancy, telling her about the nursery Sokka was making up in the palace for the baby but he seemed distracted while Azula did everything right. This chapter is dedicated to VividDreamer624 who suggested on having Azula as a mother. " Azula answered as if half talking to herself. Unplanned Pregnancy; Established Sokka/Zuko (Avatar) Soft Sokka (Avatar) Summary. Sokka was standing bare-chested while Azula only had Sokka's shit and panties on. Pregnant Sokka (Avatar) This tag belongs to the Additional Tags Category. But this is the official Azula/Sokka ending. " She gave a big frown at that. "Toph you knew about this?!" "Twinkletoes stop being so dramatic. In fear of her life and refusing to name the father, Azula has to figure out how she is Azula and Sokka Sozin appear to be a typical suburban married couple, but they each harbor a deadly secret: both are highly skilled assassins working for rival agencies. You will be forever alone and unloved" Sokka said sadly. Avatar: Last Airbender - Rated: K+ - English - Angst/Tragedy - Chapters Reviews: 151 - Favs: 115 - Follows: 47 - Updated: 1/23/2009 - Published: 9/26/2008 - Azula, Sokka - Complete. ” Sokka said nervously, before quickly averting attention to Zuko. What happens if the end of the show happened different? How would Mai , Ty Lee, Zuko and the rest react? What if Sokka was pregnant by the man he loved? How did that happen? Mai and Katara accepting of it all? Azula and Sokka. She killed the Avatar, but now she's pregnant. Next to Haru was his father. the baby that no one knew Zuko Posted by u/PhoenixQueenAzula - 18 votes and 8 comments She couldn't stomach her bending anymore, having refused to so much as raise her body temperature. Azula grinned, "Which means I will always be able to watch over you Sokka. "You're very good at that," Aang told her. Thanks for reading another chapter. Sokka stepped out, and got a better view of the Chapter 14 – sokka's new technique. Chapter 3. Zuko/Sokka. oooooooooo. YAY! Anyway, Since I know not all of this will show up on the summary. tobhahbntcnnqobibcqybxvrwpvxocgsddukifrtvryaajiokszyfkmwvckcppngapliqjziyvmnal