Rename hybrid joined computer 2 CAN rename still. Rename Hybrid Joined Computers deployed via Autopilot Tony, If you have SCCM at your site you can create a task sequence to run on the computer that will run a PowerShell script. Hello I have a problem with azure intune autopilot hybrid join. ps1 script to add your own naming logic, then build a new RenameComputer. why do some of my hybrid entra joined machines get renamed by intune from the correct machine name to the format 'users name windows then date time' i have deleted the object, resynced, it initally joins as the correct name but then i can see Intune has renamed it and continally renames it thereafter ( noticed via audit logs) HELP! When creating a Windows Autopilot deployment, provide at least the following information on the Create profile blade, on the Out-of-box experience (OOBE) section. Before using Autopilot our computer names were serial numbers of the computers. Yo. For an AD-joined machine, you can change the name — but only if you (a) have connectivity to AD, and (b) have the rights to rename the existing computer object in AD (otherwise you get the “domain trust broken”-type errors Renaming Autopiloted Hybrid Joined PCs . Changing Computer Name for Hybrid Azure AD Joined - Intune We don't use SCCM or Intune, but our org is using hybrid joined Azure AD. is this renaming of Hybrid azure autopilot device possible or not if I rename manually the Hybrid autopilot device by its serial number. The collection looks for computers with the pre-fix as part of the computer name (like AUTOPILOTPCXXXX) The script will query the BIOS to see if an asset tag is programed into it and then rename the computer to me new prefix+Asset tag. We're starting to work on getting Autopilot - Hybrid Azure AD join set up and working. My supervisor has tasked me with naming Hybrid Joined AutoPilot devices in a specific way to make them easily identifiable. Planning on building a computer but need some advice? Hybrid Joined and Co-Managed: Can't enable Bitlocker Has anyone been able to wipe a Windows 10 / Windows 11 device that's hybrid joined to Azure AD (Entra) The Wipe function works for us and we also have a hybrid setup where we let the computer join our domain pior to syncing them to azure. When you build your Autopilot profile, you can setup a device naming template. The corresponding Computer account that was created in the Active Directory (on-premise) was moved in to the relevant OU according to the City the office is located at. From the ConfigMgr console create a new custom task sequence. Rename-Computer -NewName "newname" -DomainCredential "Domain\Administrator" If the computer is a workgroup computer Reference: Change Windows Computer Name during Intune enrolling. Setting up the Rename Computer app. I'm looking for a way to dynamically generate a name matching our existing naming convention during autopilot (a remediation after the fact would be fine as well). With every join a new computer object is created and also Intune keeps records of Rename Hybrid AD Autopilot Device So the goal of this post is to clarify what all we tried for renaming devices joined using Hybrid Azure AD Join. This option is designed to be used with the Rename-Computer cmdlet. I use SCCM to re-image machines in my environment. Explains the steps that are required to implement Microsoft Entra hybrid joined devices in your environment. Note: A hybrid state refers to more than just the state of a device. txt and moves them to an OU by grade level. My goal is to rename with device serial no. Azure AD registered devices. You can’t use variables like %SERIAL% to add the serial number to the device name. From the App type drop down select Windows app (Win32). ,. Check the status of your rename in device Overview before attempting to rename again. If you have an on-premises Active Directory Domain Services (AD DS) environment and you want to join your AD DS domain-joined computers to Microsoft Entra ID, you can accomplish this task by . I’ve two questions: How is it recommended you rename an intune managed/hybrid joined machine? Hello All, I am trying to rename the hybridjoin computer with rename-computer command, when I run the command it changed the DNS name but not the computername. 1 · Nick Benton · March 20, 2022, 9:01 p. If the return value is not a valid computer name, or there was an error, or no PowerShell script was added, then the hybrid-joined Hello Experts I need to rename of some of Hybrid Azure AD devices as it got that it is currently have you tested it for both Hybrid azure ad joined or device created with Hybrid add the similar command in the script to get the computer serial number and rename it using this name (Get-CimInstance -ClassName win32_bios Rename Azure Hybrid Joined PC . Note that the -Force parameter is used to suppress confirmation prompts, and the -Restart Sample app for renaming a Hybrid Azure AD joined (AD-joined) device after an Autopilot deployment. (will set serial number as computer name). azure AD registerd to hybrid azure joined. 3. Also noticed REALLY old model machines from 2013-2016 that use TPM chip 1. intunewin package by running the "makeapp. Enter your PowerShell script to rename the Computer Account meeting As everyone knows, renaming a hybrid joined device is not supported. Currently, when renaming a PC the change is not reflected in Azure. You can only set a prefix, then it will assign a Right-click on the OU where your hybrid devices will be joined to the domain, and select delegate control: Add the service account you want to use to rename the devices: Select Create a custom task to delegate: Select only The hard part of using a script to change the computer name is that it normally requires both local and domain credentials to rename the machine, which can be a pita to secure in your script. The task sequence uploads the hardware hash and includes the deployment profile. Can someone help me understand what the best practice is when it comes to renaming an AD/Azure Hybrid joined PC. m. Type a user name, such as User01 or Domain01\User01, or enter a PSCredential object, such as one generated by the Get-Credential cmdlet. Hybrid Azure AD Join. . When you use the NewName parameter, this option is set automatically. Note that you will probably want to customize the RenameComputer. I am trying to use what you've suggested to rename our Microsoft Entra hybrid joined computers. I am planning to rename some of the AD user accounts (some of them have been created million years ago and not following up with standards, but office accounts are When I move the computer to the OU with InTune GP attached to it, it sets up InTune, and does everything I have setup for it, and everything is good. If the computer objects of the devices you want to be Microsoft Entra hybrid joined belong to specific organizational units (OUs), configure the correct OUs to sync in Microsoft Entra Connect. I found I used that script as a base to allow computers to rename themselves just like that. I tried to delete the one that is Azure AD joined and keep the hybrid one but I cannot delete Autopilot devices. I can able to do it using Rename-Computer -ComputerName "localhost" -NewName Rename a device. In this post I am showcasing the power of ConfigMgr Task Sequence to change the computer name. Click Next to finish the Wizard. Per Microsoft, renaming hybrid devices is not yet supported: Choose I removed Bitlocker encryption and went into BIOS and disabled the TPM Chip. I tried adding Read-host parameters in PowerShell but the package Renaming Autopilot Hybrid Joined PCs All, Out of the box I understand that it is not possible to use a prefix and environment variable such as %Serial% when hybrid domain joining PC's. that is adding one more query . Obviously this is not a solution, but interesting to see the link. We only can set computer name prefix and the remaining 15 characters are randomly generated after the prefix. Task sequence syspreps computer and when complete is ready for enrollment. I am not 100% sure if this is also applicable for Hybrid devices. Hello Expert, After renaming of Hybrid azure ad devices ,Double computer name entries found in AAD console and device is MDM intune managed also, How to remove duplicate entries issue in AAD. Explicit credentials are required to rename a computer that is joined to a domain. Rename Hybrid Joined Computers deployed via Autopilot Traditionally, IT pros spend a lot of time building and customizing images that will later be deployed to devices. Use the Rename action to give your device a new name. Changing Computer Name for Hybrid Azure AD Joined - If the computer is joined to a Domain you need to specify an account on the Domain (with suitable permissions) in DomainCredential, the local administrator account will not work here. For me I needed to input device names instead of dynamically generated names. Windows Autopilot introduces a new approach. I found a nice blog from Michael Niehaus Renaming Autopilot-deployed Hybrid Azure AD Join devices – Out of Office Hours (oofhours. For a hybrid state to be valid, a valid Azure AD user also is required. Confirmed AAD Sync is functioning properly on our on-prem device. Hi All, I'm using a Azure Hybrid AD configuration and trying to rename computers with the following naming convention but it doesn't work. Delegate the “self” account rights to rename computers on your workstation OU, and then you can run the script as system. Sign into Intune with an Application Administrator account. With more and more organisations around embracing management through Endpoint Manager/Intune and using provisioning technologies like Autopilot, sometimes small things like the computer naming conventions can be overlooked. active-directory-gpo, microsoft-azure, question. To learn more about how to sync computer objects by using Microsoft Entra Connect, see Organizational unit–based filtering. Thanks @ctd for pointing me in the right direction. Prerequisite. If you’re a hybrid-joined device, you’re in bad Yes @JFP is absolutely correct (and yes this is not a PSADT question),. One of the feature IT pros miss today (at the time of this post) is the standardization of the Computer Names when using Autopilot for Hybrid scenarios. Another blog post on the subject of Hybrid Azure AD joined devices that have been provisioned using Windows Autopilot. In this example I am using a Rename a device with Microsoft Intune | Microsoft Learn What happens if you have an AD joined device that has been hybrid joined to Intune and you I read something that if you delegate computer object the right to rename itself you can do so via WMI command and it will update itself on azure and work okay. If you are trying to rename workgroup joined devices, there is no need to use the “-DomainCredential” parameter. Then, when You know what changed in the register, you can reverse-eng that and You can change the registry from C#, like below (this is what I found in my system, I think ComputerName needs to be in capital letters but this is Sample app for renaming a Hybrid Azure AD joined (AD-joined) device after an Autopilot deployment. The devices show as the correct names in our on-prem AD server, but I’m concerned about potential issues surrounding the inconsistent naming. Reply reply Rename Computer Detection Script; Rename Computer Remediation Script; Deploying Remediation for Rename Computer in Intune; Why are Naming Conventions an Issue? We should start by covering the specific issue at hand. After the computers complete autopilot hybrid process they join to a staging ou ( in my case the name of the ou is autopilot) We need rename them since the naming is quite limited in intune autopilot hybrid and moving them to the appropriate site by their name. You will have to remove the device from Hybrid Azure AD join, rename it Hello, renaming computers in Hybrid environment is not supported by Intune. If You want to change the computer's name, You can try to do it in Windows settings and check regedit what values changed. "Hello, renaming computers in Hybrid environment is not supported by Intune. To enroll devices into Intune/Microsoft Endpoint Manager devices need to be Hybrid AAD joined or Azure AD joined. Naming Hybrid Joined devices during autopilot has always been very limited. Manager; Navigate to Devices > Windows > PowerShell Scripts then click the +Add button ; Name your script, I'm using "Rename Computer" for this example, click next to continue Select the RenameComputer. Sample app for renaming a Hybrid Azure AD joined (AD-joined) device after an Autopilot deployment. Posted on September 30, Enter your PowerShell script to rename the Computer Account meeting company requirements. If I have several computers listed there, I can sometimes recognize better as a user, which device it is, In this post, let’s see how to set Computer Name during Windows Autopilot. I've heard it's tricky with Hybrid AD, but what I'm after is being able to autopilot a device, enrol it in Intune, and have custom set the computer I've started to work on a brand new hybrid joined scenario last week and I'm still very new to the Intune/Autopilot scene. For example computers having UK letters Microsoft Entra hybrid joined devices cannot be renamed using an autopilot profile as the device would lose trust with the domain controller. This scenario will apply to both Azure AD, and Hybrid AD joined Autopilot deployments. Rename Hybrid Joined Devices. This computer (Laptop) is connected to Domain through VPN when the user is working from remote location, so it has linked VPN certificate with the existing Has anyone else encountered the issue whereby when the 24H2 update installs on a hybrid-joined machine (Intune / local AD), the trust relationship with the local AD becomes broken, and the only way to log into the machine is using a local admin account (if one exists), and then repair the trust using the Test-ComputerSecureChannel -Repair command? 2. I have also written a blog post about a naming convention Intune. You signed in with another tab or window. Please let me know if you need more help. The “Rename device” setting is currently disabled for Hybrid Azure AD joined devices. Type a user name, such as User01 or Domain01\User01, If OP changes the device OU so that "Self" has write permissions it should work. But you can find my blog post here: Add computer accounts to a specific active directory group to assign share permissions or grant auto enrollment on specific certificate template. However, I’m encountering a couple of challenges: I am restricted to using a prefix of up to 12 characters, with the last 3 being random, which may result in duplication issues. How to rename Windows 10 devices in Intune using PowerShell - MSEndpointMgr. @Richkm Thanks for your quick response. You will have to remove the device from Hybrid Azure AD join, rename it and join it again. windows. I have a script that reads the serial numbers from a . There is some more on the topic at the links below, rename the computer, and after a reboot it Hello I have been trying to rename our Hybrid Joined Windows devices to the corporate naming convention (M-*year*-*inventory number*) But the rename computer requires authentication so it has to be run attended. Ultimately, no, you cannot use Graph to do this because AAD doesn't own the identity of a hybrid AAD joined endpoint. Sign in to the Microsoft Intune admin center. I utilize a rename script during enrollment for my HAADJ machines. The Rename-Computer cmdlet renames the local computer or a remote computer. net”. ps1 script to add your own naming logic, then build a new As you might be aware, it is not possible to name the computer during Autopilot deployment when doing a Hybrid Azure AD Autopilot deployment. Cloud Computing & SaaS. I updated our firewall rules to not decrypt traffic to this URL and the renaming once again works (it stopped working after KB5018421 was installed). Hello, I’m currently facing an issue and need some clarification. For a workgroup machine (which is nearly impossible to do with Autopilot), you can just change the name and reboot. As you may have figured by now, this scenario even though it’s not in preview any longer, it sure I am in a Hybrid Environment, and I first create a computer object in AD and then I log into a new machine with either the Admin Credentials or the User Credentials, and after Autopilot has completed, and AD Sync creates the new object, I am unable to rename the computer with the correct naming convention of my company. That should be possible (after GPO settings are configured as Intune policies) if we start managing them with Intune now, wipe them and have them added to autopilot configured for Azure AD join on either the new tenant or renamed existing tenant. Rename-Computer -NewName "JiteshWin11New" -DomainCredential HTMD\Jitesh01 -Restart Rename Windows 11 Cloud Hey all, we're in the process of transitioning away from hybrid - joined machines to AAD only deployed through Autopilot. ps1 file Scripts to rename workstation they are prepared by Intune Autopilot in Hybrid Azure AD Join. Hi All, There is a requirement to rename a computer already joined to a Domain to a new name. You’ve probably hit the limitation with Windows Autopilot Hybrid Azure AD Join deployments and the device name templates being less than flexible, restricting to only a prefix and, well, that’s it. Reply I'm having an issue where I have a computer that was previously assigned to another user (we name our computers based upon the username of the individual assigned to it). Renames computer with prefix+serial number. App renaming device based on Device Name from Windows Autopilot devices list. Reload to refresh your session. What happened prior is that they used the previous admin account to rename the computer with the "Rename-Computer" Powershell command. If you use the Rename-Computer cmdlet to rename the computer, but do not restart the computer to make the change effective, you can use this parameter to join the computer to a domain with its new name. Renewing machine cert after hybrid joined device rename . Hello , I wants to renaming the Hybrid Azure autopilot that main goal using Powershell script. Serial numbers are assigned to students of a grade. com) about generating custom auto-generated computer names for hybrid join devices. In this post, I will rely only on the inbuilt functionality of For Hybrid AADJ, you can specify a computer naming prefix as part of the Domain Join object that you define in Intune. I use something similar via SCCM to rename our Autopilot Hybrid joined devices. Deployment mode: Select User-Driven, or Self-Deploying, as both option can be used in combination with applying a computer name template; Join to Azure AD as: Select Azure AD – The domain user name and password are required if you rename the domain-joined Windows 11 or Cloud PCs. Rolling back the update is the only work around I have found. For hybrid Azure AD joined devices, we can only specific the prefix for the device name and other 15 Hybrid join device rename in Intune - Automated Being in a hybrid environment with Intune has its challenges when it comes to device naming, you cannot use the built in template to set anything I'm trying to rename freshly deployed hybrid joined autopilot device and when running: Rename-Computer -NewName WOR001. We have this laptop that is domain joined and the computer name is - for an instance 'Office-Laptop001'. can't use Graph. I know there is a ton of information about how you can't rename PCs (other than the basic prefix plus random) while hybrid joining pcs with autopilot. Running on Windows 10 21H2. cmd" file from a command prompt. You switched accounts on another tab or window. The rest of the computer name is generated by appending more randomly-generated characters and It then uses the Rename-Computer cmdlet to rename the computer and restart it. will it propagate properly to on Prem ad. No one knows this as it is not a true statement. Once the process has been done and the device is domain joined, it receives a randomized computer name which IT obviously wants to change to their name conventions. Hello everyone, I'm facing an issue while attempting to rename a Windows device within a hybrid environment. ; Choose Devices > All devices > choose a device > > Rename Hybrid Joined Computers deployed via Autopilot. For hybrid scenario, there is no such method to set serial number as computer name while doing autopilot process. It might be the way it works and I must keep 2 devices? Hey has anyone had any luck with using Michael Niehaus renaming script in the below link, and modifying so that it can work on new autopilot hybrid domain joined machines and machine resets for existing machines? I edited the script to use our naming convention "Prefix+ Get-WmiObject win32_bios | select -expand serialnumber" I am trying to troubleshoot why a user with "Account Operator" rights cannot change the name of a domain-joined computer, In theory the account operators should only need to be able to rename computers and unlock accounts in a handful of OUs, so this is do-able. Fail to rename computer 'TEST' to 'PROD-112233' due to the following exception: Access is denied. As @Rahul Jindal [MVP] and @Marcin Policht mentioned, currently, there is no such way to perform migration without deregistering the joined devices, because it does need to disconnect the devices from Entra ID and then do Hi All, Need some advice on Windows autopiloting which is successful for Azure AD join and Hybrid AAD join type. I keep getting following error: Rename-Computer : Fail to rename computer 'AUTOPILOT' to 'WOR001' due to the following exception: The hostname is already taken by another device. We update the Device Name field in AutoPilot and reimage the PC however it retains the old computer name. Cleanup old computer objects. Instead, for a more reliable way to avoid that error, you could use a script to perform the rename, such as in these examples: Want to rename computer after or during Autopilot . Both of the devices registered on the same time and have the same names. If you already renamed the device but don't see its new name, the device might need to check in to Intune. r/kubernetes. AAD and Intune. Intune Joined System comment. Autopilot - Hybrid Azure AD - Computer rename . Our Palo Alto firewall was decrypting the rename traffic to Azure which is sent to “enterpriseregistration. From your description, I know you want to migrate Devices from Entra Joined to Entra Hybrid Join. If the answer was helpful to you, please accept it and, optionally, provide feedback so that other members in the community can benefit Updated 01/25/21 - You can now rename a co-managed device that is Azure AD joined. Kubernetes discussion Rename the pc its not working with hybrid azure join for autopilotHow can i do it For user laptops, we want to switch them from hybrid joined on the old domain to AADJ on the new domain. You cannot rename an HAADJ device from MEM The trick with this process is that it needs to be done with connectivity to a domain controller, and in the context of a user that has rights Renaming in the Company Portal is only valid within the Company Portal. In a non-hybrid environment, I This video demonstrates how to rename a computer that is part of active directory by logging into the computer with and domain administrator account then usi I've decided to review delegated permissions our branches have over Active Directory computer objects and reorganize things a bit. If the above still didn't met your requirement, the following is a link describe to use script to rename computer name, you To rename a remote computer, add the –ComputerName parameter to specify the name of the remote computer, and if the remote computer is joined to a domain, you can optionally specify domain So 1 device is Azure AD Join and the other device is Azure Hybrid domain joined which is the right device. Without a lot of work I doubt this can be performed with an Intunewin deployment (but I’d happily be proved wrong) However, as we are doing this rename successfully for our Hybrid Domain Joined machines, I’ll give you some tips from our experience, I’ll try and do this off the top of my head What to do when a Hybrid/Intune joined computer has a mainboard replacement? Win10 Hello, ran into some crazy issues with this Decrypt Device Clear TPM Rename to a new device in case old hostname is tied to old mainboard Manually delete old Intune records such as stale scheduled tasks and registry records Reboot I'm setting up Hybrid Join and have computers that I got enrolled in intune / autopilot joining our and then selects the last 8 characters and puts it together with LAB to form the new name before running the rename-computer cmdlet. That was the best have been able to do so far. MDM Enrollment We have a hybrid join system too, and I just “don’t care” about the computer cert name; ours is mismatched too after the rename we perform during PROVISIONTS. " I am guessing this is due to the script running as DOMAIN\SYSTEM. Hi Andy1192. From the user's perspective, it only takes a few simple operations to make their device ready to use. Autopilot puts them in a single OU in AD. How can I identify and I Renamed a hybrid joined device today and discovered that yes it changed the computer name on the device and in intune but not in Active directory so the trust relationship between with the domain controller is gone. I know there are a lot of articles out there, but I do have a little bit different situation. Of all the tasks, renaming a computer should be the most mundane task to accomplish but it seems to be a major hurdle. Devices – Enroll devices – Devices - select device - Device Name field @Shekar C, Thanks for posting in Q&A. For the duplicate I have one "Hybrid Azure AD joined", the second is "Azure AD joined". You can automate this ok got it . 4: 296: June 10, 2021 Hybrid If you rename your computer locally by using the Rename-Computer cmdlet or the Windows – System – settings page, after it was already joined to Microsoft Entra ID (formerly Azure Active Directory or Azure AD), unfortunately the display name will not get renamed/updated and reflected automatically in the Azure portal under the Microsoft Entra ID – All devices blade. Wipe never worked for our hybrid joined machines or machine rename. My If the PowerShell script returns the value of a valid computer name, that string will be used to name the device. Hello, I have a Hybrid AAD deployment but am noticing that as I rename PCs, the new names do not appear in AAD. Accounts Configuration Service Provider Deploy hybrid Azure AD-joined devices by using Intune and Windows Autopilot. You signed out in another tab or window. Reply reply So I have hybrid AD infrastructure (My local AD is syncing with Azure AD) and we utilize Office 365. Now with the Hybrid AD and autopilot, the computer names are random. Intune Engineering is continuing to work with our Windows and Azure Active Directory teams to investigate this feature and restore it’s functionality within Intune. Logged back into windows and was able to rename the PC successfully and the rename also synced to Azure. The reason being the limited flexibility while creating the Domain Join configuration profile in Intune which is only allows a prefix followed by a random set of characters. One thing which stunned me is the fact that I need (according to lore all over the Internet) to grant Write All Properties to a security group in question over UO in which my computers are to rename the computer. Navigate to Apps > Windows and click Add. On the other hand, I have a system that is Azure AD Hybrid joined, and has Hello for Business setup on it, that has been used for a year or two.
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