Raspberry pi 3 chromium slow Mein PI ist ziemlich langsam. CPU and GPU are just a few percent. Clicking on the browser very slowly launches chromium, with a lot of cpu, then I eventually ask it to play a yourtube video which then maybe "just" works, but seems to show "sometimes" the same issues of the video pausing, and quick drop in cpu, and then The YouTube site in general runs very slow on the RPi compared to basically any other site though, guessing it's just a bit too heavy for it. , type a character in the address bar and wait many seconds for it to appear, or scroll a window and wait seconds for it to respond. but couldn't get Chromium for that. The system is up to date (update&upgrade) I used "top" to find out that swap was running out of free space evertime I used firefox with some tabs open wich contained very active webcontent (java) After augmentation of swapspace to 500MB (/etc/dphys-swapfile , standard is 100) at least raspian Hi, Ever since I got a Pi I've been overall pretty impressed with the performance. service 7. It reports 20x the read speed of my old USB Key on my computer. MGlolenstine Posts: 7 Joined: Wed Jun 17, 2020 7:01 am [Solved] RPi 4B very slow. txt: # uncomment if you get no picture on HDMI for a default Using the Raspberry Pi. internet very slow. I have a 8GB SD card in the pi and was wondering would a better card meke the performance a bit better. Extensive research indicated problem may be due to VNC system with headless Bullseye &/or chromium The 1GB one, after I load facebook on Chromium, is painfully slow. Thu Oct 20, 2016 9:50 pm . Raspberry Pi 3 Model B | Raspberry Pi 2 Model B. I had task manager open along with Chromium, and I watched the program window eat itself from top-to-bottom, because I suspect the computer ran out of resources or something. Some related threads suggest moving parts or all of these folders to RAM disk or a physical HDD or SSD. 5GHz to 1. Re: chromium mjpeg display slow. i get big block artifacts, like when a dvd is covered in dust. I'm using Raspberry Pi4s for a Kiosk system, up until recently it was based on Raspberry Pi OS 2021-01-11 with Chromium 86. However I have come across an odd issue and havent you need to use the standard chromium included with raspberry os, as that has been modified to use hardware acceleration. I suppose your 1080p30 video is displayed in a large screen area. 8GHz and basically makes no difference. I can't even watch a Youtube video or Twitch stream without lag or buffering. 14, have a very bad performance on youtube. when you get a new one come back and we'll guide ya' Suggested parts list: 1. What I want to know is, where's the bottleneck in the Pi? The Pi is extremely slow loading termimnal and other apps. 2 runs the standard Raspian Stretch distro and is fully updated. Raspberry Pi Engineer & Forum Moderator Posts: 7965 Joined: Wed Aug 17, 2011 7:41 pm Location: Cambridge. E. ). 7. Chromium would probably be even slower than Kodi on a PiB. Everything OK and working at a normal speed except very slow chromium browser - so bad it was unusable. My Raspberry Pi 3b+ runs incredibly slow. Enabled VNC in raspi-config Installed Java 11 (openjdk-11-jre) Installed putty Chromium is absolutely unusable. 406-Windows 10. My system: Headless RPi4 8GB / fully updated Bullseye 2022-01-28 Raspberry PI OS / Class 10 speed SD card / gigabit ethernet network / VNC. service 16. I can barely browse a webpage in chromium (takes about 30s to load the app, and then theres Using the Raspberry Pi. 2 drive which is WD Blue. I found it impossible to use on a Pi Zero, just about ok on a Pi3 and runs pretty well on Today I started Chromium and I noticed lag while scrolling. It occasionally freezes up, and ha What type of sdcard do you have? Slow boots and slow application load times are probably due to slow disk access. It only had 1 GB of RAM so I thought maybe it was Using the Raspberry Pi. at least 60GB SSD (Solid State Drive), any brand will do. Re: RPi Zero 2 W - What to realistically expect in terms of performance. I've finally got around to setting up my Raspberry Pi. Pi 3b+ insanely slow performance. Pi becomes sluggish after a few hours, SD over-active - kiosk/chromium [Edited] 3 posts • Page 1 of 1. There is a well documented problem in that scenario, where certain apps (for example Chromium) are extremely slow. We use optional cookies, as detailed in our cookie policy, to remember your settings and understand how you use our website. Sun Feb 04, 2024 4:12 pm . Every letter appears after a few second I press the keyboard button. Hi! I am displaying a mjpeg stram directly in chromium on a Pi3. Now, after upgrading the base image to Raspberry Pi OS 2021-03-04 (which ships with Chromium 88), webpages are much slower and I can also see chromium-browser use more CPU when checking with "top". config/chromium and . Exactly how much current (mA) the Raspberry Pi requires is dependent on what you connect to it. The CPU has I am using Python + Selenium + Chromium (headless) for web scraping in Raspberry Pi 3 Model B Rev 1. net in raspbian and only get a max of around 60Mbps while on a normal computer plugged into the same switch reaches up to 180Mbps is there any reason for this A Raspberry Pi case that acts as a heat sink; Raspberry Pi fan pins; How to check Raspberry Pi CPU temperature; I would suggest checking your CPU temperature – which you can do with a program that comes with the Raspberry Pi OS. I’m going to My Pi 3 B V1. Pi froze a lot when browsing. i then placed the sd in my computer, and played the file from the sd My system: Headless RPi4 8GB / fully updated Bullseye 2022-01-28 Raspberry PI OS / Class 10 speed SD card / gigabit ethernet network / VNC. Device doesn’t appear to be hot. I got my 3B+ two days ago, and while the machine in spiffy in background tasks, loading fast etc, the desktop experience is below par, particularly when it comes to accelerated graphics, e. I'm running the 64bit RPi OS, and it's fully updated. pidd Posts: 6331 Joined: Fri May 29, 2020 8:29 pm Location: Wirral, UK. I think I will try a pi 3 and remove the Ethernet port and the Double USB hubs and try and solder on just two micro USB ports to get a thinner Hallo, ich habe mal ne Frage. The nearest you'll get to Chrome on the Pi is the open source Chromium. Problem Description I have a Raspberry Pi3 with a small 480x320 LCD connected via SPI running Moode, an audio network player built upon Debian. When the web page gets larger, loading is slow, even after I overclocked it to 1 GHz. I've been trying to get my RPi 4b working well, but to no avail. Dropping the resolution to 1080p greatly improves the responsiveness of the interface but it is not much better than a raspberry 3 (if at all). 568s nmbd. 971s It's so slow that it can't open YouTube in Chromium. Please check whether your power supply is powerful enough. 3 posts • Page 1 of 1. Is the issue due to the latest OS running slow on Pi 3 models ? If so We use some essential cookies to make our website work. 195s openmediavault-engined. Try upgrading the system with sudo apt-get update && sudo apt Check it off and restart chromium and the problem is resolved. On an Android phone with a 1 GHz CPU, the web page loading seems much faster. Raspberry Pi 3 Model B+ (RPi3B+) 2. Raspberry Pi OS Browser is SLOW . After it finishes the SD should work properly in ur 3b+. It is connected to my HD TV via HDMI. I had the same problem with my RPi 3+ with a SSD as maindrive. Hi, Ever since I got a Pi I've been overall pretty impressed with the performance. dbees Posts: 1 Joined: Fri Jan 29, 2021 7:58 pm. And I sometimes get the message that the Chromium process isn't working and do I want to end it. 2 box booting and running Bullseye from an SSD (I copied the I found that Raspberry Imager and Chromium are very very slow on: VNC-Viewer-6. So when I move the bullseye installed sdcard from the Raspberry Pi 3 to the Raspberry Pi 4, I could vnc into it and Chromium works. kip_the_elder Posts: 1657 Joined: Mon May 03, 2021 3:49 pm Using the Raspberry Pi. 406s plexmediaserver. As others have said, the problem isn't SoC performance, it's the limited RAM on the Zero models. 6; Raspbian 64 bit kernel Chromium: 12. . I used Advanced options to configure the system (username, password Raspberry Pi 4 My Raspberry has a problem with the speed of text symbols and graphic changes displaying on the screen. Fri Oct 21, 2016 11:23 am . I installed the latest Raspberry PI OS on my Raspberry PI 3 model 1. As soon as I start Firefox or Chromium browser, it's awfully slow. Hi, I have out together an image that I am using across seven PI zeros. Youtube playback very slow in RPI4 2GB. 761s bluetooth. I was getting 300 mbps down and 50 up. On a Model B 512 MB Pi with Raspbian “wheezy”, I have tried Midori, Chromium and Iceweasel. 14. Re: My Pi 2 keeps getting slower. perhaps the complexity of websites have increased lately, or chromium has just become more heavy. Lineage OS was tested on my Raspad 3 which houses a Pi 4 8gb as well. Tue Sep 26, 2023 3:48 pm . I am using Raspberry Pi OS (32-bit) with desktop, without the recommended software. This one suggests a Raspberry Pi Zero 2 W slow Chromium internet fix. No other apps are running and I've tried it on Chromium and Firefox. We use some essential cookies to make our website work. Now I was using my Raspberry Pi 4 8GB Model in a Argon one case with m. ejwjohn Posts: 259 Joined: Fri Apr 01, 2016 9:14 am. It occasionally freezes up, and ha The Raspberry Pi 3 is powered by a +5. Your reference to "256GPU" is confusing - do you mean that it's a Pi with 256Mb of memory or you've requested that 256Mb of the memory be reserved for GPU use? The Raspberry Pi SBC 1B is similar to a Zero, therefore We use some essential cookies to make our website work. It occasionally freezes up, and ha Someone broke the SD Card slot so I installed Raspbien 64 bit on a USB Key (no name). IN addition, ALL programs have been crashing at the worst possible times. I tried switching browsers, Chromium to Firefox, and that helped some. chromium, epiphany, kweb3. Running speedtest-cli shows > 20Mb/s. 5GHz max clock. Pi Zero unreasonably slow for 1GHz CPU? 19 posts • Page 1 of 1 it is not as slow as Chromium but is has less features. overclocking is a double edge, you think it would be faster, but going to far beyond the default can make the cpu unstable, it needs more power leaving less energy for other parts, it's all about balance, other parts have to Web browsing on the raspberry pi 3 has become rather dreadful with a later version of raspbian. Chromium doesn't work and it blinks black and white. GuiPoM Posts: 15 Joined: Sat Aug 08, 2015 9:20 pm. I tested it by writing the default (2020-04-04) 32-bit Raspberry Pi OS Bullseye with desktop image to a 16GB card with Raspberry Pi Imager (v1. RPi 3 B+ slow after new Bullseye install. 2 Mb/s download speed. Example Imager: Choose OS option takes 5 seconds to show the new window. TheJokerz Posts: 2 Same with any application really, I have the same issue with chromium. I had a Pi 2 or Pi 3 previously that had the exact same issue. After the software update, as recommended by the system. Try tuning the GPU RAM down to just what's needed to run the GUI. Horrible user experience. If I clear Chromium's cache and site data things improve for a while until the problems return. But when I move it back to the Raspberry Pi 3 it response the same as before. Re: Pi 3 painfully slow (Raspbian) Sat Oct 21, 2017 9:58 pm Hi Everyone, Looking for help with my pi. MaxK1 Posts: 1043 Joined: Sun Aug 26, 2012 11:34 pm. 2). I'm running chromium (3 tabs open), htop, and I have a vnc session running. it kept crashing when trying to re-open Midori. Thu Jul 23, 2020 9:13 pm . I'm using an official power I just bought a raspberry pi 3 b+ and it was running a bit slow. 4 posts • Page 1 of 1. I'm new to raspberry pi, but from what I've read online, the performance I'm getting is abnormal. behrens Posts: 2 Joined: Fri Jul 05, 2024 12:52 pm. Sometimes I completely lose connection with the Pi when I'm browsing with it over a remote TeamViewer My Raspberry Pi 3 Model B freezes randomly. It freezes on Chromium when all that's open is 1 Chromium tab. Playing from Chromium. i am having a similar issue. As an example, I'm trying to stream Survivor from cbs. com, and it's practically unwatchable. Zwar nicht immer aber wenn ich den Browser "Chromium"(oder wie das heißt) verwende und das Terminal, dann hängt es mal Zwischendurch(und zwar ziehmlich). Changed Raspberry Pi Configuration to headless display 1024*768. 1V micro USB supply. 328s samba-ad-dc. RPI 4b Chromium - Slow to echo and scroll (but fast to get results) Mon Jun 13, 2022 3:13 pm . Cinnamon, i3, LXDE, LXQT, Mate, OpenBox and builds for ARM devices like the Raspberry Pi and the Pinebook. I eventually got Midori to re-open again, and closed the tabs. It can't play a Youtube video or Twitch stream without buffering. Fri Nov 25, 2016 8:22 am . Recently using Pi for browsing via Chromium. Wed Dec 26, 2012 11:04 am . Chromium version is 72 versus Chromium 65 in my old raspbian image that is working very good. It's the only one that has accelerated video, and only in chromium too The latest Raspbian Stretch with desktop Image April 2019 Release date:2019-04-08 Kernel version:4. Ensure you use an official Raspberry Pi power adapter that provides at least 5V and 3A for most models. put the sd in the pi 4, tried to play a video, failed. CPU window at time of freeze is typically around 45-55%. Re: Pi 3 painfully slow (Raspbian) Chromium. Pi Froze while Browsing in Chromium, Ate up Swap Memory? 7 posts 2022 5:20 pm . There is a special edition of chromium with all the media plugins pre-installed but even an overclocked pi 4 struggles above 720p youtube content. The Chromium Web Browser on the Raspberry Pi Operating System is overall usable. Raspberry Pi Engineer & Forum Moderator Posts: 8063 Joined: Wed Aug 17, 2011 7:41 pm Location: Cambridge. Troubleshooting [Solved] RPi 4B very slow. 5a power supply) (even I try with just 1 Using the Raspberry Pi. [This is not an official forum. terribleted Posts: 1813 Joined: Tue Oct 06, 2020 8:07 pm. Troubleshooting - 2GB RAM I'm here looking for a solution to a possibly related problem. 2B to start with a new installation. It was better when I reduced my screen resolution but still not the best. The networking of the Pi is capable. 63 I'm using Raspberry Pi4s for a Kiosk system, up until recently it was based on Raspberry Pi OS 2021-01-11 with Chromium 86. There is plenty of memory free with Chromium running. mcury85 dropping to 480 when my network is slow. Troubleshooting. Simply launch my Pi-Apps Raspberry Pi app store, go to the Internet category, select "Back to Chromium v78", and click Install. I can stream 10 cameras using ffplay for 24/7 without freezing, not If you try and run Node-RED AND use browser on same machine to edit/view then things slow up as machine tends to run out of resources as Chromium is big hog And this goes double for 512MB Pi like yours Raspberry Pi Engineer & Forum Moderator Posts: 6513 Joined: Fri Jul 29, 2011 5:36 pm. It's just that Chromium on RPi has not been made A few days ago I noticed that Chromium was running very slowly on both my RPi4's, the 4gb and the 8gb versions. If I take the swap sdcard with a Stretch OS runs muuuuch faster. Using official Raspbian images, 32-bit OS (also tried 64-bit OS, but it didn't fix the issue). 5A power supply from a reputable retailer will provide you with ample power to run your Raspberry Pi. 13 posts 2024 6:24 pm . config. 98-v7+ #1200 SMP Tue Feb 12 20:27:48 GMT 2019 armv7l GNU/Linux not OK youtube performance. And its extremely sluggish and slow ,chromium take a sluggish approach to open ,the apt update is done so slow and just the whole reponsiveness is very-very sluggish and slow I will be on the Raspberry Pi stand at Embedded World '25. Stand 138 in Hall 3A. 21. Also if you’re YouTube Full HD 1080p, full screen mode, is slow on my Raspberry Pi 4, with severe frame drop and video tearing. It takes minutes, with the activity light being permanently on, to load just three browser tabs. Raspberry Pi 3 slow stream video and even more slow in local. The role of each is pretty straightforward in that it boots directly into chromium and displays a simple webpage for use in a school. your sd card is slow rpi to hot throttling suggestions: needs 5v 3a power usb 3 flash drive or adapter + ssd heatsinks & fan. If you're attempting to download from the Chrome site, the Linux versions available are for x86 hardware and thus won't I have a set up with 6 raspberry pi's (PI 3), and each of them has a 22 inch Dell touchscreen (HDMI / USB). My Raspberry Pi 4 with 4 GB and Arctic MX-5 thermal paste and a 24×24×12mm heatsink and a 60×60×25mm 12 V fan @ 5 V gets this numbers in Speedometer 2. I am running Raspberry Pi 4 with 8 GB of RAM (performance model). Sun Jun 25, 2023 1:44 pm . Avoid using phone chargers or your computer’s USB port, as they often don’t provide the consistent voltage needed. The display should show a local web page through Chromium running in kiosk mode, no window manager. I have tried rebooting several times and re-applying configuration like GPU memory, When using Chromium the raspberry pi-3 is stalling and freezing. Ollie_oliver internet very slow. Chromium is per default installed via snap (even a sudo apt install chromium only installs a snap shim). Linux raspberrypi 4. Mon Oct 03 I have no problems with the Chromium Web Browser with the Raspberry Pi Operating System 32 bit. I never had the problem of freezing. In my case, using a Raspberry Pi 4 Model B, the main Chromium gpu and renderer processes went down from ~160% and ~130% to under ~30% and 23% CPU usage (according to htop) after enabling hardware acceleration. Slow internet speed test in Chromium. 7; Raspbian 32 bit kernel Chromium: 12. This leads to the death of the memory card in the end, and Chromium is extremely slow, cursor lagging when i type (it comes 10-15 sec behind when I type) and when scrolling page, it is same. I have used Chromium on a Zero 2, but it was painfully slow. RPI 4b Chromium - Slow to echo and scroll (but fast to get results) 1 post • Page 1 of 1. Any ideas on how to make the browsers faster? If you *need* to use a browser in the pi and it is too slow now, your only Hi, I have the PI3b+ with Raspbian , but while I am using the chromium Browser, it is freezing suddenly when I have two or more tabs open. In the end it all comes down to how patent Try terminating services you don't need. Sat Mar 30, 2019 4:49 pm . This works ok as long as the images are small. If I run Chromium or VS Code and try to enter the address in the Chromium address bar or type the code in VS Code, it just starts a slow motion movie. I have a RPI Zero W 2 and I downloaded FireFox and it came with Chromium and they work but they are really slow. To compare, I Using the Raspberry Pi. I don't remember it being this bad before. Raspberry Pi Press. I am running raspbian on a Samsung EVO+ (which is supposedly faster than most SD cards. and i know the files are good, i copied the files from my computer to the sd ofthe raspberry pi 4. (raspberry pi 4 8gb with 2 x 256 ssd and canakit 3. EDIT: Overclocked the CPU from 1. Moonmarch Posts: 873 Joined: Thu Mar 07, 2019 1:34 am. We have found that purchasing a 2. Ich habe zwar ein I'm on a Pi 4B with 2GB and 64 bit Raspbian (installed 2 weeks ago through the Pi Imager) and I've tested default Chromium and the aviable Firefox version. Time to switch it on I see there other posts about folks having slow performance while using Chromium. I think I will try a pi 3 and remove the Ethernet port and the Double USB hubs and try and solder on just two micro USB ports to get a thinner Chromium kiosk mode slow to start without keyboard connected. The raspberry pi's are running a kiosk browser (chromium) which is displaying a webpage (html and javascript), sourced from a local server (cable connection). Then restart Chromium and you're back to an It's still not going to make a Raspberry Pi a "fast" computer, but it will reduce OS and file system lag to make it feel more responsive. To get updates every two seconds on the CPU temperature, you just run: Code: Select all pi@raspberrypi:~ $ systemd-analyze blame 19. I can't playback video in vlc (1080p h. kerry_s Posts: 8241 Joined: Thu Jan 30, 2020 7:14 pm. service 3. I finally got my 8GB 4b up and running in an Argon M. 0 Benchmark: Raspberry Pi OS 64 bit Chromium: 10. Help! Wed Sep 26, 2018 10:04 am . all video, from all sources is unwatchable, it's not just slow and choppy. Slow Pi 3 model b. Extensive research indicated problem may be due to VNC system with headless Bullseye &/or chromium Using the Raspberry Pi. Chris_G_Miller Posts: 24 Pi becomes sluggish after a few hours - kiosk/chromium [Edited] Sun Jun 30, 2019 9:21 am . Re: Chromium browser lags. After a couple of days' use, I've seen my Pi slow right down, rendering the Squid/Privoxy unuseable. i dont have another psu to try Firefox comes preinstalled, but is slow and produces errors on youtube playback (you can see them by starting firefrox from a terminal). I just got a brand new Raspberry Pi Zero Wireless starter kit. Even trying to edit text files is slow. Bump! Noob question. 8 posts • Page 1 of 1. I am using the official power adapter. service 5. The computer slowdowns will be more noticeable when the computer utilization is close to 100%. 6 posts • Page 1 of 1. Because for now browsing is awfully slow. ](/r Raspberry Pi Engineer & Forum Moderator Posts: 34486 Joined: Sat Jul 30, 2011 7:41 pm. Hello all. Everything is very slow, trying to play videos using Kodi for example. Raspberry Pi 4 (2GB) running RPi OS 64-bit (Debian 11) Stock Clocks, so 1. Opening more than a couple of tabs can lead the system into "swapping hell" as it swaps memory pages to the SD card. Local webpage is extremely slow, almost frozen. Chromium (even when sitting idle) seems to slow things down - Right now as I am writing this message my RPi is lagging Raspberry Pi Engineer & Forum Moderator Posts: 34473 Joined: Sat Jul 30, 2011 7:41 pm. Touch screen is not responsive. Worked fine. 9 posts • Page 1 of 1. It was horribly slow so I bought a Sandisk Ultra USB memory. I tried Chromium, and Using the Raspberry Pi. However, there is a solution, Thanks for all your help, and sorry for not being more specific, I am quite new to Raspberry Pi and this is my first post here. What is wrong? On your Raspberry pi 3 NOT 3b+, do sudo raspi-config, then select update. 2, and I am getting this issues: Poor performance in generally; Slow boots and slow application load times are probably due to slow disk access. chromium come from the Debian repository and chromium-browser from raspberry pi repository: Code: Select all being slower. However, I've been having this nagging problem with Chromium. I bought a Raspberry Pi 3 to use as a streaming media player, to replace an ancient Mac Mini that has gotten too slow for much of anything. This is a fresher raspbian install that is all the way up Using the Raspberry Pi. 978s proftpd. Re: RPi incredibly slow after Pixel upgrade. 325s php5-fpm. Following a comment from one of those older posts here I turned off the hardware aceleration on Chromium, but Exactly which "Pi B version"?** AIUI Chromium is very "memory hungry" and early Pi's were "single CPU" and had only 256/512Mb. Any Ideas why this is happening? droleary Posts: 174 Joined: Fri Feb 09, 2018 3:45 am Location: Minneapolis, MN USA. Now I do not expect the Raspberry Pi to compete with my windows 11 Laptop which is a Acer Nitro 5. RPI Zero W 2 web browser too slow. 926s dhcpcd. If you are accessing a website that will possibly require a faster computer, the slowdowns will happen. chromium mjpeg display slow. 5 posts • Page 1 of 1. It sometimes freezes on reboot causing reboot loops. 2; Raspbian ? bit kernel Firefox-ESR: 9. This as been going on since I got it, about 4 months ago. 714s mysql. Re: Enable hardware acceleration on chromium. The board is installed in a case and there are 2 heatsinks. The SD card had Noobs, I installed raspberry pi os (I have used Raspbian before) it installed updates (it was all pretty slow- 3 mbps even though I have 900 mbps service) so, it's all brand new and freshly installed, but, chromium will not run. I am using a raspberry pi 3 and just switched it with a 3b+ and on both my Ethernet speeds are very poor. video, html that has more javascript than usual, or basically, anything that requires a good graphics driver. Using the Raspberry Pi. So after the recent update(s) to the Raspberry Pi OS, my 4gb Pi4 has been running super slow. 065s hciuart. not measured) that Full KMS plus MESA 20. Youtube 1080p 30 fps . My intended use case is for game emulation, and Moonlight to stream my PC to my living room. Wed Mar 20, 2024 9:29 pm . Trying to open the stock chromium is a pain with scrolling being extremely slow and sluggish and youtube videos being unplayable even at 144p on a single tab. But this only works within limited screen areas (because of the copying of the decoded video in real time into the frame buffer). There is a special edition of chromium with all the media plugins pre-installed but even an overclocked pi (3) . Chromium works slowly, not only because it is a “raw” program, but also because it writes to a memory card all the time. As boot with my display connected every thing is fine in VNC viewer. FYI: chromium-browser does work on the Zero 2 for me, it's just unbearably slow (due to the limited RAM, as others have said). Hopefully your pi 3 B+ is not as bad as that, but 64 bit new operating system seems to have crept up from "improved" to "mandatory". Inkscape,GIMP, chromium, media players, games, PDF viewer By enabling GPU acceleration, the CPU usage should be much lower when playing supported videos (for example on YouTube). 264) without it looking like stop motion animation. g. Fri Feb 12, 2021 8:45 pm . Chromium is not supported on Rasberry Pi Model B. If I boot without display, Imager and As you can see the test results are very interesting. pidd Posts: 6312 Joined: Fri May 29, 2020 8:29 pm Thank you for the suggested test. No other heavy processes and no other devices attached to the PI. Beginners. e. Chromium performance. rpiMike Posts: 3375 Joined: Fri Aug 10, 2012 12:38 pm Location: Cumbria, UK. I am using chromium with speedtest. service 4. It is so slow it is unusable, I can't understand how this can be used to play Quake 3, I must have done something wrong, or have some kind of problem. 3 in Chromium v86 gives best results currently. Opened up 10 tabs at a time. When playing TV shows, the Pi has really jerky video and doesn't show in HD. reinhard. Joined: Wed Mar 20, 2024 9:19 pm. However the Raspbien is just as slow as before. Raspberry Pi 3B/3B+ Slow ethernet. cache/chromium bloat to hundreds of MB each. Network bandwidth test with Chromium towards Swedish server shows about 0. I have feeling (i. This may be somewhat related, but my issue seems to be more stability related. This is on Raspi 32bit. I tried Chromium and Firefox. kejrjlnosawflshnhynhxpltlujiwekkrmacupuunnbndyrapazudlhwvqqjdkuvcczvuvsgbojtcvrhsos