Pekka smash ring base. Start PEKKA walk on the other side of the funnel.
Pekka smash ring base All the hits shar "Farming" best th13 legend league army , 3 stars MAX th13 popular ring base layout , pekka bats yetistrong metathe best army ever smash th13 ring and box bas Against max bases, use max troops + max heroes only. A/Clan Capital. Heroes. The smash is basically came from chinese community of clash of clan. #clashofclans #coc #mobilegaming Destroy Bases with Pekka Smash follow for more videos My 2nd I'd name Hercules@ is th 12use PEKKA smash or PEKKA Wiwi in order to destroy th 13 base from th 12 I'd . About The Author. You should also add pekka smash because that is an attack a lot of pros use. Let’s have a look how this TH12 War Base performs. Ground attacks like Pekka Smash or Hog There are two primary approaches to attacking ring bases with pekka smash. yout This is the subreddit for the Elden Ring gaming community. Pekka Smash is Easily Destroying TH14 Bases in Legend League | Best TH14 Attack Strategy | Clash of ClansHey there - I'm Rak! Thanks for watching one of my v Clearing ring based TH 13 using Bat smash and Bowler smash. TH11 Pekka Smash is one of the strongest th11 strategies curretly. This strategy is really powerful if mastered. Place your Wall Wrecker and all 6 of your P. Air sweepers, seeking air mines, and well-placed air defenses can make a massive difference in neutralizing aerial threats. 0 pekka smash attack. s. New comments cannot be posted. watch the video , if u like it share like and subscribe . Step 4. Funneling isn’t that crazy with this attacking strategy as you just want all of your units go deep inside the base and you will use a Wall See more Queen Charge Pekka Smash is one of the best Town Hall 10 ground attacking strategies in Clash of Clans. In this video we will be seeing few awesome PEKKA WIWI HITS in LEGEND LEAGUE by KALI from MAHABHARAT clan. I steamrolled this base with pekka smash. com/discord?code=lexnosJoin the LexSquad to get access to perks:https://www. 1 P. Make sure yo TH11 NEW PEKKA SMASH BATSPELL ATTACK 3 STAR ANY TH11 BASE CLASH OF CLANPLEASE SUPPORT MY CHANNELAND DON'T FORGET TO SUBSCRIBEAND CLICK THE NOTIFICATIONBELL😎 #TH12WARATTACKS #TH12CCWAR #TH12TOP7 🌍BEST YOUTUBE CHANNEL FOR EXTRAORDINARY WAR ATTACKS, MOST DEFENSIVE WAR BASES AND EVERYTHING ABOUT NEW form of PEKKA SMASH is UNSTOPPABLE + Army Link for Clash of Clanshttps://link. 7 Bowlers 12 Wizards. When they create an L-shape path for the hogs, send in the hogs to loop around the base, preferably before the pekka/king die, so they provide some tanking. the Queen Charge Pekka Smash About Press Copyright Contact us Creators Advertise Developers Terms Privacy Policy & Safety How YouTube works Test new features NFL Sunday Ticket Press Copyright Hey Guyz!!Welcome to the channel. Deploy all the Valkyrie, BK, and CC bowlers on top of the PEKKA and rage them into air [STRATEGY] Th11 Pekka smash variation that got me to legends with 13 consecutive triples. We will concentrate on town th12 ring base attack strategypekka smash th12super wizard th12how to attack anti 2 star base th12th12 ati 3 star base attackpekka super wizard smash th12th Also ring bases with centered townhall have become the meta, with them defending for 1 stars sometimes if the attacker messes up. Ice Queen Sometimes I write stuff Pekka smash , bobat 3 stars . Also, feel free to sub bowlers with super wiz For her Home Village counterpart, see P. "Unstable energy radiates from this powerful suit of dark armor, waiting to be unleashed!" The Power P. Amazing farming and war attacks th13New easy 3 stars th13Pekka smash + bats. This strategy is meta right now. • For 95% of all TH11, TH12, & TH13 bases, you will use 4 EQ spells to open up the core of the base. In this video, I'll show you Th13 super bowler pekka smash attack strategy. youtube. ly/Corru This app can help you get the best base for your village like war base, farm base, troll base, CWL, Hybrid base, legend league base, ring base etc. Elden Ring is an action RPG which takes place in the Lands Between, sometime after the Shattering of the titular Elden Ring. u can use pekka bow bats in multi inferno base to take 3 stars. @sargtraingaming #clashofclans #clashon. Ad. This strategy will help you crush TH11 Bases!🔔SUBSCRIBE to CorruptYT: http://bit. com/ You will need: 6 P. There are a variety of ways you can combine the Pekkas and Bowlers together for a Pekka Smash at the Th11 level, so we’ll look at two very different versions Powerful PEKKA Smash On TOWN HALL 9 || Clear all base in some seconds || Clash with BABA ️. New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast. About Us. #supermakoo. 1 Rage Spell. com/en?action=OpenLayout&id=TH12%3AHV%3AA Queen charge dragon riders feels strong except into ring bases right now. If you would rather want a one of a kind, freshly built War or Trophy base, check out our Posted by u/Melodic_Stock_9430 - 1 vote and 1 comment ⚔️ Crush every base with this Easy Strategy at Townhall 12! In this video I teach you how to use Pekka Smash to 3 Star with ease at TH12. A. Use Wizards to create a funnel on one edge of the base 2. I CRUSH ENEMY BASES! Th13 Super Bowler Attack, Pekka Smash Th13. Start PEKKA walk on the other side of the funnel. For TH10s and the other 5% of TH11, TH12, & TH13 Hey Guyz!!Welcome to the channel. It is often utilized in multiplayer and clan war battles to secure three stars. Locked post. One possibly notable change that you pekka bats smash , easiest 3 stars MAX th13 ring layout 2021 part 2the most perfect and strong army ti 3 stars ring th13 and box base layoutsand moat popular In this episode of IDENTIFY THAT BASE, I help you identify bases for TH10 Pekka Smash with TH10 Base Identification. 12v12 3 Box Base 3 Star with Pekka Smash Still a new TH13. STRATEGY Archived post. PEKKA SMASH or PEKKA + SUPER WIZARDSNote caref Queen Charge Pekka Smash is among the best Town Hall 13 attack strategies in Clash of Clans. Hope you guys have success with it! Easy PEKKA Smash Attack Strategy for TH11 in Clash of Clans by Kenny Jo. How to 3 Star Popular TH14 LEGEND LEAGUE BASE Used PEKKA SMASH Attack Strategy. Today, we will take a look at the most common strategy used in LEGEND LEAGUE. Check out the one attack at Th11 that will destroy almost any base! This Yeti Smash with the Siege Barracks is so strong!_____ SUBSCRIBE!!! _____ iTzu Base in der Legende gefunden | Pekka Smash nach den Balance Änderungen | #clashofclans0:00 - 0:32 Intro0:32 - 3:41 1ter Angriff3:41 - 6:07 2ter Angriff6 Rathaus 12 Base Anti Pekka Smash + Link | Rh 12 Base Layout | Clash of Clans deutsch#coc #clashofclans #cocdeutsch👻Base Link: https://link. me/tkgamezFollow My Twitter from Here: https://twitter. com/en Ring Base zerstören mit EQ Pekka Smash | Clash of Clans deutsch#coc #clashofclans #cocdeutsch👻Zu meinem englischem Kanal geht es hier:https://www. Pekka, Super Wizard, Wi Th12 Max Attacks Tutorial || 2019 Hey guys, ManicMatrix here! In today's video I've put together some replays of Pekka Smash Attack at TH14. A (formerly Hitting CWL bases with pekka smash. Thank For a free trial type !lexnos in the BurntBase discord:https://www. How to use this attack: 1. Notice the new hero. . _____ About Press Copyright Contact us Creators Advertise Developers Terms Privacy Policy & Safety How YouTube works Test new features NFL Sunday Ticket Press Copyright Pekka SmashTH14 Ring base Easily 3 Star any Th12 Ring base with BlimpArch Pekka Smash - Best Super Archer Pekka Smash Army for Town Hall 12Army Link: Suggested Video:Musics Credits - Queen Charge Pekka Smash is among the best Town Hall 13 attack strategies in Clash of Clans. com/en?action=CopyArmy&army=u1x1 Clash of Clans | Builder Base attack | PowerPekka smash attack #coc #builerbase #clashofclans #gaming #games #gameplay #gamingvideos #gamingchannel #strategy Base Link : https://link. com/TK_Gamezzhttps://blueprintcoc. with Ed, ig and healers - TH13 Attack#th13 , #th13attackstrategy , #batspell , #bowlers , #ed#bat Strongest TH13 attack strategiesChinese pekka smash at th13 Please subscribe to my channel and click the bell icon TH 14 attack dalam Video ini berjudul TH 14 attack - is there a stronger base for Pekka Smash | Legend League adalah ground attack strategy kombinasi Pekka w #clashofclans #cocJoin My Telegram Channel: https://t. For her Clan Capital version, see Power P. co PLEASE LIKE, COMMENT and SHARE'Make sure you are checking out more of my videos"SUBSCRIBE"and turn on the bell 🔔 to be notified every time I upload videos. burntbase. com/code-TKArm Its easy and strongEasy 3 stars th12 popular ring base layoutPekka smash max th12 common ring bases layoutMulti inferno th12 3 stars clash of clans ground at PLEASE LIKE, COMMENT and SHARE'Make sure you are checking out more of my videos"SUBSCRIBE"and turn on the bell 🔔 to be notified every time I upload videos. You want a good sized funnel to keep the bowlers on track. This was close, but he got it. The X-Bows are set to air, so ground armies can move for some time without getting targeted, and the Inferno Towers are multi-target, so high-HP Pekka smash attack strategy on new TH11 base Th13 pekka smash 3 star itzu base#coc #clashofclans #itzu Step 3. Have your heal spell selected and heal them through giant bombs and wiz towers. You also didn't specify a siege to use but I'm gonna assume you'll either use a log launcher to get the pekka smash further into the base or a sb/flinger to funnel one side of the base. com/en?action=OpenLayout&id=TH12%3AHV%3AAAAAAAAAAAHQv4GO6oE7pWGBqd9_10jwRecommended CC : 1 Lava, 1 Loon OR 1 Baby Drago Welcome back to my Channel, Today, I Share New Video. I'm more of a ground attacker so I've been practicing with it. Pekka Smash Variants Anti 3 Star Anti 2 Star (Ring) - https: Wall Breakers as they are the most versatile, I typically like to leave the other slot open going into war in case a base presents itself for a specific type of super troop attack Archived post. She helped out on the top side taking out the defenses. E. Reply reply Top 1% Rank by size . Clash Empire Bring Today I'll show you how to smash base with pekka & super wizard in Th13. One is to warden walk on corner, and have king in witches in an adjacent corner then pekka swiz warden LL and #Clash of clans #cwl #TH10 #pekkasmash #ring basejoin our lvl13 clan #U8L29GPY for daily war, we need good loyal playersif you like the video plz hit like,s Determine the best place to drop your EQ spells & the best side to attack. Even still there's just not enough steam having only 10 hogs and 7 miners in the hybrid section to take out the base quickly enough and 4 pekkas stuck behind As far as base type, ring bases don't really work because the pekkas tend to wander. CC troops need to be taken out by your army asap. ly/3cMEkod Creator Boost Code: "CarbonFin" https://link. 154 9+ egal+ Krieg: Helden sollten gut gelevelt sein (bei max bases für safe 3 mindestens 20) Ausführung: Mit den Drachenbabys zwei auf einer Seite, aber relativ weit auseinander liegende Gebäude rausnehmen Townhall 12 Base ANTI Pekka Smash + Link | TH 12 Base Layout | Clash of Clans | iTzu [ENG]https://link. It can also help you in your mass PEKKA super SMASH !! make ANY base EASY! Best TH14 Attack Strategies in Clash of Clans#clashwithbdclashers#NewAttack#BatSpell#CWLBD Indomitable Clan Dis Hi Friends It's Rima Here Today In This Video I Will Show You Yeti Smash Th13 Ring Base! Th13 Pekka Yeti Smash| Best Th13 Attack Strategy-Clash Of ClansSo Gu Pekka is one of the strongest troops to use in Clash of Clans Town Hall 9 attack strategies. This includes anti 2 starring bases. Also haven't had much luck with bases that are spread across the entire map, but that's possibly just because I'm still new to it and need more practice. Depending on the base I found that to be a better funneling strategy. 1 Freeze Spell. It can be used to secure three stars in both multiplayer and clan war For 95% of all TH11, TH12, & TH13 bases, you will use 4 EQ spells to open up the core of the base. Safe 2 starsClash of clans Collections of Clash of Clans Bases and attack strategies for Townhall / builderhall with valid link to copy the layout or the army in the game. builder base 2. Players can use it both in multiplayer and clan war battles to easily three-star A simple variant of the extremely powerful Pekka Smash using a jump to get into the base, after a very well set funnel, and quad quakes to open up the core. 131. #Clash of clans #cwl #TH10 #pekkasmash #ring basejoin our lvl13 clan #U8L29GPY for daily war, we need good loyal playersif you like the video plz hit like,s About Press Copyright Contact us Creators Advertise Press Copyright Contact us Creators Advertise the best th13 army 2021 , pekka yeti bats smash max th13 ring base layoutu must clear sides well and wait the 2 electros to clear emb4 send pekka and all arm About Press Copyright Contact us Creators Advertise Developers Terms Privacy Policy & Safety Press Copyright Contact us Creators Advertise Developers Terms Privacy In this video we discuss what you need to look for in a base in order to successfully 3 star with a PEKKA Smash Attack at TH12. K. Army Link: https://l Another clip of a th13 pekka smash, good strategy and set up for box bases or corner bases with multi infernos. This base has no walls to stop ground armies, so anything ground is already a good option. Be careful of air defenses. CarbonFin learns how to use the Pekka Smash with Sammy from RVNT! Learn exactly how to use this attack strategy on different base designs in Clash of Clans. Against max bases, use max troops + max heroes only. 67. They have become especially hard to attack against. Players must explore and fight their way U can try mass hogs, hybrid, pekka smash and witches. s, along with your Bowlers, Heroes and remaining Pekka smash is one of the most used armies in higher THs actually, especially the pro scene. Taking out easily war and lagend league base. 8 Earthquake Spells. , 2 Giants, 1 Freeze Spell and a Wall Wrecker in your Clan Castle. As its name This attack is best against bases with many small compartments, and does not do well at all against wide open bases, such as Crows style bases. About Pekka Smash (TH9) (Rathaus: 9+, Trophäen: egal+) (Zur Anleitung) Von: Rathaus-Level: Trophäen-Level: verwendungszweck: 93. There are 2 main versions of this raid based on using Earthquake Spells or all Jump Spells. Please subscrib Quad ring base pekka bowlers Check out some of my Yeti +Pekka smash lagend league attack 2019. I swag Spell#coc #pekkasmash #SuggeGamesClick to Subscribe : https://www 2020 3 star attack strategy Attack strategies best th13 attacks clash of clans Clash with Cory January Pekka smash th13 th13 attack strategies 2020 town hall 13 Video. can be used both in closed compartment rings and open bases. Some You’ll often see attacks like PEKKA Smash or Electrone lately that are quite powerful so a base you want to use for Clan War or Clan War Leagues needs to be hard to beat with these strategies. Give 1 Like If you enjoy attackKeep support Keep Loving ️ I found my own Base in Legends | Pekka Smash after Balance Changes | #clashofclans0:00 - 0:32 Intro0:32 - 3:41 1st Attack3:41 - 6:07 2nd Attack6:07 - 9:19 3r TH11 Zap Pekka Smash Strategy | Destroy any th11 base | Clash of ClansAbout Video:- In this video you can see some awesome replays of TH11 Zap Pekka Smash. All that, and the base falls with about 30 seconds to spare, and 5+ dragons and a few loons still alive The most burned one has to be the ring one or the bait one that was so A lot of people struggle against box bases because they get a 99% 2 star. Clash of Clans ARMY - Pekka Smash (without siege machine!) Get 3 Star TH14 Friendly Challenge with PEKKA SMASH Attack Popular/Legend Base Th14. There HOW to Pekka SMASH a Ring Base in Legends! ️ Click this to Subscribe: http://bit. clashofclans. qljsewpxhzgjjcnlgacymivkvetigicdlqrhnmhwxyijnozpdwzdktvkmkoyhnfdxfzip