Night fae mission table nerf. As a night fae, after the trapper nerf.
Night fae mission table nerf Tip / Guide Dream Weaver - Bottom Row This is great news. Under the Winter Queen's command is the Forest Commander (Droman), who acts as Blizzard has announced buffs to the Kyrian and Venthyr Adventurers for the Mission Table in Shadowlands, and announced a rework for Night Fae Ardenweald Trapper troop ability that were already hotfixed onto live servers. I cleared this using Dreamweaver and four Trappers. I wonder if they're going to "nerf" it. Warriors prefer Ventyr, Priest as well, locks and prot warriors prefer Necro, etc, but they are not performing even close as classes that have night fae as BiS. I don’t use any add-ons for missions and I am pretty happy with my general level of success from just eyeballing it. But unless you have set yourself up to achieve that specifically it takes an eternity to get to So if you’re looking to level a mission table on an alt just to generate gold you’re better off going for one of the latter covenants. Plus aucun mission xp depuis genre trois semaines. I'm pushing the missions actively on 4 characters (1 covenant each), and so far I haven't encountered a single mount mission I'll let you know the result in about 7 hours when the mission finishes, but the predictions were really promising. lev38 to beat it, that's why I said 30 seems low. I find night fae a little tough since the heals are not that great. The troops are so strong, its like playing horde for raid/mythic plus progression. The mission table was already In Night Fae’s case. Zemus-hyjal July 31, 2021, 3:03am 9. I’m in the same boat as Night Fae, there are four mounts and I’ve gotten three of them, the difficulty level (for NF) is Chittering Animite, Darkshell Gorm, bastion larion, and maldraxxus dog. " The mission shows both Adventure Campaign Progress and The Warstitched Mount as rewards. Now in patch 9. Players are reporting the Ardenweald Trapper troops have been nerfed, and while this doesn't mean they're not still incredibly Update post Venthyr Mission Table buffs from Jan 29th, 2021: Mission could be completed with an avg. I do feel that Necrolord and Night Fae mission tables are so much easier than Venthyr and Kyrian (Kyrian being far and away the With the Night Fae troops “Ardenweald Trapper” it is not an issue to do high lvl missions, and Ive pushed my table campaign mission to the 60 missions where you get mounts. They will just bait and switch shamelessly Blizzard has announced buffs to the Kyrian and Venthyr Adventurers for the Mission Table in Shadowlands, and announced a rework for Night Fae Ardenweald Trapper troop ability that were already hotfixed onto live servers. However after I got the last mission for the hyena I couldn’t defeat it. my mission table on my Night Fae Alt. 5 ? Currently : Kyrian heroes and troops are pathetic Leveling from 40-60 takes eons Many missions are impossible without specific hero (for all four covenants ) "Back in day " once heroes were leveled to max they could " 200% mission " most of the time,that is not the case with Shadowlands. a Kyrian can only get a mount mission for a Kyrian mount? or can a Kyrian get mis I got mine all 4 of them on Night Fae after the nerf. Once I got to the mount ones I thought “Nice, mounts” so I did one. Combined is 225,000 out of nearly 400,000 xp to reach level 60. The whole “advance the mission table” missions are a trick that actually makes it WORSE for you in the long term. This is the Actual Location of the Night Fae Mission Table Let me explain. and level 20 night fae followers can easily do level 60 missions. Setup was the following: Kota (46), Chalkyth (45), Dreamweaver (46) On a Night Fae Confirmed: Easy Night Fae "Breaching The Planes" Mission (Soul Ash command table mission). comments sorted by Best Top New Controversial Q&A Add a Comment im terrified that blizz will nerf nightfae trappers. 2 lvl 10 companions and lvl 8 troops doing a lvl 12 mission. My Kyrian faced similar struggles, but now that I have Mikanikos, I’m slowly progressing. The nerf to Night Fae trappers was quite obviously coming, but now with large buffs to Venthyr/Kyrian champions, it My Venthyr Mission Table Adventurers are 25/26, and I have tried every possible combination of my best characters I can, and have yet to see one that will succeed. The Command Table is unlocked as a Sanctum upgrade in your Covenant Sanctum. Not to mention that Blizzard in all their wisdom made the mission table SCALE WITH FOLLOWER LEVEL! Came back after about 5 months breakdecided to level a new toon and go night faeI’ve unlocked the command table at the sanctum but I have no idea where it is I read somewhere there are four mounts to get on the mission table missions, but I can’t find the source. Hello! So I had a mission on the command table in my NF covenant that had a reward that said something like "Campaign progress" this mission failed. 5 please consider buffing up the Mounts from the Adventure Table It has been known that four mounts would come from the Adventure Table, the Shadowlands equivalent to the mission table from past expansions. This is the position and the level of Companions used: CHALKYTH (50) GUARDIAN Blizzard has announced buffs to the Kyrian and Venthyr Adventurers for the Mission Table in Shadowlands, and announced a rework for Night Fae Ardenweald Trapper troop ability that were already hotfixed onto live servers. Trappers are so good, they'd be C-tier if they were companions. I think the general sentiment is: if you’re Night Fae and you’ve completed your 16 campaign missions and thus are no longer receiving XP missions but can’t complete max level missions, then you need to take each follower, pair them with the 4 trappers, and send them on suicide missions individually that will grant XP (1200-1500) per mission at 60 even if you don’t get the After starting off the expansion as the worst covenant for the mission table you are now pretty strong and have a good selection of companions to focus on. It is best used with Night fae and it can strugglebus through Necrolord, but it is pretty bad at calculating successful missions with Kyrian and Venthyr tables because their followers and troops suck so Night Fae Adventure Table. they know 10. They had to spend development time fixing that. Te'zan (lvl 37), 3. The difference in power of both champions and troops is just confusing. I will admit to continuing to farm mission tables on the mobile app, it's cuz my kids like helping set up "the battles" Since DF I've found: You can get enough anima each week from battles to self sustain and even level companions. From initial reports, it seems that the Ardenweald Trapper change appears to be a large nerf, leaving Night Fae players When you leave Oribos and get to the Covenant you settled on, go to the reservoir sanctum (e. From initial reports, it seems that the Ardenweald Trapper change appears to be a large nerf, leaving Night Fae players agree. Update post Venthyr Mission Table buffs from Jan 29th, 2021: Mission could be completed with an avg. The Covenant Sanctuary is the heart of the forest located in Ardenweald, and its boss is the Winter Queen. but if they nerf the tables it'l be a good idea to sit on the 10k pet for a bit and it will be See title, as the Night Fae trappers have been nerfed, what setup do you use now with best succes especially for the soul ash missions? Just glad I got all the mounts before the nerf. Night Fae got to completely cheese missions with just a single companion and 4 trappers. Same setup before the buff resulted in a loss with 50% enemy health remaining. Night Fae Covenant Companions. I had just switched to Night Fae before the expansion so I had two lvl 60 companions and grinded the rest. 29 Likes. Bit heavy handed on Blizzard has announced buffs to the Kyrian and Venthyr Adventurers for the Mission Table in Shadowlands, and announced a rework for Night Fae Ardenweald Trapper The one nerf we know about was in the form of their Bramble Trap ability cooldown being extended from 4 turns to 6, but there may have been more, as players are reporting actually failing missions! “Ardenweald Trapper change appears to be a large nerf, leaving Night Fae players in a weird spot as they are now unable to complete their high level missions. My Venthyr: Failed one mission, but that was me testing. 2 level 18 companions, level 13 troops. That said, the Over powered followers can cheese almost every mission, class abilities busted and outshine others leaving every other covenant in the dust. They are all 20 levels too high meaning there is no chance of success for weeks. Te'zan (lvl 42) , 2. The Kyrian Covenant Companions were a mix of durable combatants and fragile fighters who had As a night fae, after the trapper nerf. i have engi on my army This isn’t remotely true and the beta proved that as value stated the same outside of the dream weaver nerf. They usually nerf past expansion mission tables in to the ground once new expansion hits. to be frank, i dont think this is worth it at all since the nerf to gold missions. ” most my mission Might as well just delete the mission table for Night Fae. What is the deal with the night fae. While this tip was for Breach the Planes, it's helpful for any other Night Fae missions as well! feel more like they need to nerf night fae and necrolord too, level 30s completing level 60 missions is just hilarious Players from these covenants + a fast guide with "how to abuse Necro/Night Fae to win all mission table battles", can easily reach that high. but could someone please share the information, whether you need the When will people and Blizzard acknowledge how completely busted the Night fae covenant is? From Convoke mission tables wild shape AND its blink the damn seed that works in arena its representation in raids versus other covenants all of it shows how absolutely tilted the Shadowlands is towards Night Fae above all covenants. Venthyr and Kyrian Troops are really lacking compared to Night Fae and Necrolord Troops. There hasn't been a second nerf. Not really a "Stealth" nerf. So don’t waste your time thinking this will be like wod tables. I got 2x mounts from Conservatory so far. Shenkt-proudmoore December 22, 2020, 2020, 3:39am #2. For a level 18? Campaign Mission. you can get mounts from the Mission table. Its been 3 times that I stumble across a mount mission on the command table. I was able to do the other Soul Ash mission not using this strat: https: This is the 3rd of the 4 mission table mounts I have now acquired Only Talethi survived the mission (lvl 29) Layout: Gorgelimb(36) / Emeni(35) / Secutor Mevix(34) Plague Deviser Marileth(35) / Talethi(29) So as Night Fae since the nerf/bug fix to the Trappers - I've been playing around with this Campaign Mission doing all sorts of Let me start by saying I really enjoyed the mission table in shadowlands till this happened to me. She’s got level 30 Blizzard has announced buffs to the Kyrian and Venthyr Adventurers for the Mission Table in Shadowlands, and announced a rework for Night Fae Ardenweald Trapper troop ability that were already hotfixed onto live servers. You can have a total of 8 companions now. oh and I should add night fae is MILES better also My mission table on my Venthyr Main, vs. I just received the mission called "Campaign: Corpselice Catastrophe. Fellow goblins. What's the point of the mission table for Night Fae now? Comment by Recently I've started a challenge for myself where I'm going to be setting up 50 characters at lvl 60 with fully setup mission tables at rank 3 through the covenant sanctum. I only have 1 trapper maybe thats the problem? You’re complaining about table I’m probably late to this, but I’ve been grinding out tables like crazy lately and have some experience. But it's a good amount of work to setup and 30k isn't all that much. The devs once said they wanted to buff under-performers, not nerf high-performers. 2 times it was the maldraxxi type dog, and once it was the special mount exclusive to the table. Did the night fae command table get nerfed again? I sent 4 lvl 34 trappers and a lvl 35 meatball on a lvl 37 mission and nearly lost. said that their mission table is @ level 3. However now that i can get 60 elite missions, i never get lower level missions anymore which is a problem when i want to level new followers. resembling a satyr [2] It is a covenant group of various races such as Sylvar, Borkai resembling a dryad, Tyrnen, a type of ancient tree spirit, and Fairy, a small fairy. The mission tables added several missions with 9. I wanted to show you my set up with my level 20 Night Fae companion Dreamweaver and trappers to win this soul ash adventure (completed and recorded on Decemb Blizzard has announced buffs to the Kyrian and Venthyr Adventurers for the Mission Table in Shadowlands, and announced a rework for Night Fae Ardenweald Trapper troop ability that were already hotfixed onto live servers. I don't think I'm going crazy, It has to have gotten nerfed again. Whens the Night Fae Nerf coming? Community. Hopefully never, iam enjoying Night Fae greatly. From initial reports, it seems that the Ardenweald Trapper change appears to be a large nerf, leaving Night Fae players The mission tables added several missions with 9. Setup was the following: Kota (46), Chalkyth (45), Dreamweaver (46) On a Night Fae table that is fully upgraded. I got 4 night fae characters expected this nerf a month ago, you are just the typical clueless fun detected qq guy Based on the number of “nerf convoke” threads, if you PvP, definitely Night Fae. Zunedruid-sargeras. ALTHOUGH just because they reach it, it does not mean they can defeat it. But when I go to where the command table is supposed to be I don't see anything. It was literally impossible to fail with her, now almost every mission I use with the old "Dreamweaver x4" strat fails. Can we please get Bonus XP missions reinstated regardless of Campaign I joined the night fae covenant and in my sanctum upgrades it shows my Command table tier 1 as active. Ok I know this started out as pretty much a side thing in MoP with our personal farm, but Blizz has stuck to their conviction and kept on implementing mission tables in every expansion since. Is this true? Do you think a Kyrian can only get a mount mission for a Kyrian mount? or can a Kyrian get missions for all four mission table covenant mounts? I have absolutely given up on mission table on my Venthyr/Kyrian dudes. Much better. So, did a nerf to the Night Fae mission table go wide, or is Venture Plan lying to me? And here's how it worked before, as a level 27 Dreamweaver and 4 trappers take down a level It’s a problem for NF since every mission they have now is very high lvl due to winning the campaign missions easily. I realize the trappers were incredibly OP. they noticed people made some cash with tables since 9. First row: 1. Why are night fae troops so strong? Why are Kyrian troops and Venthyr troops All you gotta do after is blast through the mission table campaign by swapping covenants after completing each mission. The soul ash mission doesn't seem like it's worth the time and low chance of success. Setup your TLDR to 4 hour long maximum timer on missions as any progress and anima invested will be lost when you swap covenants and the first 12 campaign missions are 4 hours long. Gillmage-blackrock December 28, 2020, 3:08pm 1. That’s where everything went wrong. I’ve been doing exclusively Night Fae. Basically they got boosted to a high place and then Heck, nerfing Night Fae may reduce the usage of the Table far more than buffing Kyrian and Venthyr increases it — particularly since this round of buffs may still not be enough to bring these Covenants up to par. Was someone able to win as Night fae after the nerf of trappers? Completed the mission today, March 3rd 2021, as Night fae (after trapper nerfs). Having maxed all mission tables, I feel it's safe to say the major unbalance between the covenants tapers off significantly once you get to level 30-40 or so. There is an extreme imbalance in troop quality among covenants. Meatball (lvl 34) Second row: 4 En fae, ça fait presque 2 semaines que je peux plus faire de missions car mes troupes sont même pas 30 et j’ai plus que des missions 41+ Yes, ben en dehors de ça j’ai des missions 50-60, maintenant qu’ils nerf le truc j’vais plus rien rentrer comme mission sur la table hahaha. From initial reports, it seems that the Ardenweald Trapper change appears to be a large nerf, leaving Night Fae players If you are Night Fae, simply place any Adventurer on the bottom row and fill the remaining slots with Ardenweald Trappers. For 9. Sure you stop getting xp missions, we can't beat soul asg missions we outlvl by 15 lvls. I thought I’d build a couple tables to finish the xpac with and of course they nerfed the night fae tables to give out impossible missions at levels you are not able to complete. TLDR Missions, this isn't the best mission for running missions efficiently but it is the best missions for quickly sending out the missions you tell it to send out via a priority system. While I agree "fun detected" isn't the right answer, he did hit on a point. it doesn’t turn out that well even. Part of the problem is that some covenants are ridiculously overpowered at their mission table compared to others. 2 that are less reward and more difficult to beat. World of Warcraft on Reddit! Night Fae adventure table warning I, like many of the players in this covenant, utilized Dreamweaver and 4 trappers to complete difficult missions. My companions were:27 lvl Niya27 lvl Yira'lya23 lvl Dreamweaver24 lvl Kota 23 lvl Ardenweald Trapper. I get a couple from the mission table. Comment by phdcoder on 2021-01-30T08:05:05-06:00. Key Word: Slow My Necrolord character is doing great. Am I missing some quest I need to do to unlock use of the table? This is the 3rd of the 4 mission table mounts I have now acquired Only Talethi survived the mission (lvl 29) Layout: Schlingbein(36) / Emeni(35) / Secutor Mevix(34) Seuchenerfinder Marileth(35) / Talethi(29) So as Night Fae since the nerf/bug fix to the Trappers - I've been playing around with this Campaign Mission doing all sorts of Level 12 elite mission. I have 5 seeds so I need around 15 per we My Queens conservatory is now level 4 and I can’t seem to find enough spirits to keep it full. Because if they do, i will be unable to complete a single mission anymore as even the easiest of them hase over 10k hp and 800dmg, all of tehm are I started night fae and swapped venthyr. Since the night fae trappers USED TO BE so powerful on the mission table I was able to do the campaign missions with one Which is even more reason to suspect something was wrong with the balance and would be changed. The missions are After starting off the expansion as the worst covenant for the mission table you are now pretty strong and have a good selection of companions to focus on. My troops are level 31. similar to Night Fae and Kyrian - except instead of having a few big carries that do one job well, Venthyr have quite a few companions that excel in different circumstances. Night fae: double all ally damage and heal for 300. Night fae and necros can clear almost anything but the other 2 are complete garbage. Panic Room is a mission from ITS season 12 supplement which pushes both players toward the center of the table in an attempt to score points and flee from the upcoming biotechvore. Now after the nerf of the troops it’s impossible for me to complete the mission - lvl 60 and 8 enemies. downstairs in Heart of the Forest, Zayhad the Builder, Sanctum Upgrades, Night Fae) and spend Anima on the Command Table (3rd option in Night Fae) you only need level 1 to get the table happening but it's 1 x HOUR to finish the build. but, if ur gonna do it, this info should be helpful to you. I should be more than capable of clearing it with level 41s. Considering how Night Fae remained relatively untouched in power since launch, I doubt they’ll nerf anything for 9. They got nerfed because they were too powerful at first. Phaedesana-moon-guard 30 November 2020 18:46 #23. The Ardenweald Trappers' ability is Bramble Trap which reduces all enemies damage by 20% every round, and this stacks. 2. Just succeeded this mission as a night fae using a lvl 38 dreamweaver and 4 lvl 37 ardenweald trappers, I previously attempted it with a lvl 37 dreamweaver and lvl 36 trappers but that wasn't enough to beat this. Those mounts and things you’re chasing? I cleared Night Fae post-nerf with level 40s. Oh and the abomination that attacks Business, Economics, and Finance. The trapper combo for the night fae is in fact unbalanced, but we are not without hope. So as Night Fae since the nerf/bug fix to the Trappers - I've been playing around with this Campaign Mission doing all sorts of As a night fae, after the trapper nerf. If they had the knowledge that it was really OP and unbeatable compared to other factions which struggled to complete lower So what are we supposed to do now? My Night Fae’s companions are level 22-35 and now I’m stuck with level 39-60 missions that I can’t complete, I’ve got like a 30% success rate. 0 and cumulated alts to print cash. 1 is my main, the other 2 are mainly just mission table goblins. The Companions also tend to either be very strong or borderline useless for all Covenants. Since you can get resources from the mission table, they lessen the gains from meaningful content in order to make acquiring resources much less efficient. From initial reports, it seems that the Ardenweald Trapper change appears to be a large nerf, leaving Night Fae players Ten minutes a day is about an hour and a half a week to earn 30k gold. Blizzard has announced buffs to the Kyrian and Venthyr Adventurers for the Mission Table in Shadowlands, and announced a rework for Night Fae Ardenweald Trapper troop ability that were already hotfixed onto live servers. hopefully mission helper gets a patch to match Ve’nari doesn’t offer them anymore. 30 November 2020 21:42 #1. It could be bad rng, but I indeed have 35ish tables with 16+ missions completed and have gained 40+ cache boxes so far, so it'd be weird rng to miss out on it. I can only recommend the Venture Plan addon, it's a huge boon for mission table farming, makes it much easier to set up an adventure. Meatball (lvl 34) Second row: 4 I hope when they figure out the best way to re-balance the mission tables, it isn't to nerf the over-performing ones but to buff the under-performing ones Comment by Dziubla on 2020-12-16T22:13:15-06:00 Heart of the Forest Starting Quest Line Following The Heart of the Forest, Lady Moonberry inducts you as a member of the Night Fae Covenant with the quest The Boon of Shapes and grants Soulshape, your Covenant ability. Using all three on Niya will boost her to L51. Night Fae players have started reaching these missions thanks to the cheese Dreamweaver strategy that had been discovered a while ago. . Thankfully on my Venthyr I’ve been unable to complete the story missions, so I’ve just been spamming bonus exp and anima missions in the meantime, with the companions being 27-37 I’m playing night fae and from the start the troops were rly strong so I farmed all the missions. I've only ever been Kyrian and Necrolord with my From the mission table. 1 especially for hunters , druids usually current top dps classes , night fae will bring allot more to the table to make them monsters in dps. companion level of 42. Blizzard came out with a statement that eventually all I have level 50-60 missions, mostly rare or elite missions, failing every single one because blizzard decided to nerf night fae followers or something Reply reply Mission table can give you pretty good side income if you level your followers up. I have been very active on the mission table since SL released so I doubt too many have seen this mission yet. From initial reports, it seems that the Ardenweald Trapper change appears to be a large nerf, leaving Night Fae players It's been discussed frequently that the covenant imbalance for the mission table is agregious. The mission table is pretty much broken and garbage as well. However, the SL mission table is very poorly conceived. Tip / Guide This week brought 1 more for each covenant, which people have reported being found on Layer 3+ of both Wings. I have the tutorial mission available but I have no way of starting it. I cleared Kyrian with level 38s. For me it gives arround ~1,5k for the craft mats, 350 liquid gold or 6 augment runes(1k each). Unlike any other Covenant, the Night Fae can tank almost anything with 4 Trappers with a single Companion. NF is the best table even after a considerable post-launch nerf. Hunt-Captain Korayn (lvl 40), 3. Night Fae didn't even have to a) It was nerfed only once. If you went with a different Sanctum upgrade instead, you will need to wait until the upgrade has completed before you can choose to build a Command Table to send your followers out on adventures. Ve’nari doesn’t offer them anymore. Venthyr and Kyrian Covenant Adventurers received significant buffs to hopefully bring them in-line with the Necrolords, while the Night Fae received a nerf in the form of a bug fix, reducing the effectiveness of the Ardenweald The reason Venthyr and Kyrian were losing before the buff is the same reason Night Fae are losing now, over tuned missions and under balanced champions. You get 3 wisps, the last being at renown 76. Setup was the following: Kota (46), Chalkyth (45), Dreamweaver (46) On a Night Fae Question on Night Fae Command Table . 0 is not here before a long while and want to control the ammount of gold coming in the game. Hunt-Captain Korayn (lvl 35), 2. Took + 2months Blizz! have one char for each covenant! Blizzard has announced buffs to the Kyrian and Venthyr Adventurers for the Mission Table in Shadowlands, and announced a rework for Night Fae Ardenweald Trapper troop ability that were already hotfixed onto live servers. As a night fae, after the trapper nerf. i really don’t understand this mission table lol i just throw all my chips out there and see where they fall. The Wisp of Memories are granted at reknown levels 52,67, and 76 which grant 75,000 exp per memory. Who is still 2021-09-19 Hello ! Will there be a polishing pass for mission table with 9. 1 (ptr-wise) to the point I can’t see why anyone would play non-Night Fae unless their Signature ability outweighs the conduits. Currently im getting 60 missions, “49-51” mission I got 4 night fae characters expected this nerf a month ago, you are just the typical clueless fun detected qq guy. ” most my mission are 47 + Dreamcatchin-ravencrest Was someone able to win as Night fae after the nerf of trappers? Completed the mission today, March 3rd 2021, as Night fae (after trapper nerfs). For context, I have four heros at 26 The Night Fae mission table was bugged for a very long time and 4 trappers will no longer remove 80% of the damage from most fights. they know venture wont get upgraded to new missions and values. So I chose the best followers and I’m doing only xp missions now. I am now getting level 66 missions that are impossible to do with a full team of 22 level 60’s. It was totally broken at first, with Night Fae being extremely overpowered and Venthyr being screwed. I’m necrolord and I think I’ve maybe failed one mission and I was trying to level a lowbie companion so wasn’t all that surprised he got smooshed. Now that you’ve nerf-smashed the piss out of the nightfae mission table, how are we supposed to beat the missions? The lowest mission on the table is lvl 51, and my troops Having to use anima on missions that resulted in no rewards,etc. For example Kyrian's troops and champions both blow. I fail a mission every now and then, but that’s because I’ve got “screw it, I’ll risk it anyway” and didn’t expect to win it. I cleared Necrolord with level 32s. Meatball (lvl 40) Second row: 4. Dreamweaver (lvl 43) , 5. Crypto 25 votes, 15 comments. General Discussion. From initial reports, it seems that the Ardenweald Trapper change appears to be a large nerf, leaving Night Fae players Blizzard has announced buffs to the Kyrian and Venthyr Adventurers for the Mission Table in Shadowlands, and announced a rework for Night Fae Ardenweald Trapper troop ability that were already hotfixed onto live servers. I read somewhere there are four mounts to get on the mission table missions, but I can’t find the source. Any player that advanced their Campaign’s too high no longer get missions appropriate to their followers. Dreamweaver was at level 30, the trappers at level 24, and when the mission was finished only a trapper and Dreamweaver were dead. Since when does NOT leveling produce Normally a game is designed to give better rewards as you get better and level up. Since the night fae trappers USED TO BE so powerful on the mission table I was able to do the campaign missions with one other companion. Thanks for any help! As a night fae, after the trapper nerf. At L51 troops, the sweet spot for missions has been L12-15 Table level. I think my top5 guys had to be like avg. Have a night fae alt to get the mounts, and all the other mission table stuff is what must be done. This allows Night Fae to run an insane number of missions at once, making Night Fae the best Covenant for mission table farming. Not going to discount that at all. Not bad. Oh and some of the new missions with 30k hp on enemies seem impossible. Reply Kelphaz의 댓글 This mount is indeed obtainable via the Command Table. I’m currently working on setting up my second NF mission table alt, so far split between the 3 toons I play (none NF) and my two NF mission table toons I’m rocking 80-100k gold a week from just enchants, runes are still netting around 3-6k a day, a Hey guys, I am currently Night Fae with champions ranging from level 35 to ~20. Yes, Fae’s were stronger, but this wasn’t the player’s fault. Night Fae for M+ or maining Fury: Getting a lot better conduits and legendaries in 9. This is now a 1-cooldown ability which deals damage and reduces the damage I run 9 tables and I was pissed on the 2 NF tables about how hard it was to pass that "16th mission", which usually is forsworn strikes back, to access the best missions (for me, highest XP/augment/anima missions, for 1-table players, mounts). Blizzard should either nerf Night Fae (Idk how powerful venthyr/necro are) or buff So anyone who does adventure table missions for multiple Covenants has probably noticed that the Companions and Troops are all very different. g. Any change now if its "balanced in the long run" is too late, if people are already getting mounts from the level 60 missions then we know what we must do. Over powered followers can cheese almost every mission, class abilities busted and outshine others leaving every other covenant in the dust. Will this mission be back? As I think this is how my campaign continues. And the difference between a level 15 and 60 gold mission is fairly insignificant That said, every alt I've made in the past month went night fae for the easy boost to getting started This past Friday, Blizzard announced immediate hotfixes to the Shadowlands version of the Mission Table, rechristened the Adventure Table. So go full on nightfae like all other druids. It could be that they realized it wasn't realistic on all tables and silently removed it. I got all 4 mounts using level 52 followers. Sure, the nerf were warranted; but for many players, you've just eliminated their ability to complete literally 100% of available content. Community. b) Other Covenants have to send 4-5 champions on an equal level mission to have a real chance of success. Night fae: cone damage 200 Venthyr: 6 damage to all enemies. Here’s a list of all of the changes that are now in effect. This is why prefer the old style mission tables. 1. Wanted to run something by the community. Meatball (lvl 34) Second row: 4 But if you're min-maxing just for the mission table, Night Fae does have the strongest troops - one is a healer, and the other has a AoE attack with a damage down effect. You need to do a quest for the night fae right there and then click Updated list of all unlockable companions for the mission table. Once I realized that I wouldn’t need other followers to complete even the hardest missions (the 4 mounts - level 60 silver elite missions, I completed 2 of them) then I stopped doing any missions I only have 3 max level characters. Got plenty of soul ash and got all the legendaries I need at 235, can’t complete that mission anymore but don’t need it. Nightfae gets free wins on mission tables and no on else does. Easy mode. FAILED! The summary of the chars that got the mission table: My Kyrian: Can’t think of a single rare or elite mission that has been a success. 4M subscribers in the wow community. Dreamweaver+followers - those were the days. 4K damage and until your 5 adventurers are roughly 38 I’m not sure it’s For quite a while now Night Fae players have had basically an auto-win for their Command Table Adventures, even being able to complete level 60 missions with level 20-30 companions, but Blizzard seem to have put an end to that. For me it’s the dog that is hard because there is like 18K health and 1. anima, XP, and gold missions though. It's true. This is the position and the level of Companions used: CHALKYTH (50) GUARDIAN With hotfixes that are now live, we’ve applied a suite of updates to Adventures for the Kyrian and Venthyr Covenants, in hopes of bringing their performance while adventuring up to that of the Necrolords and Night Fae. Wvorc-thrall July 14, 2021, 8:26pm 1. They force you to play the mission table, timegated content, if you want the resources Night Fae Droods- so I’ve got the mission table unlocked, but I’m not sure where to spend my next anima. The Night Fae troops are miles ahead of the Posted by u/CamelWinsATXIII - 39 votes and 20 comments I got mine all 4 of them on Night Fae after the nerf. 5k mission in 2-3 days, not since that first 24hrs. Flasks are still selling well, pet charms aren't exactly profitable now. but could someone please share the information, whether you need the Mission table on level 3 to start proccing the mount missions? Several people I met with the mounts, said Comment by MRain1 for those who are stuck and no anima collected counts towards the progress: i was stuck at 10/1000 did several world quests and other things that give anima, while doing those i was on the third tutorial mission of the covenant mission table, now after i finished this mission it started counting again, i finished 1 dungeon quest and got over 700/1000 i think this a typical blizzard nerf. Also Kyrian and Night Fae abilities also don’t match Update post Venthyr Mission Table buffs from Jan 29th, 2021: Mission could be completed with an avg. Posted by u/Sebastian1989101 - 1 vote and 11 comments Odd thing is, I've not seen the 30k/1. Ardenweald Trapper: Bramble Trap ability has been redesigned. GameStop Moderna Pfizer Johnson & Johnson AstraZeneca Walgreens Best Buy Novavax SpaceX Tesla. The next options all seem kinda meh on the surface. Venthyr: heal all allies for 21. So has anyone figured a decent combo for tackling some of the elites/difficult missions? I've got a level 15 Niya, 12 Yira'lya and my troops are level 13. How do you get the mission table How do you unlock the Night Fae Came back after about 5 months breakdecided to level a new toon and go night faeI’ve unlocked the command table at the sanctum but I have no idea where it is I’ve unlocked it AND waited an hourthis was done a couple days ago actuallyI still can’t seem to find itdo I have to do a quest or something? “Ardenweald Trapper change appears to be a large nerf, leaving Night Fae players in a weird spot as they are now unable to complete their high level missions. However the most optimal way is a Night Fae table with level 60 troops, it isn't even close. It's very easy to lose and you have to do missions that are far lower level than you. Everything about it is underwhelming at this point. but any alt you can put engi on can wormhole almost straight to the night fae base just fyi. Most people that farm mission tables use addons that tell them the best place to put troops to lower damage to Companions, if they will win, and % chance that they will win if the fight has a random element. However, now that I have maxed out my Campaign missions and got all the pets and mounts from the table, I now have the issue that the missions are now way higher than the rest of my troops and followers. Speed level night fae mission table troops. It is possible for members of the Night Fae covenant to beat the mission for this mount with relatively lower level troops and a companion. -Skills, weapons and equipment Night Fae Mission Table upvote Night Fae Command Table . I’m a level 60 and I can’t seem to figure out how to get the companion adventure table to activate (Read: it’s not there in the location it’s supposed to be per the map). and night fae, imo, is the only covenant worth doing mission tables on anyway. From initial reports, it seems that the Ardenweald Trapper change appears to be a large nerf, leaving Night Fae players Why can Night Fae do a mission that is over 10 levels higher But Kyrian nd Venthyr can bearly do a misson that is 10 levels lower? World of Warcraft Forums Mission Table troops are not fair! Community. At the very least Blizzard has announced buffs to the Kyrian and Venthyr Adventurers for the Mission Table in Shadowlands, and announced a rework for Night Fae Ardenweald Trapper troop ability that were already hotfixed onto live servers. iljdkgqiflnfipcankkfxqehzubwzzaeqnwiiqglafqrpylnuxijczunqnishciwtjtexkafocrcxmsqjy