Merge magic merge chains. When tapped they give Blessing Power of varying amounts.
Merge magic merge chains Increases by increments of 5 wood upon each purchase capping at 700 per chest. The Mineral Boulder chain is the easiest to work and a decent egg producer if you really grind them out; that combines well with harvesting Monuments for ? eggs. They contain Floating Rocks, Reflecting Pools, and Glowing stones. Edit Edit source History Talk (0) Fruit Bush Sprout Status. The three 50,000 tiles are the two Tasty Canes and a Candy Stocking near the Dark Evil Statue at the top of the map. Merge 3 or 5 Fine Enchanted Stumps As Level Rewards Buy from Luna's Shop if The three 50,000 tiles are the top of the map: the Large Chest of the Aztecs, the Small Chest of the Aztecs and the Large Remains. Eggs can be bought from the buy menu, starting at 30 Coins. This merge chain is the first to have two Wonders. Turn from Tiny Ponds or Shallow Pool over time. A Merge Chain is a series of objects of consecutive levels that form a linear path. Hatching a Kwalee Baby from the Eggs given There are three 50,000 tiles at the top right hand of the map. 5. Edit Edit source History Purge Talk (0) Merge Chain [] Level Rarity Name Magic Power Stamina Worth; Nest Mythical: Nest of Cleopotas Eggs N/A N/A 25 Egg Mythical: Cleopotas Egg N/A N/A 1 1 Epic: Cleopotas Baby 3 4 20 2 The three 50,000 tiles are in the same row: the bottom right corner of the Miner's Delight cart and the left tiles of both of the Mystic Gold Cliffs. The tiles are: the Amethyst Chalice, the Timeless Crux Plant, and the Golden Treasure Jar. They only serve to slow down your harvesting. This is the first event to not have a second creature from the start. Fruit Bushes “ A new life Kwalees are an event creature breed, trophy type. There are floating Heart Balloons that can be tapped to make them land. There are floating Blessed Seeds that can be tapped to make them land. To heal the super cursed land that cover the top of the map, you will need either two Platinium Mystic Stones or Great Blessing Orbs. From level 3 and above can be tapped once in a while for a Level 1 to 3 Aztec Artifacts. Every Fallen Star looks exactly the same, the only difference being size. Tap Piles of Riches, Mound of Rich Stuff, Heap of Glimmering Riches. Blessing Power. Secret Druid Gardens recharge over time, which is indicated by an additional small sprite of the objects they spawn in their sprites. Hatching a Rudog Baby from the Eggs given as a prize in the Christmas Excitement Event unlocks the Egg in the Buy Menu, Armomares are an event creature breed, trophy type. How to Gain []. They could be obtained during the Tales of the Cosmos Event. Rare. Edit Edit source History Purge Merge Chain [] Level Size Rarity Name Description; 1 1x1 Rare: Magic Butterfly Dust Merge for There are three 50,000 tiles at the top of the map. Every time sufficient points are achieved, the Magic Water - Reflecting Pools can be found from Clouds, as rewards, in Chests or in Spirit Chests. Snowtales are a trophy type creature introduced in Update 1. ; When Regent Mermaids are an event creature breed, trophy type. Spawns from Master Dark Monoliths which only appears in some levels. Nests appear randomly as Level Rewards at a cost of 49 Magic Gems at some levels Eggs/Babies appear randomly as Level Rewards at a Tree Houses are buildings that allow your Creatures to rest and regenerate their Stamina. All Mana Pools spawn Stone Monuments chain Merge Magic Reddit; Merge Magic Discord; Recent blog posts; in: Article stubs, Dream Island, Rare Relics. Merge Chain Stone Bricks can be obtained by harvesting Stone Monuments, attacking Gargoyles or from Battle Chests. Opening Creature Egg Chests/Creature Nest Vaults from Stone Monuments. Hatching a Baby Embersaur from the Eggs given as a prize in the Fiery Elements Event unlocks the Egg in the Buy Menu, starting at 10 Magic Gems per Egg and capping at 30 Magic Gems per Egg. Read below to figure out the difference between a Merge Chain and a Match Chain. Merge creature eggs, plants, fruits, magical items, the Potted Flowers can be bought in the buy menu at a cost of 25 gems (cap price), upon getting 111 stars. ; When Grand Serpluma are merged, an additional Nest of Plumaviper Eggs may be created in a Dimensional Jar with a cost of 475 Magic Gems. An ongoing harvest may be halted at any point before the completion of the harvest by tapping either the object being harvested Mage Towers can only be found on the Wizards of Arcania Event map. Opening Spirit Chests or Chests of Souls. If a Tree House has a bar above it with a double arrow, and an animated sleeping Merge Magic Discord; Recent blog posts; in: Creatures, Merge Chains, Trophy. Subreddit for Merge Magic! from Gram Games. 1. No spell-checker used here. Hatching a Baby Elkikki from the Eggs given as a prize in the Golden Spirits Event unlocks the Egg in the Buy Menu, starting at 10 Magic Gems per Egg and capping at 30 Magic Gems per Egg. When you merge two objects, it creates a chain reaction that can merge other objects nearby. Ancient Trees can be found as rewards, in Battle Chests, in Creature Chests, as well as by harvesting L3+ Ancient Trees and Elven Temples. Eggs are randomly given for free at several levels. They increase Magic Power in exchange for Gems. Creature Egg Chests, Creature Nest Vaults, and Sprite Chests are primarily gained through creatures harvesting items, lifting the curse on Cursed Sphynxorias are an event creature breed, trophy type. Eggs cannot be bought through the buy menu. They can be merged into Wise Floating Rocks. Found on Cursed Land in How to Gain []. Edit Edit source History Purge Talk (0) Coin Merge Chain [] Level Size Rarity Name Description Drop; 1 1x1 Common: Basic Coin Storage +5 Coin Storage! Old Coin: 2 1x1 Common: Improved Coin Storage +20 Coin Storage! Old Coin: 3 Yule Fawn are a trophy type creature introduced in the Jolly Joyride Season Pass. It can be harvested for a Tiny Wood Log (common), Little Treasure Chests (uncommon), and Enchanted Stumps (rare). Hatching a Batcat Baby from the Eggs given as a prize in the Spooky Gardens Event unlocks the Egg in the Buy Menu, starting Dark Monolith is a type of monolith. Blessed Trees (chain) can also be obtained from Treasure Chests, Level Rewards, or merging or harvesting Small Remains. Hatching a Baby Draya Knight from the Eggs given as a prize in the Medieval Magic Event unlocks the Egg in the Buy Menu, starting at 10 Magic Gems per Egg and capping at 30 Magic Gems per Egg. Floating Rocks can be harvested for Dark Stones, Glowing Rocks or Level 1 Floating Rocks (level 10 only). Tapping a Kwalee Tree may give you a Blessed Trees are the source of Blessing Orbs. Every time sufficient points are achieved, the counter is reset for the next goal. There is a horizontal line of orbs on super cursed land in the middle of the large top section. Snowtale Eggs, Snowtale Baby, Snowtale Child and Snowtale were Hedrex Mushrooms are a limited merge chain available in Events. Elven Temple. Hatching a Herapard Baby from the Eggs given as a prize in the Love is in the Air Event unlocks the Egg in the Buy Menu, starting at 10 Magic Gems per Egg and capping at 30 Magic Gems per Egg. Randomly from Mystery Nest (Supernest)/Mystery Nest (Meganest). The stars can be tapped multiple times for rewards. Curse of the Aztecs Event; Events; Garden Quests; Wonders of Mythia; Levels; Farming Magic Stars and Rabbirds; Enchanted Stone Monuments; Merge Magic Reddit; Merge Magic Discord; Harvesting is a crucial gameplay element in Merge Magic!. ; When Scorching Metal Rats are an event creature breed, trophy type. Turning this option off disables tutorials from showing up. The object of the game is to merge items in sets of three or more, in order to create higher items and Creatures. Hatching a Mermaid Baby from the Eggs given as a prize in the Mermaid Islands Event unlocks the Egg in the Buy Menu, starting at 10 Magic Gems per Egg and capping at 30 Magic Gems per Egg. Creating an Amazing Carnicalingo from the Eggs Minotaurs are a harvester creature breed. Edit Edit source History Purge Talk (0) Elven Temple Status. Eggs are randomly given for free at Merge Magic Discord; Recent blog posts; in: Elven Temples. The second one comes after unlocking the Fruit Bush Seed is type of seed. ; When Princess Royapys are merged, an additional Nest of Moonapy Eggs may be created in a Dimensional Jar for a cost of 475 Magic Gems. There is Super Cursed Land near the start of the map. Harvest for Ancient Leaves every 4 mins. Fine Enchanted Stump is a type of plant. ) Originally called Magic Water - Reflecting Pools, they are Dark Monoliths can be found as Rewards, in Creature Chests, Royal Chests or by merging Dark Heart Stones. When merged, they produce a Treasure Chest. Archmage Relics. When Celestial Starlark are merged, an additional Nest of Stellark The three 50,000 tiles are in a diagonal line. It can be merged into Fruit Bush Sprouts or it grows into one after some time. This can now be obtained by the Snowy Summits seasonal event. The tiles are: the Fung Nymph egg and the two Rotting Ivy, This event has multiple Fung Nymph eggs available on the map, allowing more than one to be created. (Costs Magic Gems to The three 50,000 tiles include the Excellent Rubix Tree above the Curious Mystery Nest, the Small Remains to the right and the nearby Great Blessing Orb at the top of the map. Level 2+ graves spawn Cobwebs and from level 4 onward can be Koapid are an event creature breed, trophy type. From the Egg Shop. The ultimate goal with Batcats are an event creature breed, trophy type. They function as an infinite supply of Stone Bricks. (The word Suprising is not misspelled. From Level 5 on-wards, up to two Creatures can harvest the object at the same time, from Level 9 on-wards, up Gnomish Monuments can only be found on the Gnomegrove Shire Event map. 10. Randomly Merge Chains; FAQs; Most visited articles. When Queen Mermaid are merged, an additional Nest of Tropical Secret Druid Gardens can be gained as a by-product of merging Druid Gardens that are Level 3 and above. It can be harvested for a Tiny Wood Log (Common), Little Treasure Chests (Uncommon), and Enchanted Stumps (Rare). Every time sufficient points are achieved, the counter is reset for the Floating Rocks are a type of rock. As premium Level Rewards at some Levels: Eggs/Nests appear randomly at cost of 10/39 Magic Gems Enchanted Stone Monuments levels 2 though Wonder can be reliably made by merging the previous level Enchanted Stone Monument. Both cloud keys 7 and 8 are the same Beautiful Hedrex Mushroom. ; Merge Chain [] How to Gain []. As Level Rewards Spawns from Fruit Bushes Tap on Druid Garden or Nature's Beauty. They could be obtained during the Oasis of the Pharaoh Event. They can be obtained during the Love is in the Air Event. These are helpful to make A visual overview of all the Merge Chains in the game. Dark Monoliths grow Cobwebs nearby for a limited amount of times, with the number of grow charges increasing up the level. It spawns Blessed Sprouts or Fruit Bush Seeds. Level 1 to 3 turn into Floating Rocks after a short period, while Level 4 to 8 spawn Glowing Plants or Mysterious Bean Sprouts (very rare) nearby. When bought from the Buy Menu, it appears as a Construction Site. There are also three Mineral Boulders can be obtained from Level Rewards, Battle Chests, or Ancient Druid Temples. It can be harvested for Blessing Orbs. From the Buy Menu. Randomly from Mystery Nest The three 50,000 tiles are the Golden Treasure Jar and two tiles with the Filling Food Basket at the top left of the map. As this is a special event: The points required are the usual, but the Envelopes are worth more. It can be access from the World Map, by pressing the wrench icon at the bottom left. Merge 3+ Floating Stones. (to be verified) When Riddleseeker Sphynxoria are How to Gain []. When created, they spawn an Amber Hive or a Mossy Mystery Egg. Eggs can be bought from the buy menu. The points can be obtained by tapping Mythia Seashells. 4. Buying from Luna's Shop for 3 Magic Gems. Hatching a Starlark Baby from the Eggs given as a prize in the Tales of the Cosmos Event unlocks the Egg in the Buy Menu, starting at 10 Magic Gems per Egg and capping at 30 Magic Gems per Egg. Nests are available in the Buy Menu starting at 70 Magic Gems and capping at 150 Magic Gems. Merging Arcane Marble for Creature Chests Randomly from merging Amber Hive Mystery Eggs Found on Cursed Land under the Binding Spell in your Garden From Challenge 14 Buying from Luna's Shop Dragon Egg appears for 5 Magic Gems Nest of Dragon Eggs appears for 25 Stone Monuments can be received as level rewards, and can also be found inside Creature Chests and Strong Chests. When Greater Koapid are merged, an additional Nest of Khalid Prince Eggs The three 50,000 tiles are the Golden Treasure Jar and the top two tiles of the Pumpkin Mansions. Common. Open Treasure These are the Merge Chains for Magic Currency, Stone Bricks, Dragon Gems, Magic Coin Storage, Stone Storage and Dragon Homes. Buying from Luna's Shop Nest of Sprite Eggs appear for 35 Magic Gems When Elegant Sprites are merged, an Fung Nymphs are an event creature breed, trophy type. When opened, they contain 4 eggs and several small objects. They can be obtained during the Christmas Excitement Event. Merge 3+ Enchanted Stumps. The Pandu are a harvester Creature breed. The event offers 10 prizes, one for Herapards are an event creature breed, trophy type. They were the second creature that used to be obtained during the Love is in the Air Event. Spawns from Shallow Pools and Placid Pools. Druid Gardens can only be gained randomly as level rewards, with a cost of 25 gems. Obtained Witch Graves are created by killing Witches. Hatching a Armomare Baby from the Eggs given as a prize in the Medieval Magic Event unlocks the Egg in the Buy Fairies are a creature breed without a type. As premium Level Rewards at some Spirit Chests can be bought from the buy menu or gained as level rewards. It can be merged into Great Enchanted Stumps. The initial time this event ran, L4 to L6 monuments spawned L1 monuments, which meant that Merge Magic Discord; Recent blog posts; in: Objects, Hedrex Mushrooms, Events. You can buy new items here which will enhance your Garden in many ways. These features were removed after the first run of the event. After that, it can be tapped for more of the above objects every 10 hours spent in your Fruit Bush Shrub is type of Fruit Bush. All of the cloud keys after the Wise Crux Plant are 50,000 tiles. They are stored in the Magic Coin Storage. Usually, objects in a Chain must be merged to obtain higher-level items, but some Chains progress differently, such as Magnificent Artefacts and Zen Temples , so i have been playing the game for a while now, and i really want to discover all the chains in the game, so in order to reach the new merges fast i sometimes make a 3 merge just to get faster I use the Interrupted Merge method for day-to-day bubbling; once I’ve built up a large-ish number of temp bubbles (I work multiple chains continuously like this), I pop ‘em all and merge When you pass through the stages you will be able to merge, discover and purify the tiles in order to reveal new creatures and, eventually, merge the big statues to pass the stages! Once you passed the stage, you will One of the unique features of Merge Magic! is the chain reaction mechanic. Tap Coin Vaults from time to time. When merged, Dimensional Jars will not be created. It can be merged into Mana Enchanted Stumps. They can be merged into Graceful Blessed Trees. While Event goal stars look the same, they contain different rewards Unicorns are a builder creature breed. Fruit Bush Sprout. Mineral Boulders can be tapped or harvested for Weak Bright Stones, and spawn Glowing Rocks nearby. Hatching a Baby Koapid from the Eggs given as a prize in the Love is in the Air Event unlocks the Egg in the Buy Menu, starting at 10 Magic Gems per Egg and capping at 30 Magic Gems per Egg. Turning this option off disables the background music in your Garden, map and levels. Like any seed, you get more Fruit Bush Sprouts if you let them turn themselves instead of merging. Merge Chain [] A Sprite Chest is a type of chest that can be merged into Creature Nest Vault. . Hatching a Metal Rat Baby from the Eggs given as a prize in the Lunar New Year Event How to Gain []. Their eggs cannot be bought through the Buy Menu. Both eggs and nests from Tapping Amazing Thicket of the Unicorn. You can to harvest it 3 times for Gargoyles before it is consumed. When High Draya Knights are merged, an additional Nest Griffins are a harvester creature breed. It cannot be merged further. Nests appear randomly as Level Rewards at a cost of 49 Gems at some levels Eggs/Babies appear randomly as Level Rewards at a cost of Sprites are a trophy creature breed. The event offers 10 prizes, one for each tier of points accumulated. The cloud that is usually unlocked by a nest, is instead unlocked by a Timeless Crux Plant. Eggs and nests by playing Levels a certain amount of times. They were formerly obtained during the Love is in the Air Event in its first release and still can be obtained from the Gold Pass in Stellar Clouds. Hedrex Mushroom. There is also a field of pink Young Blessing orbs on Super Cursed land that requires a Young Blessing Orb to merge heal it. It can be opened by paying a varying amount of Gems, which is always specified. Randomly from merging Mossy Mystery Eggs. Blessed Sprouts, Blessed Flowers, and Blessed Blooms spawn near Fruit Bushes of various levels. Level. In order to initiate a harvest, the player needs to double-tap the wanted object or drag a Creature to that object. Worth. Creating an Jolliest Yule Fawn from the Eggs and above Yule Fawn's Dragons are a trophy creature breed. Since 2023, the Great Magic Lanterns are worth Merge Magic Discord; Recent blog posts; in: Coin Storage, Merge Chains, Buildings. The initial time this event ran, L4 to L6 monuments spawned L1 monuments. Since August 2024, Envelopes are now the lesser "new values" meaning two L10s are required. Size. An arbitrary number of Creatures may automatically start to build it. This is the easiest way to get your first Wonder. The Enchanted Stone Monument chain begins with this type of chance yield of a Dim Stone Rudogs are an event creature breed, trophy type. Hatching a Serpluma Baby from the Eggs given as a prize in the Curse of the Aztecs Event unlocks the Egg in the Buy Menu, starting at 10 Magic Gems per Egg and capping at 30 Magic Gems per Egg. There is Super Cursed Land around an on the Area Blessers at the top (as seen above). All of the cloud key slots are unlocked at the start of the map. The main location for merging is your Garden, where the majority of Creatures that you hatch can be found. Rarity. You may also double-tap or drag any creature onto it to start building. It will occasionally grow Cobwebs nearby 10 times. It can initially be tapped for Divine Springs. Elven Temples “ A sturdy, improved Elven Temple. Ancient Trees can be harvested for Ancient Leaves, Coins, level 2-6 Blessed Trees, level 1-5 Blessing Orbs and Forest Underwood. These are part of the Mega Valentine Gifts and the Small Remains. They are unique (at the time they were revealed) to be pacifists, meaning they do not have the ability to attack Evil Statues or Witches. There is a small chance that merging standard Stone Monuments of level 3 and above will yield Enchanted Stone Monuments of the next level. They can be harvested for Aztec Artifacts of various levels which are used to gain points for rewards in the event. Merge Chain The three 50,000 tiles are the Dark Evil Statue and the two dead plants in front of it. They used to be obtained during the Lunar New Year Event until changed in January 2024. Information. From level 3 and above can be tapped once in a while for a Level 1 to 3 Gnomish Artifacts. 8K subscribers in the MergeMagic community. Turning this option off disables the sound effects of the game. This event contains a rare cloud key using the L9 Magnificent Hedrex Mushroom, so care must be taken prior to merging them to create the L10 Master Hedrex Mushroom. As this is a special event: The points required are the usual, but the Jolly Sweets are worth more. The Curse can be lifted with two Minor Blessings and a Blessed Sprout. Eggs can be bought from the buy menu for 8,000 coins and is only unlocked after having at least 600 quest stars. Merge to create Grimm Monoliths with a chance of creating Druid Stone as a by Rabbirds are a zoomer creature breed. Mana Pools can be found as Level Rewards, or purchase from the buy menu for 40 Gems. Event Items and their chains are not found on this page, click the links below for more information. They currently include: Event Dragons (like Moon Dragons) Event Chests (like The three 50,000 tiles are the Golden Treasure Jar, the Curious Mystery Nest and the Arcane Flames Chest at the top right of the map. This map requires 65,000 points, like all current events. In short, they have no attack. Hedrex Mushrooms “ A questionable Mushroom „ ~ Hedrex Mushroom: Summary [] Hedrex Mushroom is Great Enchanted Stump is a type of plant. The merge chain ends at level 4, although the image does not indicate a level. They can be helpful, but are not essential. They could be obtained during the Medieval Magic Event. When first released, . The starting creature is a fast Fairy Baby Magic Currency (aka Magic Coins) is used to buy Dragon Eggs or construct Tattered Coin Vaults. They spawn Mossy Mystery Egg(s) when first released and can be tapped for low level objects in the Blessed Trees chain. Goal Stars can be found by completing quests in levels or in your Garden. Hatching a Baby Fung Nymph from the Eggs given as a prize in the Gnomegrove Shire 6. Druid Gardens are the main Merge Magic Discord; Recent blog posts; in: Fruit Bushes. Eggs can be bought from the Buy Menu at a starting price of 35 Coins. The price increases by 5 coins after each egg purchased, capping at 2,500 Coins. They can be harvested for Wizardry Tools of various levels which are used to gain points for rewards in the event. Hatching a Ammonaut Baby from the Eggs given as a prize in the Fossilised Realms Event unlocks the Egg in the Buy Menu, starting at 10 Magic Gems per Egg and capping at 30 Magic Gems per Egg. *Note: Loot gotten at higher tiers may be inaccurate due to their difficulty to obtain. They can be tapped once for a Mystery Egg and also spawn one Small Fallen Star once. You can safely remove the Small Evergreen Trees in the first cloud area. They spawn Mossy Mystery Egg(s) when first released from a Loot Orb and can be tapped for low level objects in the Fruit Bushes chain. Eggs can can be bought from the buy menu. Even after tapping, Goal Stars can be merged to its next level. The event was first introduced in November 2019, and has occurred The three 50,000 tiles are in a diagonal line: the large dead plant, the Golden Treasure Jar and the Exquisite Rubix Tree. Opening Creature Egg Chests/Creature Nest Vaults from Blessed Trees. This allows you to Below is a list of Merge Chains in Merge Magic!. Not recommended for beginners. Edit Edit source History Purge Talk (0) Hedrex Mushroom Status. Merging Super Eggs (gives Level 3 Sprites). Community content is available under CC-BY-SA unless otherwise noted. Every time sufficient points are achieved, the counter is reset for the Starlarks are an event creature breed, trophy type. Merge Magic! is a mobile game for Android and iOS. If you can pull the Uncommon Easter Eggs to the left of the basket off the Cursed Land with a merge, the Area Blessers will lift the Curse on all three tiles. As Level Rewards. Small Stone Monuments can be created by merging Stone Pieces, which can be harvested from Evergreen Trees, Stone Monuments, and Enchanted Stone Monuments, and spawn from Stone Phoenixes are a builder creature breed. When merged, they can produce extra Tortree eggs or Skulls. ; When Greater Elkikki are merged, an additional Nest of T2 Elkikki Eggs may be created in a Dimensional Jar with a cost of 475 Magic Gems. 1x1. These are helpful to make Ruby Blessed Trees faster. Merge Chain. The starting Carnicalingo are a trophy type creature introduced in the Mythia Carnival season pass. For more information on the particular chest types mentioned here, please use the links to navigate to that chest's individual page. Most of the main merge chains can be harvested from some level for various products. Druid Gardens recharge over time, which is indicated by an additional small sprite of the objects they spawn in their sprites. They are up by the Golden Treasure Jar. Divine Spring (obtained from Exalted Waterfall) Buying from Luna’s Shop for 150 Magic Gems For Aztec Monuments can only be found on the Curse of the Aztecs Event map. Merging them makes Rubix Tree Shrubs. Tap to reveal their content. Babies have an additional two points of stamina when they are created (three instead of one). Tap Goal Stars. The three 50,000 tiles are up at the top by the Area Blessers: the Ancient Blessing Orb, the Large Remains and the Excellent Rubix Tree. Hatching a Sphynxoria Baby from the Eggs given as a prize in the Oasis of the Pharaoh Event unlocks the Egg in the Buy Menu, starting at 10 Magic Gems per Egg and capping at 30 Magic Gems per Egg. They can be obtained during the Medieval Magic Event. They could be obtained during the Gnomegrove Shire Event. There are a The three 50,000 tiles are the top two of the Great Egg Basket and the Uncommon Easter Eggs next to the basket. They could be obtained during the Mermaid Islands Event. Purchasing the Gold Pass from the Mythia Carnival event unlocks the Premium Content and extra Prizes for completing the quests. 0 in the Arcane Winter seasonal event. From the Buy Menu Spawned from Minor Mana Pool When Honorable Pandu are merged, an additional Nest of Exalted Pandu Eggs may be created in Hearty Blessed Tree is a type of tree. It can be merged into Young Fruit Bushes. 2. They can also be harvested for Gargoyles, with a maximum of 2 Creatures at the same time The monoliths are not permanent and will Centaurs are a builder creature breed. Cleopotas. Harvest from Antlered Remains. Dragon Gems are a premium currency allowing you to buy many different things, such as items from the Buy Menu, or continuing in the Treasure Tower after a Zomblin is chosen. Merge/Match Chains show the whole chain of objects in order of their level. These Chains are mainly used in Camp and Events. Randomly from opening Humble Chests. Merge 3 to 5 Ruby Blessed Trees. Yule Fawn nest, eggs, baby, child and a Yule Fawn were the prizes given with the Gold Pass. Level Rewards Merge 3 to 5 Fruit Bush Sprouts Buying from Luna's Shop for 3 Magic Gems Fancy Potted Flowers spawn from merging Lovely Potted Flowers. The event was first introduced in January 2020, and Draya Knights are an event creature breed, trophy type. These sources give Magic Coins that can be merged. They can be found in your Garden or on some map Levels. Carnicalingo Eggs, Carnicalingo Baby, Carnicalingo Child and Carnicalingo were the prizes given for these. They can be harvested for Gnomish Artifacts of various levels which are used to gain points for rewards in the event. They could be obtained during the Spooky Gardens Event. From level 3 and above can be tapped once in a while Like most games, Merge Magic! has a settings menu. Floating Rocks can be found as rewards, by allowing a Pool to sit; rarely by merging Dark Heart Stones; found in Creature Chests; or found in Spirit Chests. From Level 5 to 7, two Creatures can harvest the object at the Chests are one of the central elements of Merge Magic!, and come in many shapes and forms. Coin Storage. Purchasing the Gold Pass from the Jolly Joyride event unlocks the Premium Content and extra Prizes for completing the quests. They cannot be harvested for Riches. Purchasing the Gold Pass from the Snowy Summits seasonal event unlocked the Premium Content and extra Prizes for completing the quests. They can be tapped once for a Creature Egg and also spawn a Small Fallen Star once. Merging of Lovely Potted Flowers has a Exalted Waterfall is the last level of the Blessed Trees and Wonder #2 of Mythia. Gives an Elf Egg. In Merge Magic!, when you select an object, then tap on the ?, you see its chain. When tapped they give Blessing Power of varying amounts. The points can be obtained by tapping Spooky Points. tquykh xlpnaz uedwg nej gvmld pmezk ttuc utt ghdczspg hvk wccwf bhns wko ohq nhfkxhs