Maplestory wse optimizer. Had a question about Dual Blade's WSE optimization.
Maplestory wse optimizer You need to consider 8k legion 40% before judging WSE-IED. (Such as removing a second IED line Go to Maplestory r/Maplestory WSE, legion, neb optimization v. You should be aiming for 7/1/1. ATT%/BOSS/IED optimization. com/apps/ied. Get app Get the Reddit app Log In Log in to Reddit. Two people of 20k stat can be grossly different in damage output if one is a fresh account with a handful of links, 3k legion, but is carried by high arcane symbols and some decent potentials and the other has 6k legion, crit damage gloves, . Enter Your Current WSE. This tool is designed to optimize your legion and hyper stats against end-game bosses. I’m on mobile so I can’t see it but maybe in the sidebar? Based MapleStory Calculators https://www. Boss damage-wise, ~1-2 lines of boss is optimal. Step 1. My 3. Column titles in the optimization tab were renamed. 职业: 主武器: Damage Range Optimized WSE Lines. Cubing WSE Starforcing Hyper Stat Legion Flaming Stat Equivalence Inner Ability (current) Inner Ability Theoretical Probability. It would be one thing if you had You wse is done don’t touch them start working on armors and accessories. I wouldn't worry about optimal WSE too much though. 5k legion gives me 13% ied, also not a ton but still helpful. This should make it much easier for you to utilize the calculator as you will not have to manually input your stats each time, nor will you have to import/export character data files. gg/ms Members Online • jeffrey562 . Reddit thread: https://www. The configurations are then ordered according to final damage boost. If you don't have any passive sources of % attack (do not count existing WSE lines), just don't add anything above the base 7%. Visit Whackybeanz. The optimization file now exhausts the only possible WSE potentials (Oz emblems were not included) and accounts for weapons having 160+ potential tier. . Or check it The Reddit community for MapleStory. It will track all the costs and booms associated, exactly as it would in game. gg/ms - The optimization algorithm works correctly for every class, even Kanna and Demon Avenger! - You can lock in specific hyper stats that you want to appear in your optimized setup. MathBro's Maplestory Tools. Hyper Stat Optimization Tool. People with a less complicated optimization may find the apps/files here more relevant: For people who wish to see a list of their top options: WSE, legion, nebulite optimizer. And GMS can also get 2 prime lines+1 unique line which jeffrey didn't cater because it's very unlikely. How to use the WSE optimiser: https://gmsmeta. For the purposes of optimization, everyone will have at least 7% attack, with 4% from Echo of Hero, and 3% from a Magnificent soul. Generally you want some combination of attack/boss/IED for your weapon/secondary and attack/IED for your emblem. Question As the title stated, I’m a nw main and currently running these links for bossing: Kanna Demon Slayer Demon Avenger Luminous Xenon Kinesis Phantom Ilium Ark Adele Adventurer (Magician) Resistance 114K subscribers in the Maplestory community. It will calculate the ideal potentials to have on your weapon, secondary, and emblem based on your stats. It would be optimal to have several ied lines throughout your wse The Complete and Chronological Lore of MapleStory: AB/Heliseum/BH/HoM Revamps + High Mountain IED Old / New - Before/After final skill IED after adding in-built skill IED with stat window IED. In all general-purpose-use outside of WSE lines, %damage is always stronger than alternatives. Optimal link skills for a Nightwalker main . com/apps/wse. Thanks to Zhong for the video guide. Optimized WSE Lines. Enter Your Stats. When cubing my secondary and emblem (Shade btw) should I settle for non-att lines? For example my emblem and secondary are: Emblem: 18% att + 20 flat att Secondary: 70% boss + 40% IED One place where it's worthwhile to do a careful analysis of this is for weapons, secondaries, and emblems (WSE). All stats are diminishing, meaning the more In practice, I'd open two WSE optimization windows and run them to display up to the top 100 configurations (that should be enough). com/MetaCalcGMS Meta CommunityA place where the Global MapleStory community can come together for Wise Memory Optimizer automatically calculates and displays the In Use, Available and total memory of your computer upon deployment, along with a pie chart. When it comes to WSE though, just keep whatever good 3L results you get and you can always re-do them later. regular server players) and legion (e. Go to Maplestory r/Maplestory I am not planning to min-max to 22* 60k STR, but just trying the optimal ways to upgrade my DPS, my goal is 21* gamer and contribute in BM) A. In your case I'd The Reddit community for MapleStory. Thankfully, there are many talented individuals and teams who have built amazing tools that are just as good—if not better. You usually want 0 lines of IED on WSE because you can reach 95%+ through just set effects, legion, links, and familiars. Specifically, I'm trying to decide how to split my WSE lines between the three stats for endgame content like Hard bosses. Shows the best WSE+ The Reddit community for MapleStory. Zero has been added Bonus potentials have been added You can now compare different bonus potential options to see how your final damage is affected. g. com/MetaCalc GMS Meta Community https://discord. I will be bringing this same feature to my WSE Calculator very shortly for further ease of use. Search WSE optimization and there should be a file you can download and edit to tell you what is ideal for your situation. I am now #sponsored by Nexon as a member of the Bean Brigade!Credit to DelusionDash of Bera for making this tool. In order to gauge how much IED (or boss; or ratio of ATT/BOSS) is ideal, optimization must be conducted over the entire scope of the relevant parameters simultaneously (one cannot freeze one, or two of the variables and then apply optimization locally). This changes a bit if you are optimizing for burst during RoR4 (Oz ring), which changes it to like 8/2/0 or 6/3/0. Edit: Not sure why this is downvoted, you would rather have more ATT% and Boss% on WSE and have 8k Legion / Familiars / Set Effects cover your IED needs as much as possible first, and this was before OP mentioned he plays on SEA which lacks some of these things. You can use 7~9 lines of ATT%/0~2 lines of Boss instead. If you have 4-5 different lines of boss over on WSE, you should consider rerolling some lines for Matk % The total damage% is usually determined by class, link skills, and hyper stats so usually doesn't fluctuate muchas is generally on the lower side. WSE, Legion, and more. Select Your Setup. Click for details. This tool is designed to determine your character's stat equivalences. WSE Calculator. This is absolutely the highest priority thing to do no matter what. html]-- Watch live at https://www. I personally haven't seen anyone optimize this way though. It will continue to SF until the goal is reached, at which point the experiment is over. Reply reply SakuraHimeGMS The Reddit community for MapleStory. Use a WSE optimizer to see how much boss you should roll on your weapon, secondary, and emblem since some classes have more/less innate ied/boss than others. Choose Your A Simple Maplestory WSE Optimizer with Familiar Support. It's only an indicator of which of a dozen progression systems you invested in first. WSE optimizer should only be used when you’re truly trying to min-max your WSE to get the most amount of damage possible for your current set-up. Boss damage% is a MASSIVE pile that also partially depends a lot on class but also depends on things like links, legion, fams, WSE, and equipment set effects. Click for details R区 . Question I’m pretty sure this has been asked before a million times. gg/ms Members Online. I would keep your potential as you got 3 good lines. Use this to answer your cubing related questions as to which lines are best on your WSE This is facts. WSE optimizer. trash game #SewAge #6ShytJob youtube upvotes Look up WSE optimizer. Use this tool to maximize your Top configurations Collapse Expand . Overall FD - Overall Final Damage increase by multiplying FD+ Avg of IED, Att, and Dmg. MapleStory Services. WSE Comparison. from familiars) then the optimal %att can go up to like ~120-130 or so. Stat Equivalent Calculator. You can learn your PC memory usage at a glance. Just settle on whatever 3L you hit How much of each of these three you want is a balancing act (there are WSE optimizers lying around this subreddit that help determine optimal amounts), but until you're at endgame, generally, more of those lines = better (you'll probably want at least like 250-300%+ boss and ~93 ied for endgame bossing, just as a rough estimate - use a WSE You have to use a WSE optimizer and lock the potential of the secondary weapon to be the same as the primary weapon to find the best potentials for you. I made a weapon, secondary, emblem (WSE) optimization a while back (7 months ago), and people have been discussing ATT %, BOSS, IED optimization lately, so I felt like sharing an updated file for it. Not affiliated with or restricted by Nexon. html to run it offline (but I recommend My WSE Optimizer/Comparison calculator has recently received a massive update! Pro-Mode version 1 has been implemented: If you know your exact IED% (excluding the listed link skills in the calculator) you can now input the value To sum up: WSE Optimization means rolling such potentials on Weapon / Secondary / Emblem to benefit the most when tackling end game bosses. 5k legion, main boosts are 3 ied familiars like the other person said, one 30% ied line on WSE, superior gollux set, and 10 points in ied hyper stat. Links, hyper stats, legion, gollux set, wse optimization (i currently only have an ied line on my takeover absolab - 30%), nebs (same weapon has 15% ied neb), traits (I have lv 100 of whatever trait gives ied from the past wonderoid event) Stat is a REALLY bad indicator of how strong you are. File, readme, and comments about who should use this all available here. Given our skills all have (for the most part) innate IED, what would the best setup be? How much of each differs from player to player, but you can use a wse optimizer to calculate this. Tips / Donations. As an example, for me, I have 33% Attack potential on Lapis/Lazuli (this is effectively 66% Attack). You don't even really need 8k legion to fill the IED tiles; lumi and mage link is enough. Current Inner Ability Note: This calculator assumes your current inner ability is already legendary. Try to get att % and boss % on your weapon and secondairy. Double check if the first optimizer (blue one) is noy assuming 9L for for the best configuration. Updates since the last version. gg/ms Members Online • Raklun . You will vomit blood trying to roll for specific configurations to optimize You don't need any lines of IED for WSE. Optimization file and preview of part of the file . It's usually Atk/boss/ied Ideally most classes want 8/1/0 (9 possible lines) So 6/2/1 would be 6 atk lines 2 boss and 1 ied spread across those three item's potential Make use of event Unique Potential Scrolls and cube using union yellow cubes if you don't have much mesos to spare. 76. - This calculator takes into account class-specific BA data, taken from my WSE optimization calculator. Optimization You will be able to naturally one shot at lach through doing doing symbol dailies. 职业: Boss伤% Below you will find a collection of my Maplestory tools. 普通区. Features. anyways heres a drawing of my character i think shes cute :3 2. %ATT is always the same That means that your effective IED is 95% - you can stick this into a WSE/hyper stats optimizer instead of your real IED. Run a WSE optimizer to figure out the right balance for the most Final Damage output. Here are two resources one can use for this purpose: WSE I’m a kanna main with 95% visual ied and 3. Enter Your Stats Optimized WSE. The thing about Violet Cubes is that while they may give you an easy way to obtain a 3L on WSE, you need to keep in mind Violet Cubes tend to give no Primary Lines. IED Diff - Difference between after and before IED. gg/ms ADMIN MOD Best Stats/Potential optimization . Highly regarded for its clean interface and accurate results. To optimize your progression make sure you join a guild and do: daily symbols As a note for OP you preferably do not want to have to waste WSE lines on IED if it can be gotten elsewhere. WSE + legion/neb optimization. Also have the seven day monster parker medal but that’s only 10% ied. 113K subscribers in the Maplestory community. Like a 5% damage flame on a weapon will always be stronger than a The Reddit community for MapleStory. jar application should be used over the WSE optimizer at least initially. Preview of optimization file. This is a super huge misconception that only applies when discussing WSE optimization (looking at boss%). Do not spend any meso on upgrading your WSE to legendary yet. Expand user menu Open settings menu. Let $W$, $S$, $E$ be the collection of all permissible weapon, secondary, and emblem configurations, respectively. (15) lines in my WSE be like 8-9 boss damage and 7-8 attack. It is really worse than before? This is just the way I like to think of it. 817% FD; (A,B,I) = (6,2,1) If you have high enough boss damage (e. A poor man's option (ignores 3L attack) Class-specific options (Kanna, Zero) Bonus potential Hit your minimum required ied for your job (best to get on emblem, unless your emblem is 12/9/9) then take any 3L combination of att/bd. FD - Final Damage increase due to new stat. There’s a WSE optimizer around here somewhere. My current stats are ~95% IED, and 217% boss with no boss lines and a single line of IED (The rest are ATT lines). For now, only comparisons can be made between different WSE setups. gg/ms three line equip and you shouldn’t roll over it unless you’re using black cubes and even then you should consult a wse optimizer spreadsheet to be sure you are getting better damage out of Maplestory is a game of optimization and math, see WSE optimizer, the countless simulators, and etc. Gloves: Crit dmg over everything else. I have not done any calculations or used a r/Maplestory A chip A close button. Choose File. I’m currently stuck in between a dilemma if I should re-roll my emblem and secondary for some IED and BD lines or not as If you're going to use the WSE optimizer, you have to fully take into account all realistic end-game IED/Boss% sources from armors, passives, links/legion, etc. The Reddit community for MapleStory. Zero has been added Bonus potentials have been accounted for to ensure your hyper stats are properly optimized. They carry really useful potentials: IED, ATT %, Boss % and so it's good to know how much of what yields top tier damage output. io/gmsmeta A place where the Global MapleStory community can come WSE optimization. The ability to determine the best possible WSE setup for your class assuming you are end-game. Click for details This tool is designed to optimize your WSE and to also compare against various WSE options Step 1. However, you probably want to run lvl 3 Lumi link over some of the worse damage links like Kanna. This tool will optimize the method of reaching your goal as well! Click Here for Inner Ability Calculator This tool will optimize your hyper stats and legion board relative to your current WSE. t The saving will occur each time you click the "optimize" button. Functions . Had a question about Dual Blade's WSE optimization. Depending on your job and equipment there are optimal lines you can look for. gg/ms Now, in order to optimize WSE, I need to know how much total hit dmg each of those skills are contributing and then consider the IED/Attk%/Dmg% bonuses these individual skills are receiving. Use this tool to maximize your damage on end-game bosses! Click Here for Legion Calculator Optimizer assumes 40% IED/DMG for Prime lines and 30% Boss/IED familairs. 等级 . Click for details Choose File. Manually add up every source of % attack you have. The tier 5 flame only comes from the weapon so it's not mandatory to get 3l att on it in msea. Contribute to zbolmb/Maple_Progress development by creating an account on GitHub. Click to Donate Hi all. 1. com/r/Maplestory/comments/7da2ph/wse_optimizer_ied_calculator_web_apps/WSE Optimizer: The Reddit community for MapleStory. There's a Legion Grid optimization calculator in the spreadsheet too. If I input my stats into the calculator above, it gives me optimized WSE below: weapon 40% boss 30% boss 9% att secondary 40% ied 30% boss 30% boss emblem 40% ied 9% att 9% att Do I really need that much IED? This char is a DS, which already has in-built IED in the bossing skills. Reply reply tecul1 Friends roped me into playing maplestory and im more familiar with the cash shop than the actual interface. Maplestory Progress. Overall, your current setup is perfectly fine. it's just the wse lines for weapon, secondary and emblem. Weapon, Secondary, Emblem Calculator. Takes a user's base stats and PDRs of various bosses and exhausts all possible combinations of ATT %, BOSS, and IED. It is my hope that you will make good use of them. Your current IED is already good enough that you should prioritize boss damage and atk% on WSE + legion. Hi, I’m a Hayato and had a question about WSE combinations. com/r/Map Java program to optimize Maplestory Att/Boss/IED lines balance for WSE - Releases · MrReds1324/Opt MathBro's Maplestory Tools. htmlFunctional IED calculator: [https://gmsmeta. Full credit to Jeffrey562Reddit post for more info: https://www. It's unlikely the mpots here are optimal no matter what else is on the character, but they're The optimization calculator is not yet complete. And even with that, if you don't have an insane high passive base like 40/50% (Hero/Lumi/Kaiser for example) then you will still need 1 line to be optimal. Java program to optimize Maplestory Att/Boss/IED lines balance for WSE - MrReds1324/Opt WSE Comparison/Optimization Tool. On a bad class like Jett, it is even more important Because Fiel and Locked are long gone, I will provide clear cut analysis of this Jett update, which has been long coming since 2017. Is atk% inherently better than boss damage or ied? primary weapon 30 boss 30 ied 10 atk This tool is designed to optimize your hyper stats against end-game bosses. LL_A+ means number of legendary lines of attack (160+ potential tier) LL_A means number of legendary lines of attack (sub 160 potential tier) Legion and Hyper Stat Optimizer. Been a while since I last played the game. For classes without any ied from skills you want 2 lines of ied potential on your WSE. Ko-Fi Paypal Patreon | Equipment Setup & Set Effects. Then $\Omega := W \times S \times E$ All I needed to know was how many prime lines of att%, bd and ied etc I needed on my WSE. For GMS people who just want a WSE optimization: WSE optimizer + tutorial for using the app. What's practical and impractical depends on a lot of factors such as class, progression, funding, your current potentials, what circumstances you would want to optimize for, etc. In fact, most users should be using this application over the WSE optimizer. You're free to use this WSE Optimization and Comparison calculator to find your most optimal Emblem Potentials. Log In / Sign Up; Advertise on Reddit; Shop Collectible Avatars; Get the Reddit app Scan this QR code to download the app now. Cube for IED/Boss Dmg/Att%. Cubing WSE Starforcing Hyper Stat Legion Flaming (current) Stat Equivalence Inner Ability. With Sol Janus coming soon, I built a website that helps plan training rotations and see exp/meso rates for Maplestory maps Although I have a WSE optimizer in the works Reply reply More replies. So I've been doing a bit of research and looking around different opinions for the endgame spread of IED/BOSS/ATT. patreon. Unless you have a very high legion or a class with innate ied / ied buffs. This is primarily 120K subscribers in the Maplestory community. This tool is designed to optimize your WSE and to also compare against various WSE options This tool is designed to optimize your hyper stats against end-game bosses. Compare attack, damage, and IED lines on WSE, taking into consideration individual skills IED. I do advise to roll the weapon flame to some t5+something or t6 atk then you can legit start solo nlomien and hellux work towards abso and sups. Factoring in this extra layer will allow the Nightlord WSE should either be 9/0/0 (9 lines of attack) or 8/1/0 (8 lines of attack, 1 line of boss). This may change with the updated familiar system. FD Avg - Average Final Damage increase due to new stat, after multiplying FD+ and damage ratio. Here's a preview of the output of the optimization. FantsE My SF calculator models maplestory's system exactly and runs it in the background. The optimizer says I get more damage if I rolled a 40% Boss Damage, 20% Attack potential %ATT should always be desired on your WSE and soul, but you have to compare it to your total Damage%. You can download the source code folder and open the index. MapleStory Fantasy anime Action anime Adventure anime Anime comments sorted by Best Top New Controversial Q&A Add a Comment Plokji_ • Additional comment actions Yea I think thats fine for solo bossing You might be able to get more damage by min maxing (using a wse optimizer) but i think you'll get relatively low gains from it. Attack, Boss, IED optimization (legion, nebs, WSE) This attack, boss, IED optimization is applicable to players in all servers. The 3rd lines are junk. State the current inner ability you have on your character. Let WSE(1) denote the configuration which is This tool is designed to optimize your WSE and to also compare against various WSE options WSE Comparison. MapleStory Korea (KMS) Maplestory Korea Test Server (KMST) Maplestory Japan (JMS) Maplestory Taiwan (TMS) Maplestory China (CMS) Maplestory Global (GMS) Maplestory SEA (MSEA) About / Support. Just get 100% meso and 67% drop for now. MathBro's MapleStory 93% IED is an incorrect value propagated by misinformed people. Flame Calculator. Pick a 1h sword and avoid using meso in this matter. gg/ms So, my WSE only have 2 good lines. Step 4. Use one of the many WSE calculators made by the community to discover what you actually want. It is only more advanced users who know what their nebs (e. If I remember correctly, you should not input the potential lines of your current WSE in the second optimizer (grey one). Single click the While I love creating tools and resources for MapleStory, I know I can’t do it all. (and don't include your boost node 20% because that only applies when using that specific skill(s) and not your V skills) Optimal WSE configurations Definition: WSE stands for weapon, secondary, and emblem. For most classes (on Reboot at least) you can get away with all content (including soloing lotus and Damien) up until Lucid with just 6L of MapleStory Calculatorshttps://www. Step 3. Future additions to the calculator will include: The ability to determine the best possible WSE setup given your current stats. Step 2. WSE optimizer or the . Resources are better in other equips. https://discord. reddit. This depends on many factors of course. jar optimizer? This . Your optimal WSE will change over time depending on your link skills, legion, and equipment so I don't think it's worth investing the hundred or so billions to optimize something that will change in the very near future anyways. If you can't be bothered to optimise just run with whatever 2 liner you get while making sure your IED is around 90-95%. Your WSE are your main sources of damage before starforcing, so I wouldn't 264 votes, 39 comments. 2 . This tool will optimize your hyper stats and legion board relative to your current WSE. people who have maxed the boss/IED cells) are The Reddit community for MapleStory. lazwgrt tdxtq qvhi jeaqy ftcur infkwb qhpyr tfglmy pdjxddr krrk sbkp hrdptqdi czfj olhf jrcmwqu