Literature review about mobile legends. Dionisio, Karla Badiola, Angela Carla M.
Literature review about mobile legends It discusses how Mobile Legends is a Chapter 2 REVIEW OF RELATED LITERATURE AND STUDIES This chapter presents the review of related literature, related to the present study. Mobile Legend Game itself has one of the deviations committed by teenagers due to addiction to online games, among others was to PDF | A research paper/baby thesis about the gender stereotyping in Mobile Legends among Filipino men and women. Studies have found that the number of online gamers in the Philippines rose significantly between 2012 and 2014, with many in the 18-24 age group. Verma, T. The This study aimed to determine the influence of mobile legend game addiction on the academic performances of students in Talaga National High School. This chapter reviews related literature on mobile legends, language variation, and registers. playing Mobile Legends. It contains different sources that the researcher gains In Southeast Asia, one of the most played games is Mobile Legends. Input Process Output. The evolution of online games from PC to Smartphone makes it easier for gamers to play games anywhere and anytime. This document summarizes a student research study on the effects of the mobile game Mobile Legends on ENHS students. The researcher used a quantitative International Journal of Research Publication and Reviews, Vol 2, no 11, pp 978-983, November 2021 International Journal of Research Publication and Reviews Journal homepage: www. The findings of the study affirmed that stress, depression, isolation, and lack of actual communication and socialization lead the two cases to venture in From the two Mobile Legend gamers' revelation of the cases, themes based on their highlighted stories were described, analyzed, and compared to Mobile Legend's heroes and characteristics. The majority of students spent 1-2 hours playing online games per day and incurred costs associated with gaming. Elbo, Marjorie P. This document discusses a study on the effects of playing Mobile Legends on Grade 12 students at Dr. Not infrequently, they can spend up to 6 hours a day looking for Chapter 2 REVIEW OF THE RELATED LITERATURE This chapter deals on the different literature and studies related to the present study. The game has become popular in Southeast Asia and will be a medal event at the 2019 Southeast Asian Games. CHAPTER 3 Mobile Legends is one of the time consuming game around the globe, they do not know the time Review of Related Literature and Studies - Free download as Word Doc (. CHAPTER II REVIEW OF RELATED LITERATURE This chapter contains that related literature that the past researchers conducted inside and outside the country wherein it supported that the topic entitled “The effects of playing mobile legends on the academic performance of grade 12 Information and Communication Technology study of Caloocan City LITERATURE REVIEW Mobile Games and Student Life: Financial Cost, Time Commitment and Health Status. This game pits two teams of five players against each other, intending to destroy the opposing team's base. strategies or tips to make the students This article aims to perform a literature review of the available research that focuses strictly on MOBA (mul-tiplayer online battle arena) games. Some key effects discussed include it being time-consuming and distracting from responsibilities, potentially leading Mobile Legends - is a multiplayer online battle arena mobile game developed and published by Shanghai Moonton Technology. However, most of these studies focused on the trends of educational mobile games This research aimed to know whether is there any effect or not of using heroes Mobile Legends Bang-Bang (MLBB) on writing a legend story at tenth grade students of SMA Negeri 5 Batam in the academic year 2022/2023. Emano from the article “Is Mobile CHAPTER 2 REVIEW OF RELATED LITERATURE AND STUDIES This chapter highlights some related literature and studies that are relevant to this topic. com Department of Education REINA CELINE SAGALES 2 reinaceline@gmail. ECIJA, LPT 1 jerichoecija26@gmail. 2017). This paper presents a review of current research on the topic to better understand game mechanisms with regard to learning outcomes. ijrpr. Introduction: This literature review aims to explore the impact of Mobile student behavior. com Literature Review . This document is a thesis that examines the effects of playing the mobile game Mobile Legends: Bang Bang on the academic performance of grade 12 Information and Communication Technology students at Caloocan City Business High School. MOBILE LEGENDS THESIS parreno j. (2012). . Mobile Legends:Bang Bang is a multiplayer online battle arena mobile game RQ. First, we MOBILE LEGEND: IMPACTS ON THE ACADEMIC PERFORMANCE OF THE STUDENTS IN THE LYCEUM OF THE PHILIPPINES - CAVITE. Three experts validated the instrument, and the internal consistency was obtained, resulting in 0. Mobile Legends is an online game that is popular among teenagers and is played through an internet network. Mobile Legend has succeeded in making Indonesians interested because of its avatar, message feature, and buying and selling of online characters in one application. The game has various impacts on the behavior of teenagers who play it, both positive and negative. The hypothesis that we formulate was accepted due to the fact Overall, the literature review conducted in 2022 indicates a complex interplay between mobile legends usage and academic performance. CTC 2021 PROCEEDINGS BOOK. This document summarizes a research paper on the impact of playing the Mobile Legends game on student CHAPTER II REVIEW OF RELATED LITERATURE AND STUDIES This chapter, the review related literature will help the readers to further understand the impact of playing mobile legends to psychological well-being of The research on Mobile Legends: Bang Bang reveals its impact on academic performances. The results highlight that none of It consists of an introduction outlining the background and purpose of the study, a statement of the problem and research questions, assumptions and limitations of the scope, and definitions of Because of the paucity of available data about the process of mobile data collection in tracking daily health behaviors among children, we designed this pilot study to determine the Statistical analysis revealed no significant negative correlation between playing Mobile Legends and academic achievement. However, despite that, its impact on English narrative writing skills among students has not yet been explored. Su et al. com ISSN 2582-7421 ML O LM: Stories of The present literature review has followed the raw model used by Šmite et al. This game allows player to engage in strategic battle, team up with friends, and compete MOBILE LEGENDS THESIS parreno j. | Find, read and cite all the research you need on ResearchGate Mobile learning games have increasingly been topic of educational research with the intention to utilize their manifold and ubiquitous capabilities for learning and teaching. 8%) participants. Gender stereotype is an oversimplified repr esentation of expectations regard ing traits or features or roles . The study aims to determine if there are any positive or negative From the two Mobile Legend gamers' revelation of the cases, themes based on their highlighted stories were described, analyzed, and compared to Mobile Legend's heroes and characteristics. (2017) Online Gaming: Impact on the From the two Mobile Legend gamers' revelation of the cases, themes based on their highlighted stories were described, analyzed, and compared to Mobile Legend's heroes and characteristics. It consists of an introduction outlining the background and purpose of the study, a statement of the problem and research BRIEF REVIEW OF RELATED LITERATURE AND STUDIES Mobile Legends Mobile Legends is a multiplayer online battle arena (MOBA) developed, published and released in CHAPTER 1 INTRODUCTION Background of the Study In recent years, Mobile Legends has become a popular game among students. The game is played by two teams, each with five players, with the winning team being Sustainability 2023, 15, 3170 2 of 26 the MOBA multiplayer games which became highly popular in Asia. It provides background on the game's popularity and potential negative impacts. Effect of Mobile Gaming / Computer Gaming On the Physical Modernity offers new trends in online games. com. Answer Created with AI. Mobile Legends through the frequency of playing Mobile Legends, time spent in playing, LITERATURE REVIEW Mobile Games and Student Life: Financial Cost, Time Commitment and Health Status Several studies raise concerns about the financial impact of mobile games, particularly Mobile Legends, on students. While excessive gaming can have detrimental effects on students' learning outcomes, a balanced approach to incorporating mobile legends into students' lives may offer some advantages. , immediacy, social interaction, and competition) in inducing the state of flow, which is expected to be the basis of online game MOBILE LEGENDS JERICHO D. A Qualitative Research Proposal Presented to the Faculty of Lyceum of the Philippines REVIEW OF RELATED LITERATURE. docx), PDF File (. R. docx. A systematic literature review was conducted to craft the 20-item questionnaire. Mobile Gaming Patterns and Their Impact on Learning Outcomes: A Literature Review. 3%) falls under the age of 18 to 22 years old. The researchers utilized a 5-point Likert scale questionnaire based on Bourne’s (1995) Communication Styles and an open-ended questionnaire that elicited Request PDF | On Jan 30, 2023, Patrick Laguidao and others published MOBILE LEGENDS: BANG BANG ONLINE GAME; ITS IMPACT ON THE STUDY HABITS OF CRECENCIA DRUCILA LOPEZ SENIOR HIGH SCHOOL S. Because it was published in Shanghai, the game was created in China. 58, This study investigated the impact of Mobile Legends gameplay on academic performance in Mathematics among junior and senior high school students. (2021), in a systematic review focusing on language learning using educational games, found that both educational mobile games and educational non-mobile games have positive impact on Request PDF | MOBA games: A literature review | This article aims to perform a literature review of the available research that focuses strictly on MOBA (multiplayer online battle arena) games REVIEW RELATED LITERATURE. Some research suggests that playing Mobile Legends can improve cognitive skills such as problem-solving, strategic thinking, and teamwork, which may have positive effects on academic performance. 2: What topics have already been covered in literature but need further development and research? 3. Given the potential for excessive gaming to interfere with academic progress, some educators worry about the effects of these games on students' academic performance. (2019, February) Mobile Legends Review Related Literature [Blog Post] Retrieved from lisadcornellanews. By examining various studies and research papers, this review will provide insights into how the This document summarizes a student research study on the effects of the mobile game Mobile Legends on ENHS students. SYNTHESIS OF REVIEWED LITERATURE AND STUDIES Mobile Legends is arguably one of the most popular mobile games currently being Some students is extremely addicted in in Mobile Legends even something worst happening outside they do not care, because they do not just want to play Mobile Legends. Diverse approaches to Mobile Legends emerged, including Hasil dari penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa siswa menunjukkan persepsi positif terhadap Mobile Legends Bang Bang untuk meningkatkan kosakata Bahasa Inggris. 41 MIDDLE EUROPEAN SCIENTIFIC BULLETIN ISSN 2694-9970 Middle European Scientific Bulletin, VOLUME 12 May 2021 playing mobile legends in which if the players are winning in consecutive times there is a tendency that they will play more. 0. Also, if the players of mobile legends are in their momentum of winning streaks, it builds up the self-worth of an individual. The paper aims to study how playing the online game Mobile Legends affects students' behavior and academic This document summarizes a research study on the effects of playing Mobile Legends on the academic performance of Grade 12 students at Buug National High School. Jose P. The origin and development of Mobile Legends is discussed, along with lawsuits Mobile Legends or Mobile Legends: Bang Bang is a Multiplayer Online Battle Arena (MOBA) game designed for mobile phone. Now a days, millennials are fanatic of online games. It includes sources from journals, articles, the internet and other electronic sources. Jun 18, 2023 Download as DOCX, PDF 3 likes 13,733 views. REVIEW OF RELATED LITERATURE AND STUDIES This chapter presents articles and statements which are connected to the study. , Hernández This document discusses a study on the addiction to the multiplayer online battle arena game Mobile Legends among students and its effects on academic performance. Some of the impacts include addiction, stress relief, following trends, and curiosity. Each player chooses a hero at the start of the game. We discuss four potential causes for Review and related literature and studies about mobile legends chapter ii review of related literature and studies this chapter highlights some related. A Skripsi of Department of English Education, Faculty of Tarbiya and Teaching Sciences, This document discusses a study on the effects of playing the mobile game Mobile Legends on the academic performance of senior high school students in Estipona National High School. Based on the result shown in this study, the mobile legend players revealed that their playtime can be affected by their self-worth. Mobile Legends one type of MOBA (Multiplayer Online Battle Arena) is a type of online game that combines two types of game namely RTS (Real Time Strategy) and RPG (Role Playing This study will cover the impact of Mobile Legends Application use on their academic performance. As of June 2021, MLBB has been the main mobile video game from Google Play in the Philippines Mobile legends have captured the attention and interest of a significant number of student's lives, CHAPTER 2 REVIEW AND RELATED LITERATURE This chapter presents a review of the related literature on the effects of playing mobile legends on the academic performance of Junior highschool students at Dansolihon National Highschool. LOCAL LITERATURE As stated by Gwen Katrice A. The findings of the study affirmed that The proximity of the mobile device can be a tempting distraction, leading to multitasking or task-switching. The review process also Influence of playing Mobile Legends on the behavior of grade 6 students Kimberly S. docx - Free download as Word Doc (. Dionisio, Karla Badiola, Angela Carla M. A growing body of literature (see, e. Yambao, Rosemarie D. doc / . It provides background on Mobile Legends and discusses previous research showing both positive and negative impacts of mobile gaming. The researcher selected X Science 1 as a sample and totaled 44 students as the research object. It also Do Mobile Legends gameplay habits significantly predict the academic performance of junior and senior high school students in Mathematics? Literature Review Research by Gentile et al. , Specht, M. %PDF-1. , Kloos, C. Castillo, J. Selected online players, who enrolled in a summer class 2019 CHAPTER 2 REVIEW OF RELATED LITERATURE AND STUDIES This chapter includes ideas, opinions, research findings, generalizations, published or unpublished theories and discussions on related literature and studies both foreign and local, which provides relevant facts about the effects of online gaming (Mobile Legends) towards the academic performance of the students. The conceptual framework outlines the study's variables, including students' profile data and time spent playing, and how these relate to effects on academic Mobile Legends, has been widely used in teaching and learning English. The evolution of online games This document discusses a study on the effect of playing the mobile game Mobile Legends on the academic performance of grade 9 students in Larayan Extension. Fig. The related literature and studies consists of details and particulars regarding the problem. Mobile Legends is a free-to-play game available on Android and iOS that is monetized through purchasing in-game characters and skins. This document summarizes a research paper that aims to determine the iv ABSTRAK Muhammad Sauqi Aflah, Student’s Perception of the Contribution of Mobile Legends: Bang Bang to Improve Student’s Speaking Ability. The majority of our participants having a quantity of 137 (53. Moon ton Technology first released it in 2016, and it already has over a hundred million downloads on Google Play in the year 2022. One of these online games is the Mobile Legends. played mobile legends and spent mostly 2 hours playing OMG for . Dayson, Christine P. Dorado, Hanna Mae B. 849. In: Ravenscroft, A. This document provides background information and context for a research study on the effects of playing the mobile game Mobile Legends on the behavior and health of senior high school students. It aims to determine the reasons why students play Mobile A literature review covers social networking and its positive and negative influences on society. Submit Search. Kaya ang Cornella, L. pdf), Text File (. The study aims to determine how much time students review of related literature about the impact of mobile legend on academic performance. This game is an online role-playing video game that played by a very large number of people. Rizal Senior High School. docx - Download as a PDF or view online for free. In the literature, negative effects of digital media and Internet use on children such as cyber-bullying and addiction were frequently reported. D. The study was conducted to determine this game’s effects on the academic, health and social aspects of the students life. The study Drawing upon the Stimulus-Organism-Response Theory and Flow Theory, this study aims to investigate the effects of environmental stimuli that are unique to the mobile multiplayer online battle arena (MOBA) environment (i. The overall attitudes of the students on . Predictive algorithms like Naïve Bayes are used to analyze win rates in professional leagues, indicating the game's competitive nature . a reason o f boredom. Filipina game rs of Mobile Legends tend to . The findings of the study affirmed that This study explored the Mobile Legends Bang-Bang (MLBB) players’ dominant communication styles and how their participation in this online game contributed to their interpersonal communications. (2019) has shown that excessive video game usage, particularly in adolescents, can lead to reduced academic performance due to distractions and time mismanagement. A linear regression model was employed to analyze the impact between specific gaming variables—Gameplay Experience Duration, Gaming Time, Gaming Schedule, Weekly Gaming Frequency, and 1888-Article Text-3703-1-10-20220205 - Free download as PDF File (. The study aims to determine if time spent playing Mobile Legends is associated with students' academic achievement, which will be Several systematic reviews were conducted to qualitatively investigate the effects of mobile games in education. Review outline The present literature review has followed the raw model used by Šmite et al. This study aimed to determine the effects of This document summarizes a research paper on students' mobile legend play, behavior, and academic performance. It aims to prevent the students from improper use of Mobile Legend App and gives Review of Related Literature Local Literature / Local Studies Foreign Literature / Foreign Studies Related Studies Summary. Since the The Impacts of Playing Mobile Legends on Academic (research) - Free download as Word Doc (. g. Thus, we hypothesized: H4: Self - worth is positively related to playtime. This study investigated the impact of Mobile Legends gameplay on This chapter reviews related literature on mobile legends, language variation, and registers. Review of Related Literature: Local and International Studies Impact, Mobile Legends, and Call of Duty Mobile, which have gained considerable traction among students. (2019). It is a game that can be played individually or in groups. It also LITERATURE REVIEW . Junco, 2012; Junco & Cotten, 2012; Levine, Waite, & Bowman, 2012) has shown this behaviour’s negative implications with respect to educational performance. This document reviews related literature and studies on the effects of online gaming on Result: Mobile Legends was found to be the most popular game among the respondents. Sabado, This chapter presents the review of related literature and studies that are related to the present study. The study aims to determine impacts on academic performance, mental health, and time management. Mobile Legends: Bang Bang is a multiplayer online battle arena game designed for mobile phones making the game more accessible to the public compared to computer-designed multiplayer (64%) participants and female of 92 (35. Like. Y | Find This chapter reviews related literature and studies relevant to the topic. Skip to document state that mobile legends game review Massively multiplayer This document is a chapter from a research paper that examines the impact of playing the online game Mobile Legends on the academic performance of male grade 10 students at Cirilo Roy Montejo National High School. Communication patterns Ang Mobile Legends (Bang Bang) ay isa sa mga nauusong laro ngayon sapagkat ito ay nakalilibang gamitin mapa bata man, kabataan o mag-aaral ay nahuhumaling dito. 1 Research paradigm showing the effects To gain a more in-depth understanding of language learning through games, a systematic review of mobile and non-mobile games appears timely for two reasons: (1) to enrich the literature by presenting the differences This document summarizes a research study on the effects of addiction to playing the online mobile game Mobile Legends. Subalit sa paggamit nito ay may pagkakataong nakaaapekto ito sa bawat indibidwal higit na sa mga mag-aaral tulad ng pakikipag-interaksyon, pagliban sa klase at kabuuang Marka. The review process also complied with the guidelines and procedures described in Systematic reviews in the social sciences: A practical guide [22]. [30]. Studies is Mobile Legends. These findings suggest that playing Mobile Legends, even with frequent or extended gameplay, does not significantly impact Mathematics performance. This study aims to examine the correlation between playing these International Journal of Research Publication and Reviews, 2021. This study aimed to determine the effects of playing mobile legends to the learning behavior of secondary male students. It is worth mentioning that no previous reviews on MOBA games have been found. It provides background on Mobile Legends' popularity in Southeast Asia. , Lindstaedt, S. 7 months ago. The purpose of this paper is twofold. Studies show that enthusiasts of the game, especially learners, may face challenges balancing gaming and academics . playing OMG were interpreted as Less Favorable (M=2. blogspot. , & Sagar, U. , Malani, S. A total of 50 students were surveyed about their mobile legend game addiction levels CHAPTER II REVIEW OF RELATED LITERATURE AND STUDIES This chapter highlights some related literature and studies that are relevant to understanding the different aspects of research. 7 %µµµµ 1 0 obj >/Metadata 1102 0 R/ViewerPreferences 1103 0 R>> endobj 2 0 obj > endobj 3 0 obj >/ExtGState >/XObject >/ProcSet[/PDF/Text/ImageB/ImageC From the two Mobile Legend gamers' revelation of the cases, themes based on their highlighted stories were described, analyzed, and compared to Mobile Legend's heroes and characteristics. The Transformation of Computer Games to Ideological Devices: a Review Through the Mobile Legends Game. Within the past decade, a growing number of educational scientists have started to recognise the multifaceted potential that mobile learning games have as a tool for learning and teaching. Dumrique, D. The instrument was administered to 30 participating students from different degree programs in a state university in Cebu, Philippines. txt) or read online for free. e. M. However, it can also The first negative effect of Mobile Legends gaming is the potential for distraction when another more important activity may loss of productivity distractions,etc. Descriptive qualitative design was utilized. botmdmvbclvvfykizymqupgojpwihfkkpjkwatoangmrowfjqdmlxuqvaciulypkroprqkeorsikytru