Kutum vs nouver chart. Saiyer is better than nouver even sub 200.
Kutum vs nouver chart google. However, there’s quite a bit of variety when For clarification: You have your sheet AP, hidden AP and ap from crystals, kutum or nouver for example. Nouver has it uses in large scale PVP where you not trying to land grabs or knock down but do damage instead. There has always been a debate as to whether Kutum or Nouver is better for your class. with that said, i make sure the mobs i grind are being one shotted or close Manshaums and Ronaros tet kutum and nouver. For 1v1s Succ, Kutum is viable, Nouver is better. For PVE kutum is better above 261 AP, not to mention you get better defense against mob Personally I would use that Nouver to make a TET stack for Kutum and Dandi. BDO Caphras Sheet for PEN level of gear. Once you can reach 261 with kutum then kutum wins again. The AP for spots are stated with kutum in mind so there is Kzarka > Offin or in reverse Kutum > Nouver or in reverse And I'm not 100% sure nut I think you can exchange Dim Tree to Red Nose, and the rest of the armors for their equivalents. I am hoarding silver to buy tri ogre and tri basi. Not 10% special evasion. You only want kutum for extra dp at that bracket but tbf id rather stay nuo till 269kut especially on console as you cap most rotations at 269nou. but know that i main lahn i just went straight to nouver. 1 Nouver3. Right now i am 231 tet kutum. tv/choiceCalculator: (Click file then make a copy to edit) https://docs. The Kutum at TRI absolutely does more damage than the Nouver at TET, leaving the specific mobs between 0-5%hp instead of 5-10% Again, unscientific, but the hp bar is inarguably smaller after a Kutum Aqua Jail than it is after a Nouver Aqua Jail on Gahaz mobs, results should be even better in Pila Ku, Hystria, or upcoming Kamasylvia Usually kutum. Apparently I didn't set the permissions correctly. I grind mostly aakman and miru when my mates form a group. when ive used 2 rces and nouver, damage significantly increased but only with maximum probability, average is not too much different, need more accuracy from somewhere :D i used pvp cron meal and destruction spirit stone. You will need both eventually, but as mentioned above, if you can get 261 with Nouver, use Nouver. which one is best for grinding in pve i really want to farm in kratuga in future will this be good? Every class in Black Desert Online has only one best-in-slot option for their main-hand and Awakening weapons (Kzarka and Dandelion, respectively), no questions asked. The bottom section is just there to see what Any tests that compares tri/tet kutum vs tri/tet nouver. Nouver vs Kutum actual gear Feedback/Suggestion Im 274 Kutum atm but when i go to nodes etc i dont kill people easily so im thinking about buying a Nouver tet to swap when i pvp, it is cheap 1. 248K subscribers in the blackdesertonline community. As a sorc I also suffer from low accuracy bonus on skills, I had a Kutum and personally, i think kutum is the more end game item than nouver majority of my friends from top guild, witches and wiz, all switched to kutum once their ap could hit 240. No. There are diagrams which will show you, which combination to use at a spicific ap. The argument for Nouver vs Jubre is fairly simple. While PEN BS offhand is BiS, it's literally the last upgrade you want to get. And to point it out, you can kill people just fine with a Kutum. New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast. Even at 261n~269n, nouver only provides a negligible damage output benefit over the equivalent kutum bracket---and only in 250 kutum vs 261 nouver for PVE? Question im having dilemma right now. CAUTION : ONE-TIME ONLY MEANS YOU CAN DO But at most grind spots, at significantly high enough gear, PEN Nouver vs TET Kutum overall sheet+bracket+monster AP can actually be very close. (if you can still reach that with kutum, not nouver ap), especially now with DP brackets being bigger kutum can help to survive. Or sell it for a Kutum and buy it after you hit 248 TET Kutum, which will be quite a while. If I was primarily grinding in pre-awaken mode, then If we consider the offhands on their own, kutum is better for PVE due to the extra monster damage, and nouver is usually considered better for PVP because of the higher AP. r/MMORPG is an online community dedicated to all things massively multiplayer online role-playing games TRI Kutum vs TET Nouver (253AP w/ Nouver) Hey guys, I’m wondering if buyjng a TRI Kutum will be noticeably different (better or worse) vs my Nouver. 245K subscribers in the blackdesertonline community. A PEN Kutum can be croned which can 11 votes, 25 comments. Getting ready for the new Mystic class and can't decide over Nouver or Kutum off-hand. i used to rock kutum on my mystic. I had 302 accuracy with 1 rce and 1 witch - nouver made less damage. AP Bracket Table 5. And since PEN-ing my kutum will be my last step after all the other pieces are finished and my plan is to PEN the Nouver (dr build) with the new PEN upgrade system (when it comes to that), would it be better to just upgrade my Tuvala offhand to a Combatant version and use the Boss Exchange coupon on another piece from a previous season. Also depend on your class, some class keep nouver much longer like dk which is really squishy no point to use kutum unless 301 + , ranger and other squishy classes, even sorc i would use mostly nouver. In my personal opinion and having done some calculations on accuracy based on the community tests, I think 1 Red Coral Earring goes well with Kutum or 2 Red Coral Earrings with Nouver. If we consider the offhands on their own, kutum is better for PVE due to the extra monster damage, and nouver is usually considered For PVP nouver is always better for pure against player if you aim for max damage. Well there's exhibit A. Kutum vs Nouver 3. txt) or read online for free. Info Archived post. My advice will just try to push for 1 more ap with the adventure journal (we're getting a new one tomorrow) that gives 1 AP or with caphras and you can just use nouver all the way until you can hit 261 ap w/ kutum. In PvP, on the other hand, nouver is better because rangers are seldom killed with one spell Who ever voted kutum is big stoopid and small pp energy. xlsx), PDF File (. Unless you used Garamoth heart on it. Some people say 269 kutm but that was the case like a year ago. Introduction AP and DP brackets are set ranges that give bonus AP or extra damage reduction. 308 AP is the bracket cap you can even hit it with kutum xD and deal the same damage as som1 with 330 nouver cause above 308 AP you dont get bonus damage #bdosea #blackdesertonline #inababa #itsinaba #inaberssupport me directly on :https://linktr. It will get you into higher PvE areas quicker and will do significantly more Mob Damage then Nouver. Either of the boss gears will help you win your duels when skillfully used. Kutum is better for PVE (even when I was ~180 with it, and ~200 with Nouver), and in PVP unless your opponent is dog shit you are better off with a Rosar, or even a steel dagger (which by the way deals more damage than a nouver due to the special attack damage +1 stat). So if we take away the 15 ap nouver has extra from that 50 bonus monster ap of the kutum, then kutum still gives you 35 more ap against monsters. For example, once you hit 100 AP, you get an extra base 5 AP. All Guides, Gear Guides By Tansie 19th Aug 2020 Leave a comment. Gear Kutum wins any Pve arguement until you reach 265 with nouver. The added Mob damage that a Kutum grants allows people to grind in much higher level, and thus higher Silver/hour spots. 5b sitting in warehouse im not sure which one is best for pvete tet nouver 261 bonus ap is really good . I use Kutum on Miru and monster, and always equipped Nouver for PvP or Human monster, I'm only 253 with Nouver for now Kutum vs Nouver. r/blackdesertonline • Made a Actually it's the opposite, Kutum for PVP due to the accuracy/DP/Ignore resistance, Nouver for PVE due to the high damage/Low DP/CC resistancethe only time Nouver would be good in PVP is if you absolutely need the AP in order to do damage, but if you can do damage without itit's just excessive AP with no addition to survivability. The AP for spots are stated with kutum in mind so there is Nouver and Kutum are both boss off-hands, but the fight over which one is better has been on and off throughout the game’s run. Reply Random5483 Semi-Retired - 281/284/339 • For PVP nouver is always better for pure against player if you aim for max damage. What would you recommend? Archived post. PvP nouver is overall better but Kutum is still relevant and crucial for some builds, for it accuracy and evasion. If you have both, you can test it yourself. im gonna pick up a kutum eventually, cause they are really good too. If you can get 270 with Kutum, use Kutum. Then nouver uses x1 tri witch or duo tungrad with x1 tri rce? If not, anyone with these items able to test this for us? Would debunk the kutum hidden damage myth once and for all. i am switching to kutum once i KUTUM VS NOUVEROne of the most commonly asked questions in BDO is what is the better offhand KUTUM or NOUVER and it can come down to preference but which is Shouldnt go kutum for pvp until atleast 281 kut imo. 8AP in exchange for +1 Special Att, and in 1v1/Small scale situations, that Spec Att damage is a BIG increase over 8AP, even with two critical crystals socketed into Nouver. For 1v1 Awak Pen nouver over tet kutum is a difference of 15 ap for the nouver. Reply reply Talloyna • The 261 AP bracket is important but if you don't have a nouver already it's not really worth Most players will be making the majority of their money through grinding. If we consider the offhands on their own, kutum is better for PVE due to the extra monster damage, and nouver is The kutum shields real dp over vangertz evasion that I used to run is extremely noticeable. There is a small gap near 260-269 where nouver is better but kutum becomes better after 269 ap For pvp ofc nouver You need 261 with nouver for the damage to be around if not 100% equal. 261 TET Nouver vs 249 TET Kutum Advantages Nouver: 2 more AP in PvE 54 more AP in PvP 10% Resistance Advantages Kutum: 12 more Accuracy 11 more DP 10 Ignore All Resistance AP breakpoint chart. On principal just reading the item description and weighing what people have seen in PvP and PvE between the two weapons makes FAR more sense than "Hidden AP" like everyone claimed was fact with Liverto vs Kzarka when in actuality the only difference when paired with a Nov/Kut off hand Do not get a tet bs offhand. 2 Kutum Entries tagged with "kutum vs nouver" AP and DP Brackets Guide. i have saved 2. 1 Choosing Your Sub-weapon Using AP Brackets2. You'll be 260k after the swap and it'll only take 1 more sheet AP to make kutum strictly better DPS for all PvE again. Novuer Calculator - Free download as Excel Spreadsheet (. At hystria its the same history, i get quite similar trash hour between the 2 offhands. Was thinking of piking 2 tet rce until i hit 62 and switch then to capotia rce or capotia tri tungrad. The kutum is more damage even when considering AP brackets. In addition to the 4 monster AP increase compared to nouver, you also gain 13 DP and 13 accuracy. Locked post. Also 261 kutum and nuo are the same monster dmg. Reply reply More replies More replies More replies More replies More replies Some classes it's not great for. But at any given AP vs a target with the same DP the mystic will be one of the slower killers. Bloody Monastery is a notable exception - even 1 more hidden AP can make a at some point nouver is just to flex or to kill hyper geared people - and since ur on xbox u should be fine with kutum for a long time also kutum strenghtens ur evasion build further making it a more verstatile weapon, as long as u are happy with your damage there is no reason to hold onto the nouver if ur not going to flex with 290 - 300 ap The DP is there but shouldn't be a priority when choosing between Kutum and Nouver. But the tet kutums bonus AP against monsters is about 50 higher than the pen nouver. Reply reply Official subreddit of Asmongold (as seen on Netflix) aka ZackRawrr, an Austin, Texas based Twitch streamer, YouTube personality, and gaming organization owner and content creator of One True King (OTK), a group of mostly Austin, Some said don't worry about it if you already running Kutum nothing out preforms Kutum others said Nouvar is decent for PVP that's it but didn't really say if it's worth investing in for PVP if I was already running Kutum. Is pen Kutum better than pen nouver? If your AP with nouver is 260 or lower, go Kutum. 1 AP Brackets3 BDO Is Kutum Better Than Nouver?3. Only your “sheet AP” and “sheet DP”, which is the AP Yes. Back to my question. depends on your class but for the most part if you are end game as in at least full PEN boss and TET accessories then you gonna use kutum which is at 289 bracket and higher , some classes like dk for exemple still use nouver because they are truly glass canon and you need to delete people as fast as you and you die instantly no matter what. Permanent AP and DP Gains 4. New comments cannot be posted. TLDR: for anything outside 1v1s at those brackets, Nouver. 305 ap nouver vs 293 Kut for pve . 5b and will let me have more fun in pvp. I Tried to kill the same mob at Gyffin using the exact same rotations of skills, both offhands gave me the same results, mob is killed in 12 seconds. Almost everyone in my guild is in the process of grabbing/ enchanting a kutum because the difference is so astounding. If your AP with nouver is 261-264, they are both roughly the same. xls / . Last updated Jul 16, 2021 at 7:33PM | Published on May 29, 2021 | Black Desert Online, Enhancement | 0 . i've been mostly grinding nagas, but will switch soon. I’ve never used a kutum and I’ve read that 261 AP is the real breakpoint for Nouver but I just hit this new 253 bracket so idk if that matters. Introduction 2. 1. Nouver 261(+101 Bonus AP) +4 Monster AP = 366 Effective AP Kutum 249(+57 Bonus AP) +58 Monster AP = 364 Effective AP Nouver is neither good for PVE or PVP. When the hidden options were revealed last year, Kutum does an insane amount more damage in PvE than Nouver. I'm Maehwa and I prefer Nouver over the White Bow or Kutum as can handle shield/block classes better than non. Citation preview. kutum isnt bad for pvp at all, however i would only use it above a high bracket aka 280+ ap. But for Aakman I would recommend using Kutum at all times With my main hand I would look at the list, see with my tet kutum and tet nouver, which would be better. It shows the required Caphras Stones you will need, with matching total Stat increase for achieving a Caphras Level. Then at 265 Kutum or higher it's vastly ahead Kutum vs Nouver. this is also because of the huge amount of DP you get with kutum, and ignoring resistance. Bonus Tips. edit: the heck with the jealousy, i rerolled out from warrior and wanted to know whats best for ninja and if there was a noticeable difference between the eva/accuracy of kutum and the ap of This was a test to see how a PRI kutum stood up to a TRI Nouver. com/spreadsheets/d/1Pkff8vPz0-E2lMp3_ilm5Ez Kutum vs. its up to you really. It sounds like it would be great to have in addition to Kutum for PVP . I haven't verify that myself, so no authority on this. If we consider the offhands on their own, kutum is better for PVE due to the extra monster damage, and nouver is usually considered better for PVP because of the higher AP. Only PEN bs offhand is worth it over pen kutum. So at first glance, Kutum might look like the defensive off-hand of choice, with Kutum being the more offensive option, but it’s not quite that simple. but since this game revolves around pvp, i went with a pvp build first. Nouv Posted by u/420gigabytes - 2 votes and 19 comments use kutum until u can hit 261 nouver, then switch back to kutum when u can hit 261 kutum. Its actually pretty good test and will help alot on what to choose along with what gems to use. Wont do much with 269 nowadays. pdf), Text File (. but that depense on your level and where you play. ive made another rce to tri and tested with it. People just made up some random arbitrary number and picked it as a Whether you choose to acquire Nouver or Kutum, the key is to weigh the benefits and costs of each armor set. twitch. If you go kutum first you'll grind faster, make more money, and then be able to enchant the nouver faster. Ty for your response, I truly appreciate it. . Just look up "bdo ap bracket" and "kutum vs nouver chart" So at TRI its basically : (Kutum) 20 DP + 5 acc + 10% res ignore vs (Nouver) 14 AP + 10% res. It allows BDO Caphras Sheet: PEN Chart & Spreadsheet. 5b isnt a hugeee deal. If your AP with nouver is 260 or lower, go Kutum. KUTUM feels nice with the extra DP/ignore resistance at some grinding area. That totals to 370 monster AP. Here are some bonus tips to help you acquire the Nouver armor: Saiyer was the best (pre-nouver) PvP offhand before renown changes. A Nouver is a complete detriment for grinding unless you are over 261 AP. It’s i can buy a pen kutum/nouver and with that reach 285 kutum or 297 Nouver, i play Ninja Full Pen armor with eva build and wanted to know which one you think is better for pvp/nodes and why. For PvE, you never want to use Nouver (past the 265-269 brackets that everyone nowadays jumps over) over kutum. Even when TET Kutum wins, it may only be a single percent damage difference according to BigandShiny's damage calculator. For PVE kutum is better above 261 AP, not to mention you get better defense against mob wearing it. BDO Caphras Chart . ee/InababaThumbnail credit to FireFoxFoxy from Nova DiscordDiscl One other thing to note is the Kutum boss was released after Nouver boss in KR. GameStop Moderna Pfizer Johnson & Johnson AstraZeneca Walgreens Best Buy Novavax SpaceX Tesla. also 250 tet kutum monster dmg is also good. pre-awaken would total out to 421 AP with my Kutum, but 433 AP with my Nouver. Saiyer is better than nouver even sub 200. PEN Kutum (Caphras Lv 20) AP: 33 ~ 35 Accuracy: 25 DP: 25 Official subreddit of Asmongold (as seen on Netflix) aka ZackRawrr, an Austin, Texas based Twitch streamer, YouTube personality, and gaming organization owner and content creator of One True King (OTK), a group of mostly Austin, Texas based content creators and owner of Starforge Systems, selling prebuilt gaming PCs. Out of the 2 builds below, which one makes more sense? also any player doing more than grinding orcs will need multiple offhands, you use kutum / bs for spots with 70% cap, alternatively nesser, you use green ap for hard capped 5% spots, you use nouver on dr classes in uncapped pvp, you use Also the extra DP from Kutum helps you hit some recommended DP milestones for high end grind zones Kutum vs Nouver. In stat difference, kutum has 14 ap less but 20 dp more, a 10% resist pen instead, and hidden monster damage. In pve kutum performs better than nouver, some say. In-depth guide on Saiyer vs Kutum. If just hyst/aak/kratuga with knowledge of class(im assuming succ lahn) you should be fine but stars end might be a little tricky at that dp. even tho the ap difference is small at 261 ap kutum has more dp + accuracy. Needless to say, PEN Kutum is better at grinding at 251 AP compared to TET Nouver. Lookup big n shiny, he did a test on nouver vs kutum vs Green ohs. Was curious of opinions and/or tests between kutum v. and if you keep going the PvE route you can even keep the kutum even when you could hit the 260AP with nouver. Nouver might be on the same PVE damage if you stack ACC (behg kaza tree belt red coral) and not worried about hitting mobs. And you reached the new bracket at 261 with nouver thats supposed to be better for pve until you reach 261 with kutum. I keep hearing this: Kutum for evasion and nouvor for dr. Damage Calculator & Upgrade Checker Kutum AP Kutum Level 254 TET Nouver AP Nouver Level 266 TET PvP AP PvE AP 323 381 PvP AP PvE AP 388 392 +1 bracket AP Needed Nouver Kutum 3 3 Upgrade 1: 3 Kutum AP 257 PvP AP PvE AP 340 398 3 Kutum AP 257 PvP AP PvE AP 340 398 7 Kutum AP 261 PvP AP PvE AP 362 420 7 7 Nouver AP PvP Its basically a tool where you can put your kutum / nouver AP (OH's presumed to be TET in this version) and see what your AP is. It also shows how much AP you need to get to the next 4 brackets. EDIT: Changed nouver total AP to monster AP 238K subscribers in the MMORPG community. Even then the upgrade over a c20 pen kutum is marginal. It's more like 15 AP difference at 265 Nouver and somewhere around 20 difference at 269 Nouver. With its significant weight reduction and powerful stats, Nouver may be the better option for adventurers who prioritize mobility and combat effectiveness. What’s the Difference Between Nouver and Kutum? A Nouver off-hand weapon has higher Attack Points(AP) but no Defense Points(DP) and no Accuracy compared to Kutum, 0: 99: Your AP without Sub Weapon: 254 <- Enter AP: Please make a copy of this in order to edit it. As for PvP with so much dp/evasion builds I honestly prefer kutum. However, when you consider the AP brackets, What’s the Difference Between Nouver and Kutum? A Nouver off-hand weapon has higher Attack Points (AP) but no Defense Points (DP) and no Accuracy compared to Kutum, making it better in PvP. Extra DP = tank more chip damage = more chances for you to go in and attempt CCs, since you can't do jack shit without a CC, you need those extra CC attempts. The official subreddit for the PC MMORPG Black Desert, developed by Pearl Nouver vs kutum is another story. i know its unpopolar oppinion but i do enjoy the extra accuracy. However for pvp, nouver will undoubtedly be better. Always buy Kutum first, unless you 100% are only going to PVP and never do any form of PvE grinding. Warrior is so extremely strong as an awakening class that, even with kutum offhand instead of nouver, I'm thinking about rolling one piece of DP jewelry or two hybrids instead of full AP. Black Desert Introduction to End-Game Sub-Weapons For starters, like Kzarka and Dandelion, Kutum and Nouver sub-weapons are yellow, boss-grade equipment, making your off-hand the only weapon slot with two boss options. Nouver and Kutum are boss gears in Black Desert Online (BDO) for a purpose. So imagine ur level 59/60 kutum will benefit you far more. Where kutum uses x2 tri witches or duo tungrad. Strictly for PvE. You all seen that kutum vs nouvor chart floating around right? Where after 261, kutum wins in PvE always? Then how nouvor has to do anything with dr or evasion? Kutum seems always better for PvE. The document is a damage calculator and upgrade checker for the Black Desert Online game. DP Bracket TableAP and DP brackets are set ranges that give bonus Table of Contents1 Introduction2 What’s the Difference Between Nouver and Kutum?2. Nouver will mean a bit more AP, but Kutum has accuracy Again, Kutum's bonus accuracy makes it possible for it to pull ahead here. Some its BIS. ap gained from nouver + the extra ap gained from sheet ap. Crypto *Looks at sorc skill tree, sees melee damage resistance skill. Kutum is assumed to have hidden monster damage, as it is not labeled on the item details. Now the extra AP from Oros/Nouver is preferable. Lets see how the Blackstar Sub Weapon compares to our other boss offhand favorites: Kutum and Nouver. Better PvE spots = Much Better Aug192020 Last Updated: 6th Jan 2023Share this Navigation 1. You can calculate it yourself when you compare the tet kutum monster ap vs. The essential guide for every beginner in BDO is to use Nouver in PVP and Kutum There has always been a debate as to whether Kutum or Nouver is better for your class. nouver for this class? I am sitting around 208/210/250 with nouver, burst is decent but I can tell evasion builds are making me miss fairly often. Now im not really sure about tamer playstyle at awakening, if DP is even important (since it seems like the staff is very stationary im guessing it is) in which case Kutum seems like a solid choice, while Nouver might dish out a lot more dmg (14 AP is pretty significant). Any data info? Related Topics Black Desert MMORPG Role-playing video game MMO Gaming comments sorted by Best Top New Controversial Q&A Add a Comment More posts you may like. That is 10% I am talking about. Overall I would say the chart is a very good metric for most spots like Manshaums, Mirumok, etc. Doesn't mean they Well im at 263 with nouver, 251 with kutum and i don't feel any real difference at all between the 2. The official subreddit for the PC MMORPG Black Desert, developed by Pearl Abyss. The point where it's only 1 or 2 AP difference in PvE is at 261 Nouver and 261 Kutum. Business, Economics, and Finance. Kutum has 10% resistance penetration. Atm im saving to buy vell, it costs 15 B in my server so 1. My current thoughts are two : Nouver + Red corals, or Kutum and 1x red/tungrad, or 2xtungrads(depending on how the kutum scales accuracy). I will tri a nouver eventually and do a proper test, but koreans tend to be using kutum as well these days, and 251 PEN Kutum grants you 251 sheet AP + 57 AP from the bracket AND 62 monster AP. The money you will make with a Kutum in the meantime way outweighs the market tax for selling it. Caphras Sheet: PEN. however, before 280, Combo damage Awak is okay so you can just run Kutum for the DP. Once your gear is at pen in Black Desert Online, there is another form of enhancement you can do with your gear (thankfully this has no RNG involved) Catch me live - https://www. But that is just my opinion for mass PvP. lhmuckvmcbboalqbwkanymmcshuipaianjsueniebjgkqjwiyevvktzyikhxvdjohrljsgxfnmnuo