How to find someone on the electoral roll in australia Support Centre; Ancestry Blog; About Us; Site Map; Gift Memberships; Ancestry Corporate; Fold3. Each electoral roll In that section, you will also find links to the browse-only versions of the state electoral rolls where you can browse the high-quality scanned images of the original electoral rolls. Remove someone from the roll. Readers may be aware that in 2013, the Australian Electoral Commission There is an Australian Electoral Commission office in every electoral division in Australia. Voting at a New Farm booth election day, Brisbane, 1947; 28118 Sunday Truth and Sunday Sun Newspaper Photographic Negatives, John Oxley . When you enrol, we put your name on a list of . This invaluable resource, accessible through local electoral offices, provides reliable, up-to-date information about registered voters across the nation. Federal and State Electoral Commissions have both confirmed that due to ‘legislative changes’ copies of Many of the estimated unenrolled cohort of 513,000 people may find enrolment more accessible through the addition of Medicare cards and Citizenship certificates as accepted forms of identification. 14, 2009 - PRLog-- Firstly you will need to access the electoral roll, you can use various companies to do this for you, and different companies do this in different ways. Most transcripts will contain a combination of the following fields: About the electoral roll; Check my enrolment; Council voters roll; Enrolment statistics; Removal from electoral roll; Special enrolment options; Update my There are 1,296,936 people on the roll in South Australia as at 28 February 2025. Electoral rolls are Australia's census substitute and are an extremely useful genealogy tool for local, family, and social historians. How to find someone is a web resource designed to help you locate people using electoral roll data spanning 23 years from 2000 to 2024 and other databases. The Western Australian Electoral Commission acknowledges the Traditional Owners of the land on which our electoral activities take place. At election time, an update on recent deaths is obtained prior to printing the certified list of voters to ensure the electoral roll is accurate at the time of voting. This information is sourced through the Australian Electoral Commission. WHERE TO FIND THE RESOURCE Microfiche cabinets in the family history area. If you are moving out of Victoria, you must update your details on the electoral roll with the Australian Electoral Commission. The Commission is periodically informed by the Registry of Births, Deaths and Marriages of deceased people in Western Australia. This database currently includes electoral rolls for the following states and years. The Find & Connect Support Services can help Forgotten Australians, Former Child Migrants and others who spent time in out of home care between 1920 and 1990 find family members. The AEC must provide electoral roll data to a range of persons and organisations who are entitled to receive data (entitled entities) under section 90B of the Commonwealth Electoral Act 1918 (Electoral Act). Service Voter Portal. The AEC's goal is to ensure at least 95% of eligible Australians are on the electoral roll at all 192. Deceased elector. Australian electoral rolls and how to access them. Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people separated from their families under the past laws, practices and policies of Australian governments can get help to locate The Australian Electoral Commission (AEC) is responsible for providing the Australian people with an independent electoral service which meets their needs and encourages them to understand and participate in the electoral process. We run Australia’s federal elections, by-elections and referendums. Basic information (full name, and part of address) is free of charge, but full details are not. How to access South Australian Electoral Rolls. We hold Australian electoral rolls up to 2008 on microfiche, Electoral Roll Access (ERA) is the AEC’s secure online system to allow access to electoral roll data entitlements. The AEC acknowledges the Traditional Owners of country throughout Australia and recognises their continuing connection to land, waters, culture and community. To participate (if you are not already a member) you will need to sign up for a free account which Online resources for tracing a person in Australia. You may also request personal information via the online enquiry form: The Electoral Roll serves as the cornerstone of any Australian people search, thanks to the country's mandatory voting system. The latest electoral roll is available to view only at the Electoral Commission of SA and access to all information is available. Electoral rolls - microfiche and print. People can be removed from the roll How to change your address or name on the Australian Electoral Roll. Read More. Electoral rolls can often be searched at your local library, state library or family history society. Menu. PDF E-ROLL. People Search Add to Favourites FAQ Search: Criminal, Electoral Rolls, . If you don't wish to update your details online, you can: Requesting your enrolment history . such as silent electors, travellers, or people with no fixed address. We provide a copy of the electoral roll on request to members of parliament, nominated electoral candidates, registered political parties and prescribed authorities. This database contains selected Australian electoral rolls that run from 1903-1980. If you want, you can ask someone to Find out how to get help to enrol, or help someone else to enrol. Start your search for someone here. This change applies to the electoral roll – a roll used for federal and state/territory elections, as well as Referendums. Discovering the whereabouts of an individual using the electoral roll is a valuable tool, especially when traditional methods of contact have failed. People Search is the free Australian search, people finder, and reunion site. Aside from the listings here, many Directory This Category: People Search:: People Finder Forum:: Australian Search Engines:: Articles:: New Sites: Submit Link:: Login : Free People Search Directory: Home: Public Records: Electoral Rolls Electoral Rolls Australian electoral rolls and how to Related / Similar Service: AEC Practice Voting ** You only need to complete one enrolment form to enrol for federal, state and local government elections. Electoral rolls are the nearest thing Australians have to census records, and hence they are extremely important and useful for local, family and social historians. 1959 Queensland, Australia, Electoral Rolls 1959 at MyHeritage, Index ($) 1949 Queensland, Australia, This means that to find someone in the electoral roll, it helps a lot if you already know the electorate and sub-division. The National Library in Canberra keeps microfiche of the Commonwealth electoral rolls from 1901 to present. voters – people who can vote. Information can be searched by name. People Search Add to Details on how to view electronic versions of State wide and Australia wide versions of the Commonwealth electoral roll. Those marked by asterisk have been transcribed. Every year, the AEC encourages Australians to comply with their legislated obligation to enrol to vote and to keep their details current on the electoral roll. Electoral rolls can provide you with significant information for your family research. Discover your ancestor in the electoral rolls from Australia. This guide will walk you through the process of conducting an electoral roll search, providing you with the knowledge and resources to locate the person you're seeking. Debt Collection; Corporate Investigations / Employee On that day, Australians will vote ‘YES’ or ‘NO’. Electoral Roll; The basic choices give you the biggest potential for a return. Main menu Those prior to 1904 will not be found elsewhere, but there is a possibility that post-1904 rolls will also be held in bound, printed form. The NSW Electoral Commission acknowledges the Traditional Owners of Country throughout New South Wales and recognise their continuing connection to land, sea and community. gov. Claim & Objections. ‘Australian Electoral Rolls 1903-1980’ I hear you saying, cool, but is it REALLY free? Well yes it is, but only “for a limited time”. Home; Corporate Investigation. This roll for the Kalgoorlie Division of Western Australia in 1939 has over 700 pages. Using InfoTracer’s powerful people search and background report tool, you can find so much information about a person within minutes. The Electoral Roll is a list of people entitled to vote. Alternatively, you can enter your residential postcode here to find your local AEC divisional office contact details. You can check your current electoral enrolment by entering your details on the AEC's website via the following link: Check my enrolment; For privacy reasons, your electoral enrolment will only be confirmed if the details you enter are an exact match to You can cross reference information you find in the White Pages (which usually only gives a first initial and full surname) with information found on electoral rolls. Using electoral rolls. Most transcripts will contain a combination of the following fields: Australia Electoral Rolls Australia Research Guides Electoral rolls are extremely useful to family historians as they can aid in finding an ancestor’s residence in a There may be times when some people are excluded from the electoral rolls. Insurance: (03) 9564 7303 General: 1300 856 011 24 Hour: 0435 656 478. You can view copies of all of the electoral rolls at any registrar of elector's office. Each electoral roll For privacy reasons, your electoral enrolment will only be confirmed if the details you enter are an exact match to your details on the electoral roll. Precise Inevstigation. For such a small population, there are a lot of folk using Victorian Electoral Commission The Victorian electoral roll is available for inspection by members of the public at the offices of the VEC. It shows the registered address of an eligible voter and is supposed to be quite up to date. Electoral Roll Access (ERA) is the AEC’s secure online system to allow access to electoral roll data entitlements. They are one of the best ways to find your family history. Printed electoral rolls; Title or description Aboriginal people were given the right to enrol and vote at Federal elections provided they were entitled to enrol for State elections or had served in The white pages phone book or maybe the electoral roll on microfiche but if they were recent to the country, they might not be enrolled yet. Special Summary Revision. Download & return: Download, complete and upload, or print and complete a PDF enrolment form from Australian Electoral Commission and return it to either the WA Electoral Commission or an Australian Please note that the 1860-1884 rolls are incomplete. Anyone can look it up and find where someone lives. Find free people search resources specific to all states in Australia. URL: Enrolment and voting is compulsory for every Australian citizen aged 18 years or older. Discovering the profession of an individual on an electoral roll can be valuable information. White Pages Australia - it is very good, has maps, and is the biggest Australian people finding database by far. The tables below list the printed and official electorate rolls for Western Australia, held in the Perth Office. more info | rate it | review it: Rating: 0. The Australian Electoral Commission (AEC) maintains the electoral roll for South Australia. 00 Votes: 0 If you cannot confirm your electoral enrolment online it doesn't mean you are not on the electoral roll. Ordering an electoral roll search through triSearch will eliminate the manual service time within your firm and utilise our professional team to conduct it for you instead, with a 24-48-hour turnaround time. Check the name variants box to include those results that have slightly different spellings. If your relative has died, their name will be removed from the electoral roll when the commission is: notified by a family member, or; notified by the Registrar of Births, Deaths and Marriages (occurs on a monthly basis). Please contact us if you cannot confirm your enrolment How to access South Australian Electoral Rolls. Example from the Australian electoral roll, subdivision of Carlton South, 1935. Our c overage of interstate rolls varies so check the library catalogue for our holdings. If you would like to request your enrolment history please contact us by calling 13 23 26. You may also verify If you have recently enrolled or changed details, please allow a couple of days before checking. Finding someone in Australia without a lot of information can be costly and time-consuming. Australian Aboriginal people gained the right to vote in 1962. Search the Electoral Roll to find the names and addresses of most adults in the UK. 00 Votes: 0: Australian Missing To request a relative’s name be removed from the roll, complete the notification of a relative who has died form. ; Telephone books - search the White Pages online. As part of Ancestry’s 15th birthday offers they giving users free access to various collections, and the Australian Electoral Rolls are one of them. Disqualifications common to State and Commonwealth were: Unsoundness of mind; Attainder for Sept. Looking for current electoral rolls? An Australia wide electronic version of the current Australian Electoral Roll is available for viewing at any Australian Electoral Commission (AEC) National or State Office. They have the largest databases and cover the most people. You can check the progress of your form. ** If you are an Australian citizen aged 18 and over, you are required by law to keep your details on In April 2015, there was a change in policy on public access to the Commonwealth electoral roll. The Australian Electoral Commission holds current electoral rolls for the whole of Australia. In Detail: Each AEC divisional office has the Commonwealth Electoral Roll for their State or Territory available for viewing in electronic format. It includes the names and addresses of the majority of UK residents over the age of eighteen. We call this list the . This is a specific search that accesses data from the Electoral Roll. Until 1988 electoral rolls were compiled within electoral districts, so if the district for the person you are searching is not known, you will have to look at every electorate. For the years 1988 to January 2008 a single alphabetical listing for the whole state was also compiled, making searching a lot easier. com People Search. com at the beginning of each calendar year, and updated regularly throughout the year. Electoral rolls held in Perth. If you are an Australian citizen aged 18 and over, you are An Australia wide electronic version of the electoral roll is available for viewing at each AEC State Head Office, ACT Divisional Office and the Central Office in Canberra. vote. Forms for Registration in E-roll. We pay our respects to Elders past, present and emerging. Election Management. After Federation in 1901 an annual electoral roll for the Commonwealth was compiled. Date: Total electors: Change since previous month In that section, you will also find links to the browse-only versions of the state electoral rolls where you can browse the high-quality scanned images of the original electoral rolls. In Australia there are two parallel systems and a Commonwealth electorate is called a Division and within the state they are known as Districts. To find a person in the United Kingdom, you can try searching the electoral roll online at 192. Sign up for VoterAlert to get election reminders straight to your phone or inbox. Let’s bring in another example of a database to show how one attempts to intuitively cross reference information from multiple sources. The local post office is a very good place where you can find the copy of the electoral register and check whether your name is there or not in that Discover your Australian ancestor in Victoria electoral rolls. Visit the office that has the electoral register. As voting is mandatory and there is a requirement to be registered, the vast majority of Australians are on the electoral roll and these are available for public viewing. The final report on the 2013 Federal Election by the Joint Standing Committee on Electoral Matters stated that ‘public access to the electoral roll should be unfettered’ (see Chapter 4, pages 83-89). which federal electorate you live in; a profile and Map of your federal electorate; the name of the incumbent House of Representatives Member; How to search To find your federal electorate enter your criteria, then select either locality, postcode or name from the drop down menu and then click on the Search button. posted by are strong expat communities in those cities and I think there would have been in the 90s as British immigration to Australia has been a thing forever. If you are on the electoral roll, you are also enrolled for referendums. Sign up for VoterAlert. The Victorian electoral roll is available for inspection by members of the public at the offices of the VEC. If you’ve never tried a google search for a person, you’d be surprised at how many different types of results there are. Electors. The current Australian electoral roll can be searched for free at an AEC office or via a paid search online through Infotrack. ERA contains an extract of the electoral roll data for each Australian Electoral Commission Description: Details on how to view electronic versions of State wide and Australia wide versions of the Commonwealth electoral roll. Old School Pals . Electoral rolls can be a great way to find out more about your ancestor. You can find an Australia wide electronic version of the current Australian electoral roll at Australian Electoral Commission offices in each state or territory. Learn about what information you can find in electoral rolls and police gazettes that will help with family history research. Link to facebook South Australian deaths registrations 1916 to 1972: the last publication in the South Australian Birth, Death and Marriage Series, this index from 1916-1972 contains over 381,000 death entries that occurred during this period, as well as 131 registrations of people whose deaths occurred before 1916, but were registered later (including one from 1885) It also covers the wars from Suggested Actions Terms, privacy, & more. Before you can vote, you . See the help page for assistance. An enrolment verification facility is available that allows electors to check their enrolment details online. Who can use ERA? Electoral rolls are Australia's census substitute and are an extremely useful genealogy tool for local, family, and social historians. Someone else on the electoral roll can also prove that they know you. Precise Investigation shares 6 tips of how to locate a missing person in Australia. They're one of the best ways to explore your family history and are essential in building a family tree. Family historians can find out the residential address of a person and so locate other family members living at the address for a certain year. Oz Reunion For a fee you can submit a post on their website with the details Historical electoral rolls. From sports pages to Facebook posts, workplace websites to media mentions. Page 5 of 23 . See special category enrolment options. International People Search (8) United Kingdom, USA, . Data Archive E-Roll Data. (click to enlarge) Only a very limited number of 19th century rolls have survived, the most comprehensive roll being the 1856-57 Victoria electoral roll. It may be a physical or electronic copy, and it will only contain the information about voters in your area. au) or other reputable websites that provide Australian people search by state and location. 192. ERA contains an extract of the electoral roll data for each division, state or territory that a MP, senator or registered political party is entitled to. What do we do in between events? In short, we maintain the electoral roll of nearly 17 million people, South Australia (commonwealth electoral rolls for the years 1939, 1941, and 1943) – 100% have images; Each contains thousands of names of those who were living in that state at the time and were eligible to vote. We pay our respects to Elders past and present. The library also holds a limited number of state electoral rolls on Electoral rolls are Australia's census substitute and extremely useful genealogy tools for local, family and social historians. com Electoral Roll . electoral roll. Answer (1 of 3): You can find out if you are or anybody in your acquaintance is on the electoral role by checking the copies of the electoral register. Some charge a one of fee which is useful if you only require one search on a specific person. The Electoral Roll is another excellent resource for finding address details. Electoral Roll; Voter Search. In Detail: Electoral rolls contain name and address information. Electoral rolls are the nearest thing Australians have to census records, and hence are extremely useful genealogy tools for local, family and social historians. . They will notify us and the electoral commission of the state or territory you have moved to. Coverage varies from state to state so check the library catalogue for our holdings. Online searches take a few seconds and the search results are displayed in an easy to read and clear Online resources for tracing a person in Australia. If you're looking for a specific person or address, our service can help you search the electoral roll quickly to retrieve the information you need. Electoral Roll Access. These include members of the House of Representatives (MPs), senators and political parties, candidates at federal elections and state/territory electoral authorities. Often, you will be able to view the electoral roll at a nearby library. The roll is also available for Australian electoral rolls. com people search. Every office holds a copy of the current Australian Electoral Roll. Access Australia n electoral rolls on microfiche in the Newspapers and Family History Reading Rooms. Others want to charge a lot more to grant access over a longer period of time or for a certain number of searches. Most of the public places in your locality would have copies of the electoral register. The most recent Electoral Roll is added to 192. It isn't online. Individual AEC Division Offices When you enrol to vote, your name and address is added to the 'electoral roll' – the list of people entitled to vote in an election. These include when an elector dies, an elector is of unsound mind or an elector is moving overseas permanently or indefinitely. Access billions of records searching by name, phone number, email address, or phone number quickly and easily. When viewing an electoral register, you can only search by street name and not by a person’s name. com; ForcesWarRecords. If you have recently enrolled or changed details, please allow a couple of days before checking. Search the rolls for 1939 and 1946 to find the details of tens of thousands of voters, in the nearest thing Australia has to census records. Paper forms. The Electoral Commission of Queensland acknowledges the Traditional Owners of Country, and their connection to land, sea and community. White Pages Australia . Finding in a registered voter or missing person is often a lot easier, cheaper and faster than many people expect. Political Parties/Candidates. Media & Publications. So if you have no clue where in Queensland the person was living, Electoral rolls are Australia's census substitute and extremely useful genealogy tools for local, family and social historians. com publishes the publicly available version of the Electoral Roll now known as the Open Register. Overseas Electors. They are then taken off the Electoral Roll. Local rolls are also held at PostShops, local council offices, libraries and court houses. Electoral Roll Find A Person. NOTE Electoral rolls are available on microfiche Arranged alphabetically by voter family name Visit the Australian Electoral Commission for the current electoral roll. You can find the address of the office nearest you by calling 13 2326. Searching for In person: Pick up a paper enrolment form from the WA Electoral Commission or an Australian Electoral Commission office and return it to either the WAEC or an AEC office. Some of these may be slightly imperfect. The rolls also include women, newly enfranchised in 1902. Voting was not compulsory, and only males over the age of 21 years were eligible if they "satisfied certain qualifications" or (until 1867 in Goldfield Electoral Districts) "held a miner's right or license for 6 months). Electoral rolls and telephone books are the first sources to check for living relatives: Electoral rolls - go to the Electoral Rolls tab on this guide to find out more information on accessing Victorian electoral rolls. Monthly statistics Monthly roll snapshot. If you cannot confirm your electoral enrolment online it doesn't mean you are not on the electoral roll. Use this search to find. All electoral commissions in Australia work together to keep your details up to date. Current records are also available and can be useful for skip tracing and finding people. Handbooks/Manuals/Model Check List. Please contact us if you cannot confirm your enrolment. The Electoral Roll contains information about individuals who are eligible to vote in elections. Women are included in these rolls; women received the right to vote in the Commonwealth of Australia in 1902. Those might be a helpful How do I find someone on the electoral roll Australia? How do I find someone on the electoral roll Australia? Electoral rolls can often be searched at your local library, state library or family history society. The VEC provides a copy of the electoral roll produced for each State election to the State Library of Victoria - Genealogy. School and University (33) Reunions, Registries, . enrol. To search for address details using the Electoral Roll: Visit the Australian Electoral Commission’s website (aec. We pay our respect to their Elders past and present. If the surname is rare, just call up any of the resulting numbers, and ask if they know the person you are seeking - there's a good chance they are a relative. Manuscript electoral rolls generally give name, place of abode and voting qualifications, but this is restricted to men as women voted for the first time in Western Australia in 1900. See the Composite voters roll and its predecessors. The latest electoral roll issued on microfiche was for January 2008 - this is when the Australian Electoral Commission stopped releasing Following the implementation of the Electoral and Referendum Amendment (Access to Electoral Roll and Other Measures) Act 2004 on 21 July 2004, the CEA does not permit the sale of the electoral roll in any format. On the election day, Australian people will . When you vote, you help to choose who is part of Australia’s government. Electoral rolls were compiled by each state during election years to determine the number and names of individuals eligible to vote. Electoral rolls for the City of Adelaide are also held (1854, 1918-2007 imperfect). Search in Electoral Roll ईपीआईसी द्वारा खोजें / Search by EPIC विवरण द्वारा खोजें/ Search by Details NSW ELECTORAL ROLLS 1990-2008 WHAT WILL YOU FIND Addresses for people who enrolled to vote in NSW. teefp xkxt kjcag sdggbnm htdwbdj afpgu aca omrw ootolwgp rnwftx sxknah meqjph ohtwaa bqwwmt tqlagr