
Fmj for self defense reddit. Something like federal HST or speer gold dot.

Fmj for self defense reddit My Glock 27 has self-defense ammo but was going to split a box with my dad for self defense ammo. Yes, you can. Members Online • 7_62-x-39. HP ammo is clearly more effective. See 3,000+ New Gun Deals HERE. 300blk though. 22 works just great. When a hollow point expands, it prevents over-penetration and causes additional damage to the bad guy. Your best bet is definitely tried and true hollow points. 25 cents/round. But it will work. Very hesitant however given concerns over stopping power. 56 FMJ (green-tip) will still zip through it. 45 still works without it. 8. EDIT: A lot of people are just saying "whatevers cheapest" for the range. On average at the time of writing, 10mm ammo will run you around $0. Fmj match bullets have notoriously thin jackets, which makes them bad for penetration, but great for falling apart and good for home defense. Not sure what to buy from ammoseek. If you really want the best defense ammo, you want some kind of soft point. Get something that is loaded with Hornady 90 gr XTP hollow points. 5-2. 56 NATO M193 If you can't bleed people out, they won't stop moving. Reddit . No need to super heavy for caliber rounds. That's a classic target load perfect for 1911's. As for over penetration, a slower heavier pistol bullet will travel straighter and stay together much better through drywall and I'm looking at 45 acp ammo, the most common as far as I know for fmj is 230 grain ammo, for frangible I'm seeing 147 to 175 grain. I don't know if it's "the best" round, but it's fine. It’s for suppressors / if your gun doesn’t want to run lighter rounds this can possibly run in your gun. Probably fmj with a brass casing from a company that doesn't seem too shady. They focus on penetration for defense against or hunting of dangerous animals all over the world. Well actually I take that back it can be as we’ve seen with P90s, but it really shines as a PDW weapon for home defense is what I’m saying 😂 Reddit iOS Reddit Android Reddit Premium About Reddit Advertise Blog Careers Press. It's a devastating round at speed. It’s a fmj that looks like a Phillips head screwdriver- had a wound I will advise against FMJ as self defense because there is always a GREAT possibility that the bullet will go all the way through the intended or unintended target. For plinking, Winchester white box 130gr FMJ. 56 is more expensive right now for FMJ than 5. FMJ FMJ is for practice. 380 ACP JHP loads we have tested, including CorBon, Hornady, Federal, Remington, Speer, and Winchester exhibited inconsistent, unacceptable terminal 223/556 FMJ will fragment far sooner than a 9mm JHP through the same barriers. 38 spl revolver with only a 2" barrel, penetration is a major concern. For HD a FMJ is the worst possible choice bar AP/other specialty rounds. Any recommendations on best ammo to use for home defense? Best ammo to use at the range? Currently own the following ammunition, let me know your thoughts and best uses for it: Federal 115 grain 9 mm Luger, total synthetic jacket Favorite range load is a H&G 68 200 gr. Then get whatever reasonably cheap fmj in the same weight. Also some guns can be finicky even w Russian JHP. It worked for the military, So why does everyone nowadays say if your not carrying JHP don’t bother carrying. It sure beats a poke in the eye with a sharp stick, but why not just spend a little bit of money for All of the . Can't Purely anecdotal, I know. 56 ammo loaded with expanding bullets that greatly improve terminal ballistics and are specifically designed for self-defense. "Home/self defense" So pull a hair out of the top of your head. 2. 56, due to its insane velocity compared to 9mm, is much less dependant on projectile expansion to generate a large permanant wound cavity. 56 FMJ will do devastating damage to soft tissue, provided its moving at reasonable velocity. But FMJ still works. However, with modern hollowpoints that isn't a worry, if Jared had used hollowpoints You should always test any ammo used for self-defense thoroughly before using it. Remington HTP 110 gr – Remington’s newer Hight Terminal Performance semi-jacketed hollow points are a good alternative to the company’s more expensive self-defense load, the Remington Golden Saber. Also can cheaper ammo cause any problems with And another significant portion access via old. This will transfer more energy into the target. Things have changed over the past 40 years. Really though, if modern . You need to be able to create wound channels. By definition self defense is short range, so any round heavier than a . Stopping power in any handgun caliber is a myth. For SHTF/self defense (only use case for me would be SHTF and I need to be quiet) what would be better to stock up on?I’ve seen some gel tests and saw that subsonics aren’t great at expanding unless you buy those crazy expensive hunting rounds. Militaries around the world are required to use FMJ ammo due to the Hague Convention, this is why all M193 ammo fires a FMJ bullet. (the US Army/Military uses this round) Black Hills Ammunition 300 Blackout 198gr Dual Performance Subsonic 1050 FPS 485 Ft/Lb Lead Free 20/box Reply reply XTPs aren't Critical Defense. 380. So, when choosing carry ammo, what should you look for and consider? I initially look for reliability. 5. FMJ for training HP for Self defense 9mm +P for when SHTF Reply Always buy at least 2 boxes of self defense ammo and fire one box through your gun to make sure it works well, everything cycles good, no jams, no light primer strikes/hard primers, no hang fires, etc. Some have argued (mostly 380 owners) that 10 inches should be the minimum for civilian self defense rounds. I always shoot 100-200 rounds of any potential self-defense ammo before depending on it. Last time I went to mine and got ammo they had a few boxes of Norma hollow point boat tail. . So you can defend yourself with 380 at close range but after 30 yards it’s hard Ballistically speaking . Yeah, some specialized loads will provide increased benifits beyond that, but unlike 9mm FMJ, 5. 100% of the animal defense, and dangerous game rounds are non-expanding. If not we'd all be carrying 25 acp fmj. Honestly, I'd just FMJ flat point FMJ in this revolver, to try to get enough penetration. But once you have the skill, experience, and the general knowledge of guns, then you can then get a 380 or a 9mm. loaded to about 1300 FPS. in a typical self defense situation, you want your bullets imparting all, or at least as much of their energy to the target as possible. Yes, you wouldn't want to use 200 gr hardcast lead for self defense in the city, but there are plenty of JHP rounds in 10mm that will work. Go shoot drywall, wood, layers of clothing behind a target. Theres zero excuse to use fmj in a self defence handgun other than you live in a state banning hp or that's your supply for a zombie apocalypse. And another significant portion access via old. 😂😂😂 Posts must be somewhat related to firearms and must comply with the Global Reddit Rules. The FBI Although FMJ ammo is not ideal for self-defense, CCI Blazer Brass 124 gr FMJ’s make for excellent target ammo to keep those marksmanship skills high without breaking the bank. Got a suppressed 300blk AR with a decent bit of Black Hills 220gr ammo, usually I can find them for 1. I’ve put 50 rounds of it through a Ruger PCC carbine (not suppressed) and about 50 through a Glock 26 just for shits and gigs, I’ll tell you , the report through the PCC carbine compared to a 124 grain is night and day difference though, I loaded 1 round of this 147 grain, then 1 That is the same of any self defense gun really. If the target is 100 yards. 380 carry ammo. What is the best pistol catrtridge for self defense without the ability to use HP or SP? Still 9mm? Or there are better options 9mm and 10mm are both great self defense rounds, just make sure you're using the appropriate ammo for the situation and make sure you train with the same ammo. Hello everyone, Recently purchased a Glock 19 Gen 5 to use for home defense in NJ. As far as "combat efficient" goesdepends what you mean by that. It’s not a caliber you’re going to need a shit shit ton of as it’s not a full on primary battle caliber. 5 gr of WW 231. Self-defense ammo will round FMJ bullets are inexpensive and are great for target practice, long range shooting, and plinking, but they are typically not the best choice for self-defense. 55gr fmj gets it done. 45 ACP FMJ deliberately FOR the penetration. 380 FMJ look pretty much the fucking same to me on a real target, hell I've seen a . In that cases, what seller and what brand should I look for to find cheap ammo. 380 hollow points show a weakness, it is that some may expand too much — and thereby not provide sufficient I hear . Yessir it’s a very good choice. This is the sole purpose self-defense ammo is JHPs. Besides, if the HP doesn't expandwell, there is your flat point bullet. They are to minimize collateral damage. 38 Special +P is good for self-defense, as long as you can handle the extra kick. From testing it is going to be the "worst" commonly carried self defense caliber when compared to things like the 9mm, 45 acp, 40 s&w are all going to have better results. 98% of the time I shoot the cheapest brass cased fmj I can get my hands on. But personally I do use 9mm JHP since the projectile is much smaller. I wasn't real sure about buying into the Zombie gimmick Hornaday had, and the Federal Hydroshock was pretty steep for a box of 20. Generally speaking hollow point ammo is better for defense Oh, for self defense these. In general for training you can use cheaper ammo. 22lr for self defense. Speer Gold Dot 125gr GDHP - Best Overall I had an idea today about . 1- kel tec for self defense is a no go . If you want the XTP, buy the "Hornady Custom" ammo. Controversial Claim Without penetration, you’re not going to get physiological incapacitation of an attacker, and A while ago I had read an article that one of the best self defense ammo’s for . LSWC, over 5. 12 gauge 00 Personally of the opinion (and somewhat in agreement with you) that while those Xtreme Penetrator type bullets might only do slightly more tissue damage than a normal FMJ, I still wouldn’t carry a 380 with JHP’s due to generally not meeting the FBI penetration standard. I'd definitely look for FBI penetration tests before using weird rounds for self defense though. Innocent I will now tell you the best 9mm Luger load for self-defense: it is the Cor-Bon 9mm 115 grain +P Jacketed Hollowpoint. People are going to take cover & concealment. Or you could be like my 80 y/o dad who chooses to use . Best . Shitty FMJ is FAR more effective in rifles than it is in pistols. Is FMJ more affordable than hollow point ammo? Moreover, listening to a wide array of trial attorneys, while they all agree it is a risk in a self-defense case many/most the jury wants to hear from the defendant. The 110 grain JHP offers lower recoil even when fired from a 2 inch barrel and is an excellent choice when considering self-defense rounds. FMJ is an olympic diver doing his best to go in with as little splash as possible. 223 soft points are mainly hunting rounds but I also hear there good for self defense for the same reason they are used for hunting, both are fleshy targets. Basically the bullets should travel through different types of barriers, expand, and have a minimum penetration of 12 inches and a max of 18 inches. 7x28 is strictly for self defense. 45 over 9mm. These guys were primarily shot with FMJ's most of us would consider "target" ammo and they definitely got the job done so to speak lot of the ones hit high thorasic would arrive wounded and even conscious but die on the operating table. What brands are good? Thanks! Yeah that’s why I recommended you watch the video m193 even out of a 16” was fragmenting nicely in the gel block. 7 (which I can get from any But yet when put up against Level III plated armour, run-of-the-mill 9mm FMJ & JHP are easily defeated whereas 5. You really wanna find some soft points (plenty on the market) or pick up some SSTs. Especially since 5. 115gr is cheapest, but if you're shooting 124gr HST for defensive loads (I like to), you may as well pay the extra 2 cents/round to get 124gr fmj with a more similar recoil impulse. These HPs don't expand and actually penetrate about the same as FMJ. How about any of the standard self defense pistol ammo of the major calibers? Living tissue is elastic and the dribbling pinholes made by a fancy 9mm hollow point and a . 9mm Blazer It will work for Self-Defense in an emergency. Or check it out in the app stores Speer 38 Special +P 125gr JHP - Best Self-Defense Blazer 38 Special 125 Grain FMJ - Best Training Yes, . I know I'm kind of splitting hairs though and i do think 9mm is the best all around self defense handgun cartridge. The "Cheapest brass case ammo" doesn't make sense for a self defense scenario unless you live alone in the middle of a large rural area. None of this applies to subsonic . 56 round. After these I would list Cavity Back (Callaway Ballistics 195gr Boar Axe), Lehigh Defense 194gr max expansion and the Gorilla Ammo 205gr Self Defense and Hunting round. Something like federal HST or speer gold dot. FMJ 5. You want penetration, not expansion. the penetration of FMJ could hurt a lot more people than just the bad guys. For self-defense you will likely want hollow points. I understand and mostly agree with your argument but i do think there's a little more too it. Both are standard pressure (not +P) and will have very similar point of impact so practice with the Winchester FMJ is fairly applicable to the JHP stuff. Honorable Mention. Yes, you can use Full Metal Jacket (FMJ) ammunition for self-defense, but it may not be as effective as other types of self-defense ammunition such as hollow points. 380, 9mm, . I'm going to ask UtubR Shooting The Bull 410 to do a series on 10mm self defense loads in FBI calibrated organic gel with denim. As people have pointed out, HPs also limit the risk of over penetration, something to be greatly respected in HST is my go to. Or check it out in the app stores . This information is from reddit’s own data. This is because your Glock might cycle and shoot Winchester PDX1 better than Hornady Critical Defense, but a Sig Sauer might perform better with Federal Hydra Shok, and a Ruger might like Lehigh Defense XP best. If there are no boxes of Federal HST, FMJ's are actually a better choice for nearly any firearm than poorly selected defensive ammo. Personal I have shot all of these except for the Gorilla but they come highly recommended by hog and deer hunters in Florida and Georgia. Remington UMC 115 grain FMJ – You can’t go wrong with Big Green! Another extremely popular ammo to buy in bulk is Remington UMC 115 grain FMJ 9mm The main issue is that FMJ tends to be rather inconsistent. But they generally require manual pumping, which introduces a very common failure point and have low capacity (maxing around 8-10 rounds for most shotguns). Relying on actually hitting something like the CNS with ball ammo is going to be an near impossible feat when you're under the kind of stress a self-defense situation is going to put you in. This reduces the potential for over-penetration, which is a big concern when using a rifle for home defense over a handgun or shotgun. Read Me: More than ***30%*** of our contributing community access reddit via a 3PA. If I remember correctly, . 8" barrels like on the Kahrs and LCP. " This means that you can use 5. This is the most powerful and street-proven manstopper Yes, you can carry FMJ (full metal jacket) ammunition for self-defense, but it may not be the best choice as it has a tendency to over-penetrate and cause collateral damage. Entry level Shotguns are easier to aim accurately due to a third point of contact, and when loaded with appropriate self defense ammo (#4 buckshot) will help reduce overpenetration. Considering 5. Reply I would strongly disagree in a self defense scenario between the 2 Posts must be somewhat related to firearms and must comply with the Global Reddit Rules. Here's where I am at. They make cool weapons but they have a reputation of being unreliable. 300 Win Mag leave a wound track no bigger than my thumb. 223 vs. It's consistent, and hitting a critical structure is more important than . Gotta get through that foot+ thick layer of fat that bears carry on them Test it out yourself. 230 grain FMJ for self defense. 56 is only a BTW, the constant, that the OP stated, was self defense/two legged critter ammo. If you've got a self defense scenario, it might just be the worst day of your life. As far as I can tell, 38 special is objectively better than 357 for self defense situations 38 special is cheaper, easier to shoot, and can be used in more guns. 357 Sig Ammo for Self Defense. You may need an Optivisor or magnifying glass to aid in this process. My AR was a gift from her last year and told her I was thinking about an AR pistol, also for home Defense, and she pointed out that those bullets could go through walls, whether our incoming child’s bedroom walls, the neighbors walls and possibly more. I sometimes carry the 180 gr. 380 Critical Defense performs poorly out of very 2. near defense. But ultimately, I doubt anyone in here has had to use their 10 for self defense, so most of the time you see the results of marketing and YouTube videos, except for people’s experience with accuracy and reliability. For the range, just the winchester/federal 115 grain fmj at walmart. Speer Gold Dot, Federal Urban Rifle, Hornadry Critical Defense. That is one opinion and one option, it is the option that I recommend. There can be other options but those are brands I'd Youtube has a bunch of gel test videos with popular self defense ammo. I use Hornady critical defense standard pressure . or greater it's not self defense. Currently running Sig Elite 115g V-Crown JHP Considering this EDC ammo. Now carefully, take a razor and cut the hair down the middle. I also just bought a decent amount of FMJ and I'd like to be able to use them for more than just range time. Most shot 115g FMJ in my 9mm handguns including Hellcat EDC. Test fmj vs hp and see what kind of wound channel is made. . Find a recipe and make balistic gel. 62x39, are not necessarily loaded any hotter, nor heavier than FMJ so you should be able to get 2 shots of FMJ or HP off in a very similar time. Self-Defense. Although from what I've gathered, using fmj is the way to go since hollow points do not expand reliably with . For a . It penetrates more than most self defense hollow points, since it has higher antimony content in the lead. 56 for non-armoured threats and 4 mags with 62-grain M855 (green-tip) for armoured, while maintaining 3 mags 9mm JHP for my So basically my main question is what is the best close quarters self defense ammo recommended for a Ruger LCP 380? Even better if it can be ordered online as the 3 gun stores near me only have FMJ range ammo in stock every weekend I check. 40, . Most rifle rounds will experience massive deformation, jacket shedding, tumbling, fragmenting (at appropriate depths mind you) when striking a target at high enough velocity regardless of being FMJ or fancy defensive loads. A 9mm FMJ for example like in the Gifords shooting can go all the way through and not even kill the person. It’s one of the advantages of . ADMIN MOD Best FMJ caliber for self defense . Still, there are a host of other options out there worth considering as well, especially if you like to experiment with your carry ammo to find the best possible fit for you and your gun. We carry them because they're better than nothing, and it's difficult to conceal anything that fires rifle calibers, which do offer stopping power. Federal Personal Defense 150g JHP-HST micro Federal Personal Defense 147g JHP-HST or JHP-HST/HydraShok I think you may be reading from the 1980s. That might not hit in the same place so either the op needs fmj that is more than a bit lighter than average or needs to train with frangible ammo. Long story long, you'll see a lot of reasoning against FMJ's being given for "overpenetration" and while that isn't an invalid reason because FMJ does penetrate notably more than HP, it's also not quite correct. Moreover, despite the 5th amendment, many people in the US still subscribe to the belief that "if you've done nothing wrong and have nothing to hide you should take the stand. 38 special in my 637. If I was forced into a home defense scenario I would not want to deal with the aftermath of slugs on a human target. You want it to burst apart on impact. Almost all of my AKs do run Wood JHP reliably fwiw Big 5 may not sell it often, but they have. People don’t fly backwards and become incapacitated immediately when they’re hit by a bullet. I feel like to each their own. But real life isn’t the movies. Reddit iOS Reddit Android Reddit Premium About Reddit Advertise Blog Careers Press. 45 can also be suppressed with most common ammo. For self defense, Hornady American Gunner XTP JHP 125gr. You can buy only FMJ cartridges in my country. 357 SIG defense ammo is the 125gr Speer Gold Dot GDHP Hollow Points. The only real advantages that 357 has is longer distance accuracy (not applicable in self defense) and higher stopping power Get the Reddit app Scan this QR code to download the app now. I was looking at the speer gold dot +P 124 for self defense. It is not that a 22LR won't work for self-defense, it is just that it is less than ideal. HPs, especially in 7. Handguns are horrible at stopping bad guys in their tracks. The differences between a . 56 NATO ammo picks for home defense, check out this Get the Reddit app Scan this QR code to download the app now. Ok, repeat that process again. He figures when defending himself against a 2020-style riot by “activists” using FMJ will allow him to drop 2 at a time. I’m looking for a round to buy for my p365xl that’s good for self defense and training. It's all about surface area and energy transfer. Frangible ammo is also usually considerably slower than regular defense ammo. Carrying with FMJ will Fmj ammo is often better for self defense than hollow points in my opinion. Understanding Twist Rates and the 5. Therefore you should NEVER carry FMJ ammo in your self-defense sidearm, because a FMJ will not expand and will likely exit the bad guy and potentially harm an innocent bystander or damage private property. However, I don't shoot self defense (HP and jhp loads) that much other than to keep myself familiar with how that ammo groups. 850fps has no problem opening up a modern 90gr HP through clothing or against bone. The way I see it, HP are for self defense in modern society. 1 inch more expansion, 1 more inch of penetration, etc. 80/round for practice FMJ ammo. Any expansion is likely to cause the bullet to come up short of anything vital. Part of that equation is mass retention. But it’s a compromise; not ideal for either scenario. HP are going to be stopped by those things. So it all depends on the particular bullet. Any self-defense HP is going to "overpenetrate," because a hole through your target is much better than a hole in your target. So you’d likely lose out on any of that “explosive power” Also this is kind of macabre, but slugs are very messy. The best . Otherwise load FMJ for max reliability as the JHP generally doesn’t work as well say Speer Gold Dots it doesn’t really expand as the Russians et all use antimony which makes it harder than lead. To read more about our top 5. If you're looking for a caliber that has the least likely chance of going through walls but is still excellent for self defense, you're going to want 45 ACP hollow points. So I ask for “best” and sometimes people will give their reasons and everyone can evaluate for themselves. Hornady TAP seems to be the go to self defense round for an AR It's not a simple answer. It really just precludes something like WWB ammunition that is usually lower power and for plinking at the range. If you're not personally a loader, Wilson Combat makes that exact load. HPs for sure, but full power FMJ are commonly used also. Are there any advantages to using FMJ for self-defense? FMJ ammo may offer deeper penetration, making it potentially more effective against barriers, but it also poses a higher risk of over-penetrating and causing collateral damage. Most soft point ammo is designed for hunting. For self defence I like Critical Duty or Critical Defense. This applies more to m855 green tip than m193, but even m193 fails a decent portion of the time. I’d stick to different loads for anti personnel vs. To put it simply, the Black Hills Dual Performance checks all the boxes for the best all-around home defense 5. Or check it out in the app stores   I know of at least one bicep that was blown to smithereens by fmj in 2021 yes, fmj will work great up close Any ammo is for self defense, the question should be “how well does this ammo perform for self defense?” Get the Reddit app Scan this QR code to download the app now Absolutely. I highly recommend you don't use . 380 is "sufficient" but also the smallest caliber that is reliable for self defense. It will fail to fragment against a soft target, thus you lose energy transfer and stopping power, and overpenetrate against a hard However, training and being able to shoot accurately under duress makes a much bigger difference than comparing self defense loads. Critical Defense uses the FTX bullet. 380 was the Lehigh defense extreme penetrator. Critical defense is always my fav for defense scenarios however. In the end, she’s right. Get the Reddit app Scan this QR code to download the app now. My solution has been to run 3 mags with 77-grain hollow point 5. reReddit: Top posts of August 12, 2021. Any thoughts y’all? Are we allow to carry hollow points or FMJ for CC? I’ve been searching on online and it says nothing! I’m so confused on what type to carry once I get my CCW. 357 Magnum vs . Expanding bullets are better for self defense than FMJ, . Any suggestions? I’m thinking FMJ to shoot and hallow-points for self defense. So typical range ammo is a bit heavier. Plus the majority of our content creators and visitors are historically Self defense rounds can often include almost all full velocity rounds. reddit (33% of our desktop users) something that is absolutely next on the block. 75 per round. 9mm needs modern bullet tech to be effective. 45 are minimal. Once completed you have the difference between 5. Hornady Black 62 Grain Specs: Bullet Style: Full Metal Jacket (FMJ) Bullet Weight: 62 Grain The reason I'm asking is I recently picked up a Sig Sauer P290 as my 2nd sub compact. What do you mean by self defense would be the best question. One of the advantages of 10mm is the versatility. Not dangerous game loads. And personal defense ammunition is more likely to get the job done. FMJ may get the job done. I’ve heard a story from a co-worker of mine that his dad or dad’s friend (can’t remembered which one it was) got arrested for using Hollow-point for self defense. 56 is extremely effective if at the correct velocity, because it fragments as a FMJ. 44 Special for self defense against black bear and moose You don't want to use FMJ or hollow points for bears. I think I can get a box of each to test with a little effort. A FMJ will go through more layers and walling than a HP. In a SHTF gunfight, you probably would prefer the penetration of FMJ to the increased damage caused by HP. I hope that he is up for the endeavor. No, you shouldn't. Is it irresponsible to load FMJ rounds for self defense? I can't afford $1 per round for hollow points but I still want to be able to defend myself. 56 and 223 for home/self defense. My rifle isn’t practical for home defense in an urban environment. That's the main reason that I personally would much rather use a purpose build self defense load. But a friend of mine was an ER doctor at the University of Chicago where he saw his fair share of shooting victims. Those are more for target shooting than defense, but they exist. vsjvfl wzt xxtz jfgojed akhmrx lqndsv nshrut svvkvp vxxes ycoi wnnbf zti olc rmhvyu dzuz