Background matting v2. Background Matting v2.

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Background matting v2. We also capture the background as the subject leaves .

Background matting v2 effects, now enjoys wide-spread use in video conferencing. 9MB 阅读(5229) иµћ( 11 ) Aiarty Image Matting 是一款专为图像处理设计的智能抠图工具,利用先进的深度学习算法,能够快速准确地从背景中分离出图像主体。 Background Matting V2 华盛顿大学Background Matting前一版提供了背景移除的测试程序test_background-matting_image. Official repository for the paper Real-Time High-Resolution Background Matting. 0 We recently released a brand new background matting project: better quality and REAL-TIME performance (30fps at 4K and 60fps at FHD)! You can now use this with Zoom! Much better quality! We tried this on a Linux machine with a GPU. 5 boosts AI inference speed with TensorRT & CoreML, and gains advanced masking Tuesday, 02 January 2024 12:17 GMT Ш№Ш±ШЁЩЉ. 25): The downsampling scale that the backbone should operate on. You are welcome to join our giveaway at the beginning of the page I want to use Background Matting V2 professionally; it is very impressive. Inference images: Extract matting on images. There are 147 watchers for this library. cs. Visit project site Watch project video Overview Updates Background Matting V2华盛顿大学Background Matting前一版提供了背景移除的测试程序test_background-matting_image. com/PeterL1n/BackgroundMattingV2 дёЂгЂЃйЎ№з›®д»‹з»Ќпјљ 二、环境安装 My main channel where I introduce the latest fascinating AI toolshttps://youtube. The core feature of Aiarty Image Matting is background removal and blending. Background Matting [2]在人像抠图方向(尤其是在理想的拍摄环境下)取得了令人十分惊艳的效果。 但是它的计算量是非常大的,只能在 512\times512 зљ„иѕ“е…Ґе›ѕеѓЏдё‹иѕѕе€°8fpsзљ„йЂџеє¦гЂ‚ 这里要介绍的是一篇不仅效果依旧惊艳,而且能够在4K视频上实现实时抠图算法:Background EdgeClear V2: Designed for precise matting and edge sharpness enhancement, this model excels with images that have well-defined edges, such as bicycles, cars, Background Matting V2. background matting v2 Abstract 作者引入了一种实时、高分辨率的背景替换技术,该技术在现代 GPU 上以 30fps зљ„ 4Kпј€3840×2160)分辨率和 60fps зљ„ HDпј€1920×1080)分辨率运行。使用两个神经网络; 基础网络计算低分辨率结果,该结果由第二个网络在选择性补丁(selective patches)上以高分辨率运行。 Background Matting V2. It has 6322 star(s) with 921 fork(s). py。此测试版最大的问题是,移除后的图像会导致清晰度降低,这由产生前景的公式 I′=О±F+(1в€’О±)B′ F是图像前景,B’是需合成的新背景,alpha是前景图像 这篇文章要介绍的是一篇基于深度学习的无交互的抠图方法,在目前所有的无交互的抠 е›ѕз®—жі• дё­пјЊBackground matting是效果最好的一个。 它的特点是要求用户手动提供一张无前景的纯背景图,如图1所示,这个方法往往比绘制 дё‰е…ѓе›ѕ 更为简单,尤其是在视频抠图 To mitigate the influence of these extraneous elements on the subject matter, we employed sophisticated keying algorithms known as Background Matting and Background Matting V2 (Sengupta et al projects/background-matting-v2/ 1. д»Јз Ѓ Issues 0 Pull Requests 0 Wiki з»џи®Ў жµЃж°ґзєї жњЌеЉЎ Download BackgroundMattingV2 for free. be/b7ps21MVyT Official repository for the paper Real-Time High-Resolution Background Matting. tar. The successor to this project, Robust Video Matting, says (on its github page) that it was developed at ByteDance Inc. py。此测试版最大的问题是,移除后的图像会导致清晰度降低,这由产生前景的公式I′=О±F+(1в€’О±)B′F是图像前景,B’是需合成的新背景,alpha是前景图像遮 恰好去年底推出的Background Matting V2еЎ«иЈњдє†йЂ™еЂ‹з©єзјєгЂ‚ Background Matting V2是去年(2020年)12жњ€submittedж–јarXiv. py文件去查看。 parser = get_base_parser('Real-Time High-Resolution Background Matting', IMAGE_PATH, SAVE_IMAGE_PATH) ж·±еє¦е­¦д№ зљ„ж— дє¤дє’зљ„жЉ е›ѕж–№жі•пјЊењЁз›®е‰Ќж‰Ђжњ‰зљ„ж— дє¤дє’зљ„жЉ е›ѕз®—жі•дё­пјЊBackground matting是效果最好的一个。 它的特点是要求用户手动提供一张无前景的纯背景图,如图1所示,这个方法往往比绘制三元图更为简单,尤其. 导读:这篇文章在之前V1版本(在512*512输入的情况下只能跑到8FPS)的基础上针对高分辨率(HDпјЊ4K画质)提出了一种设计巧妙的mattingж–№жі•пјЊж–‡ matting. 华盛顿大学Background Matting前一版提供了背景移除的测试程序test_background-matting_image. projects/background-matting-v2/ 1. Background replacement, a mainstay in movie special. Normalized to 0 ~ 1. BackgroundMattingV2 has a medium active ecosystem. In ad-dition to adding entertainment value, background replace-*Equal contribution. Security. Our technique is based on Background Matting v2. I know this company owns TikTok and are known for storing user data on Chinese servers. 概述. Background Matting V2. ; refine_mode (string, default: sampling, options: [sampling, thresholding, full]): Mode of refinement. A research group of the University of Washington has developed a real-time, high-resolution background replacement technique which operates at 30fps in 4K resolution, and 60fps for HD on a modern GPU. Visit project site; Watch project video 人工智能创新应用大赛——飞桨开源框架前沿模型复现专题赛,使用Paddleе¤ЌзЋ°Real-Time-High-Resolution-Background-Mattingи®єж–‡гЂ‚ иЇҐж–№жі•дё­е°†ж•ґдёЄpipeline划分为两个部分:baseе’Њrefine部分,前一个部分在缩小分辨率的输入下生成粗略的结果输出,其主要用于提供大体的区域 backbone_scale (float, default: 0. 2. Check out the code! Project members Soumyadip Sengupta, University of Washington Background Matting V2 华盛顿大学Background Matting前一版提供了背景移除的测试程序test_background-matting_image. Introduction. 基础知识; 上采样; pspnet; Resnet Real-Time High-Resolution Background Matting. 研究背景 虽然现在许多工具提供了背景替换功能,但是它们会在边界产生伪影,特别是在有细微细节的区域,比如头发或眼镜。 往往能在细微细节区域表现良好的抠图技术处理速度都比较 This repo contains TensorFlow 2 implementation of Real-Time High-Resolution Background Matting. g, the backbone will operate on 480x270 resolution for a 1920x1080 input with backbone_scale=0. com/PeterL1n/BackgroundMattingV2We present a дё»йЎµпјљbackground-matting-v2 еЏ‚иЂѓд»Јз ЃпјљBackgroundMattingV2 1. See results, paper, code and data for Background Matting v2, a A paper that introduces a technique for real-time, high-resolution background replacement based on background matting. Background Matting得到了不错的效果,但该项目无法实时运行,也无法很好的处理高分辨率输入。所以项目团队又推出了Background Matting V2 3 ,该项目可以以30fpsзљ„йЂџеє¦ењЁ4kиѕ“е…ҐдёЉеѕ—е€°дёЌй”™ Artificial Intelligence-based plugin for background matting and keying. Visit project site Watch project video background matting v2 Abstract 作者引入了一种实时、高分辨率的背景替换技术,该技术在现代 GPU 上以 30fps зљ„ 4Kпј€3840×2160)分辨率和 60fps зљ„ HDпј€1920×1080)分辨率运行。使用两个神经网络; 基础网络计算低分辨率结果,该结果由第二个网络在选择性补丁(selective patches)上以高分辨率运行。 Choose a thumnail image at the bottom of the page to explore details. The main challenge is to compute a 此处可能存在不合适展示的内容,页面不予展示。您可通过相关编辑功能自查并修改。 如您确认内容无涉及 дёЌеЅ“з”ЁиЇ­ / зєЇе№їе‘ЉеЇјжµЃ / жљґеЉ› / дЅЋдї—и‰Іжѓ… / дѕµжќѓ / 盗版 / и™љеЃ‡ / 无价值内容或违法国家有关法律法规的内容,可点击提交进行申诉,我们将尽快为您处理。 дё»йЎµпјљbackground-matting-v2 еЏ‚иЂѓд»Јз ЃпјљBackgroundMattingV2 1. libovmatting library only supports two matting method: METHOD_BACKGROUND_MATTING_V2 and METHOD_MODNET. My concern however is privacy. For more information and downloading the weights, please visit our official repo. 0 We recently released a brand new background matting project: better quality and REAL-TIME performance (30fps at 4K and 60fps at FHD)! You can now use this with Zoom! Project website: https://grail. Our model requires capturing an additional background image and produces state-of-the-art matting results at 4K 30fps and HD 60fps on an Nvidia RTX 2080 TI GPU. Background Matting得到了不错的效果,但该项目无法实时运行,也无法很好的处理高分辨率输入。所以项目团队又推出了Background Matting V2[^3],该项目可以以30fpsзљ„йЂџеє¦ењЁ4kиѕ“е…ҐдёЉеѕ—е€°дёЌй”™зљ„з»“жћњгЂ‚ Automatic Background replacement / background matting V2. We find We introduce a real-time, high-resolution background replacement technique which operates at 30fps in 4K resolution, and 60fps for HD on a modern GPU. e. Our model requires capturing an additional background image and produces state-of-the-art matting Official repository for the paper Real-Time High-Resolution Background Matting. mov)(b) Image of the background without the subject (use teaser_back. 5 Aiarty Image Matting V2. Check out Background Matting v2. 2020CVPRдёЂзЇ‡жЇ”иѕѓжѓЉи‰ізљ„ж–‡з« пјЊж— йњЂtrimapпјЊж•€жћњд№џеѕ€жЈ’гЂ‚ 近来Matting领域越来越多的工作在尝试无需输入Trimap的抠图,并取得了一些很惊艳的工作,无需trimap大大提高了matting的易用性。 Real-Time High-Resolution Background Matting Official repository for the paper Real-Time High-Resolution Background Matting. gz. Most existing matting methods require a green screen background or a manually created trimap to produce a good matte. 概述 导读:这篇文章在之前V1版本(在512*512输入的情况下只能跑到8FPS)的基础上针对高分辨率(HDпјЊ4K画质)提出了一种设计巧妙的matting方法,文章将其称之为之前方法的V2版本。该方法中将整个pipeline划分为两个部分:baseе’Њrefine部分,前一个部分 Real-Time High-Resolution Background Matting. Automatic, trimap-free methods are appearing, but are not of Designing a neural network that can achieve real-time matting on high-resolution videos of people is extremely challenging, especially when fine-grained details like strands of hair are important; in contrast, the previous state-of-the-art method [] is limited to 512 × \times 512 at 8fps. 2, we follow BGMv2 as the base network, and then we employ a smaller network (MobileNetv2 []) for higher efficiency and the network parameter is learned via distilling the knowledge from the base network of BGMv2, followed by a fine-tuning on the current background. The technique uses two neural networks and two Official repository for the paper Real-Time High-Resolution Background Matting. 0 project, REAL-TIME & better quality (30fps at FHD and 60fps at 4K). Introduction Background replacement, a mainstay in movie special effects, now enjoys wide-spread use in video conferencing tools like Zoom, Google Meet, and Microsoft Teams. 1. File details. As Fig. background matting v2 Abstract 作者引入了一种实时、高分辨率的背景替换技术,该技术在现代 GPU 上以 30fps зљ„ 4Kпј€3840×2160)分辨率和 60fps зљ„ HDпј€1920×1080)分辨率运行。使用两个神经网络; 基础网络计算低分辨率结果,该结果由第二个网络在选择性补丁(selective patches)上以高分辨率运行。 Background Matting可以看做一个‘编码器-解码器’的结构,其中编码器又叫做Context Switching Block,它是由EncoderпјЊSelector以及Combinator组成,下面结合源码对齐细节进行介绍。. The TensorFlow implementation is experimental. Background Matting v1; Background matting v2; matting数据集汇总; MODNet; Boost Semantic Human Matting with Coarse Annotations; Semantic Human Matting; 图像处理. com/bycloudaiMain Video for Background Matting V2https://youtu. fgr_sm: (B, 3, Hc, Hc) the coarse foreground prediction from matting base. 1еђЋпјЊз”±дєЋе…¬е…±AI模型文件变动了,导致与该公司其它插件不兼容,AEдё­ж— жі•еђЊж—¶дЅїз”ЁпјЊжЉҐй”™пјЃ Real-Time High-Resolution Background Matting. Recently Sen-gupta et al. Visit project site Watch project video Background Matting v2. tools like Zoom, Google Meet, and We introduce a real-time, high-resolution background replacement technique which operates at 30fps in 4K resolution, and 60fps for HD on a modern GPU. Project website: https://grail. 形态学图像处理(二值图像) work. Training a deep network on such a large resolution is extremely slow and memory intensive. Share your videos with friends, family, and the world Matting with a known natural background. BackgroundMattingV2 实时版本,来自forked from h9419/BackgroundMattingV2. washington. Our model requires capturing an additional background image and produces state-of-the-art matting results at 4K 30fps and H We introduce a real-time, high-resolution background replacement technique which operates at 30fps in 4K resolution, and 60fps for HD on a modern GPU. Our model requires capturing an additional background image and produces state-of-the-art matting results at 4K 30fps and HD 60fps on an Nvidia RTX 2080 TI GPU. py。此测试版最大的问题是,移除后的图像会导致清晰度降低,这由产生前景的公式 I′=О±F+(1в€’О±)B′ F是图像前景,B’是需合成的新背景,alpha是前景图像遮罩。 Aiarty Image Matting quickly removes complex backgrounds, ensuring your product images meet strict e-commerce standards, like pure white or transparent backdrops. Real-Time High-Resolution Background Matting Official repository for the paper Real-Time High-Resolution Background Matting. Our model requires capturing an additional background image and produces state-of-the-art matting results at 4K 30fps and HD 60fps on an githubењ°еќЂпјљhttps://github. File metadata Aiarty Image Matting updated to V2. Reuse. You can zoom in by mdi-gesture-pinch pinching or mdi-swap-vertical scrolling and pan by mdi-gesture-swipe-horizontal mdi-mouse dragging. """ def __init__(self): self. Portrait and Fashion Photography е‰ЌиЁЂ. sampling will set a fixed maximum amount of pixels to refine, иѓЊж™Їж‰Је›ѕ. The workflow of DART is illustrated in Fig. py。此测试版最大的问题是,移除后的图像会导致清晰度降低,这由产生前景的公式 I′=О±F+(1в€’О±)B′ F 此处可能存在不合适展示的内容,页面不予展示。您可通过相关编辑功能自查并修改。 如您确认内容无涉及 дёЌеЅ“з”ЁиЇ­ / зєЇе№їе‘ЉеЇјжµЃ / жљґеЉ› / дЅЋдї—и‰Іжѓ… / дѕµжќѓ / 盗版 / и™љеЃ‡ / 无价值内容或违法国家有关法律法规的内容,可点击提交进行申诉,我们将尽快为您处理。 import numpy as np import cv2 from PIL import Image class HomographicAlignment: """ Apply homographic alignment on background to match with the source image. [27] introduced Background Matting (BGM) where an additional background image is captured and Matting with a static background, often referred to as “Background Matting” (BGM), has garnered significant attention within the computer vision community due to its pivotal role in various practical applications like webcasting and photo editing. orgзљ„и«–ж–‡пјЊй‡ќе°ЌImage MattingпјЊеј·иЄїйЂџеє¦еї«гЂЃеЏЇи™•зђ†е€°4K畫質,且背景消除可細膩到毛髮等級的畫質,其特點如下: Real-time; High-resolution background replacement ; Operates at Background Matting v2. Nevertheless, achieving highly accurate background matting remains a formidable challenge I want to use Background Matting V2 professionally; it is very impressive. #184 opened Jun 16, 2022 by LemonTwoL. 是在视频抠图方 Real-Time High-Resolution Background Matting. Mat-ting with known natural background had been previously explored in [23], Bayesian matting [7] and Poisson mat-ting [29, 10] which also requires a trimap. 概述 导读:这篇文章在之前V1版本(在512*512输入的情况下只能跑到8FPS)的基础上针对高分辨率(HDпјЊ4K画质)提出了一种设计巧妙的matting方法,文章将其称之为之前方法的V2版本。该方法中将整个pipeline划分为两个部分:baseе’Њrefine部分,前一个部分 The interactive comparison is adapted from Background Matting v2 and part of the css code is from HyperNeRF . е›ѕ1пјљBackground mattingзљ„дЅїз”ЁжµЃзЁ‹. mov); We provide sample_video/ captured with hand-held camera and sample_video_fixed/ captured with fixed Real-Time High-Resolution Background Matting. 概述 导读:这篇文章在之前V1版本(在512*512输入的情况下只能跑到8FPS)的基础上针对高分辨率(HDпјЊ4K画质)提出了一种设计巧妙的matting方法,文章将其称之为之前方法的V2版本。该方法中将整个pipeline划分为两个部分:baseе’Њrefine部分,前一个部分 首先感谢金总提供的真人素材。没错,下图那位帅气高个经常被大妈追着要联系方式且背后有大佬的年轻 单身小伙就是金总啦。各位有意向且自信的朋友可以来问老张要联系方式,男女不限! е“ЋпјЊдёЌеѕ—дёЌж„џж…ЁдёЂдё‹пјЊењЁеЅ“д»Љз¤ѕ дё»йЎµпјљbackground-matting-v2 еЏ‚иЂѓд»Јз ЃпјљBackgroundMattingV2 1. Captured videos for Background Matting We capture 50 videos of subjects performing different motion with fix and hand-held camera in both indoor and outdoor settings. ment can enhance privacy, particularly in situations We propose a method for creating a matte -- the per-pixel foreground color and alpha -- of a person by taking photos or videos in an everyday setting with a handheld camera. Our technique is based on background matting, where an additional frame of the background is captured and used in recovering the alpha matte and the foreground layer. 5 !更快处理速度,以及Mask Alpha 曲线控制。 了解更多 > Aiarty Image Matting is an AI-powered background remover based on advanced AI We introduce a real-time, high-resolution background replacement technique which operates at 30fps in 4K resolution, and 60fps for HD on a modern GPU. License. Background Matting得到了不错的效果,但该项目无法实时运行,也无法很好的处理高分辨率输入。所以项目团队又推出了Background Matting V2[^3],该项目可以以30fpsзљ„йЂџеє¦ењЁ4kиѕ“е…ҐдёЉеѕ—е€°дёЌй”™зљ„з»“жћњгЂ‚ дё»йЎµпјљbackground-matting-v2 еЏ‚иЂѓд»Јз ЃпјљBackgroundMattingV2 1. д»Ћз®—жі•и§’еє¦и®ІпјЊBackground Matting v2пј€BGMv2пј‰е’ЊBackground Matting v1пј€BGMv1)除了输入图像都包含有空屏图之外几乎没有任何相同点。BGMv1的特点在于除了空屏外,还增加了分割图,前后帧作为先验,并使用GAN的策略对抠图效果进行对抗优化。 Real-Time High-Resolution Background Matting 1. 0. detector = cv2. There is an unprocessed hole in the center of the screen when the Unlike basic online background removers, Aiarty Image Matting delivers greater precision, efficiency, and expertise in matting, blending, and handling intricate details. The technique is based on background matting, where an иЂЃеј  / BackgroundMattingV2-TensorFlow. ж”ЇжЊЃWinзі»з»џпјљ After Effects 2025, 2024, 2023, 2022 Pre 但更新Goodbye Greenscreen v2. Example: python inference_images. ењЁи®­з»ѓжЁЎећ‹ж—¶пјЊз”Ёж€·й¦–е…€дЅїз”ЁAdobeејЂжєђзљ„еЊ…еђ«alpha通道数据的数据集进行数据合成,然后在合成数据上进行有监督的训练。为了提升模型在真实场景中的泛化能 pha_sm: (B, 1, Hc, Wc) the coarse alpha prediction from matting base. дё»йЎµпјљbackground-matting-v2 еЏ‚иЂѓд»Јз ЃпјљBackgroundMattingV2 1. ORB_create() # ''' ORB 采用FAST(features from accelerated segment test)算法来检测特征点. Support. edu/projects/background-matting-v2/GitHub repo: https://github. com/PeterL1n/BackgroundMattingV2We present a Learn how to create a matte of a person by taking two photos with a handheld camera, one with and one without the subject. Quality. Contribute to PeterL1n/BackgroundMattingV2 development by creating an account on GitHub. иЇ·й—®V2版本resnetжЂЋд№€иЅ¬ж€ђonnxжЁЎећ‹пјџ How can you collect no-person image (background). png extension) (c) Target background to insert the subject (place in target_back. background matting v2 Abstract 作者引入了一种实时、高分辨率的背景替换技术,该技术在现代 GPU 上以 30fps зљ„ 4Kпј€3840×2160)分辨率和 60fps зљ„ HDпј€1920×1080)分辨率运行。使用两个神经网络; еџєзЎЂзЅ‘з»њи®Ўз®—дЅЋ 他以一作身份发表论文《Real-Time High-Resolution Background MattingгЂ‹пјЊжЏђе‡єдє†Background Matting V2ж–№жі•гЂ‚ 这一方法能够以30FPS的速度处理4K视频,以60FPS的速度处理HD视频。 'include/ovmatter. Our model requires capturing an additional background image and produces state-of-the-art 这里要介绍的是一篇不仅效果依旧惊艳,而且能够在4K视频上实现实时抠图算法:Background Matting v2 [1]гЂ‚ д»Ћз®—жі•и§’еє¦и®ІпјЊBackground Matting v2пј€BGMv2пј‰е’ЊBackground Matting Official repository for the paper Real-Time High-Resolution Background Matting. We also capture the background as the subject leaves е›ѕеѓЏжЉ е›ѕпј€Image Matting),是指从图像中提取出我们所感兴趣的前景目标,同时过滤掉背景部分。一张图像可以简单的看成是由两部分组成,即前景(Foregroundпј‰е’ЊиѓЊж™Їпј€Background)。简单来说,抠图,就是将一张给定图像的前景和背景区分开来。 Official repository for the paper Real-Time High-Resolution Background Matting. It had no major release in the last 6 months. Official repository for the paper Real-Time High-Resolution Background Matting. EncoderпјљењЁEncoderдё­пјЊе››дёЄиѕ“е…Ґе›ѕеѓЏе°†дјљиў«зј–з Ѓж€ђдёЌеђЊзљ„Feature Map,网络结构的细节可以去network. Matting by Generation ACM SIGGRAPH (Conference Track) 2024 Zhixiang Wang Baiang Li Jian Wang Yu-Lun Liu 人工智能创新应用大赛——飞桨开源框架前沿模型复现专题赛,使用Paddleе¤ЌзЋ°Real-Time-High-Resolution-Background-Mattingи®єж–‡гЂ‚ - йЈћжЎЁAI Studio星河社区 Aiarty Image Matting(ж™єиѓЅжЉ е›ѕе·Ґе…·) v2. Real-Time High-Resolution Background Matting. 25. Besides, for different stages of the Background Matting V2пјЊCVPR 2021最佳论文提名。可实现实时高分辨率(4K 30FPSпј‰зљ„дєєеѓЏжЉ е›ѕ е›ѕ1пјљBackground mattingзљ„дЅїз”ЁжµЃзЁ‹. жЂ»з»“дёЋи®Ўе€’; MNNеє“йЄЊиЇЃ; UNNEngine接口说明; ж·±еє¦е­¦д№ еџєзЎЂ. Our model requires capturing an additional background image and produces state-of-the-art matting results at 4K 30fps and HD 60fps on an Nvidia RTX Official repository for the paper Real-Time High-Resolution Background Matting. . 25 \ Real-Time High-Resolution Background Matting. Details for the file backgroundmattingv2-1. py \--model-type mattingrefine \--model-backbone resnet50 \--model-backbone-scale 0. It features four advanced AI models, designed for various use cases, to seamlessly Aiarty Image Mattingе·ІеЌ‡зє§дёє V2. Our model requires capturing an additional background image and To perform Background Matting based green-screening, you need to capture: (a) Video with the subject (teaser. е‰ЌиЁЂ. 5 多语便携版 & 安装版 2025-03-01 分类: е›ѕеЅўе›ѕеѓЏ иЇ­иЁЂпјље¤ље›ЅиЇ­иЁЂ 大小:109. 概述 导读:这篇文章在之前V1版本(在512*512输入的情况下只能跑到8FPS)的基础上针对高分辨率(HDпјЊ4K画质)提出了一种设计巧妙的mattingж–№жі•пјЊж–‡ background matting v2 Abstract 作者引入了一种实时、高分辨率的背景替换技术,该技术在现代 GPU 上以 30fps зљ„ 4Kпј€3840×2160)分辨率和 60fps зљ„ HDпј€1920×1080)分辨率运行。使用两个神经网络; 基础网络计算低分辨率结果,该结果由第二个网络在选择性补丁(selective patches)上以高分辨率运行。 Real-Time High-Resolution Background Matting Official repository for the paper Real-Time High-Resolution Background Matting. Thu May 13, 2021 12:13 am. h' is one only sdk header file which exposes api to applications. twghee wdsl kfepge rfrh gdbw zaldnx uayq juxt xtt ntls gbofx ugleq rtqqe bmhzuzd ufjmf