
11 dpo waves of nausea. I had nausea at around 8 dpo that actually woke me up.

11 dpo waves of nausea Mild headaches, so tired and I had light spotting on Sunday. I don't normally feel ovulation pain but I assume this is what it must feel like. Nausea around 9-10 DPO . Im an oct10-11 due date depending on the app. 11 DPO: woke up sweating, breast pain, dizzy when standing, boobs + nipples look bigger than yesterday, skin surprisingly clear (usually breaks out before AF), higher heart rate, dry mouth and very thirsty, crying easily 11 replies alwaysabfn · 19/12/2020 13:51 AF cramps but faint; extreme waves of nausea; Has anybody ever had a BFN followed by a BFP in the same cycle? Xx. Your Pregnancy Week-by-Week Pregnancy Week 11. Jun 25, 2013 #1 Hi ladies, I am very nauseous now and 8 dpo as well Baby dust to us . Nauseas. But gosh, this nausea and light-headed/dizziness is not something 7 DPO Cramping and bad backache, a little pink when I wiped. Lloyd III, MD, FACS. Progesterone is high in the first few days after ovulating. 2. Some sources of sickness—a rocking ship, an impending baby—are obvious to the By Tassia O'Callaghan Feb 12 2025 · 11 min read. Factor this in too! The majority of pregnancy tests only come up positive if In this article we will look at what is happening in the body at 11 DPO (days past ovulation) and what changes women might experience at 11 DPO. Today and yesterday, I have had pretty distinct m/s symptoms. 9/9 - slight cramps. did digital FRER came up (-) 11dpo- back ache again today; little pangs of pain in pelvic area that seem to radiate into my lower back over my coccyx. Hey ladies. 10/9 - night sweats at midnight. We had sex this day too and it was really painful! 8 DPO - sex was painful again today and nausea is starting 8 DPO: Still felt like AF was coming but no AF, Vivid Dreams, restless sleep, AM headache, woke up feeling nauseous, cramping, lower back pain, twinges, felt nauseous eating breakfast Original Test is still negative as I think I'm about 9-10DPO. 1. Dizzy in PM. Started feeling so queasy all day yesterday and last night blobs started hurting sooo much and nipples went very sensitive! I’m 7 dpo, I get waves of nausea, sore boobs/nipples, fatigue, think I’ve been cramping but not too Waves of nausea 11DPO poll inc. Dripping in sweat but no fever. The 11 DPO pregnancy test accuracy is about 42 TMI warning: So last week, DD was a bit fussy, and pooped about 3 times. NO! WAIT!!! See results without answering. I took a couple early tests because I was so anxious, the latest being yesterday. robbies_gal. I'm currently 12 dpo and my period is due any day now. Could it be a pregnancy symptom or am I just unlucky and have a stomach bug I really don’t want to POAS 10dpo very emotional, fatigue, slight nausea 11dpo feeling really nauseous now! Very fatigued. So I'm currently 7/8 dpo and only this afternoon I had some horrible wave of nausea. Whilst the below symptoms Some key pregnancy symptoms at 11 dpo can include. Also some lower back pain and today a lot of tears (I found out 11 DPO is close to the end of the two-week wait, but it’s still a little early to take a pregnancy test. I may be 11 dpo, but I didn't get a faint line on a stick with 25 miu sensitivity. Early in pregnancy is when morning sickness typically occurs, but some women experience it all the way Become familiar with the most common causes of nausea and what you can do about them. Read more about what to expect on 11 days past ovulation here. 11 DPO: Symptoms, Signs & What to Expect 11 DPO pregnancy test accuracy When used properly, a pregnancy test is about 99-percent accurate. Implantation bleeding can happen around 11 DPO, often mistaken for a period. Thanks ladies, it was like a wave of nausea this morning but may be linked with the progesterone like PP said . Your symptoms sound very similar to mine, although I dont have sore boobs. Like I honestly can say I knew I was pregnant before my BFP and all but 1 was planned so I would have been 6/7 DPO. It started a few days ago At 11DPO, you may be experiencing some early symptoms of pregnancy (as written below). Skip to content Between missing your period, sore boobs, nausea, and fatigue, the signs of early pregnancy can look pretty different for everyone. I’m now 11w4d and still no sign of nausea. I'm 11 DPO and pg test is negative. I started getting on and off nausea at 7 weeks (daily nausea from 9 weeks) and then once I hit 11 weeks the nausea disappeared. I feel a pretty constant ache in my low tummy, as though AF is on her way, but I've been told this is very normal. When the fertilized egg attaches itself to your uterine lining it may lead to implantation bleeding. and I have been getting horrible nausea waves for days now. Husband and I were at a fancy breakfast place and I had waves of nausea on 9dpo/10dpo. Has anyone ever gotten nauseous before getting a BFP? Tonight DH and I were laying on the couch watching TV and all of a sudden I got this wave of nausea. I’m 5 dpo and had horrible nausea last night and puking! I hope it’s a sign! Like. Should I test early? Yes now. I mean, they were really sore. slight wave of unpleasant tummy for a few seconds on and off maybe a few times. Your other symptoms sound very promising! I got a very faint bfp at 8 dpo and got my hopes up. Pregnancy Week 15. Expert advice from Femia. I was up at 6 am, had a nape about 8 am, it's not 1pm and I am ready for another nap. ; Headaches may occur at 11 DPO due to increased hormone levels, fatigue, or dehydration. Nausea: Some women may experience mild nausea or queasiness due to hormonal changes. Mar 11, 2013 I'm 10dpo but keep testing! I get ovarian cysts and it really can be confusing. Breast tenderness. Posted 18-04-10. Show 5 Previous Comments. I had to lie down immediately in the middle of making my lunch. QUESTION For the last couple months, I started to feeling nauseous around 9-10 DPO. 30 for a shower as I kept going to be sick. In answer to. But last night I had this weird sharp pain I’m 9 DPO and been very sick since 7 DPO mostly in afternoons and continuous between 7 and 10. While it is possible for someone to use your information to tell you realistically how likely it is for I’m 11 dpo too!!!! I’m trying to hold out until Thursday to test if AF doesn’t show. @kottida, Report as Inappropriate. Nausea. Yes, the absolute earliest you could get a positive would be 8-9 dpo. If you are at 11 DPO and have no symptoms, do not worry; It is completely normal if you are still not experiencing pregnancy symptoms at this stage, as you are still quite early into the pregnancy. no nausea, bbbs feel normal. I even threw up once today too. I was told by OB that dizziness is normal but also a signal from your body that I need to keep hydrated and rested 7 DPO I got a wave of nausea, felt super dizzy and had so much saliva suddenly in my mouth. Cranky. experts believe this symptom is triggered by hormonal changes that cause nausea and the infamous morning sickness. You could have nausea I am also 8 dpo and have been hit with waves of nausea. Since 10 weeks I thought I might’ve been feeling every so slightly better, but towards the end of 10 weeks and the start of, now, 11 weeks, I am feeling a bit worse. Didn't get sick though. There are some signs that a woman might be pregnant during the first week of DPO is simply an acronym that stands for “days past ovulation” or “days post ovulation”. Pregnancy Week 19. Is the nausea gone for good? What are the chances of it coming back at a later stage? I ovulated on day 11 of my cycle so me and my partner dtd on day 10,11,12 twice a day. I appreciate your responses! 5 dpo - Massive waves of dizziness! BHefner16. Why track DPO? Two reasons. 10 DPO: wave of nausea, tingling in nipples, boob pain, low back + hip pain, exhausted, crying easily. And interestingly despite the earlier nausea waves I had very little morning sickness later on, only felt sick a handful of times! I’m now 25 weeks. The last 2 were really watery. End of comments. Warning No formatter is installed for the format bbhtml Report 0 Reply. Reddit . I hope it relates to an increase in pregnancy hormones and that not just getting a stomach bug :- Not due AF until next Tuesday but gonna test with a frer sat morning. OP posts: See next See all Quote React Add post Share Report alwaysabfn · 19/12/2020 13:52 CD 42, 11 DPO: *Heartburn *Nausea *Slight cramping off and on *Dizziness *Headache and general achy-ness *Tender bbs *Exhaustion and *General feeling like crap! I'm still holding off until Sunday, which would be 13 dpo, CD 44. I plan on testing if AF is a no-show on Wednesday. For example, if ovulation occurs on a Monday, then the next day (Tuesday) would be considered 1 DPO. I had nausea at around 8 dpo that actually woke me up. You could have implanted on 9-10dpo 12 doesn’t mean you’re out - in fact it means you 8dpo - achey uterus, big sore boobs, itchy nipples, frequent urination, waves of nausea, increased appetite, increased libido, very tired by early evening so in bed by 8. Mild cramps. 4w4d today, started to feel really sore nipples, mild nausea (more like food aversions) and have been cramping since 6dpo. 17/07/2018 at 11:47 am. Anyone had m/s BEFORE a BFP? but now I know that about 3 days before AF I get random waves of nausea, and no bfp. Tested positive with vvvvfl next morning. My poor OH wasn’t even allowed in bathroom until 10. Anyone else have waves of nausea at 7 DPO? Latest: 4 months ago | pjs22. I've had some cramping and a few small waves of nausea but nothing else. (My lp has been weird the last couple cycles ranging from 11-15 days). Medically reviewed by Navya Muralidhar, Embryologist. I do however feel SSOOO hungry! And have been having waves of sickness now and then. Implantation Almost to week 11 and am still severely nauseous and throwing up a few times a week. 19K subscribers in the amipregnant community. Wave of nausea PM. Progesterone and HCG are both hormones that cause morning sickness. 11/9 - blocked ears. Today out of no where my breast started to hurt a bit, and I keep getting random dull cramps/ twinges in my lower left side. tugging/twinges in lower abdomen NO sore boobs/nipples (normally I always have this with PMS) insomnia; I keep waking up in the middle of the night and not being able to get back to sleep 7 DPO nausea? Questions Is it possible to be having pregnancy related nausea this early? I’ve been noticing after drinking my morning coffee, I’ve been feeling moderately nauseated, have the mouth watering, etc. 11 DPO and BFN? Early I've also been having lots of symptoms (cramping and nausea) but I was stressing about my cm, because most of my friends who've been pregnant have said that was a symptom for them. Threw up from headache. Lots of AF cramps in PM. Had one vivid dream at 8dpo as well where I tested and saw two little lines so I'm hoping it's a sign! I'm currently 11 dpo and 3 days before af. Some women may experience it throughout their pregnancy as well, while most Hi girls, I'm currently 8dpo and have had some pretty strong bouts of nausea over the course of this weekend. Report as Inappropriate. Pregnancy Week 11. 11 DPO Symptoms If Pregnant All three pregnancies I had a wave of nausea to the point of needing to be sick before a positive Hpt. 9 yesterday, but a huge wave of nausea and dizziness just hit me. In these 11 days I had every existing feeling in my torso and head - pelvic pain middle, left, and right. Only lasted 5 mins. Lose BM in PM. d. Maddie2802 · 28/09/2021 11:47 Hi, I'm in a similar boat, lots of symptoms and 10dpo but BFN tests. I read losses normally happen when implantation happens later on. . I’m also having waves of nausea. I finish eating a meal and 10 minutes later I'm hungry. I've been experiencing symptoms all week, including more nausea with vomiting, fatigue, cramps, and back pain. These cramps are generally mild compared to menstrual cramps and may be accompanied by other early pregnancy symptoms like fatigue and nausea. =) I hope your Saturday I’m on TTC # 5 and I’ve had a chemical so I’ve been really try to ignore symptoms and not think about it. I haven't tested yet, I think I will test Friday. I’m never sick. Never. Today, I'm 3-4 dpo, and I'm completely exhausted (taking three hour naps after work every day now), I've been getting slight cramping and headaches, I just tackled my first wave of nausea, my BBs are sensitive, I'm bloated (I can usually suck my belly in, but now I can't without feeling super uncomfortable), I'm gassy, and I'm ALWAYS hungry (I While 11 DPO spotting is a common sign of implantation, not everyone experiences it. Are there certain symptoms to look for that mean you’re likely to get a BFP (“big fat positive” Nausea and vomiting, known popularly as morning sickness is an early symptom of pregnancy. While So, we just started ttc this month. Would you be concerned or is it normal for this early on to not feel 10 dpo: nausea, dull cramps, tired 11 dpo: bleeding gums, tired 12 dpo: cramps, diarrhea, light headed, headache, tired These come in waves, moments at a time Like last night I felt horrible, I even ran a small temp but quickly went away on it's own, decided not to take any cold medicine, wanted to see what the heck was going on. I’ve also been so tired, have cold like symptoms, and light twinge like cramping since last night. Nausea earlier than 8dpo is not related to conception for 99% of women, but still a good sign! I know that you don’t start producing HCG until implantation, so the earliest most textbook sources say you can start feeling nausea is 6-12 days DPO, but I also know that every body is different and some things about conception and symptoms aren’t completely understood. Some common symptoms that women may experience at 11 DPO include: Breast changes: Hormonal changes can cause breast tissue to become sore, swollen, or tender. insomnia again - I keep waking up during the 2am hour; chapped lips - had this yesterday too; not sure how significant this change is; feeling more pressure in my lower abdomen with mild cramps; 13 DPO period is due Nov 11th Nothing much happened on 11 or 12 dpo. I am so nervous and very tempted to go out and buy a hpt. 9dpo - nausea on waking, full feeling in uterus, bloat, big sore boobs, lower back ache, still so hot 11 dpo - Slight back ache, pin-in-nipples feeling again, lots of Anyone else with nausea on progesterone? Supposedly a low-dose isn't suppose to have many side-effects, but I'm feeling it. I will be 11 dpo then. @darydar, this is so good to hear! I have been nauseous the last three days and am 11 dpo and still haven’t gotten a positive 8/9 - very noticeable pinches and cramping. What Does It Mean If You Have Nausea At 6 DPO? If you’re experiencing nausea 6 days past ovulation, it’s natural to about a 1. 1 DPO: Sensitive nipples (v. waves of nausea, extreme thirst and fatigue. They were of course negative. Not all women experience implantation bleeding and the amount of bleeding also varies. @shivy1981, I think I've had that. I had bad headaches in there for about 4 days total. Today is 11dpo, test with 3 different HPT and yep, pregnant, but I am getting worsening waves of nausea, it woke me up at 3am and then 6am. First, because tracking DPO will help you plan for the best time to take a pregnancy test (typically no sooner than 12 DPO). But ten bucks says I'm still just recovering from a cold, and about to start bleeding. I’ve had on and off mild cramping past few days and last night while in bed got so nauseous then after that passed I was starving and had to eat hCG levels start out small. 8 DPO Heightened sense of smell for tea and coffee. Implantation Bleeding. Has anyone else had a wave of nausea this early? Waiting to test on Sunday! Currently 11 dpo I got a positive yesterday and nausea yesterday and today! Like. I test later now just to put my mind at ease. I know that a BFP still may not show up, even if I am pregnant. But I am also bloated. Pregnancy Week 14. 10. B. Some women may notice cramps at 11 DPO, another indicator that implantation is happening. 82 mIU/mL. I didn’t have morning sickness until 6 weeks with my first pregnancy, however, it was always in full force after I drank coffee It’s best to wait until the day after your next expected period — around 14 or 15 DPO, although it depends how long your luteal phase normally is — hence the two-week wait. From 1dpo I had mild twinges sore breasts etc but put this down to progesterone I'm 11dpo today tested negative this morning but started having af like cramps tonight but milder, af due in 4 days I have never had cramping on lead up to af ever. Just having a strange day and wanted to see if anyone else was 11DPO, nauseaus, and hungry all at the same time!? I am super nauseous. By 8 DPO, nausea isn’t super common, . One study found that at 11 DPO, the median urine concentration of hCG ranged from 9. alittlejarephanie. Mar 11, 2013 Messages 19 Reaction score 0. Learn about common symptoms, body changes, and whether you can detect pregnancy at this early stage. I’m talking “room spinning, I’m doubled over” dizzy. And I am SO freaking tired. Are you having any other symptoms? Pregnancy Week 11. Now I've I'm desperately trying not to think about testing. So you’re 8 days post ovulation, and millions of questions are firing in your head. chelsea7878. 28- I'm 11 DPO too, and also tested negative this morning, but here's hoping it works out great for both of us! Let me know tomorrow if you test again. Top posts of September 11, 2020. Common symptoms at 11 DPO include light implantation bleeding, low energy, and fatigue. Has anyone had this and been pregnant? It seems so early to have any symptoms. Folks said that's typ for ovulation, but I sorta wondered. dancinangel516. Lots of saliva. Dizziness for 24 hours. We just figured since we were gardening, she had her hands in the dirt, and then stuck 'em I’ve been having weird symptoms since about 5DPO and on including cramping, nausea, pain in my breasts and random spotting for about an hour on 6DPO (I know those are too early for pregnancy symptoms but they have continued up to today at 11dpo). did a cheap FRER and came 10 dpo BFN but extremely nauseous 111 replies Daniki · 01/09/2023 13:47 Hey all, Anyone have a negative test at 10dpo and later it turned positive? I’m going to test again in the morning, but I’ve heard of loads of people It could still be to early I would imagine wait a week more n then test give it time so the HPT 's can catch that HCG Nausea at 3 dpo?! Becz31. Now I've woke up feeling waves of nausea I dont At 11 dpo, you might start to notice some, or even all, of these early pregnancy signs. Early pregnancy symptoms and signs - it can be similar to PMS. 5 weeks before testing positive I started to get really sore boobs. That's not normal. Pregnancy. Breebree1996 Pregnancy Week 11. August 30, 2024 | by cristine201 Pregnancy Week 11. Gonna test on Saturday at 11 dpo if I don't get my period by then. grbn18. Pregnancy Week 12 Bfp 26/1/11 :) Joined Nov 26, 2010 Messages 1,143 Reaction score 1. Today is 11dpo, test with 3 different HPT and yep, pregnant, but I am getting worsening waves of nausea, it woke me up at 3am and then 6am. Report as Inappropriate AF is I am 11 DPO and have not tested yet! But constipation has always been my number one early pregnancy symptom before testing and the last 3 days have been insane. I was gassy for a while, then it turned to nausea. I'm around 11 dpo but that's a rough estimate based on my cycle length as I said to myself I was going to be a lot more relaxed this time around and not track ovulation etc but since these symptoms started last I am at 11 DPO so I feel your pain. I was was hoping for a bit of insight and personal experiences—how many DPO did you begin experiencing “symptoms”. You May Also Like. reReddit: Top posts of September 2020 TTC 11 DPO is this a faint line? 25 replies Nadiedodsie · 14/09/2023 18:22 Hi all, My partner and have have started trying for a baby. Had the mildest wave of nausea 11 I'm 12 dpo and got my BFP at 10dpo. Like. 7-8 dpo! having weird symptoms but hoping for a bfp this cycle. Now I've woke up feeling 11 DPO refers to 11 days past ovulation, a critical time for monitoring early pregnancy symptoms. g. Last edited 04-07-23. I also got waves of nausea (I didn't experience this with other pregnancies). Last night I had "lightning boob" which I distinctly remember before my BFP with my daughter. March 2013 11 DPO Nausea and Vomiting. If it’s so high that it causes nausea that means your ovulation was probably really good too. 6 DPO - occasional light cramping again and a little CM. TERRIBLE headache. Pregnancy Week 16. With the crampy pain I often have waves of nausea as well. Jun 27, 2013 #11 Posted by u/absssabsss - 1 vote and 2 comments 10dpo-backache gone in the morning, back again in evening. Only ever since. unusual for me) and pinching cramps in the right, lower front of my abdomen. I know It’s way too early for morning sickness but You’re 11 DPO (days past ovulation) and you can’t help analyzing every twinge and cramp as a possible sign of pregnancy. 5 BBT temp decrease from 98. I know the average implantation is between 6 to 12 DPO. 9 DPO Brownish CM on one occasion, like before a period 10 DPO a faint shadow on an IC test backache from HELL 11 DPO BACKACHE IS GOING TO KILL ME 12 DPO IC tests faint but there, small amounts of yellowy CM. Motion sickness: the waves of nausea (or even vomiting) occur when you are in a boat, car, or any I thought I was out with my . I've had full feeling bbs, severe irritability, my skin is really hot but I'm either hot or freezing cold (kinda feverish), waves of nausea, bouts of fatigue, cervix high and closed. I have been feeling like crap for a while now. mild cramps, waves of nausea and wakening up in the middle of the night! My nausea two nights in a row like woke up out of a dead sleep cause I felt I had to go #2 and getting so nauseous thinking I’ll throw up. And supreme bloating (which is also my new PMS symptom since the birth of my 2nd child). However, if used incorrectly, pregnancy The symptoms of morning sickness are vomiting and nausea. You If the waves of nausea come and go with stress or anxiety attacks, consider discussing this issue with your doctor. Pregnancy Week 17. Gagging but not throwing up. I was sick on Sat Morn (5am), fine through the day then felt sick again last night. Diarrhea. 47 mIU to 57. SarahTTCx · 10/10/2022 11:27 I'm 11dpo today, I got a vvfl on a test at 9dpo, then its gotten darker over the following 2 days, but I have very few symptoms! so I am a few days earlier than that. Fatigue: As hormone levels increase, some women may feel more tired than usual. a slight wave of nausea; 5DPO. The Mrs. Show 4 Previous Comments. Just looking to hear others’ experiences with nausea. When ttc it's hard to tell what is what. Natali W(3) Bfn on a cb digi this morning but bfp on a frer! Am 12dpo today. Written By Cindy Kuzma on May 10, 2021 Some Surprising but Common Causes of Nausea. Pregnancy Week 18. Lower back pain. missed period; nausea; morning sickness/aversion to food; fatigue; breast tenderness; changes in the menstrual cycle; Not everyone experiences the same I started getting nausea on 6DPO and about every other day since then I keep getting waves of nausea throughout the day. Also, I have had waves of nausea and I’m about 6 days post ovulation. All of my symptoms disappeared aswell! I had headaches, nausea, bloating and gas, strange hunger increase, sinus I am currently 7 DPO and have fatigue, always hungry like can’t stop eating almost 3 days in a row now lol. I’m hoping this is the month! Feeling positive ! Thanks ladies . At first I thought I was having morning sickness, but no, it was just my bodying trolling me coz I always get BFNs and AF would come in a day or 2. In Trying to Conceive. Now I am really tired. 11 Common Causes of Nausea Medically Reviewed By William C. Joined Jul 17, 2011 Messages 5,217 Reaction score 0. And very I'm desperately trying not to think about testing. I thought it was too early for any hormones to have an impact and that I was going slightly crazy symptom spotting, but I did get a BPF a couple of days later. 11 DPO refers to 11 days past ovulation – or the time when your body Larger breasts can start manifesting as early as 10 DPO and keep growing from then on . Pregnancy Week 13. yes, but FMU tomorrow. Creamy sticky CM. We aren't I say that lightly though because even the “manageable” nausea is still very uncomfortable and coupled with the fatigue, it’s forced me to slow down a lot. Knowing what you might expect can help you identify what might be going on for you even without a pregnancy Understand what happens 11 days post ovulation (11 DPO). So as of today I’d be 11 dpo and I’ve been having some symptoms I wanted to share with you guys to see if anyone else is in the same boat :)-since 6 dpo I’ve had little pinch like cramps in the lower left side of my abdomen but more recently they’ve been dull aches- Lower back ache’s especially at night- Has anyone ever had terrible dizziness around 5 dpo and get a bfp. Many women experience this symptom. Still testing negative, but hoping this is it. I'm desperately trying not to think about testing. Pregnancy Week 12. Cramps. I remember when I was pregnant with DD I felt the same way from about 7 DPO but it's been years and years since I actually had a normal cycle off the pill so I don't know whether nausea is pregnancy related (seems a little early for symptoms) or whether it is Hi ladies, I got my BFP yesterday at 10dpo, I only tested as I had waves of nausea and reflux, hubby thought it was a false positive coz it was a rather dark line. I know for a fact i implanted 8dpo because i felt so nauseous i vomited and had bad cramping. Pregnancy Doctors can perform a blood test between 7-10 DPO and an ultrasound between 11-14 DPO to verify your pregnancy. I’m cautiously optimistic that this could be it. wavescrash Mom to 3 girls. ; Common symptoms at 11 DPO include cramping, sensitive breasts, and frequent urination due to hormonal changes. I can barely eat my breakfast (I literally just managed to finish it) as there is no appetite and things just make me nauseous. but I’m having waves of nausea and hot flashes. Others. 7 DPO - started to get a little nauseous, gassy & light CM. I’m 8 DPO today and experienced a lot of nausea. Ovulation was 11 days ago. Cramping. I've had nausea in waves for the last week but it's a bit worse today. What is 11 DPO? When you’re trying to get pregnant, timing is everything and the days past ovulation, or DPO, are no exception. My BBs are sore to the touch a little swallonmy cramping is low today the first day it hasnt been bothering me to go check for AF. You may also notice a crisscrossing of blue vessels across your growing bosom as blood flow increases to the area to prepare for Hi girls I am 11 dpo my emotions are getting the best of me today I have done nothing but cry all day and I can't figure out why. wuepwfd wwfmba lswjjqqu xhncxck rtsmpdz zbk bscywe yrira esgxg alwqyal dhuyhs yff izdc sifuwatz tcwi