Guilford county clerk of court mailing address. Find and verify Guilford County, NC divorce records online.
Guilford county clerk of court mailing address Out of County Birth Records: For issuing out of county birth records for births occurring after 1971 via state system – Contact the Register of Deeds office for details and fees. Box 20099 Winston Salem, NC 27120. The High Point Agency may be reached at 336-845-7770. Eugene Street, Room 360 PO Box 3427 Greensboro, NC 27401 Phone: 336-641-2660 Mission Statement. Copies of court records can be requested from the Clerk’s office by calling (336) 412-7300. New Passkey Process Started We've sent you an email to verify your address, click the link in the email to add a new Passkey to your account. Email: District 18 Guilford County District Court in Greensboro, North Carolina. Make payable to: Guilford County Clerk of Superior Court. org. The City Clerk serves as custodian of all minute books, ordinance books, contracts, the City Code of Ordinances and other official records. org High Point Courthouse 505 East Green Drive High Point, North Carolina It is the policy of Guilford County not to discriminate based on disability against any qualified individual. You may also deposit documents in the secure Clerk’s office drop boxes, available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, located outside of each courthouse. Halifax : Rebecca (Becky) C. Phone Number: (336) 641-4893. MAILING ADDRESS: PO Box 3427, Greensboro NC 27402. File an appeal with the North Carolina Department of Justice or seek legal assistance Mailing Address Clerk of Superior Court P. Anyone needing accommodation assistance with a Guilford County Government service or facility, please call (336) 641-4766 or email accomodationrequest@guilfordcountync. Market Street P. Voice: 919-807-7500 Toll-Free Tipline: 800-730-8477 Guilford County Courthouses 201 South Eugene Street Greensboro, NC 27401 (336) 412-7400 (GB). 505 East Green Drive, High Point, NC 27262 Mailing Address: P. Reidsville Greensboro Courthouse Room: 103LE 201 S Eugene St Greensboro, NC 27401 Phone: (336) 641-3735. Guilford County Courthouses 201 South Eugene Street Greensboro, NC 27401 in partnership with the resident District Court Judges of Guilford County. She assumed office in 2014. Wills & Estates. Guilford County Courthouse. Find info, training, and resources, and upcoming counties launching The Guilford County Sheriff's Office bailiff sections in Greensboro and High Point provides the courtroom and its occupants with security by making sure they are safe. Greensboro, NC 27405 Phone: (336) 641-5437 Fax: (336) 641-6064. They search for contraband or other items that may pose as a danger. Debra Tolliver Phone: (336) 641-6274 Email: DTOLLIV@guilfordcountync. Please find the Child Support Enforcement contact information for both of our locations below. , closed for state holidays. The Jury mailing address is: Guilford County Courthouse ATTN: District Court Judge’s Chambers PO Box 3008 Greensboro, NC 27402 Email: GuilfordGB. Box 3427 Greensboro, NC 27402 (336) 641-3852 (office) (336) 641-3642 (fax) Andrea Leslie-Fite To locate your local Clerk of Courts, visit website and click on “Browse county directory” in the “Find my local courthouse” box. Mail payment to: Clerk of Superior Court Guilford County Courthouse PO Box 3008 Greensboro, NC 27402-3008. pdf Clerk to the Board 301 W. 5 miles away Payment by mail. If you are in immediate danger, please call 911, or Family Service of the Piedmont’s 24 hour Crisis Hotline at (336) 273-7273. Alternatively, you can submit your request by mail, along with your original summons and supporting documentation, to the following address: Guilford County Courthouse - Greensboro Chief District Court Judge PO Box 3008 Greensboro, NC 27402. Guilford County Court Records About Guildford County Court II. Aug 15, 2022 · ADDRESS: 301 West Market Street, Greensboro, NC 27401. Guilford County Courthouse - High Point can be contacted via phone at 336-822-6700 for pricing, hours and directions. . Oct 20, 2023 · The Guilford County Board of Commissioners welcomed new Commissioner Brandon Gray to the Board during their regularly scheduled meeting, Thursday, October 19, 2023. Box 2434, High Point, NC, 27261 Guilford County Nov 8, 2022 · Lisa Johnson-Tonkins (Democratic Party) is a judge of the Guilford County Clerk of the Superior Court in North Carolina. Guilford County Courthouse - High Point 505 East Green Drive High Point, NC 27262 Phone: (336) 822 Guilford County Courthouses 201 South Eugene Street Greensboro, NC 27401 (336) 412-7400 (GB). The Chief District Court Judge, by administrative order and local rule, has adopted several civil forms which are specific to the Guilford County District Courts. Money order; Certified check; X NO Cash X NO Personal Checks. Box 2434, High Point, NC, 27261 Guilford County Greensboro Office 201 West Market Street Greensboro, NC 27401 (336) 641-7556. District 18 Guilford County District Court High Point 505 East Green Drive 9. Kernersville Town Clerk East Mountain Street, Kernersville, NC - 13. The Guilford County Clerk of Superior Court is responsible for providing a qualified pool of jurors to ensure the right of all citizens to a trial by an impartial jury. PHONE NUMBER: (336) 641-3383. The Guilford County Clerk of Court directory assistance facilitates finding the local court office, the Clerk of Court name and other vital contact information. The Guilford County Clerk of Superior Court’s Office is open to the public from 8:30 a. gov. Contact the Guilford County Clerk of Superior Court at 336-412-7300. The Honorable Tonia Cutchin presides over the Superior Court of Guilford County, North Carolina, located at the Guilford County Courthouse in Greensboro. Starting June 1, 2021, members of the media and public can submit a public records request online to Guilford County Government using NextRequest instead of filing requests in person or by email. gov Rita Tate Phone: (336) 641-3999 Guilford County Courthouse - High Point. Sep 29, 2020 · The Guilford County Clerk of Superior Court will extend its hours of operation to the public from 8:30am until 3:00pm beginning Monday, October 5, 2020. Mailing Address: 301 W. Where should the estate be administered? The estate of a North Carolina resident may be administered in the county where he or she was domiciled at the time of death. County Directory Sitemap Pay Self-Service SelfHelp Telecommuting FAQ Fraud Hotline ADA Compliance Contact District 18 Guilford County District Court High Point. About. 0 mile away. High Point Detention Center 507 East Green Drive High Point, NC 27261 The staff of Legal Aid of North Carolina – Greensboro Office provides legal assistance in civil matters (non-criminal matters) to eligible, low-income clients who have problems with their basic needs and live in the six-county area surrounding Greensboro, NC: Davidson County, Guilford County, Montgomery County, Randolph County, Rockingham Greensboro Office. Randolph County. Find out how to reach your Clerk of Court and other offices and representatives in Guilford County. to 5:00 p. Jury Service The Guilford County Clerk of Superior Court’s Office is open to the public from 8:30 a. Mailing Address. Below is a directory of court locations in Guilford County. 505 E Green Drive High Point, NC 27260 (336) 822-6703 (HP) Address: 301 W. O. (For the Guilford County Clerk of Court's office, call 336-412-7300. Court System Type: Town Court Division: Contact Information: Phone Number: 607-895-6818 Feel free to contact us at the numbers or emails below if you have any questions. You can obtain further assistance by contacting NC Vital Records at 919-733-3000. Vital Records: 1st Floor Real Estate & Recording: 2nd Floor. Method of Payment: Cash, Money Order, Cashier's Check (NO PERSONAL CHECKS ACCEPTED). Clerk to the Board 301 W. 1, Gray was nominated by the Guilford County Democratic Party’s Executive Committee for District 6 to fill the vacant seat The Regional Juvenile Detention Center. On the next screen click on “Guilford County Courthouse” to find the address, and the telephone number. 15 Lockheed Court Greensboro, N. The county has a population of over 540,000 residents and covers a landmass of approximately 1,704 square kilometers. Other Clerk Offices Nearby. Share your videos with friends, family, and the world If your request is denied, it may be because the record is sealed, expunged, or confidential by law. The construction project of the Governmental Plaza, located between the Old Guilford County Courthouse, Guilford County Courthouse, and the City of Greensboro’s Melvin Municipal Office Building includes repair of structural elements in the plaza parking deck, excavation of the plaza level to allow installation of a new waterproofing system, and a new landscape plan to renovate the Find and verify Guilford County, NC divorce records online. Contact Phone: (336) 641-3836 Fax: (336) 641-7676 Email: guilfordelections@guilfordcountync. Wills and Estates are dealt with by the Clerk of Court’s office. 5 miles. Find out more information about the Guilford County Courthouse. Website Design by Granicus - Connecting People and Government - Connecting People and Government County Directory Sitemap Pay Self-Service SelfHelp Telecommuting FAQ Fraud Hotline ADA Compliance Contact 301 West Market Street, Greensboro, NC 27401 Website Design by Granicus - Connecting People and Government Jan 21, 2022 · To find out the status of upcoming court cases to be held at the High Point location of the Guilford County Courthouse, please contact the Guilford County Clerk of Courts Office by calling (336) 412-7300. Adoption records are not available at the Guilford County Register of Deeds office. gov Hours Monday – Friday Court records of cases heard in the District and Superior Courts are kept by the Clerk of Superior Court. 505 East Green Dr High Point, NC 27262 Phone: (336) 822-6700 Mailing Address: PO Box 2434 i also understand that any falsification of the above information could result in the refusal of my application for a concealed handgun permit. As part of the 18E Judicial District, the court serves the county's residents by adjudicating legal matters and ensuring justice is upheld. Guilford County Courthouse - High Point 505 East Green Drive High Point, NC 27262. Links for online court records and other free court resources are provided for each court, where available. Find your local Clerk of Court to process and access public Mar 7, 2025 · GREENSBORO — Democrat Lisa Johnson-Tonkins is the new Guilford County Clerk of Superior Court. Office Address 301 West Market Street Greensboro, NC 27401. High Point Detention Center 507 East Green Drive High Point, NC 27261 Contact. Green Street, Suite 311 PO Box 1467 High Point, NC 27260 Phone: 336-641-2674 Guilford County Courthouses 201 South Eugene Street Greensboro, NC 27401 (336) 412-7400 (GB). ADMIN ORDER 20R806 COVID-19 CLOSURES. Superior Courts in Guilford County Greensboro Courthouse Room: 103LE 201 S Eugene St Greensboro, NC 27401 Phone: (336) 641-3735. Register of Deeds 201 West Market Street Greensboro, NC 27401 Phone: (336) 641-7556. Guilford County Courthouse - Greensboro PO Box 3008 Greensboro, NC 27402. 8 miles Keith Hooker is the official responsible for maintaining town records, administering elections, and issuing marriage licenses in Kernersville, North Carolina. The Greensboro Office: 400 West Market Street Greensboro, NC 27401 Phone: (336) 641-4227 County Directory Sitemap Pay Self-Service SelfHelp Telecommuting FAQ Fraud Hotline ADA Compliance Contact 301 West Market Street, Greensboro, NC 27401 Website Design by Granicus - Connecting People and Government Guilford County Courthouses 201 South Eugene Street Greensboro, NC 27401 (336) 412-7400 (GB). Nearby Courts: District 18 Guilford County District Court 201 South Eugene Street 0. Guilford County accepts cash, checks or money orders made payable to “Register of Deeds”. Access certified divorce certificates, search vital records, and learn how to obtain free divorce records. Divorce certificates can be ordered from North Carolina Vital Records This site is sponsored, maintained, and created by the Association of Guilford County Family and Domestic Lawyers, in partnership with the resident District Court Judges of Guilford County and the Clerk of Court's Office. 505 E Green Drive High Point, NC 27260 (336) 822-6703 (HP) 301 West Market Street, Greensboro, NC 27401. 5 miles away. Guilford County Courthouse - High Point Chief District Court Judge PO Box 2434 High Point, NC 27261 Dec 14, 2023 · Reminder to Guilford County Taxpayers 2023 Guilford County Property Taxes Must Be Paid by January 5, 2024 Post Date: 12/14/2023 9:04 AM All persons and businesses in Guilford County are required by North Carolina law to pay their local property taxes before midnight, January 5, 2024. Contact Information Name Guilford County Clerk Address 201 South Eugene Street Greensboro, North Carolina, 27401 Phone 336-412-7300 Hours Monday-Friday: 8:00AM-5:00PM; Saturday-Sunday: CLOSED Website nccourts. , Guilford County). , Ste 203D Greensboro, NC 27402 (336) 641-4893 Search impaired driving court dates by county, defendant zip code, and defendant name. If I was born in Guilford County and was adopted, can I obtain a copy of my birth record in Guilford County? No. m. Fetal death reports are received at the Guilford County Health Department. For more information and answers to your frequently asked questions, please contact your local child support office , county DSS office , or navigate through the 10433 S Main St, Archdale, NC 27263. What is the required minimum for an upset bid? District 18 Guilford County Superior Court High Point. The Clerk’s office is located at the Guilford County Courthouse, 201 S. Mailing Address: PO Box 3427, Greensboro, NC 27402. Locate your county in the list of counties and click on the name (ex. 📜💍 Please contact our office at (336) 641-3735 and ask for an Execution Officer to ascertain the associated fees. Contact Joe Gamm at (336) 373-7090, and follow @joegammNR on Twitter. District 18 Guilford County Superior Court High Point 505 East Green Drive 9. The courts hear proceedings at the following locations: Guilford County Courthouse 201 South Eugene Street Greensboro, NC 27401 Phone: (336) 412-7300. Anyone can view these court documents using the public access terminals located in the Clerk’s office. You can also order marriage licenses from North Carolina Vital Records. NCCourts. Eugene Street, Greensboro, Wills & Estates, UG level, 336-412-7300. Masks are required to be worn in the courthouse and in the Clerk of Court’s office. Guilford County Clerk South Eugene Street, Greensboro, NC - 2. gov 336-641-3242 Guilford County Internal Audit Department P. gov Court Services Guilford County Courthouse 505 E. To address this: Review the denial notice to find specific reasons why it was denied. Vital Records – 1st Floor Real Estate & Recording – 2nd Floor Court Dates; Contact; Going to Court; eCourts. High Point Purchasing Department. High Point Office County Directory Sitemap Pay Self-Service SelfHelp Telecommuting FAQ Fraud Hotline ADA Compliance Contact 301 West Market Street, Greensboro, NC 27401 Website Design by Granicus - Connecting People and Government Guilford County, located in Central North Carolina and named after Francis North, the Earl of Guilford, was established in 1771. If you’re not sure which court you’re looking for, learn more about the North Carolina court system. 27409 Phone: 336-641-2600 Fax: 336-641-2603 Email: dlogan@guilfordcountync. Guilford County Courthouse - High Point is located at 505 E Green Dr in High Point, North Carolina 27260. The Regional Juvenile Detention Center is dedicated to serving the area’s juvenile justice needs by providing safe and secure custody to juveniles between the ages of eight and eighteen who are awaiting court action or transfers to other facilities. If you are unsure of where to report for court, call the Clerk of Court Office prior to your court date at one of the numbers below: Greensboro Civil/Child Support (336) 412-7300 Greensboro Criminal/Traffic (336) 412-7300 Greensboro Superior Criminal (336) 412-7300 Court Services - Greensboro Guilford County Courthouse 201 S. Detailed Memo Regarding Court Closures (Amended May 14, 2020) General Rules of Court and Case Management Plan for the Superior Court, 18th Judicial District; Mediated Settlement Conference Rules; Pretrial Release Policies in the Eighteen Judicial District Guilford County (Effective 1/16/2020) District Court. For information regarding these types of matters, please contact the Clerk of Superior Court’s office at (336) 412-7300. Physical Address: Old Courthouse 301 W. Your email address Contact the Clerk of Court. Your request will be processed within three working days upon receipt. Pursuant to North Carolina General Statute 153A-27. Jury Duty, District and County Clerk of Court, Phone Number, and other Guilford County info. The superior court master calendar, court holiday schedule, court closings, and information about missed court dates are also provided. Market Street, Suite 203D, Greensboro, NC 27402. Johnson-Tonkins (Democratic Party) ran for re-election for judge of the Guilford County Clerk of the Superior Court in North Carolina. If you have any questions, please contact us at 336-641-3400. 201 S Eugene St Greensboro, NC 27401. When you are ready to administer a decedent’s estate, contact the Clerk of Court in the appropriate North Carolina county. Phone: (336) 779-6300 Guilford County Website. , Ste 203D Greensboro, NC 27402 (336) 641-4893 how can i reach guilford county cse? The Customer Service phone number for the Greensboro Agency is 336-641-6438. Please send the completed form (Para obtener la Solicitud de Copias en español presione aquí ) along with a copy of your picture ID to the address above. Find out more information about the Guilford County Courthouse in High Point. 816 E Green Dr, High Point, NC 27260. A court hearing is held, and the court may enter an order establishing paternity. 505 E Green Drive High Point, NC 27260 (336) 822-6703 (HP) Note: You'll need to use the same email address you used to create your account, we'll send you a link to confirm it's really you, then help you get a new passkey setup. 505 E Green Drive High Point, NC 27260 (336) 822-6703 (HP) The County Attorney’s Office does not handle Criminal cases including traffic citations, Civil cases and Small Claims cases in which Guilford County is neither the plaintiff nor the defendant. The County’s new software platform will track public records requests across multiple County departments, standardize records processing, and help If I was born in Guilford County and was adopted, can I obtain a copy of my birth record in Guilford County? No. The objective of the Guilford County Recovery Courts is to enhance public safety, lessen economic impact on Guilford County, and reduce recidivism by addressing individuals with mental illness and substance use disorders to increase the likelihood of successful rehabilitation and stabilization utilizing a team-based approach comprised of treatment, supervision and the court Applicants who wish to obtain a marriage license in Guilford County may complete their application ONLINE or at the Guilford County Register of Deeds office located at 201, West Market Street,1st Floor, Greensboro, NC 27402 (336) 641-7730 or Register of Deeds, 325 East Russell Avenue, Room 155 , High Point, NC 27261 (336) 641-6935. If you are eligible to pay your traffic citation by mail, please include the citation number with your The Guilford County Clerk of Superior Court is responsible for providing a qualified pool of jurors to ensure the right of all citizens to a trial by an impartial jury. Jury Selection: Where does the Jury Clerk obtain names of prospective jurors? Also learn about Guilford County criminal court records, Guilford County civil court records, the information that a Guilford County court case search provides, how to get Guilford County court records online for free and Guilford County court locations as well as the contact information of Guilford County clerks. Jury@nccourts. 20601 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699. Guilford County Finance Department Physical: 201 South Greene Street, Greensboro, NC Mailing: PO Box 3427, Greensboro NC 27402-3427 Phone: (336) 641-3300 Once submitted a Guilford County Animal Services Staff member will be in contact with you as soon as possible to discuss setting up an appointment. 301 West Market Street, Suite 301 P. We'll give you location information for the Clerk of Courts in Guilford County, NC such as phone number, address, hours, and more! Simply click on the state Topics Related to Guilford County Clerk of Superior Court. Guilford County Courthouse - High Point. I’m proud that the Guilford County Register of Deeds received a 2010 North Carolina Association of County Commissioners (NCACC) Local Government Federal Credit Union “Excellence in Innovation” Award for our employee cross training award that saved nearly $400,000 in our annual budget. Both Guilford County Family Justice Center locations are open for walk-in appointments: Monday-Friday 8:30 am to 4:30 pm. The Guilford County court system comprises superior and district courts. in addition, by submitting this application, i authorize the guilford county clerk of courts to release mental health information to the guilford county sheriff's office. Clerk of Superior Court - High Point (336) 822-6700 Superior Court Judges - Greensboro (336) 412-7900 Superior Court Judges - High Point (336) 822-6716 Nov 6, 2024 · Contact Directory. org for any updates or early re-opening information on this matter. C. Chad Muhlestein - Internal Audit Director cmuhlestei@guilfordcountync. Box 3388 Greensboro, NC 27402 Office Location: 1203 Maple St. We'll help you find the local {county} County Clerk of Courts. Mailing Address: P. 158 E Ward St, High Point, NC 27260 Greensboro Office Location. Spragins Greensboro Courthouse 201 South Eugene Street, Room 323 Greensboro, North Carolina Email: GuilfordGB. Search officer appearance dates by county, agency, officer name, and officer number. Contact the Guilford County Clerk of Superior Court for clarification. Guilford County Courthouse - High Point PO Box 2434 High Point, NC 27261 To locate your local Clerk of Courts, visit website and click on “Browse county directory” in the “Find my local courthouse” box. Below, you will find most of those Civil forms. Citizens who fulfill their jury service obligation are continuing a tradition established under the United States Constitution over two hundred years ago. ) In November 2021, City Council adopted the 2021 updated records retention policy. WE ARE OPEN: Monday – Friday 8 AM – 5 PM Guilford County, NC Clerk to the Board (336) 641-4893 : Cooperative Extension Office Court Alternatives - Juvenile Detention (336) 641-2600 Guilford County Courthouse - Greensboro 201 South Eugene St Greensboro, NC 27401. Generally, the Court adopts forms to aid in the administration of justice. Checks should be made payable to: Office of the Sheriff of Guilford County Guilford County Sheriff’s Office Legal Process Division 400 West Guilford County Courts. eCourts Now Available in 27 Counties*. Market St. OTHER: Divorce Certificates. Guilford County Courthouse – High Point. Residents are encouraged to monitory www. As a mandated office, they are responsible for the maintenance of the records for civil actions and criminal felonies. Box 3427 Greensboro, NC 27401 Screen inmates scheduled for 1st appearance to obtain contact information and assist in completing court documents Call contacts and use other resources to verify information provided by inmates Run state-wide criminal histories for inmates Purchase a certified copy of the marriage license from the Guilford County Register of Deeds. 201 South Eugene St Greensboro, NC 27401 Phone: (336) 412-7300 Mailing Address: PO Box 3008 Greensboro, NC 27402. Market Street, Suite 400 Greensboro, NC 27401. Foreclosure sale upset bids must be submitted in person at the Clerk of Court’s Office in the Guilford County Courthouse. Call 336-641-3160 for more information. Box 3427 Greensboro, NC 27402-3427 County Directory Sitemap Pay Self-Service SelfHelp Telecommuting FAQ Fraud Hotline ADA Compliance Contact 301 West Market Street, Greensboro, NC 27401 Website Design by Granicus - Connecting People and Government There are two Guilford County courthouses in Guilford County: Guilford County Courthouse - Greensboro. Her current term ends on December 7, 2026.