Dakka dakka dakka rule. Dakka's 40K Rules Discussion Articles By: yakface.

Dakka dakka dakka rule Apr 16, 2013 · Moderator Note: This kind of thread needs to be handled VERY carefully. Aug 23, 2024 · I would have them be the "auto-cannon" unit of the buggies with medium firepower, so I would up the Rivet Kannon to S9 and damage 3, but changing the Riveting Dakka rule to increase the AP of subsequent ranged attacks by other units in your army against the enemy unit that it had successfully hit against with its Rivet Kannon. Mar 4, 2023 · Gulgog was leading a squad of orks that were getting decimated by Blood Axe emplacements, but he was so enthralled by the dakka-dakka-dakka of his big shoota that he stood in an open clearing in the jungle, firing like mad while a Gretchin assistant fed crates worth of ammo through his weapon. If you have questions, ask 'em here. This article that you are reading is a complete and utter bastardization of all previous iterations of a geek code. Check out my Youtube channel! 2011/02/18 18:29:34 New messages : No new messages : Announce: New messages [ hot ] No new messages [ hot ] Sticky: New messages [ blocked ] No new messages [ blocked ] Dakka Discussions * Rules Wise, What is your favorite Wargame? By: Lathe Biosas [ First Unread] 2025/03/10 11:12:00 SU-152: 15: 809: Dakka Discussions * SPECIAL RULES. The Moderation Staff will also use these as moderation guidelines in this forum. the_unforgiven7352 wrote:Just so I have it straight. Thanks very much for your cooperation. 2024/09/05 10:37:30 Subject: Warcrow by Corvus Belli Oct 17, 2021 · Yeah, pretty much they added the Dakka rule for change's sake rather than any issue with Orks abusing assault weaponry or a way to address Ork shooting. Elites - Deathmarks Fast Attack - Wraiths Troops - Necron Warriors w/ nightscythes Heavy Support - Annihilation Barges Our most popular forum is News and Rumours, but Dakka Discussions and 40k army lists are very popular too. DETACHMENT RULE DAKKA! DAKKA! DAKKA! I know it's not "official" until the codex drops, but I was wondering if anyone had tried out the new DDD rule in a casual game just to try it out. Dec 20, 2016 · Forum adverts like this one are shown to any user who is not logged in. Jun 24, 2012 · Forum adverts like this one are shown to any user who is not logged in. If you want to speculate on how best to represent Xenomorphs or Wolverine in your expedition, let's hash it out here. Dec 7, 2018 · I feel like this would be YMDC, rather than general discussion, but yeah, you can throw 10 tankbusta bombs if you have a full unit of 10 tankbustas. I've been proxying terminators as they have the TL shootas and power fists already; so its a space marine model but still wysiwyg when it comes to equipment and its basically the same armor so people tend to agree that they a a suitable replacment Dec 22, 2010 · The Dakka Dakka Forum Rules You agreed to abide by these when you signed up. Feb 21, 2018 · I'm building up to use for Epic Armageddon as I love the breaking/assault rules and the way combined arms take a role (funnily enough think it's probably the most 'accurate' rules in terms of representation of warfare that GW have ever published) but I do like the Space Marine/Net Epic rules too - I definitely think they work better for larger Mar 7, 2019 · This thread is for all of those Shadows of Brimstone fans who want to talk about the rules, especially house rules and homebrew scenarios. Join us by filling out a tiny 3 field form and you will get your own, free, dakka user account which gives a good range of benefits to you: Apr 18, 2011 · so, looking around i am debating between two things atm for how to deal with gettng some actual meganobs. To represent this, Traitors squads without a dedicated transport and not led by a Chaos Space Marine Champion count as having the Infiltrate universal special rule as described in the main rulebook. New messages : No new messages : Announce: New messages [ hot ] No new messages [ hot ] Sticky: New messages [ blocked ] No new messages [ blocked ] Feb 15, 2022 · Forum adverts like this one are shown to any user who is not logged in. Never, ever bring real-world examples into a rules argument. We see well in the dark and have high BS and WS scores. We have a Power from Pain special rule where we get tougher as we kill things. I think they have a great visual style, a compelling background, and fill a role/style rule-wise that no other 40k army does. Jul 18, 2023 · Depends on the mission being played. Dakka's army profiles are a throwback to the very earliest version of dakka from the late 1990s, where various armies were highlighted in detail. Feb 4, 2022 · Forum adverts like this one are shown to any user who is not logged in. Aug 9, 2023 · 40k: Necrons/Imperial Guard/ Space marines Bolt Action: Germany/ USA Project Z. recenetly got back into 40k for 6th Edition. Want to discuss how a current 40K rule could be improved? Also the place to discuss 40K rules of your own and GW experimental 40K rules. the rule which sounds like fire points for SoB (6 models shooting). 33 MW with the strat. They still proc Dakka Dakka Dakka! as well, so you could get even more hits if you use the Moar Dakka! stratagem on them. Jun 23, 2024 · Forum adverts like this one are shown to any user who is not logged in. Dakka's 40K Rules Discussion Articles By: yakface. Further posts which violate the Dakka rules will be subject to deletion and disciplinary action. Piper has not been warned by the mods to discontinue logging this project on Dakka. Last update was at 2014/04/28 03:38:09 Aug 20, 2024 · Forum adverts like this one are shown to any user who is not logged in. Insults directed at adherents of a particular religion, group of religions, or non-adherents in general are NOT welcome on Dakka. Chapter Approved 2001. Reading the Core Rules, I'm a bit confused about the Hit Allocation section. They're repeated in Imperial Armour Apocalypse 2nd edition, but the rules in both volumes are word-for-word identical. just wanted your thoughts on some proxies im thinking of doing. Any further posts in this thread must be on topic and not rude to other posters. The mods have not locked this thread, that is now five pages long, because it is not a bad thread. It also should go without saying that swearing, profanity, sexual references, etc. What makes more dakka den a kannon? Alfndrate loves to fire the kannons at anything and everything, even his grots. Forum adverts like this one are shown to any user who is not logged in. Instead of rolling, counting, and rolling again, they just gave Orks more attacks when close to the target to reflect the hail of bullets. However, I think the woman on the far left, holding up the Volkswagen one handed might be what you're thinking of. Some of them clarify the Dakka Rules and some of them are guidelines to ensure relatively smooth rules discussions. Dec 28, 2012 · The rules for the Wraithseer are in Imperial Armour volume 11: The Doom of Mymaera (not 11th edition!). If you find someone going against these tenets, feel free to refer them to this post. Apr 28, 2014 · Should I do relic armor (admantium will), if so what is it or what does it do (if you can vaguely explain without breaking dakka rules). Mar 21, 2014 · Quick and Dirty Competitive Necron List options that respect Dakka Dakka rules HQ - Destroyer Lord, named unique Overlord (they all have their uses in various lists), Royal Court: Storm-tek, Despair-tek, Chrono-tek. Remember that we have readers o On ye olde Dakka, someone once made a Dakka Code for people to use so that others could identify users with similar interests. Apr 9, 2020 · Also I'm sure this has been discussed in dakka before but those capacity for the ships make no sence in many ways as a way of deploying a chapter. - Updated armoured company rules, intended to go with the 3rd edition (second codex) removed all the special rules and tweaked the army list. New messages : No new messages : Announce: New messages [ hot ] No new messages [ hot ] Sticky: New messages [ blocked ] No new messages [ blocked ] Foreword. You notice a few interesting trends. But at the same time, Orks really get gimped by negative modifiers to shooting, since even one -1 to hit modifier cuts our effective shooting by 50%. Even though the wounds were saved, they will still count towards the combat result. Dec 1, 2022 · - The initial armoured company rules, intended to go with the 3rd edition (first codex) had weird and wonderful rules. Dec 11, 2022 · Forum adverts like this one are shown to any user who is not logged in. ", which looks to be a clarification Feb 18, 2019 · Forum adverts like this one are shown to any user who is not logged in. can it shoot? - Yes when does dakkax3 take effect? Forum adverts like this one are shown to any user who is not logged in. and OrkTrukk, etc) I am under the impression that units can disembark anywhere within 2" of the vehicle (not just at the rear, or just at the side, etc) (and in unit cohesion of course) and there are no 'defined' access points. Nov 13, 2018 · This means they cannot be affected by their own dakka dakka rule. Jan 10, 2022 · Forum adverts like this one are shown to any user who is not logged in. Jun 4, 2008 · From the forum posting rules of Dakka Dakka itself: "Rule 1: Be Polite. 33 without dakka dakka , increasing to 1. Simply because house rules are more appropriately discussed with the people you're actually playing with, since they're the ones who are ultimately going to have to agree to them in order New messages : No new messages : Announce: New messages [ hot ] No new messages [ hot ] Sticky: New messages [ blocked ] No new messages [ blocked ] White wolf is sorta right; Hellgun class weapons are the same as Hot-shot weapons, GW just needed to change the name when they changed from S3 Ap5 to S3 Ap3. All the silly rules are jokes, that's kind of their point. New messages : No new messages : Announce: New messages [ hot ] No new messages [ hot ] Sticky: New messages [ blocked ] No new messages [ blocked ] Oct 7, 2018 · Forum adverts like this one are shown to any user who is not logged in. Dakka's Wargamer Player Finder - Find people who play major wargames near you using our innovative map, game and age filtering system. Also Settra's shouldn't have much of an effect on the game, if any, since instead of kneeling you can squat or bend over I'd of thought that besides the Skaven "on a 13 you win and are labeled a cheater" rule, Settra's would be the least detestable. the route to take on this is clear: unit in open topped transport. We appreciate the passion everyone has for this hobby. e. In the attached paragraph, it says that you need to allocate hits to a model if it's been allocated hits already during this phas Search keywords or phrase: Standard search phrase Advanced search phrase (* ? wildcards, ~ fuzzy search, ^ + - prioritisation) Jul 25, 2021 · Dakka weapons are the replacement to Dakka!Dakka! Dakka! rule. new to dakka dakka, long time stalker , first time poster. This article was written by lindsay40k to collate all of the Tyranid Apocalypse units on Dakka (already well organised by jy2's excellent thread) into one editable source with a table of contents. Does it have any kind of impact? Is it any good? Oct 29, 2018 · Dakka Dakka Dakka: is an Army-wide special rule now instead of the stratagem back from Chapter Approved. Join us by filling out a tiny 3 field form and you will get your own, free, dakka user account which gives a good range of benefits to you: New messages : No new messages : Announce: New messages [ hot ] No new messages [ hot ] Sticky: New messages [ blocked ] No new messages [ blocked ] Sep 5, 2017 · As cool as a new HQ with a rule similar to dakka dakka dakka would be, I doubt we'll get anything like that. I feel like this Apr 20, 2023 · 3. There are some important rules to consider (no spam, no swearing, no piracy) but everybody gets on well enough thanks to our great moderation team. Sep 16, 2017 · I'm still a little unsure about the Dakka Dakka Dakka! armywide rule, given that it makes our assault weapons pretty crazy. Oct 23, 2022 · Forum adverts like this one are shown to any user who is not logged in. At some point, probably around 2001 (I think after Dakka had migrated from EZboards to UBB board software) I began posting, mainly in the 'You Make The Call' 40K forum arguing and discussing rules. If any posted content breaks any of the three above rules the moderators may take some or all of the following actions, often without warning. Like others have said, Dakka should have had the caveat of being able to advance and shoot like an assault weapon on top of what it does now, and allow ES to do so without a -1 to hit penalty. Jun 14, 2023 · a_bigger_monster wrote: Hey folks, I'm new to the 40k world, looking to jump into 10th edition. Anyone (including Tiggy, regardless of what the rules say) who is in open conflict but not carefully controlling the flow of events for eons to come isn't close to those three. The Wraithseer is an HQ choice for an army chosen from Codex: Eldar - it is not an option for an Eldar Corsairs army. New messages : No new messages : Announce: New messages [ hot ] No new messages [ hot ] Sticky: New messages [ blocked ] No new messages [ blocked ]. Jul 18, 2019 · These are some of the basic tenets of You Make Da Call. The extra points cost of Big Bomms and Buzzsaws can be mitigated by this new 5th edition rule. Sep 2, 2024 · You might be right about Dakka Dakka being the land of GW fanboys but a bad game is a bad game which is a same because i really wanted to like this. One thing is clear though, do not forget they come with the Scouts rule, and avoid the Kustom Mega Blasta! Final Consideration. Each variant is free, only 2 pages long, and can be found here: yakface's 40K rule #1: Although the rules allow you to use modeling to your advantage, how badly do you need to win your toy soldier games? yakface's 40K rule #2: Friends don't let friends start a MEQ army. Let’s take a quick glance at our Army Special Rules and also flip past a few of our units and look at stat lines and equipment. as for Gets hot, no it shouldnt, Helgun-class weapons are specificaly designed to fire this way. We have fluff with strike crusers with 3-5 squads of marines and gear thats between 20 to 60 marines not even close to 200. Alfndrate believes Kannons makes da most dakka, and any grots crazy enough to werk wif Alfndrate gotta love dakka as much, even if dey might be da dakka YMDC has always (at least as long as I've been on Dakka, which is since about '99/2000 or so) been primarily concerned with RAW, rather than with house rules. yakface's 40K rule #3: Codex does not ALWAYS trump the rulebook, so please don't say that! Waaagh Dakka: click the banner to learn more! Dec 2, 2024 · Forum adverts like this one are shown to any user who is not logged in. Warbike of the Aporkalype: When Wazzdakka advances, until end of the turn his Dakka! Dakka! Dakka! Mek Boss : You cannot use the "Da Kleverest Boss" stratagem if Wazdakka is part of your army. There are a lot of other synergies and unknown rules to complicate things (like the index Morkanaut having +1 to hit with ranged weapons in a WAAAGH turn). Mob Description Waaagh Dakka is about da dakka. Average MW self-damage is . The pies explode, and so does his head. Dec 20, 2011 · Please, the majority of Dakka is supporting and anxiously awaiting what Highland_Piper is working on. The Core Rules do NOT prohibit Deep Striking on Turn 1. Whenever you roll a 6+ to hit in the shooting phase, you get another shot. Jun 29, 2023 · Forum adverts like this one are shown to any user who is not logged in. MORE DAKKA! Of all the Ork manias, few are as widespread as the love of heavy firepower. New messages : No new messages : Announce: New messages [ hot ] No new messages [ hot ] Sticky: New messages [ blocked ] No new messages [ blocked ] Last night the club played a couple of battles using the Sci-Fi version of the Panzer8 rules. Our army profiles section now contains many armies from different game systems with in depth photographs, army lists and explanations of their signifigance from their owners. New messages : No new messages : Announce: New messages [ hot ] No new messages [ hot ] Sticky: New messages [ blocked ] No new messages [ blocked ] Forum adverts like this one are shown to any user who is not logged in. It does not break the dakka rules. Maelstrom's Edge! 2010/12/18 04:38:51 Subject: Using square bases? SweetLou. Nov 14, 2018 · Then there are rules which counteract these restrictions; the stratagem which lets officers issue orders from a chimera for a turn. For example, the single mission presented in the Core Rules would allow units to arrive via Deep Strike on Turn 1, but not the Leviathan mission pack. They will be treated as violations of Dakka Rule #1, Be Polite. net 6 days ago · The brand new Balance Dataslate is here and this time Games Workshop have gifted us 4 new Detachments as well! More Dakka! For Da Orks, Experimental Prototype Cadre for the T’au Empire, Lions of the Emperor for the Adeptus Custodes AND Shadow Legions for Chaos Daemons – along with what is effectively a free digital Codex! Check it all out here. Anyone above his level would be 'Alpha'. Jun 19, 2023 · 1) By the bodyguards rule you have to kill all the body guard unit first. Join us by filling out a tiny 3 field form and you will get your own, free, dakka user account which gives a good range of benefits to you: Jul 5, 2015 · The rule is both real and a joke. Join us by filling out a tiny 3 field form and you will get your own, free, dakka user account which gives a good range of benefits to you: Jun 10, 2014 · Empy > Magnus > Eldred. The rest come after those. Times and dates in your local timezone. Reading what you wrote, I thought of this character I had seen. New messages : No new messages : Announce: New messages [ hot ] No new messages [ hot ] Sticky: New messages [ blocked ] No new messages [ blocked ] Dec 12, 2022 · Forum adverts like this one are shown to any user who is not logged in. To keep such occurrences to a minimum Dakka Dakka has moderators who frequent the site and try to keep things polite, appropriate, and on topic. "The Dakka Dive Bar is the only place you'll hear what's really going on in the underhive. So quit it. Articles The dakka wargaming articles are run on a wiki (like wikipedia). See full list on belloflostsouls. Eldred is basically the apex of a mortal psyker. Mixing weapons allows Deff Koptas to take advantage of wound allocation. Infiltrate: Traitors are often familiar with local conditions and defenses, and are adept at using treachery to win tactical advantages. The sentence right after that says Unless specifically stated, abilities that affect other units within a certain range have no effect whilst the unit that has the ability is embarked. I'm not sure if this pic violates dakka rules or not, since it's really weird, and involves bikini clad women of improbable sizes, so I spoilered it. Several years, and thousands of posts later Russ needed another moderator to help out with Dakka and I felt honored to be asked. The Precision keyword is one such special rule, as it allows the attacking player to allocate attacks to the character. Real world examples have no bearing on how the rules work. dusted off the old WAAAGH!! and have been having a great time. Forum Gallery Articles Video Podcasts Hobby Blogs Store Finder Player Finder Advertising Login Join Us! EDIT: On the chance that is was serious, it depends on how people react; after all, dakka memes is the topic and a dakka meme was supplied, it is up to the community to decide whether or not to respond to it in a way that would require the thread to be locked. Panzer 8 is an extremely streamlined set of rules designed for 6mm figures (works fine with 10mm or 3mm also) that has been adapted for many different settings. 2008/04/03 05:11:32 By: yakface: 0: 40028: Battleshock test after arriving from reserve By: Bossdoc [ First Unread] Sep 8, 2022 · Forum adverts like this one are shown to any user who is not logged in. This message was edited 2 times. Where are the access points on an 'Open Topped' vehicle (i. It is a time saving rule, which are very common in the 9th edition codexes. Jan 24, 2024 · Q: If a model with the Regeneration (X+) special rule passes its Regeneration save against an attack with the Multiple Wounds (X) special rule, do I still need to roll the dice if the number of Multiple Wounds is generated by a dice roll? A: Yes. 5 days ago · Our most popular forum is News and Rumours, but Dakka Discussions and 40k army lists are very popular too. "The undead ogre believes the sack of pies is your parrot, and proceeds to eat them. Neither the controlling or the attacking player can chose to take wounds on a character without a special rule for that. The oppen topped rule allows them to shoot, nothing more. Chapter Approved 2004. Join us by filling out a tiny 3 field form and you will get your own, free, dakka user account which gives a good range of benefits to you: No adverts like this in the forums anymore. are strictly forbidden. People don't like them, IMO , because they don't have the best written codex (which one is the best written is a matter of complete speculation) and can be hard to play if you're used to playing Orks or SM . Temporarily united by a shared love of loud and destructive dakka, hordes of similarly obsessed Orks can produce storms of killing fire capable of felling even the most heavily armoured of enemies. - The rules, while creating a very rough approximation of the real world, are an abstraction of a fantasy universe. New messages : No new messages : Announce: New messages [ hot ] No new messages [ hot ] Sticky: New messages [ blocked ] No new messages [ blocked ] Generally speaking, "rules lite" roleplaying games (RPGs), such as Dungeons & Dragons Basic Edition and its "clones" (Swords & Wizardry, Labyrinth Lord, etc), are more given to forum-based, or play by post (PBP), gaming simply because there are less mechanics to keep track of. the 'hot-shot' packs in the Gaunt's Ghosts novels and elsewhere are non-standard modified packs for standard lasguns, whicjh dont have the Forum adverts like this one are shown to any user who is not logged in. Jan 16, 2024 · Forum adverts like this one are shown to any user who is not logged in. Feb 20, 2011 · I won't say where to get it since that's probably breaking a Dakka rule or two, but if you're an intrepid searcher you can find anything. Pact Bound Zealots needs rewrite At: 2024/12/07 15:38:51 By: IwinUlose: 10489: 198287 Nov 13, 2024 · Forum adverts like this one are shown to any user who is not logged in. The open topped rule.