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Business ethics quarterly. 98, which is computed in 2024 as per its definition.

Business ethics quarterly 5840/beq201222220 Virtue Ethics as a Resource in Business Robert Audi and so forth. Baier (Reference Baier 1987: 43) describes care as a “concern for the good of others. A peer-reviewed journal that publishes interdisciplinary research on the ethics of business, corporate social responsibility, and sustainability. This person is not on ResearchGate, or hasn't claimed this research Rather than being inherently evil, business lobbying is a socially responsible activity which needs to be restrained by ethical standards. Care involves taking an interest in another. org is added to your Approved Personal Business ethics should be the study of the structure and impact on us of what we call “business science,” e. org is added to your Approved Personal Overview. Do CEOS get Paid too much? - Volume 15 Issue 2. 320 pp. org is added to your Approved Personal Document E Guiding Principles of Jewish Business Ethics - Volume 7 Issue 2. Skip to main content Accessibility help We use cookies to distinguish you from other users and to provide Business Ethics Quarterly Special Issue on: Normativity in Business Ethics and Beyond. Business Ethics Quarterly , 15 : 67 – 91 . 7 7 In this article, I intentionally Business Ethics Quarterly (BEQ) is a peer-reviewed scholarly journal that publishes theoretical and empirical research relevant to the ethics of business. In this issue, the articles draw on the works of Plato, Niccolò Cambridge Core - Business Ethics Quarterly - Volume 18 - Issue 3. testing argument #1: strong privacy paradox. org is added to your Approved At the first Society for Business Ethics (SBE) annual meeting that I attended in 1997, Tom Dunfee presented his ideas on the marketplace of morality, which captured the new trends of social cause marketing and socially responsible Cambridge Core - Business Ethics Quarterly - Volume 34 - Issue 4. 5 In the first century before the common era, Rabbi Hillel’s Prosbul ordinance permitted circumvention of the Ribbit interdict when the borrower had freely Business Ethics Quarterly (BEQ) is a peer-reviewed scholarly journal which publishes theoretical and empirical research relevant to the ethics of business, corporate social responsibility, and 14. , 3 Two books by Americans that deal with international business ethics and attempt to map out some of the issues are: Richard T. We also thank BEQ Associate Editor Norm Business Ethics Quarterly (BEQ) is a peer-reviewed scholarly journal that publishes theoretical and empirical research relevant to the ethics of business. “Business Ethics and Business History” adapted from “Is Business Ethics Getting Better? A Historical Perspective, Business Ethics Quarterly, 21:2 The importance of business ethics is not contrdicted in any way by Adam Smith’s pointer to the fact that our “regards to our own interests” provide adequate motivation for Business ethics quarterly Bookreader Item Preview Journal of the Society for Business Ethics Latest issue consulted: Vol. Ética: hacia una versión moderna de los temas clásicos [Ethics. 2017. org is added to your Approved Personal Document E-mail List Business Ethics Quarterly Business Ethics Quarterly (BEQ) is a peer-reviewed scholarly journal that publishes theoretical and empirical research relevant to the ethics of business. The idea of employability as an ethical responsibility of “ A Role for Virtue Ethics in the Analysis of Business Practice,” Business Ethics Quarterly 5 (3): 533 –39. testing argument #2: weak privacy Please list any fees and grants from, employment by, consultancy for, shared ownership in or any close relationship with, at any time over the preceding 36 months, any Business Ethics Quarterly (BEQ) is the journal of the Society for Business Ethics and the leading scholarly journal in its field. Authors: Ronald Duska. CrossRef Google Scholar Porter , Business Ethics Quarterly 01 February 2023 By Guillet de Monthoux, Pierre. Wallman, “The Proper Interpretation of Corporate Regulatory focus theory is proposed as offering an explanation for the influence of ethical leadership on organizational citizenship behaviors and employee commitments. org is added to your Approved The author of Business Ethics: Concepts and Cases, he has published in several journals, including Academy of Management Review, Business Ethics Quarterly, Journal of Business Ethics, California Management The aim of Business Ethics Quarterly is to expand the discussion of research in Business ethics, Law and economics, Politics, Economic history and Corporate governance. Business Ethics Quarterly is the official journa Business Ethics Quarterly (BEQ) is the journal of the Society for Business Ethics and the leading scholarly journal in its field. Biehl, Brigitte 2022. To exemplify its importance in the national and global context, the Muslim author from Indonesia Business ethics can be viewed as consisting of three main areas of endeavor. Business Ethics Quarterly Special Issue on:The Challenges and Prospects of Deliberative Democracy for Corporate Sustainability and Responsibility. org is added to your Approved Personal Document E Alasdair MacIntyre’s After Virtue has made a significant impact within business ethics. SUBMISSIONS. 3 is a double issue of Business Ethics Quarterly, the first in what we propose to be a timely habit of periodically providing our readers with a range of interdisciplinary topics in The purpose of this paper is to enter the conversation about stakeholder theory with the goal of clarifying certain foundational issues. BEQ maintains SUBMISSION ELIGIBILITY. 3, pp. The Ethics of Price Discrimination - Volume 21 Issue 4. Abstract; The Black Box Society: The Secret Algorithms that Control Money and Information, by Frank Pasquale. We will continue the hybrid (online and in-person) Ron’s presidential address, “Why Business Ethics Needs Rhetoric: An Aristotelian Perspective,” was enthusiastically received and subsequently published in Business Ethics Quarterly, in She specializes in ethical decision-making (especially in the Kantian tradition), finance ethics, ethics of risk, and ethics of new technologies. org is added to your Approved Business Ethics Quarterly Twentieth Anniversary Forum, Part II: New Directions for Business Ethics Research. Business Ethics Quarterly is a peer-reviewed journal that publishes research on the ethics of business, corporate social responsibility, and corporate sustainability. . The purpose of this special issue is to address fundamental questions about a possible deficit of normativity in management research, practice, and One common, and essential, approach to building normative business ethics theory is to apply normative ethical theories, such as Kantian deontology, utilitarianism, virtue ethics, or Habermasian discourse ethics, to business The first issue of the Business Ethics Quarterly (beq) appeared in January 1991, 134 pages of 464 for the full volume. The Drawing on early work on ethical leadership, we argue that when leaders engage in leader moral hypocrisy (i. Bretos, I. 51–66. Business Please list any fees and grants from, employment by, consultancy for, shared ownership in or any close relationship with, at any time over the preceding 36 months, any organisation whose interests may be affected by the publication Published by Cambridge University Press on behalf of the Society for Business Ethics From a virtue ethics perspective, technology would be of interest not so much in itself as in how it affects human activity, particularly Cambridge Core - Business Ethics Quarterly - Volume 34 - Issue 3. The focus on women as carriers of global development and sustainability is related to the longstanding debate within business ethics, particularly within Business Ethics Quarterly, about whether there are 1-3 Ethics and Leadership: The 1990’s Introduction to the Special Issue of the Business Ethics Quarterly by Smith, David C. Its basic aim and scope was described by its Editor in Chief Volume 7, no. Especially The Impact IF 2023 of Business Ethics Quarterly is 3. It explores issues Business Ethics Quarterly, Vol. BEQ volume 33 issue 1 Cover and Front matter. org is added to your Approved Personal Document E Feminist Epistemology and Business Ethics - Volume 32 Issue 4. These are: (1) a consideration of the ethics of business, that is, an examination of the CORPORATE MISCONDUCT, INVESTORS, AND INFORMATION ASYMMETRY. , 1995). BUSINESS ETHICS QUARTERLY The Journal of the Society for Business Ethics A typical time frame may look like the following: Year 0, November 30—deadline for submitting your proposal 4 I think we need to add another condition to this definition of lying: in order for a false statement to be a lie the person who makes it must know or believe that it is false. CrossRef Google Scholar Kohls , J. Phillips, “Stakeholder Theory and a Principle of Fairness,” Business Ethics Quarterly 7, no. Google Scholar. Abstract; References; Evidence of an Inverted U–Shaped Relationship between Stakeholder Management Performance Variation and Firm The use of agency theory remains highly controversial among business ethicists. It publishes scholarly article Cambridge Core - Business Ethics Quarterly - Volume 34 - Issue 1. org is added to your Approved Business Ethics Quarterly 500-523 Business Ethics from the Standpoint of Redemption: Adorno on the Possibility of Good Work by Reeves, Craig & Sinnicks, Matthew 524-548 Self Business ethics has become an essential component of any business school curriculum or similar management training. This might be denied, on the grounds that the term causally responsible for is itself to be defined in terms of moral concepts. Dave Mowat, “The VanCity Difference: A Case for the Triple Bottom Line Approach to Business,” Corporate Environmental Strategy: The International Journal of Corporate Sustainability 9(1) (2002): 24. Abstract: Business ethics serves the important social function of integrating business and society, by promoting the legitimacy of business operations, through critical reflection. 682-685 Print publication: October 2024; Article; You 学术期刊 Business Ethics Quarterly,期刊 ISSN: 1052-150X, 2153-3326。Business Ethics Quarterly (BEQ) is a peer-reviewed scholarly journal that publishes theoretical and empirical Concern about the role of normativity in business ethics ranges over questions about the adequacy or usefulness of research that disregards normative considerations or implications, Most read Business Ethics Quarterly - Frank den Hond, Mollie Painter. 273–291 DOI: 10. ISBN virtue-based theory of business ethics (Solomon, 1992, 1999, 2000, 2004). Although the social According to the nonworseness claim, it cannot be morally worse to exploit someone than not to interact with them at all when the interaction 1) is mutually beneficial, 2) We examine whether religion influences company decisions related to corporate community involvement (CCI). Cambridge Core - Business Ethics Quarterly - Volume 32 - Issue 1. 5-28 Leadership Ethics: Mapping the Territory by Ciulla, Joanne Cambridge Core - Business Ethics Quarterly - Volume 7 - Issue 3. Whilst research at the explicit juncture of institutional work, institutional logics, and environmental management is in Business ethics quarterly Bookreader Item Preview Journal of the Society for Business Ethics Latest issue consulted: Vol. In an article in ©2020 Business Ethics Quarterly An increasingly scrutinized trend within the United States is the rising use of noncompete clauses (NCCs), or covenants not to compete, in employment contracts. Sponsored by the Society for Business Ethics, the 6 D3, like D2, is morally neutral. Business Ethics Quarterly IF is decreased by a factor of 0. Ronald Duska. ISSN 1052-150X. org is added to your Approved Subscribe to Business Ethics Quarterly. Revise and Resubmit and Major Revision and Minor Revision decision letters include a time frame with a deadline the Cambridge Core - Business Ethics Quarterly - Volume 12 - Issue 3. , customers Business Ethics Quarterly, 23 (4): 497 –25. He places a particular emphasis on the “ The Ethical Context in Organizations: Influences on Employee Attitudes and Behaviors,” Business Ethics Quarterly 8 (3): 447 – 76. Informed by behavioural insights into the irrationalities of human decision-making (Simon, Reference Simon 1955; Tversky & Kahneman, Reference A personalist approach to business ethics: New perspectives for virtue ethics and servant leadership. It describes the salient features of casuistry and the case method, shows how the two We appreciate the financial support of the Batten Institute, the Darden School, University of Virginia, in developing these ideas. a company may discourage direct reports from having romantic relationships with each Cambridge Core - Business Ethics Quarterly - Volume 33 - Issue 1. It publishes articles and reviews on a broad range of topics, including the internal ethics of business organizations, the role of business organizations in larger social, political, and cultural frameworks, and the ethical quality of market-based societies and market-based relationships. 5 Business Ethics Quarterly 167 (Thomas W. You must affirm at the time of submission that: Business Ethics Quarterly (BEQ) is a peer-reviewed journal that publishes research on the ethics of business. 20 20 Beech-Nut Nutrition Corporation was a wholly-owned subsidiary of The first two correspond well to the typology introduced by John Hasnas, “The Normative Theories of Business Ethics: A Guide to the Perplexed,” Business Ethics Quarterly Stakeholder theory has become one of the most important developments in the field of business ethics. 18, No. 4 (1996): 477–492. org is added to your Approved Please list any fees and grants from, employment by, consultancy for, shared ownership in or any close relationship with, at any time over the preceding 36 months, any Jewish business ethics in Israel addresses two major sources of economic immorality—unbounded desire and fear of economic uncertainty—through enforcement and Business Ethics, the Environment & Responsibility is a multidisciplinary business ethics journal seeking to advance knowledge, discourse and practice in relation to Business Ethics and Finally, we also discuss what business ethics research can gain from theory development in the MSI field. 1, 1997, pp. It publishes scholarly article BEQ is a peer-reviewed journal that publishes research on ethical issues in business and society. The profound influence of Thomas Donaldson and Thomas Dunfee’s integrative social contracts theory (ISCT) on the field of business ethics has been Cambridge Core - Business Ethics Quarterly - Volume 2 - Issue 3. Abstract; Call for Papers. H. , moral imagination, moral identity, Since seminal meta-analytical work in 2006 we have witnessed burgeoning research on ethical climates. 1 The Behavioral Threat. To subscribe to this journal please refer to the information contained within the price list below. 486 (2013) This article introduces the second of two special issues on philosophical approaches to leadership ethics. 46 BUSINESS ETHICS QUARTERLY Adam, Adam, Adam Smith Listen what I charge you with! Didn't you The Association of Business Schools' 2021 Academic Journal Guide gave BEQ a 4 rating ("a top journal"). 15 and 1. Edward Freeman’s argument to the effect that what he calls “the separation thesis,” or the idea that 19 “Moral Thinking in Management: An Essential Capability,” Business Ethics Quarterly 6, no. Business Ethics Quarterly 01 February 2023. 33 Pages Posted: 3 Mar 2008 Last revised: 25 Jul 2010. It publishes scholarly article. org), a non-affiliated international associa-tion of persons > Business Ethics Quarterly > Volume 8 Issue 2 > Trust, Business and Business Ethics: An Introduction; English; Français Business Ethics Quarterly Article contents. Learn about its submission guidelines, impact factor, ranking, and book review process. Footnote 1 NCCs hold Two studies tested the relationship between three facets of personality—conscientiousness, agreeableness, and openness to experience—as well as moral identity, on individuals’ ethical Business Ethics Quarterly (BEQ) is a scholarly journal dedicated to publishing research in the field of Economics, Econometrics and Finance, and Published by Cambridge University Press. There are, however, a number of problems with stakeholder Guest Editors’ Introduction: Gender, Business Ethics, and Corporate Social Responsibility: Assessing and Refocusing a Conversation - Volume 27 Issue 4 Cambridge Core - Business Ethics Quarterly - Volume 31 - To save this article to your Kindle, first ensure coreplatform@cambridge. (1997). Neil and Craig P. Despite the many changes that have taken place, health care—and more specifically, versions In this article we investigate a philosophical problem for normative business ethics theory suggested by a phenomenon that contemporary psychologists call “bounded ethicality,” which Moral commitments and the societal role of business: An ordonomic approach to corporate citizenship, Business Ethics Quarterly 19 (3): 375 – 401. org is added to your Approved Personal Business Ethics Quarterly INDEX TO VOLUME FIVE (1995) Articles Brady, F. We then investigated the relationships between the emergent ethical context factors and an ethics-related attitude (organizational commitment) and behavior (observed Health care has been a hot topic within the United States for over a decade. 10. org is added to your Approved Personal Document E-mail List under your Personal Document Cambridge Core - Business Ethics Quarterly - Volume 34 - To save this article to your Kindle, first ensure coreplatform@cambridge. 3 (2020) (Cambridge Core, viewed July 13, 2020) Access Cambridge Core - Business Ethics Quarterly - Volume 32 - Issue 4. (1991) “ Adapting Kohlberg to enhance the assessment of managers’ moral reasoning,” Business Ethics Quarterly 1 (3): 293 – 318. 3 (2020) (Cambridge Core, viewed July 13, 2020) Access See, Robert Cialdini, “The Triple Tumor Structure of Organizational Dishonesty,” paper presented at the “Conference on Behavioral Research and Business Ethics,” Center for the Study of Kim is on the editorial boards of Business Ethics Quarterly, Journal of Business Ethics, and Business and Society Review. One such person was W. The traditional conception of interviews—as a means to predict a candidate’s performance and fit in relation to a vacancy—hinges on an important assumption, Focus on (Business) Ethics and Methodology. Business Ethics Quarterly is Cambridge Core - Business Ethics Quarterly - Volume 25 - To send this article to your Kindle, first ensure no-reply@cambridge. Find articles, reviews, and announcements The journal addresses theoretical, methodological, and issue-based questions that can advance ethical inquiry and improve the ethical performance of business organizations. 期刊简称. , & Errasti, A. org is added to your Approved Personal Document E Business Ethics Quarterly / Volume 34 / Issue 4 / October 2024 Published online by Cambridge University Press: 27 December 2024, pp. org is added to your Approved Personal Document E-mail List under your Personal Document Settings on the Manage Your Content and Consistent with the idea that business ethics is a form of applied ethics, many virtue ethicists make use of an extant (pure) moral philosophy framework, namely, one developed by Alasdair A common complaint by academics and practitioners is that the application of international accountability standards (IAS) does not lead to significant improvements in an organization’s What Is Business Ethics? Business ethics is the study and formulation of business policies based on a framework of values. Its basic aim and scope was described by its Editor in Business Ethics Quarterly (BEQ) is a peer-reviewed scholarly journal which publishes theoretical and empirical research relevant to the ethics of business, corporate social responsibility, and ©2012 Business Ethics Quarterly 22:2 (April 2012); ISSN 1052-150X pp. 347-378, July 2008. 385 Brenkert, George G. This impact has centered upon applications of the virtues-goods-practices-institutions “ Post-Westphalia and Its Discontents: Business, Globalization, and Human Rights in Political and Moral Perspective,” Business Ethics Quarterly 20 (2:) 285 –97. A modern version of 2025 Annual Meeting of the Society for Business Ethics The Society for Business Ethics (SBE) is excited to welcome guests to our next annual meeting in Copenhagen this summer. Achinto possesses more than three The Enduring Potential of Justified Hypernorms - Volume 29 Issue 3. This article offers a comprehensive review of literature examining the antecedents Business Ethics Quarterly explicitly welcomes qualitative submissions (e. The argument is based on the observation that the debate on “corporate citizenship” (CC) has only paid Business Ethics Quarterly 10(1):111-129; DOI:10. org is added to your Approved Personal Document E Business Ethics Quarterly (BEQ) is the journal of the Society for Business Ethics and the leading scholarly journal in its field. Some current news and selected articles available at this web site. Since 1991 this multidisciplinary According to influential theories of business ethics, the ethics that guide behavior in the marketplace are rightly insulated from standard understandings of what constitutes prosocial 2. NORMATIVE FOUNDATIONS OF CARE. org is added to your Approved Personal Document E-mail The Executive Board of the Society for Business Ethics invites nominations and expressions of interest to become the next Editor in Chief of Business Ethics Quarterly, to Business Ethics Quarterly Article contents. 5 Business Ethics Quarterly Article contents. It covers topics from various disciplines and perspectives, and is Business Ethics Quarterly (BEQ) is a peer-reviewed scholarly journal which publishes theoretical and empirical research relevant to the ethics of business, corporate social responsibility, and corporate sustainability. BUS ETHICS Q: 出版社. 0045-0054. 30, no. The Open questions include exploring the relationship between contractarian business ethics and other approaches, such as stakeholder management and virtue based ethics; and analysis of Please list any fees and grants from, employment by, consultancy for, shared ownership in or any close relationship with, at any time over the preceding 36 months, any organisation whose interests may be affected by Business Ethics Quarterly (BEQ) is a peer-reviewed scholarly journal which publishes theoretical and empirical research relevant to the ethics of business, corporate social responsibility, and This article argues for the compatibility of casuistry and the business case method. business ethics quarterly article contents. I find that while the field is improving in regard to The paper starts from the premise that business ethics as the ethics of an organization is to be distinguished from the virtues of its members. Business Ethics, the Environment & Responsibility, Vol. To be effective in a business Boundaryless careers may be beneficial to people with rare and valuable skills, but might prove harmful to many others. It publishes articles on various topics related to business ethics, such as religion, philosophy, law, and management. Since 1991 He has published in internationally acclaimed journals, such as Business Ethics Quarterly, Business and Society, Academy of Management Learning and Education, Business Ethics Quarterly, Volume 3, Issue 1. org is added to your Approved 3 Some themes similar to those in my essay are developed by Robbin, Derry and Ronald, M. Cambridge University Cambridge Core - Business Ethics Quarterly - Volume 21 - To save this article to your Kindle, first ensure coreplatform@cambridge. Prices for individual subscribers are available on request. When Organization Theory Met Business Ethics: Toward Further Cambridge Core - Business Ethics Quarterly - Volume 25 - Issue 1. While some regard it as an essential tool for analyzing and understanding the recent spate of corporate In addressing the theme of this special issue of Business Ethics Quarterly on business ethics in the new millennium, I want to focus not on business ethics as an academic field of study but Many writers in the field of business ethics seem to have accepted R. Business, This study aims to develop an ethical branding framework that determines whether a corporate brand’s functional and emotional values, that is, product, service quality, and perceived price Please list any fees and grants from, employment by, consultancy for, shared ownership in or any close relationship with, at any time over the preceding 36 months, any organisation whose This issue of Business Ethics Quarterly offers a special forum incorporating a select group of papers that were presented at the First International Conference on “Voluntary Codes of A Limited Conceptualization of Self-Representation and Strategic Capabilities of Marginalized Groups in Stakeholder Theory. The organization of ethics and the ethics of organizations: The case for expanded organizational ethics audits. See all articles by Matt Zwolinski Matt Zwolinski. ABDC REVISIONS AND RESUBMISSION PROCESS Timing and Format. , how we share the > Business Ethics Quarterly > Volume 23 Issue 3 > Managing Social-Business Tensions: A Review and Research English; Français Business Ethics Quarterly Article contents. Dunn, Business Meta-Ethics. , The Environment, The Moralist, BUSINESS ETHICS QUARTERLY 期刊的AJG星级分区详情; 信息项目 信息内容; 期刊全称. Cambridge: Harvard University Press, 2015. Business Ethics Quarterly, Vol. org is added to your Approved Personal Document E Cambridge Core - Business Ethics Quarterly - Volume 30 - Issue 1. org is added to your Approved Cambridge Core - Business Ethics Quarterly - Volume 29 - Issue 2. , accounting, marketing, economics, law, etc. , and the > Business Ethics Quarterly > Volume 13 Issue 4 > Call for Papers; English; Français Business Ethics Quarterly Article contents. Recognizing that Business Ethics Quarterly. Dunfee, ed. Cambridge Core - Business Ethics Quarterly - Volume 32 - To send this article to your Kindle, first ensure no-reply@cambridge. CrossRef Google Scholar Upton , C. 2307/3857699. Business, Ethics, and Commercial 6 Robert A. org is added to your Approved Provides current news related to business ethics. This paper investigates whether, in theoretical terms, corporations can be citizens. Business Ethics Quarterly is a peer-reviewed academic journal that publishes theoretical and empirical research relevant to all aspects of business ethics. org is added to your Approved Personal Cambridge Core - Business Ethics Quarterly - Volume 33 - To send this article to your Kindle, first ensure no-reply@cambridge. There is a rich literature in ethics on care. We use cookies to distinguish you from other users and to provide you with a better experience on our websites. Since 1991 this multidisciplinary The Ethics of Price Gouging - Volume 18 Issue 3. It publishes articles and reviews Business Ethics Quarterly (BEQ) is a peer-reviewed scholarly journal which publishes theoretical and empirical research relevant to the ethics of business, corporate social responsibility, and corporate sustainability. The purpose of this special issue is to explore the organizational ethics of life and death, to imagine modes and forms of organizing that shape our relatedness, i. To > Business Ethics Quarterly > Volume 15 Issue 4 > Ethical Investing: Ethical Investors and Managers; English; Français Business Ethics Quarterly Article contents. 2009 . abstract: privacy paradox. To send this article to your Kindle, first ensure no-reply@cambridge. 5840/beq201323438 CrossRef Google Scholar. Green in their “ Ethical Theory in Business Ethics: A Critical Assessment, ” Journal of Roberto Frega argues for the advancement of workplace democracy theorisation by synergising the conceptual pathways of various disciplines. org is added to your Approved Personal Document E-mail List under your Personal Document Business Ethics Quarterly (BEQ) is a peer-reviewed scholarly journal which publishes theoretical and empirical research relevant to the ethics of business, corporate Programs aimed at increasing women’s entrepreneurship are a rapidly proliferating class of CSR initiatives across the globe with participation by many of the world’s largest corporations. Michael Hoffman, Hieken Professor of Business and Professional Ethics and the founding executive director of Cambridge Core - Business Ethics Quarterly - Volume 2 - To send this article to your Kindle, first ensure no-reply@cambridge. Business Ethics Quarterly 2023-10-20. To save this article to your Kindle, first ensure coreplatform@cambridge. 2002 . BEQ was the highest ranked business ethics journal on the 2021 UK ABS list. (See The Journal of Business Ethics publishes original articles from a wide variety of methodological and disciplinary perspectives concerning ethical issues related to business. org is added to your Approved Personal THE LEGACY OF RAWLS IN BUSINESS ETHICS. org is added to your Approved Personal Document E-mail List Business Ethics Quarterly (BEQ) is a peer-reviewed scholarly journal that publishes theoretical and empirical research relevant to the ethics of business. Skip to main content Accessibility help We use cookies to distinguish you from other users and to provide you with I report the results of an authorship analysis within Business Ethics Quarterly (BEQ), the journal of the Society of Business Ethics. , Peifer, Reference Peifer 2015), but has published few such articles in recent years despite the fact The Virtues in Normative (Business) Ethics. While this is generally to be welcomed, it carries with it a risk: that we take its very subject title—business Cambridge Core - Business Ethics Quarterly - Volume 30 - Issue 2. This point is elaborated in both economic- and organization-theoretic terms Cambridge Core - Business Ethics Quarterly - Volume 31 - Issue 1. Polo L. Figure 1: Overview of Prior Work 4B E Q Open access journal - Business Ethics Quarterly - Frank den Hond, Mollie Painter. , and Christensen , S. org is added to your Approved 1982-2022: Shaping Debates in Business, Ethics and Society for 40 Years To commemorate 40 years since the founding of the Journal of Business Ethics in 1982, the editors-in-chief of the The first issue of the Business Ethics Quarterly (beq) appeared in January 1991, 134 pages of 464 for the full volume. B ryan R. The Diva, la Traviata, the Gendered Spectacle: Marina Abramović’s 7 Deaths of Maria CallasComposers: Weber, J. Since its initiation Ciulla, Joanne B. Despite increased activity in this domain of late, Singer (Reference Singer 2015) notes that “the cross-pollination of ideas Business Ethics Quarterly is the journal of The Society for Business Ethics (www. Crossref. Business Ethics Quarterly is a multidisciplinary journal of the Society for Business Ethics. & Cambridge Core - Business Ethics Quarterly - Volume 32 - Issue 3. overview of studies. org is added to your Approved Personal Document E-mail The Ethics of Mentoring - Volume 14 Issue 1. 98, which is computed in 2024 as per its definition. societyforbusinessethics. Virtue ethics is one of the major normative theories in business ethics (Trevino & Nelson, Reference Trevino and Nelson 2003; Donaldson and This special issue of Business Ethics Quarterly on ethics in finance was planned before the high profile scandals at Enron, WorldCom, Global Crossing, Tyco, and Arthur Andersen, among > Business Ethics Quarterly > Volume 13 Issue 4 > Call for Papers; English; Français Business Ethics Quarterly Article contents. L. , ethical promotion without ethical demonstration), followers can experience The business literature has also taken a negative view of Machiavelli’s ethics as is evident by Christie and Geis’ (1970) use of statements drawn from their reading of passages of The Prince and Machiavelli’s Business Ethics Quarterly is the journal of The Society for Business Ethics, a nonaffiliated international scholarly association of persons interested in business ethics. Most research examining investor reactions to misconduct rests on the efficient markets the study is about an aspect of student behavior relevant to business ethics; or; the study is about a basic cognitive, emotional, or behavioral process (e. BEQ's acceptance rate for submitted manuscripts is approximately 9%. Google Scholar Weber , J. Since 1991 this multidisciplinary Cambridge Core - Business Ethics Quarterly - Volume 11 - To save this article to your Kindle, first ensure coreplatform@cambridge. Employing a large US sample, we show that the CCI initiatives of a Natural Law and Business Ethics - Volume 7 Issue 2. Extract; Business Ethics Quarterly (BEQ) is a peer-reviewed scholarly journal which publishes theoretical and empirical research relevant to the ethics of business, corporate social responsibility, and Business ethics has made important strides over the past decades, but it has also suffered significant failures as witnessed by the long line of business scandals in the past half ABI/INFORM (ProQuest), Business Source Ultimate (EBSCO), Public Affairs Index (EBSCO), Sociology Source Ultimate (EBSCO), ATLA Religion Database (American Theological Library Table 3 offers a more fine-grained analysis, showing that the majority of articles on principle-based MSIs are published in journals focusing on business ethics (e. Her articles have appeared in Business Ethics Business Ethics Quarterly Business Ethics Quarterlyis the journal of The Society for Business Ethics, a non-affiliated international scholarly association of persons interested in business Cambridge Core - Business Ethics Quarterly - Volume 34 - Issue 2. 2-year Impact Factor: 2. 2 For the Catholic natural law tradition “natural law” refers generally to an ethic that is based on human nature as rational Organizational justice: A behavioral science concept with critical implications for business ethics and stakeholder theory. While this concept has evolved and gained prominence as a method Business Ethics Quarterly is the journal of the Society for Business Ethics and is supported, in part, by Loyola University Chicago and Georgetown University. Environmental Managers Facing Competing Tensions. 29, The Case of Digital Workplace Nudges. In line with the disciplinary and thematic scope of the Business Ethics Quarterly, we invite scholars from a variety of perspectives. R outledge is an associate professor of finance at the Tepper School of Business, Carnegie Mellon Making Business Ethics Practical - Volume 5 Issue 3. I want to show, along with Boatright, that Business Ethics Quarterly. Challenges and opportunities for the regeneration of multinational > Business Ethics Quarterly > Volume 8 Issue 1 > Ethical Behavior as a Strategic Choice by Large Corporations: English; Français Business Ethics Quarterly Article contents. As a multidisciplinary journal, it invites reviewers from a variety of The role of the business leader is key to develop the culture of an enterprise. The ISO4 abbreviation of Business Ethics Quarterly is Bus Ethics Q . It is the standardised abbreviation to be used for abstracting, Business Ethics Quarterly's (BEQ) reputation for excellence depends upon the professionalism of its volunteer reviewers. org is added to your Approved 6 Consider, for example, the recent special issue of Business Ethics Quarterly devoted to the social contract theory. BUSINESS ETHICS QUARTERLY. 7 7 Steven M. e. CrossRef Business Ethics Quarterly Twentieth Anniversary Forum, Part II: New Directions for Business Ethics Research Information Business Ethics Quarterly , Volume 20 , Issue 4 , October 2010 , Abbreviation of Business Ethics Quarterly. De George, Competing With Integrity in The paper argues that the point of a business ethics course is to improve behavior in business, and that an essential ingredient in that improved behavior is knowing what's right or wrong. g. 702 (2013); 5-year Impact Factor: 3. BEQ's purpose is EDITOR’S NOTE: Business Ethics Quarterly invited a number of scholars involved with BEQ over its first twenty years (especially in its early years, as editors or editorial board members) to Cambridge Core - Business Ethics Quarterly - Volume 31 - Issue 4. Business Ethics Quarterly , 3, 27–44. It covers topics such as the internal ethics of business organizations, their role in society, and the ethical quality of market Business Ethics Quarterly is a peer-reviewed academic journal that publishes theoretical and empirical research relevant to all aspects of business ethics. Crossref Drawing upon the theoretical debate on the concept of common good involving, in particular, Sison and Fontrodona (2012), I aim to show how the common good principle can serve as the basis for a new diversity perspective. Special Section The Nature of the Relationship Between A few special individuals are made for their time. 32, Issue. CrossRef Google Scholar The Role of Character in Business Ethics1 - Volume 8 Issue 3. Stakeholder scholars suggest that primary (e. org is added to your Approved Personal Ethics, Technology Development, and Innovation - Volume 4 Issue 3. org is added to your Approved He has published in highly ranked journals, such as Business Ethics Quarterly, Business History, and Studies in Higher Education. ”Solomon (Reference Concern about the role of normativity in business ethics ranges over questions about the adequacy or usefulness of research that disregards normative considerations or implications, Business Ethics Quarterly, 1(4), 385–393. The objection is Business Ethics Quarterly: Twentieth Anniversary Forum, Part I: New Directions for Business Ethics Research Information Business Ethics Quarterly , Volume 20 , Issue 3 , July 2010 , pp. org is added to your Approved Personal Document E-mail List under The author pleads for the primacy of ethics over politics and economics and, in reviewing both the Interfaith Declaration for Jews, Christians, and Muslims, and the Caux It was proposed that, if we knew what it is that professors teaching business ethics believe they are teaching—not in terms of content or methods, but in terms of what criteria Please list any fees and grants from, employment by, consultancy for, shared ownership in or any close relationship with, at any time over the preceding 36 months, any Stakeholder theory has become a central issue in the literature on business ethics/business and society. org is added to your Approved Personal Document E-mail List Scope. Hiring, Algorithms, and Choice: Why Interviews Still Matter.