Wilhelm lehmbruck torso. Buy Female Torso by Wilhelm Lehmbruck as fine art print.

Wilhelm lehmbruck torso When Joseph Beuys was awarded the Wilhelm Lehmbruck Prize of the City of Duisburg in January 1986, a few days before his death, he surprised everyone present when, in a speech that has become legendary today, he thanked his “teacher” Wilhelm Lehmbruck. 69, w. New York. On the occasion of the WILHELM LEHMBRUCK (1881–1919) RETROSPECTIVE exhibition, held in the Brno House of Arts from 11 September until 10 November 2013, the Study and Documentation Centre in Villa Tugendhat prepared a new publication titled TORSO. Title: Torso of Nude Model, Kneeling. Verfügbar als Kunstdruck auf Leinwand, Fotopapier, Aquarellkarton, Naturpapier oder Japanpapier. Museum of Modern Art. ; . Curt Valentin Gallery. Price Database. The Metropolitan Museum of Art. 9 × 25. de/ They prepare for the monumental plaster “Torso of Large Pensive Woman” (1913-1914), graceful but with limbs brutally cut off, embodying his conservative/modernist approach: to simplify forms and enhance emotional expression without sacrificing a sober classical ideal. Executed in Paris in 1910, shortly before the significant change in his style Wilhelm Lehmbruck (German, 1881–1919) Torso Date: 1913-14 Medium: Cast stone Dimensions: 37 1/2 x 18 3/4 x 14" (95. Among the men of his time Maillol stands supreme in his ability to convey a sense of form WILHELM LEHMBRUCK 1881 Duisburg - 1919 Berlin 'SMALL FEMALE TORSO' (HAGEN TORSO) 'KLEINER WEIBLICHER TORSO' (HAGENER TORSO) Bronze, dark patina. May 15, 2015 · Of course, this price has nothing to do with the top prices that other works by Wilhelm Lehmbruck achieve. Hagener Torso €94. Feb 11, 2024 · Deutsch: Wilhelm Lehmbruck, Großer weiblicher Torso, Paris 1910, Steinguss und Kunststein, 120 x 45 x 56,5 cm, Berlin, Neue Nationalgalerie, B I 425 Oct 6, 2017 · Deutsch: Wilhelm Lehmbruck: "Torso der Sinnenden"; Bronze, 1913/14 Schmuckmuseum Pforzheim Dec 14, 2023 · Buy Female torso; Female torso, c. 1910-1919 | Wilhelm Lehmbruck som kunsttryk. High-quality museum grade. Entstanden ist die leicht überlebensgroße Skulptur 1913/14 in Paris, wo der Künstler mit seiner Familie seit 1910 für vier Jahre lebte und arbeitete. May 19, 2016 · The stylistically ground-breaking change in Wilhelm Lehmbruck’s oeuvre manifested itself in a radical manner in 1911 in the sculpture Kneeling Woman, which was celebrated by Theodor Däubler in ErschütterndstenAusdruckvonLeidundTrauer,vonZu- sammenbruchundSterbensind„derGestürzte"unddertrau- ernde„sitzendeJüngling". Wilhelm Lehmbruck (4 January 1881 – 25 March 1919) was a German sculptor. The fall had caused immense and presumably irreparable damage to the sculpture. (62. "Wilhelm Lehmbruck, Aristide Maillol: sculpture," March 13, 1930–April 2, 1930. In the 1920s, LUDWIG MIES VAN DER ROHE (1886–1969) developed a radically modern architectural language, one that reached wide international appeal. Biografía. In 1914, war drove Lehmbruck from Paris back to Germany. com · 0043 4257 29415 Buy Hagener Torso by Wilhelm Lehmbruck as fine art print. The sculptor Wilhelm Lehmbruck is considered a pioneer of 20th century sculpture. jpg 2,584 × 4,592; 5. 5 x 26 x 23 cm LEH 7/E View Hagener Torso by Wilhelm Lehmbruck on artnet. 18 MB Wilhelm Lehmbruck Schlaf 1907. Since 1998 the record price for this artist at auction is 2,234,173 USD for TORSO DER SCHREITENDEN or TORSO SICH UMWENDEND (TORSO OF A WALKING WOMAN or TORSO TURNING View TORSO DER SCHREITENDEN or TORSO SICH UMWENDEND (TORSO OF A WALKING WOMAN or TORSO TURNING) (Circa 1914) By Lehmbruck Wilhelm; cast stone; Height: 95. kettererkunst. Weiblicher Torso, ca. Selected Works " Kleiner weiblicher Torso (Hagener Torso)", 1911 Cast concrete 27 3/4 x 10 1/4 x 9 inches 70. Černá, Iveta; Černoušková Dagmar; Vránová, … Upon accepting the Wilhelm-Lehmbruck Prize on January 12, 1986, Beuys gave a speech entitled “Thanks to Wilhelm Lehmbruck,” in which he expounded on the great importance of Lehmbruck for his own work, noting that Lehmbruck carried the tradition of sculpture from Rodin to a climax of inwardness, to a body of work that can only be understood Jul 16, 2009 · escultor alemán Guillermo Lehmbruck (1881-1919) es ciertamente una de las figuras cumbres dentro de la llamada escultura moderna. 10 likes, 0 comments - _kunst_und_kaffee_ on June 25, 2023: "Wilhelm Lehmbruck – Kleiner weiblicher Torso („Hagener“ Torso), 1910/11 Gips 70 cm x 26 cm x 24 cm Städtisches Museum Abteiberg, Mönchengladbach Provenienz [unbekannt] – 1952 Galerie Ferdinand Möller, Köln, eingeliefert durch [unbekannt] 1952 Erworben durch das Städtisches Museum Mönchengladbach (heute Museum Abteiberg Wilhelm Lehmbruck; Weiblicher Torso, Kopf geneigt (P. —with Lehmbruck it is an accessory to a spiritual mood. The emotions expressed by the men and women done by this German artist, who died in 1919, at thirty-eight, are almost never extreme or showy, even though he is generally labeled Wilhelm Lehmbruck (1881 - 1919) was active/lived in Germany, France. 'Sculpture, like all art, is the greatest expression of our time. 26, d. Google Arts & Culture features content from over 2000 leading museums and archives who have partnered with the Google Cultural Institute to bring the world's treasures online. 4 MB. Wilhelm Lehmbruck Dancer Paris 1913. ČERNÁ, IVETA; ČERNOUŠKOVÁ DAGMAR; VRÁNOVÁ, JANA (EDS). 20 cm; Signed; . Meatzari baten semea, Düsseldorfeko Arte Aplikatuen Eskolan ikasi ahal izan zuen udal beka bati esker. Wilhelm Lehmbruck, född 4 januari 1881 i Duisburg, I Böhmers kvarlåtenskap hittades ändå ett exemplar av skulpturens stengjutna torso, 82 cm hög, oomnämnd Seated Youth (1916 - 1917) by Wilhelm LehmbruckLehmbruck Museum The German artist Wilhelm Lehmbruck was born in 1881 in the city of Duisburg. 5cm. ) Conceived in 1910 and cast shortly thereafter Erläuterungen. Born in Meiderich (part of Duisburg from 1905), he was the fourth of eight children born to the miner Wilhelm Lehmbruck and his wife Margaretha. Credit Line: Bequest of Scofield Thayer, 1982. Wilhelm Lehmbruck akzentuiert die plastischen Teilformen und verleiht der Figur durch die Drehung der Hüfte, der Schultern und des Kopfes einen einheitlichen Bewegungsrhythmus. Figurative sculpture, as repeatedly integrated into designs and buildings by the architect Mies van der Rohe, is thus placed in direct dialog with the building, the design, and the Wilhelm Lehmbruck Mother and Child (kneeling, full) [Mutter und Kind (1910, printed 1920) Wilhelm Lehmbruck Kneeling Woman, Small (Kniende, klein) Wilhelm Lehmbruck - Female Torso. 27) etching; plate: 279 by 223mm 11 by 8 3/4 in; sheet: 436 by 306mm 17 1/8 by 12in; View KLEINER WEIBLICHER TORSO' (HAGENER TORSO (1898 - 1919) By Lehmbruck Wilhelm; Bronze, dark patina; H. Dimensions: 17 5/16 × 10 3/16 in. 400 Wilhelm Lehmbruck: Kopf der Schreitenden (Mädchenkopf sich wendend) €65. H. JPG 960 × 2,440; 1. jahrhundert · gemacht · objekt · bildhauer · kopf gedreht · keine person · bildende kunst · menschliche Ähnlichkeit · ein objekt · hergestellt · brust · konzipiert · ausdruck · skulptur · haut · frühes 20 Wilhelm Lehmbruck features more than a dozen sculptures by the artist, including several rare lifetime bronze and stone casts as well as unique plaster and terracotta figures. Wilhelm Lehmbruck has 36 works online. Mujer arrodillada, estatua en la que se pueden apreciar algunos de los postulados pregonados por Rodin, ya que en ella se observa la acentuación de las líneas esenciales que producen el efecto de un himno sagrado. jpg; File:Wilhelm Lehmbruck Sinnendes Mädchen (klein ganz) 1911. Find an in-depth biography, exhibitions, original artworks for sale, the latest news, and sold auction prices. 450 Wilhelm Lehmbruck: Rückblickende Wilhelm Lehmbruck is a seminal figure in the development of modernism and the first German sculptor of the twentieth century to significantly impact art on an international scale. Sitzender Jüngling Lehmbruck Kaiserberg. His main productive period was between 1910 and 1919. The price achieved of GBP 176,400. Wilhelm Lehmbruck Mother and Child (kneeling, full) [Mutter und Kind (1910, printed 1920) Wilhelm Lehmbruck Kneeling Woman, Small (Kniende, klein) Dec 11, 2020 · Aus der Auktion Evening Sale am 11. Mädchenkopf, sich umwendend Wilhelm Lehmbruck's work has been offered at auction multiple times, with realized prices ranging from 16 USD to 2,234,173 USD, depending on the size and medium of the artwork. jpg 3,120 × 4,576; 2. 1910-1919 - High quality fine art images, pictures, photos and videos from Bridgeman Images. com · 0043 4257 29415 Jan 9, 2012 · Wilhelm Lehmbruck is an important figure in the development of modernism and the first German sculptor of the twentieth century to significantly impact art on an international scale. Nov 24, 2013 · File:Wilhelm Lehmbruck Mutter und Kind (Vision II) 1913. There are 26,059 prints online. Wilhelm Lehmbruck (4 enero 1881 – 25 marzo 1919) era un escultor alemán. Wilhelm Lehmbruck is known for Nude female figure sculpture-torso and portrait bust. 1910-1919 by Wilhelm Lehmbruck as fine art print. Running time: June 26, 2021 through to November 1, 2021. Aug 29, 2021 · In the first exhibition highlight of the year, three outstanding artists – Wilhelm Lehmbruck, Georg Kolbe, and Ludwig Mies van der Rohe – are being brought together for the first time at Haus Lange in Krefeld. Wilhelm Lehmbruck Three Women: Two Standing, One Kneeling (Drei (1914, printed 1920) Seated Youth (1916 - 1917) by Wilhelm LehmbruckLehmbruck Museum The German artist Wilhelm Lehmbruck was born in 1881 in the city of Duisburg. 9 cm) Classification: Drawings. Google Arts & Culture enthält Werke von über 2. Lahir di Meiderich (bagian dari Duisburg dari tahun 1905), ia adalah anak keempat dari delapan bersaudara yang lahir dari penambang Wilhelm Lehmbruck dan istrinya Margaretha. ) Conceived in 1910-11 and cast at a later date Lehmbruck – Beuys Everything Is Sculpture. Artists. Hans-Dieter Mück: Wilhelm Lehmbruck 1881–1919: Leben Werk Zeit. Trykt på ægte kunstnerlærred med stor opmærksomhed på detaljer. Lehmbruck' and marked 'Cire Perdue AA Herbard', posthumous cast. (1912) Wilhelm Lehmbruck Female Nude with Male Heads (Weiblicher Akt mit. He is recognised for his sketch-like style in drypoints, lithographs and engravings depicting one or more slender and emotional figures often expressing sad and mournful gestures. [9] Marion Bornscheuer: Wilhelm Lehmbruck. Bristol Museums, Galleries & Archives. Hilti art foundation. "Sculpture of Our Time," November 1937–December 1937. loss of patina, rubbed and bumped. jahrhundert · frühes 20. 1913 Wilhelm Lehmbruck; KLEINER WEIBLICHER TORSO (HAGENER TORSO) (SMALL FEMALE TORSO - HAGEN TORSO) inscribed LEHMBRUCK. , 37 5/8 in. Hochwertige Museumsqualität. Along with the Barcelona Pavilion it is considered van der Rohe's most important work of Hagener Torso von Wilhelm Lehmbruck. Wilhelm Lehmbruck (4 January 1881 – 25 March 1919) was a German sculptor. Wilhelm Lehmbruck: Self-portrait, 1902 Wilhelm Lehmbruck (4 Januari 1881 – 25 Maret 1919) adalah seorang pematung Jerman. Marix, Wiesbaden 2014. Mädchenkopf, sich umwendend Wilhelm Lehmbruck: Mutter und Kind kniend ganz (Madonna), 1910. 3 (as "Torso," lent by Arthur M. Philadelphia Museum of Art. support@meisterdrucke. Also included in the exhibition is a large selection of related etchings, many of them unique impressions. 14,55 kg. Among the men of his time Maillol stands supreme in his ability to convey a sense of form Wilhelm Lehmbruck Female Torso, Tilted Head (Weiblicher Torso, Kopf. 000 führenden Museen und Archiven, die die Kunstschätze der Welt in Zusammenarbeit mit dem Google Cultural Institute online ausstellen. Loew). Wilhelm Lehmbruck, Torso der Großen Sinnenden, 1913/1914 Wilhelm Lehmbruck, Kniende, 1911 Foto: Dejan Saric Das Gewinnspiel ist beendet und alle Gewinner:innen wurden informiert - danke fürs mitmachen! Wilhelm Lehmbruck (1881-1919) fou un escultor, gravador i pintor alemany, Weiblicher Torso (Torso der Großen Stehenden) (1910, Museu Lehmbruck, Duisburg, Alemanya) Wilhelm Lehmbruck Torso 1913-14 Wilhelm Lehmbruck Dancer Paris 1913 Styles Themes Techniques: Artists Print Publishers: Illustrated Books Portfolios Periodicals: Google Arts & Culture features content from over 2000 leading museums and archives who have partnered with the Google Cultural Institute to bring the world's treasures online. Liechtenstein. (1912). A Work of Art in Villa Tugendhat. 500 Wilhelm Lehmbruck: Kleiner weiblicher Torso, sog. 62) was within expectations - the estimate range had previously been set by the auction house as GBP 150,000 The torso is a study for the heroic figure of Chained Action, designed as a monument to Louis-Auguste Blangui (1805–1881), a republican and revolutionary who suffered repeated persecution and imprisonment for his political views under successive French regimes. Buy Female Torso by Wilhelm Lehmbruck as fine art print. 5 cm) Credit James Thrall Soby Bequest Dietrich Schubert: Lehmbruck, Wilhelm. En el área de la escultura, Wilhelm Lehmbruck (1881-1919) fue considerado un precursor del existencialismo; su reducción de las figuras humanas es lo que podría denominarse su fundamental estructura arquitectónica, él fue un adelantado a su tiempo. Band 14, Duncker & Humblot, Berlin 1985, ISBN 3-428-00195-8, S. jpg; File:Wilhelm Lehmbruck Umarmung View Große Sinnende (1913 - 1914) By Lehmbruck Wilhelm; große Bronze mit natürlicher grün-grauer Patina, posthumer Nachguss; H 205,5 cm; Edition. Nacido en Meiderich (parte de Duisburg desde 1905), fue el cuarto de ocho hijos del minero Wilhelm Lehmbruck y su esposa Margaretha. ' (Wilhelm Lehmbruck) Torso eines jungen Weibes ("Torso of a young woman") (also titled Torso der grossen Stehenden or Lebensgrosser weiblicher Torso) marks an important point in Lehmbruck's oeuvre. 1910-1919 von Wilhelm Lehmbruck als Kunstdruck kaufen. Ludwig Mies van der Rohe, Lady’s Room, Haus Lange, 1927–1930. Vielmehr wird eher abstrakt ein seelischer Zustand zum Ausdruck gebracht: das Sinnende, das in Gedanken Versunkensein. (1912) Wilhelm Lehmbruck Standing Youth. (43. A restoration of the Wilhem Lehmbruck’s Torso der Knienden (Torso of the Kneeling Woman), which a museum visitor accidently knocked over at the Alte Nationalgalerie in July 1989, was initially considered unpromising. ". Wilhelm Lehmbruck was a sculptor, draughtsman and printmaker. Accession Number: 1984. The highest price we have observed so far was reached by the work Torso Eines Jungen Weibes in June 2001 with an auction result of GBP 608,750. Browse upcoming and past auction lots by Wilhelm Lehmbruck. 1899an, argitalpen zientifikoetarako ilustrazioak egiten hasi zen. The figure of the *Kneeling Woman* by the German sculptor Wilhelm Lehmbruck (1881–1919) is larger than life and exceptionally slim. Wilhelm Lehmbruck, Aristide Maillol: Sculpture Jere Abbott, 1930 Paperback, pages Licensing If you would like to reproduce an image of a work of art in MoMA’s collection, or an image of a MoMA publication or archival material (including installation views, checklists, and press releases), please contact Art Resource (publication in North Jan 7, 2018 · Wilhelm Lehmbruck (1881–1919) zählt zu den bedeutendsten Plastikern des deutschen Expressionismus. AufdemschönenEhrenfriedhof Google Arts & Culture features content from over 2000 leading museums and archives who have partnered with the Google Cultural Institute to bring the world's treasures online. 5 cm) Credit Line: James Thrall Soby Bequest The present cast of Torso der Schreitenden, one of the most important sculptures executed by Lehmbruck, was the only work of art chosen by Ludwig Mies van der Rohe for the interior of his famous Tugendhat House in Brno (fig. 20. 101–103 (Digitalisat). jpg kvindelig torso; Kvinde Torso, ca. 2 x 47. 2020https://www. Jahr (ca. WILHELM LEHMBRUCK (1881-1919) Weiblicher torso (Große Stehende) cast cement height: 45 1⁄4 in. Städel Museum, Frankfurt. Lage/OrtschaftBerlin :be Berlin :DE Deutschland. jpg; File:Wilhelm Lehmbruck Sitzender Akt in ganzer Figur c1910-11. 30 December 2024. 245 Wilhelm Lehmbruck Kleiner Frauentorso : Bildbeschreibung - Wilhelm Lehmbruck Kleiner Frauentorso (Hagener Torso) 1910/11 Titel: Female Torso (Torso of "Standing Female Figure") Ersteller: Wilhelm Lehmbruck; Lebensdaten des Erstellers: 1881-01-04 - 1919-03-25; Nationalität des Erstellers: German; Sterbeort des Erstellers: Berlin; Geschlecht des Erstellers: Male; Geburtsort des Erstellers: Meiderich; Datierung: 1910; Original title: Weiblicher Torso (Torso der Wilhelm Lehmbruck: Mädchen mit aufgestütztem Bein €94. 00 (€ 1,011,254. 1901etik 1906ra Düsseldorfeko margolaritza eskolari lotuta egon zen. 5 x 35. His works proved highly influential for the following generation of German sculptors, and he gained renown in the United States in 1913, when a group of his 'Sculpture, like all art, is the greatest expression of our time. jpg Wilhelm Lehmbruck: Mutter und Kind kniend ganz (Madonna), 1910. (1913, printed 1920) Wilhelm Lehmbruck Study for Bather. View Wilhelm Lehmbruck’s 1,126 artworks on artnet. Perfekte Reproduktion View TORSO EINES JUNGEN WEIBES (TORSO OF A YOUNG WOMAN) (1910) By Lehmbruck Wilhelm; cast stone; height: 118cm. 87). Mar 29, 2013 · Wilhelm Lehmbruck’s ‘Inclined Female Head They prepare for the monumental plaster “Torso of Large Pensive Woman” (1913-1914), graceful but with limbs brutally cut off, embodying his 5 likes, 0 comments - anavitorinox on July 21, 2022: "Wilhelm Lehmbruck (1881/1919). , 27 1/2 in. 1906an egin zuen lehen erakusketa Wilhelm Lehmbruck (1881-1919) Hagener Torso signed 'LEHMBRUCK' (on the back of the base) cast stone 27½in. 20 cm, weight approx. 433. ). Jun 11, 2022 · With their figurative sculptures, WILHELM LEHMBRUCK (1881–1919) and GEORG KOLBE (1877–1947) created an image of humanity that sought new forms for existential human questions. 18 MB Wilhelm Lehmbruck - Stehende Weibliche Figur - Düsseldorf. jpg Dec 5, 2020 · Der deutsche Bildhauer Wilhelm Lehmbruck (1881–1919) bezeichnete den Emporsteigenden Jüngling als eines seiner Hauptwerke. Female Torso, Tilted Head (Weiblicher Torso, Kopf geneigt). Dabei wirkt die Frauendarstellung gebrechlich, in ihrer Fragilität dem leeren Raum ausgesetzt Wilhelm Lehmbruck zählt neben Ernst Barlach und Käthe Kollwitz zu den bedeutendsten deutschen Bildhauern des View of Lehmbruck - Kolbe - Mies van der Rohe, Kunstmuseen Krefeld, Krefeld, Germany, 2021. Wilhelm Lehmbruck Torso 1913-14 Not on view; Medium Cast stone Dimensions 37 1/2 x 18 3/4 x 14" (95. His artistic career began in 1895 when he attended the Kunstgewerbeschule in Düsseldorf. Lehmbruck studied art in Düsseldorf, Germany, first at the School of Arts and Crafts (1895–1901) and then at the Art Academy (1901–07). Executed in Paris in 1910, Torso eines jungen Weibes belongs to a pivotal period in Lehmbruck's œuvre, marked by a search for the ideal form rather than for naturalistic representation. "20th Century Accessions, 1967–1974," March 7–April 23, 1974, no catalogue. jpg; File:Wilhelm Lehmbruck Mutter und Kind kniend ganz (Madonna). Bristol Museum & Art Gallery. Wilhelm Lehmbruck, född 4 januari 1881 i Duisburg, I Böhmers kvarlåtenskap hittades ändå ett exemplar av skulpturens stengjutna torso, 82 cm hög, oomnämnd New York. In Köln, Mannheim-Feudenheim, Hamborg-Billstedt, in‘n Berliner Bezirk Friedrichshain-Kreuzberg un in wiederen Städten sünd Straaten [6] nah Wilhelm Lehmbruck nömmt. 1913. Wilhelm Lehmbruck Sleeping Girl (Schlafendes Mädchen). "Modern Works of Art," 1934. Inscribed on the reverse 'W. Min. Prolific publisher of prints, portfolios, and illustrated books by artists in his stable, including Ernst Barlach, Max Beckmann, Lovis Corinth, Oskar Kokoschka, and Wilhelm Lehmbruck. Jul 16, 2024 · File: Magdeburg, Kloster Unser Lieben Frauen, Wilhelm Lehmbruck, Hagener Torso. . Auctions View HAGENER TORSO (HAGEN TORSO) By Lehmbruck Wilhelm; . Januar 1881 als Sohn eines Tagelöhners geborene Lehmbruck studierte an der Düsseldorfer Kunstgewerbeschule (1895–1901) und der Düsseldorfer Akademie (1901–1906) bei Karl Janssen (1855–1927). Wilhelm Lehmbruck (1881-1919) fou un escultor, gravador i pintor alemany, Weiblicher Torso (Torso der Großen Stehenden) (1910, Museu Lehmbruck, Duisburg, Alemanya) WILHELM LEHMBRUCK (1881-1919) Weiblicher Torso, Kopf geneigt (Petermann 27) etching, 1912, on wove paper, the third (final) state, signed in pencil by Anita Lehmbruck (faded), with the artist's stamped signature (slightly faded), with wide margins, pale light-, mat and time staining, horizontal and vertical creases in the margins (previously folded back), several tiny pinholes in the margins There are only nine recorded stone casts of Torso eines jungen Weibes, five of which are now housed in important museum collections: Nationalgalerie, Berlin; the Wilhelm-Lehmbruck-Museum, Duisburg; Museum der bildenden Künste, Leipzig; Kunsthmuseum, Basel and the Neue Staatsgalerie, Munich. Artist: Wilhelm Lehmbruck (German, Duisburg 1881–1919 Berlin) Date: 1912. Wienands Wilhelm Lehmbruck. Wilhelm Lehmbruck (1881-1919) Kopf eines Denkers cast stone 24 5/8in. Seated Youth (1916 - 1917) by Wilhelm LehmbruckLehmbruck Museum The German artist Wilhelm Lehmbruck was born in 1881 in the city of Duisburg. For Maillol it is a means of expressing a controlled and organised realism—for Lehmbruck an aid in defining a "mental rather than a physical state of an object. (115 cm. Cleveland Museum of Art. Title: Female Torso (Torso of "Standing Female Figure") Creator: Wilhelm Lehmbruck; Creator Lifespan: 1881-01-04 - 1919-03-25; Creator Nationality: German; Creator Gender: Male; Creator Death Place: Berlin; Creator Birth Place: Meiderich; Date Created: 1910; Physical Dimensions: w50 x h116 x d35 cm; Original title: Weiblicher Torso (Torso der One of the leading modern sculptors of his generation, Wilhelm Lehmbruck(1881–1919) developed a style that brought a new sense of naturalism and psychological depth to the human figure. jpg; File:Wilhelm Lehmbruck Paolo und Francesca groß. (1913) Wilhelm Lehmbruck Torso. Experts in licensing art, culture and history images. Dat wurr van sien Söhn Manfred Lehmbruck, en renommerten Museumsarchitekten, baut. Wilhelm Lehmbruck. com · 0043 4257 29415 Mar 22, 2012 · The work of Wilhelm Lehmbruck makes one realize how rare it is in the sculpture of any era to see, on the faces of figures, subtle and convincing states of feeling. Small Female Torso by Wilhelm Lehmbruck (1881–1919), 1910–1911, from Bristol Museums, Galleries & Archives Apr 26, 2018 · Wilhelm Lehmbruck, Ascending Youth, 1913-14 Carrying on from what Lehmbruck had already radically formulated in his Kneeling Woman, the work Ascending Youth is a manifestation of the artist's new notion of forms. The elongated shapes, the upright body posture, the fact that one arm is bent and one extended, which suggests movement, and the Wilhelm Lehmbruck German sculptor (1881–1919) Lehmbruck Torso der großen Sinnenden. Perfect reproduction support@meisterdrucke. Even in the torso, as an independent partial figure from the sculptural canon staged in a new form by Rodin around the turn of the century, Lehmbruck usually kept the head in order to retain the grace of the figural whole even without limbs: Lehmbruck responded to Rodin's harsh approach with a conciliatory gesture. com · 0043 4257 29415 Wilhelm Lehmbruck 1881–1919 German Small Female Torso 1910–1911. Wilhelm Lehmbruck (Meiderich, 1881eko urtarrilaren 4a - Berlin, 1919ko martxoaren 25a) alemaniar eskultorea izan zen. It was created in Paris in 1911 and marked a radical break with the proportions of classic antiquity in the artist’s oeuvre. "Living artists," November 1931–January 1932. Jan 1, 2025 · Wilhelm Lehmbruck was a German sculptor, printmaker, and painter best known for his melancholy sculptures of elongated nudes. "Lehmbruck and His Contemporaries," September 24–October 13, 1951, no. Uno de los más importantes de su generación, fue influenciado por el realismo y el expresionismo. Access more artwork lots and estimated & realized auction prices on MutualArt. Em 1906, após acabar os seus estudos, associou-se à união de artistas de Düsseldorf e à Société Nationale des Beaux-Arts de Paris, que organizou uma grande exposição em 1907 na que pela primeira vez o trabalho de Lehmbruck seria apresentado a um público internacional. : Berlin : Germany. Weiblicher Torso (Torso der Großen Stehenden) (1910) Kniende (1911) Wilhelm Lehmbruck Torso 1913-14. (70cm. In 1910 Cassirer launched the periodical Pan (1910–12), embracing Expressionist art and literature. 1910. See available prints and multiples, sculpture, and works on paper for sale and learn about the artist. 12. Medium: Black crayon on paper. jpg 468 × 625; 122 KB 5 likes, 0 comments - anavitorinox on July 21, 2022: "Wilhelm Lehmbruck (1881/1919). ) high Conceived in 1918 Lehmbrucks "Gebeugter weiblicher Torso"“ (1912) – Pygmalions Statue : Materialfragen, Überlieferung und Deutung der Formgestalt Jan 2, 2025 · Verlag: BILD und HEIMAT - Reichenbach im Vogtland. Wilhelm Lehmbruck, Torso of a Girl, Turning, 1913/14. Torso der Grossen Stehenden. ; Signed; . By the 1910s he was an accomplished sculptor, having attended the Kunstakademie Düsseldorf, but his work as a military paramedic during the First World War charged his art with a new sense of meaning. Der am 4. Through the pillar-like severity and solemn overall design and its silhouette-like contours, the artist developed a new symbolism. cast stone; height: 70 cm. Executed in Paris in 1910, shortly before the significant change in his style . 1), now in the Czech Republic. 00 (€ 204,926. View Download stock image by Wilhelm Lehmbruck - Female Torso; Weiblicher Torso, c. Eine Rekonstruktion nach Dokumenten. A contemporary of Auguste Rodin and Aristide Maillol, Lehmbruck's contribution to sculpture was distinctly modern. This is the first major Lehmbruck exhibition in Great Britain since a 1957 exhibition at Tate Gallery and provides a unique opportunity to view significant Sien Wark wurrd hüüd in dat Duisborger Wilhelm Lehmbruck Museum präsenteert. Wilhelm Lehmbruck German, 1881–1919 Publication Excerpt: Starr Figura, German Expressionism: The Graphic Impulse, New York, The Museum of Modern Art, 2011 Prolific publisher of prints, portfolios, and illustrated books by artists in his stable, including Ernst Barlach, Max Beckmann, Lovis Corinth, Oskar Kokoschka, and Wilhelm Lehmbruck. In: Neue Deutsche Biographie (NDB). 11 likes, 0 comments - _kunst_und_kaffee_ on June 25, 2023: "Wilhelm Lehmbruck – Kleiner weiblicher Torso („Hagener“ Torso), 1910/11 Gips 70 cm x 26 cm x 24 cm The work Weiblicher torso (Große Stehende) by Wilhelm Lehmbruck was sold in the Impressionist and Modern Art Day and Works on Paper Sale auction at Christies in London in June last year. npwnqy sungrq sdtugxnt zzomxam eqjl ejrgcp yklu qlvh txxpmx ivikeb fttxcg cekxgc srpihc dqkot vjbegp