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Love2d window. ) between them would probably be a big PITA.

Love2d window width and t. Any fused executables will have the default LÖVE application icon in a file explorer or launcher (start menu, dock, etc). I’ll go through the process of using both Windows and MacOS versions on this quick installation process. fromPixels(1600) would return 800 in that case. Coming from a web-dev background, I would set it up with a responsive design so the content stays centred and stays the same size and ratio no matter what platform, screen resolution or window size, perhaps scaling up for larger sizes. If you want to stop the program, consider love. getMode and love. but when i enter function love. The number of antialiasing samples used (0 if MSAA is disabled). restore&oldid=22641" Mar 7, 2019 · Callback function triggered when window receives or loses focus. Display sleep is disabled by default. exe file doesnt run, I tried with lovec Jan 11, 2013 · Multiple windows can be a bit tricky to implement architecturally for GPU-accelerated programs. g. This function has no effect if the window isn't resizable , since it essentially programmatically presses the window's "maximize" button. icon in conf. Sets the window icon until the game is quit. setIcon( imagedata ) Arguments ImageData imagedata The window icon image. If width or height is 0, setMode will use the width or height of the desktop. Hello! I have a serious problem! The love. 2: love. Why does not the love2d api have such an API? Contribute to love2d/love development by creating an account on GitHub. Since this function enqueues a screenshot capture rather than executing it immediately, it can be called from an input callback or love. hasFocus: Checks if the game window has keyboard I just think a driver is much more likely than any other alternative; even if it is by itself unlikely. I have been trying to upscale the canvas or whatever for two days now. For example on a retina screen in Mac OS X with the highdpi window flag enabled, the window may take up the same physical size as an 800x600 window, but the area inside the window uses 1600x1200 May 7, 2024 · function love. height end)-- sort from smallest to largest See Also love. lua is loaded. Once the user stops dragging the window, the game resumes. setIcon allows you to set the executable icon at runtime. Returns number width The width of the desktop. window; love. orgDownload Visual Studio Code here:w. width * b. resize and flip the width/height values via love. This function will pause all execution of the main thread until the user has clicked a button to exit the message box. shrunken so as not to obscure objects displayed in the viewport). Jun 24, 2021 · The x-coordinate of the window's position. setMode will only trigger this event if the width or height of the window after the call doesn't match the requested width and height. Returns DisplayOrientation orientation Current device display orientation. ). 2 Arguments; 1. Jun 24, 2021 · modes = love. Checks if the window has been created. Retrieved from "https://www. Window width. Click Environment Variables. getDPIScale Jan 24, 2025 · Sets the display mode and properties of the window. height are what you want to change. You signed in with another tab or window. For in Gets whether the display is allowed to sleep while the program is running. window = false t. It's free, open-source, and works on Windows, macOS, Linux, Android and iOS. Constantly updating the window title can lead to issues on some systems and therefore is discouraged. exe (since 0. It is currently only officially supported on Windows, but may also work on macOS. Push isn't really for this, it just allows your game resolution to stay the same and scales it up accordingly, but it's really just for pixel art games. conf function takes one argument: a table filled with all the default values which you can overwrite to your liking. 2)): Mar 7, 2019 · Calls to love. Download LOVE here:www. Fullscreen (true), or windowed (false). love-release , a Lua script that automates game distribution. Available since LÖVE 0. 3 Returns; 2 See Also; 3 Other Languages Retrieved from "https://www. 1 if enabled, 0 if disabled, and -1 for adaptive vsync. Oct 6, 2022 · Also, it’s an open-source engine available for free on Windows, Mac, and Linux. \n (and you LOVE it)" , 0 , 400 , 800 , 'center' ) Oct 10, 2022 · A Guide to Getting Started with Love2D; A Guide to Getting Started with Love2D (Dansk) A Guide to Getting Started with Love2D (Português) A Guide to Getting Started with Love2D (Русский) Advanced Tiled Loader; Advanced Tiled Loader (Français) Advanced Tiled Loader (日本語) Animation; Animation (Français) Animation (日本語) Audio love. If omitted, it defaults to same as parameter sx. Contents 1 Function Nov 13, 2022 · Arguments number sx The scaling in the direction of the x-axis. getHeight&oldid=15953" May 1, 2022 · Sets the window icon until the game is quit. Choose the appropriate file for your current operating system. 0. Sets the window title. You need to set this environment variable before starting LOVE. setMode if height > width as that is what I had found in an older thread as a method to enforce portrait mode on android. Returns number vsync Current vsync status. love. i have love2d support. It could certainly also work on Linux, but good package managers makes megasource less relevant there. For example on a retina screen in Mac OS X with the highdpi window flag enabled, the window may take up the same physical size as an 800x600 window, but the area inside the window uses 1600x1200 pixels. Download love2d to your desktop from the download site. lua or running lovec. conf (t) t. Some types of input (e. Love Distribution Pack[sic], a windows-only tool that can create . getDisplayCount&oldid=13111" Jul 26, 2021 · Code: Select all t. number displayindex The index of the display that the window is in. Sets whether the display is allowed to sleep while the program is running. lua" that lets you customize a bunch of stuff, including making the window resizable Reply reply wsc981 Jul 12, 2020 · Gets the width in pixels of the window. By default the console in Sublime Text will not display any output, such as print() calls, until the LOVE application has been closed. . If a window changes the monitor (the game window moved to another monitor) than I should recalculate the fps and so on based on the monitor's refresh rate. Dec 27, 2015 · Retrieved from "https://www. lua file, or inside conf. Didn't work as intended though. Dec 27, 2015 · Gets the width and height of the window. com If I understand you correctly, all you really need is to set window. To make the console output display live add the following code to the top of your main. Returns. number displayindex (1) The index of the display that the new window position is relative to. If a window has changed it's position then I may want to do something. load() and under that love. 3 Returns; 2 See Also; 3 Other Languages Oct 2, 2014 · Constantly updating the window title can lead to issues on some systems and therefore is discouraged. 0: love. Oct 17, 2022 · This only closes the window and leaves LÖVE running in the background. Apr 25, 2023 · Arguments number displayindex (1) The index of the display, if multiple monitors are available. This can happen if a fullscreen mode is requested which doesn't match any supported mode, or if the fullscreen type is 'desktop' and the requested width or height don't match the desktop resolution. setIcon. Cannot be less love. getIcon&oldid=12427" Minimizes the window to the system's task bar / dock. Gets the display mode and properties of the window. conf(t) t. if the editor window is anchored on the right-side of the Love2D window and the user moves the left side of the Love2D window inwards then the editor window can stay put. 1. update and it will still capture all of what's drawn to the screen in that frame. 9. 0: Aug 28, 2013 · Retrieved from "https://www. boon , a multi-platform, easy to use tool supporting Windows, macOS, Linux. It is planned to release 11. Sep 12, 2016 · Windows. You can also build your game for iOS/Android and even WebGL. The Windows installer will install to C:\Program Files\LOVE by default. 1), there's been a lot of talk about it over on the discord. console and the --console command-line argument in Windows to use the existing Console window, if love was launched Installing LÖVE. Love2D has a standard installer for Windows, as well as a zipped version. or you could just use TLfres if that will do the work for you For example on a retina screen in Mac OS X with the highdpi window flag enabled, the window may take up the same physical size as an 800x600 window, but the area inside the window uses 1600x1200 pixels. None of this is a problem. If it's in C:\Program Files\LOVE\ then that's the path you need to add. 8. Causes the window to request the attention of the user if it is not in the foreground. Windows is upscaling my love2D window and I need it to stop so I can make the love2D window 4K because if I set it to fullscreen on my 4K screen, it is like half 4K upscaled and if I set it to not fullscreen and 4K, it upscales it to 8K and now its way too big for my screen Jun 9, 2018 · This way it is relatively easy to draw completely centered text if you pass the width of the window as the word-wrap limit and 0 as the x-position: love . sort (modes, function (a, b) return a. need help with visual studio. Oct 9, 2022 · I read a bit around in the forums and tried to intercept the display rotation via love. org/ See full list on github. Now, we need to tell LOVE to use OpenGL ES context. 2. 0. number minwidth The minimum width of the window, if it's resizable. width = 1024 t. close: Closes the window. 1 Synopsis; 1. getPixelHeight: Gets the height in pixels of the window. 4"-- The LÖVE version this game was made for (string) t. getMode. number height new to love and programming in general. function love . Website: https://love2d. event. setmode(window_width,window_height, {fullscreen = false, resizable = false, vsync = true}) i get blue screened when i open love Sep 23, 2014 · ivan wrote:I suppose it wouldn't be too hard to draw something similar in the game window using love. Dec 28, 2018 · love. setTitle( title ) Arguments string title The new window title. lua: Sep 10, 2016 · Changes the window size, or the display mode if fullscreen. Jan 31, 2015 · Hey Guys, first-time LOVE user here. Since LOVE2D is built on Lua, can I use print() to send debugging info to the console window? I'm running Windows 7 32-bit. isOpen&oldid=17489" Retrieved from "https://www. 0 doesn't appear to work for 0. isActive; Other Languages Jul 17, 2022 · If fullscreen mode is entered and the window size doesn't match one of the monitor's display modes (in normal fullscreen mode) or the window size doesn't match the desktop size (in 'desktop' fullscreen mode), the window will be resized appropriately. Oct 30, 2016 · The window can be maximized if it is not fullscreen and is resizable, and either the user has pressed the window's Maximize button or love. First is 1. ) between them would probably be a big PITA. getMode if you want to get current vsync status. lua, love. appendidentity = false-- Search files in source directory before save directory (boolean) t. If you mean an OS notification that is independent of the Love2d window then probably no because it would break compatibility with other platforms like Mac or Linux. Windows 10, Windows 8. I think OP wanted to know how to align different elements to be in the same position in any screen size (center, corners, etc. 3 Returns; 2 See Also; 3 Other Languages Export games made in LOVE2D to Windows, Mac, and Linux - dmoa/love-export Dec 3, 2023 · However, it seems to do that properly, I need to determine which side of the Love2D window is shrinking (e. In the section System Variables, find the PATH environment variable and select it Arguments number displayindex (nil) Display index to get its display orientation, or nil for default display index. Aug 28, 2021 · Arguments number vsync VSync number: 1 to enable, 0 to disable, -1 for adaptive vsync, 2 or larger will wait that many frames before syncing. Useful for making sure UI elements can be seen by the user. Feb 16, 2024 · For AMD GPUs in Windows, proceed below on using ANGLE directly. 2. getPosition; Other Languages Aug 14, 2013 · Retrieved from "https://www. 3 Returns; 2 See Also; 3 Other Languages Sep 24, 2017 · Yeah 1809 does not work with Löve's latest release (11. org/w/index. If love were to have a separate GL context per window, then sharing resources (images etc. setMode; love. identity = nil-- The name of the save directory (string) t. window Jan 19, 2022 · Running this code will cause an 800 by 600 window to appear, and display white text on a black background. org/wiki/Config_Files. Contents Dec 29, 2018 · Gets the DPI scale factor associated with the window. 10. 3 Returns; 2 See Also; 3 Other Languages Inside Linux, using makelove you can generate Windows, Mac, and Linux exports all at once. setTitle. Reload to refresh your session. exe. Function Synopsis success = love. 0 This function is not supported in earlier versions. Checks if the game window has keyboard focus. boolean centered True if the window should be centered in windowed mode, false otherwise. i just want to scale up the the game canvas(320x180) to the window size(1280x360) without blur or the game canvas becoming 4x small than the window i am new to this and dumb here is my code: Similar to how "main. Apr 25, 2023 · Moved from love. lua, lua plus. number y The y-coordinate of the window's position. displayrotated or love. getWidth: Gets the width in pixels of the window. love2d. console=true in conf. Notes. 1: love. 2 with a fix for the Windows issue in the near future from what I heard on the Discord, the reason why it hasn't happened yet is probably because of the Mac OS mojave issues or some other major fix that slime wants in there as well An app (built in LÖVE!) for quickly packaging LÖVE games for distribution, based off the most recent comments in this issue. fromPixels: Converts a number from pixels to density-independent units. May 16, 2024 · From what I understand, LOVE games will freeze on Windows if you drag/move the game window. resizable. setPosition; Other Languages t: table: The love. y = 550 This would be 550px from the top of the screen boundaries. modules. getFullscreenModes table. The pixel density inside the window might be greater (or smaller) than the "size" of the window. Dec 29, 2018 · Creates a screenshot once the current frame is done (after love. graphics = false -- for example, if you run program with -nographics mode or something Posted by u/Marvin-42 - 3 votes and 8 comments Checks if the game window is visible. The type of fullscreen mode used. console = true -- for windows only, or open it from console/terminal directly t. accelerometerjoystick = true-- Enable the accelerometer on iOS and Android by Dec 27, 2015 · Retrieved from "https://www. None. 3 Returns; 2 See Also; 3 Other Languages Dec 27, 2024 · Supports Windows and Linux with AppImage. This repository uses git tags for the library dependencies of a specific released version of LÖVE. window. It can be set using Command Prompt/Terminal and launching LOVE from same Terminal, or from Windows, from Advanced System Settings. maximize has been called. Not all operating systems support very large icon images. The only downside is that you can't give the Windows executable a unique icon from within Linux -- I decided to stop worrying about that so I could do all my exports in one environment. getPixelWidth: Gets the width in pixels of the window. print ( 'Hello World!' , 400 , 300 ) end Editing the wiki Mar 10, 2012 · I cannot seem to get Sublime Text 2 to play nicely with love 0. height = 768 end If you don't need the physics module or joystick module, do the following. Contents 1 Function http://love2d. isMinimized&oldid=22631" Love2D Doesnt run in Windows 10 [SOLVED] Post by Darlex » Sat Oct 20, 2018 5:51 pm. Nov 20, 2019 · Arguments. draw () love . The goal is to make something eventually maintained by the LÖVE team that can let new developers build their games cross-platform from their own machine in a single step - with zero dependencies and no need for VMs. Window height. If you want to change the default window size, for instance, do: function love. Oct 23, 2014 · Displays a message box dialog above the love window. First, locate your love. See Also Brings the window into the foreground above other windows and sets input focus. * Updated the Windows executable to automatically prefer the higher performance GPU on nvidia Optimus systems. resizable to true in your conf. 1 Function. getTitle&oldid=11071" Apr 8, 2021 · Gets the width and height in pixels of the window. Windows 10 will happily run on default VGA drivers, and most graphical applications simply won't. toPixels(800) would return 1600 in that case. In Windows the taskbar icon will flash, and in OS X the dock icon will bounce. The values of t. LÖVE. quit. draw has finished). love files and . org/wiki/Config_Files#window. lua: https://love2d. number display The index of the display to show the window in, if multiple monitors are available. The window is considered visible if it's not minimized and the program isn't hidden. number sy (sx) The scaling in the direction of the y-axis. As part of my "write once run anywhere" love2d template, I coded the ability to adapt to any screen dimension, scaling up or down to fill any window and cent Nov 11, 2017 · 1. Feb 29, 2020 · The pixel density inside the window might be greater (or smaller) than the "size" of the window. width * a. Function Synopsis love. Aug 26, 2016 · So, in your code, the player's y position is set to a fixed amount: player. Changing the display mode may have side effects: for example, canvases will be cleared and values sent to shaders with Shader:send will be erased. * Updated the --console command-line argument in Windows to open the console before conf. version = "11. Jan 16, 2025 · On Windows, there is a special command-line option which will attach a console to the window, allowing you to see the result of print calls (equivalent to setting t. getWidth&oldid=15954" May 5, 2020 · True if the window should be borderless in windowed mode, false otherwise. height < b. 550px is still the same amount relative to the top of the window, but now there's extra space below it. If width or height is 0, setMode will use the width and height of the desktop. 3 Returns; 2 See Also; 3 Other Languages Oct 23, 2023 · SugarRayLua wrote: ↑ Mon Oct 23, 2023 6:39 am I'd like to add minimum limits on the amount a Love2D window can be resized (e. getFullscreen&oldid=11354" Love2D - Window properties and Pivot points Feb 4, 2023 · Gets area inside the window which is known to be unobstructed by a system title bar, the iPhone X notch, etc. Contents. May 30, 2015 · Makes the window as large as possible. printf ( "This text will be centered no matter what. The message box contains a title, optional text, and buttons. It's free, open-source, and works on Windows, macOS, Linux, Android, and iOS. 0 in Jun 24, 2021 · The x-coordinate of the window's position. Supports Windows, macOS, Debian, Linux, with much more features. * Updated t. I've read threads before specifically pertaining to Love2D text not working, and the culprit being (very) outdated drivers. 11. graphics . php?title=love. Changing the display mode may have side effects: for example, Canvases will be cleared; make sure to save their contents beforehand. screen. In Search, search for and then select: System (Control Panel) Click the Advanced system settings link. However, an issue occurs if the user is holding down a keyboard key, starts dragging the window, and then releases the key while dragging the window. This may not be functional on all platforms. 3 Returns; 2 Example; 3 See Also; 4 Other Languages Feb 16, 2024 · Console output. This should help. My previous love build file, which worked perfectly for love 0. graphics. Feb 5, 2012 · this will leave the graphics size/window size ratio the same. console = false-- Attach a console (boolean, Windows only) t. See Also. In the "fullscreen" screenshot, you simply have more pixels that you're working with. Returns boolean success Contribute to TomLeeLive/love2d development by creating an account on GitHub. lua" is a special "magic" file in love2d there's a similar "conf. however on 4:3 aspect ratio, there will be less if the level visible than on wide screen. Contents May 16, 2024 · From what I understand, LOVE games will freeze on Windows if you drag/move the game window. Like t. Checks if the game window has mouse focus. Nov 4, 2021 · Quick setup and installation guide for Love2D, process explained for both Windows and Mac. Feb 13, 2014 · Gets the width and height in pixels of the window. This can be less expensive alternative to love. window. this will tell love to make the window resizable by the user by dragging on the edges / corners. getDPIScale() would return 2. Hi there! LÖVE is an *awesome* framework you can use to make 2D games in Lua. By port, do you mean make an executable version of your game for both Windows and Mac? If so, a user on the Love2D forums made a "Love Builder" that can easily make exports of your game to Linux, Mac, and Windows. Nothing. 1 if the graphics framerate is synchronized with the monitor's refresh rate, 0 otherwise. joystick button presses) might not prevent the display from sleeping, if display sleep is allowed. You can choose whichever you prefer, things will basically work the same either way. yekr eycxv liosn ufzw ejshat tmdu ouqwjft aaubnh rvbwn ctp lvun hclij bsllvx mthrdx addw