Conan exiles sword of crom no damage. It now reduces stamina cost for all attacks by 15%.


Conan exiles sword of crom no damage This weapon has a slightly lower than normal stamina cost. Crom is a Chief Deity of The Cimmerian and a type of religion in Conan Exiles. The first hit they do does damage to an NPC, after that there is no damage. 0768 Swinging on an unarmored target light attack did 140 130. The Sword of Crom is the highest damage 2H weapon and interestingly they went the opposite direction with that - it drains 100% of stamina, so for players you can only swing it once, rendering it pretty much useless. 24 * . Only use light attacks. It will work normally on your thralls (no grit stat) and I believe is the highest damage output a thrall can get (but I'm not positive, as I've never found it myself. Right now it's useless, it drains all of your stamina with one swing, and on thralls they hit like a wet paper towel. Men speak of Atlantis as merely a legend, a place that once existed but has passed into the ancestral memory of mankind, lost beneath the waves thousands of years ago. It can be learned selecting it as the main religion during character creation. Sword of crom has the single highest damage rating in game (but saps stamina), perfect for thralls. Unfortunately the sword of crom is useless for any purpose other than a wall decoration. Weilding 2H hammers applies hyperarmor on both light and heavy swings, preventing most knockdowns so while the hammers are slower to kill some bosses, they are way more efficient overall for thralls than any other weapon in my Aug 13, 2022 · The sword of crom is changing for thralls in 3. Regardless of their durability, kitted status, illusions, damage, etc all have been reset to: 450 durability, 78 damage, 20% armor penetration. What became of the Blackstorm's maiden voyage is an ongoing mystery, but a looted officer's blade suggests a tale. Crucial February 18, 2023, 9:22pm 1. 12 = 399. Mar 25, 2024 · In Chapter 4 of the Age Of War, Funcom are fixing/changing up the Sword of Crom. (too powerful Thrall weapons) Several people have suggested to make the Sword Of Crom deal no damage when equipped to thralls, to make it a weapon where the players have to deal with the downsides, maybe that is what happened here? Weapon Damage*Thrall DMG Multiplier*STR Bonus=Raw Damage(before armor mitigation)--So for example, if you have a Cimmerian Berserker(not leveled) with an unmodified Sword of Crom, this would be the formula. Since AoW all the bosses got nerfed into the floor, player damage went through the roof, player survivability went through the roof, thrall damage went up a lot. There's so many different little things though. 1h Swords are meh 1h Axes are ok. They hold themselves accountable to no man but the king. 0This was recorded in a Testlive version of the game Sep 6, 2022 · The Sword of Crom was deliberately nerfed to make it useless for thralls with 3. But really, they are the two best options for fighter thralls, so it would be hard to go wrong. The quake has the feature that shakes players screens I don't know but that might be it. aaargghhh!' On the Exiled Lands, it can be purchased from Shamalla The Pirate Queen for 100 Pearls at the top area of Flotsam. RHTS has a damage modifier of 2. Mind you, it’s a feature that sucks, but that’s a different topic. Mar 11, 2024 · Back in the patch notes. 21 * . Oct 11, 2022 · This is a question cause, despite farming the City constatly for 6 months I still didn’t get that f*ckin sword. The Predatory Blade (One-Handed Weapon) This blade has the highest damage stats when compared to all other one-handed swords: 91 Damage. To get the latest revision of this page, use Purge or Purge iv been farming it on/off over the last 2 days now. no idea where the name " legendarys" even comes ;). This weapon has the attack combo of a 1-handed axe, but is actually counted as a 2-handed weapon (thus preventing its wielder from employing off-hand items). Non-craftable weapons are random loot from NPCs or chests. That being said, the range is slightly higher than a one-handed axe. i have 83 shards of power (after buying power oils and spending ~12 on getting random scrolls) , 2 of the helmets that give +4 cold resistance, 2 of the sandmask like helmets, 2 white swords, 1 bastard sword of lyer, countless other relics. It is Nov 11, 2023 · Basic Info: Platform: Steam Issue Type: Gameplay Game Mode: Online Private Server Type: PvE Map: Exiled Lands Server Name: EUR,PVE,Relaxed,Friendly,Hyborian Dragons Mods: None Bug Description: Sword of Crom doesn’t deal damage on most occasions when used by a thrall. Sword of crom. May 17, 2024 · Sword of Crom (Two-Handed Sword) Although its current standing may seem diminished compared to previous iterations, the Sword of Crom retains respectable specs, boasting 100 health damage and 22% armor penetration. 21 with the same sword 58 damage and 19 ap 2. As always, avoid giving thralls shields. 251K subscribers in the ConanExiles community. I have 500 armour on a medium armour build, and they hit for 70% of my HP, the sword skeleton being the worst offender, with a chance to cripple, and f Nov 27, 2019 · In this "Conan Exiles Sword Of Crom VS Doom 2H Hammer" video I will be testing out the damage on the Sword Of Corm and I'll be comparing it with the Doom 2H Dec 12, 2019 · But taking a stab at it; the Sword of Crom was nerfed from 121 down to 90 damage when it occurred (25. I’m rather surprised that I haven’t seen anyone comment on this yet. Highest dmg is 87 armor pen 27 add a master weapon fitting and it's like 2 points shy of crom. Somewhat odd decision, but reasonable. The distinction between a dagger and a shortsword is blurry at best. The Lifeblood Spear was nerfed from 5 hp per sec down to 1 hp per sec, in addition to a number of nerfs to its damage rating. 1 to 0. My first sword of crom, dropped before the patch, has 121 damage. 6% of it damage gone in on fell swoop). 92 + 0. :D current items you have dont GET BOOSTED , same as current items you have crafted they dont get downgraded . Literally 0 points is damage to the NPC. I tried the Crom sword and the Warmaker hammer on two of my thralls. Sep 16, 2023 · I need help, for some reason my followers only deal damage with the first 2 basic attacks and then no matter how much they hit they no longer inflict damage, they inflict 0 damage, I can't leave a follower killing nothing alone because it doesn't kill him, someone explain why this happens? Or how can I solve it? 2h greatsword are also viable for its damage output. I got 3 perfect stat swords out of about 1627 made with a bladesmith Word of Power: Lightning Storm is one of the Knowledges in Conan Exiles. For example feroxic got nerfed from 59 dmg 30 pen to way less damage , If you still got feroxic that were crafted before that patch with 59 dmg 30 pen , they will still have same attributes but only newly ones crafted gonna have lower . Thralls could use it, but after the nerf, they can't. When King Ferdrugo of Zingara vowed to cleanse the Barachan Isles of piracy, the Blackstorm was the first of a new class of war-galley raised for that purpose. The legendary drawback of the sword though, was that each swing depleted all stamina. 01 :D The sword of crom just happens to be its own weapon type. The item can be looted from Legendary Chests or Jul 11, 2021 · Welcome back to a brand new episode! Conan Exiles, Today I will be showing you how to get the sword of crom on the savage wilds mod map, Hope you enjoy the v Apr 12, 2024 · Thralls are now useless. 91*3. Thrall can use it, they will just do a lot of heavy attacks which won't do damage. Because they are smaller and weigh less than other weapons, short Weapons in Conan Exiles. Xbox Bug Reports. The Temple of Frost - TeleportPlayer -118517 -240870 9314 or Ophirean Journal #5 on the ground on the opposite side of the river from Howler's Lode. Then they nerved it so thralls only did 1 damage. While you may not wish to wield it, the Sword of Crom can be a mighty weapon for your thralls to wield. That drawback was erased in the hands of a thrall who could just keep swinging it madly without worrying about stamina. It may even be one of the largest ever built in Conan Exiles. Dec 23, 2021 · Berserker has a damage modifier of 2. BUT you only get one swing at a time. It is the Sword of Crom for goodness sake, not the sword of flowers, not some hello kitty memorabillia, and the Sword of Crom should embody its namesake (a gloomy savage barbarian god) and strike with the same ferocity as the Dark Lord of the Mound himself. The very act of holding it requires all the willpower you can muster and only the most steadfast warriors can resist to succumb to the dark powers infused into this blade. In the hands of a competent wielder, this two-handed sword does additional damage with every strike. If you have an Aja's Bane and your best 2-H sword is Papyrus or some similar, the mace is a better choice. With the As noted in kakuri's wiki link, it's dropped by the humanoid bosses in the unnamed city. 24 swinging a star metal great sword with 58 damage and 19 ap 2. Apr 13, 2021 · And players for that matter should not benefit from the improved damage of heavy attacks. Wanted to ask if that was ever reversed and they can use them now? The Sword of Crom is incredible — inflicting massive damage in a single swing. I tried to use a Blackheart Blade, and discovered it also does 0 damage when wielded by a thrall. You may use whatever armor you prefer but i would keep the stats as shown. Status effect? Scythe of Thag. especially the one that does poison. sword of crom is now useless as most of the others legendary weapons. Damage is the amount of health damage inflicted on a naked character (no armor), without skill point, and with a 100% damage modifier. Sword of crom nerf sucks. If your best 2h sword is Sword of Crom and your best mace is nothing special, definitely the sword. This make the sword unusable… To bad when it’s a really cool looking sword] Please provide a step-by-step process of how the bug can be reproduced. The part at the end of the movie where Conan stands on the ledge up top and has a sword and an axe. 1568 = 130. Among legendary weapons, a few are reliably the strongest in their category: Aja's Bane for vanilla maces, Festering One for vanilla axes, Blade of the Adventurer for 2-h swords. Funcom, how about adding a description to weapons that have this kind of limitation? Something like “thralls can’t use”. even with their increased HP, since even the best ones have a damage modifier of 0. Several dozen circuits through that city, I've nabbed the sword of crom 3 or 4 times, but still never seen the predatory blade you currently seek. On the other hand the predatory blade is bad on thralls because they randomly use attacks and d A subreddit dedicated to the discussion of Conan Exiles, the open-world survival game set in the Conan the Barbarian universe! attachment for Sword of Crom Apr 2, 2024 · Floor Pillows can no longer be stacked; Zamorian Canopy no longer clips with crafting stations, building, and decoration pieces and with itself; The King Below will once again drop the Diadem of Kings; The Sword of Crom now properly deals damage to all enemy types, even when held by Thralls. The Blade of the Betrayer can be dismantled using the Dismantling Bench to recover the following materials: 4 Star Metal Bar For slightly more materials, you can use the Improved Dismantling Bench: 5 Star Nov 10, 2022 · Sword of Crom, both of the crafted weapons and end boss weapon drops from the Warmaker’s dungeon aren’t designed to be used by thralls. For players who don’t know any better, this appears like an in-game bug. That's the sword's disadvantage. 0768 + 19 = 140. However, it means no combos which makes it less damage than attacking with a standard weapon that can be used in combos. This makes them significantly worse than Annihilator, and taking durability into account puts Feb 25, 2024 · As Macdallan commented, when used by thralls the sword of crom does 0 damage. That is where most of the damage comes from. The 3. They have not attained the wealth and position of knighthood or have fallen from that estate; they are hard-bitten fighters, dedicating their lives to war and adventure. When the Sword of Crom is equipped on a thrall, it reduces armor rating per point of damage dealt up to maximum of 500 armor, this effect resets after 20 seconds of dealing no damage. Apr 20, 2019 · Conan Exiles > Workshop > Thormodor's Funcom Redused the damage of Sword of Crom, This mod does not remove the stam drain. It doesn’t happen with any other weapon I’ve tried. I have not tested every weapon or every NPC, but I don't think it should matter. I tested this today, the Sword of Crom does ZERO damage when used by a thrall! A lot of older guides recommend sword of crom for fighter thralls. That’s a feature, not a bug. They apply a hidden buff to them that sets their damage to 0 after 5 seconds of equipping it, so quite often the first hit will land if they didn't have the weapon in their hand, but then any subsequent hits deal no damage. CROM! She could kill things in two to three hits, but she got ganked in seconds by a couple of vikings when I fell off the side of a mound. I just lost a level 18 thrall who had CROM. The other legendaries aren't the absolute best, but there are some useful ones: Blade of the Adventurer (76/16 2H sword) is nearly top-tier Apr 2, 2024 · Zamorian Canopy no longer clips with crafting stations, building, and decoration pieces and with itself; The King Below will once again drop the Diadem of Kings; The Sword of Crom now properly deals damage to all enemy types, even when held by Thralls. Every time I equip it to a thrall, it's been doing zero damage ever since. 00 with some rounding. How does one get this powerful weapon? Find out by wat Jan 18, 2023 · The list covers weapons from all three above-mentioned categories in no particular order. com/user?u=33465358New B. The more details you provide us with the Aja's Bane all the way. 24 * 58 = 129. Nov 13, 2023 · The Sword of Crom is great for: Superior Upgradeable Health Damage; Superior Upgradeable Armor Penetration; Good Durability; High Damage strategic hits and cripple affect; Two Handed Sword Attack Style; Sword of Crom Stats: 107 Health Damage; 22% Armor Penetration; 1,796 Durability; Cripple Affect; High Stamina Drain; How to get the Sword of Crom: Apr 3, 2024 · It won’t let me upload a video but yea I feel like I’m doing no where near the damage I used todo until I did the update and now they nearly kill me before I have any of them at half health. Even the bearers are only marginally better, just by dint of having more Apr 27, 2020 · no more sword of crom on thralls, sad testlive patch notes. Sword of Crom uses all of your stamina in a single swing. She couldnt get away, nor swing the damn sword. @Croms_Faithful has emphasized the importance of Crom in the past. General Discussion. ly/2NslPIO Support me on Patreon: https://www. they lose dps Unfortunately the exiled Lands has shit for greataxes. I can’t decide what weapon to give him. it brings the damage back to original Sep 24, 2022 · These Builds are focused on survivability and obtainability. Most armour penetration? Seven Winds (katana with 100%) but the base damage is so low you'll probably deal less overall. 15 base STR is 12% bonus. The Axe of the Lion is now predatory. Mar 5, 2020 · Conan Exiles. Mar 10, 2024 · The Sword of Crom now properly deals damage to all enemy types, even when held by Thralls. Drops from Bone Guardians on the Isle of Siptah. The Blackice broadsword also has very high damage, otherwise dragonbone weapons are the easiest "high end" weapons to produce, they just weigh more and have lower durability. I let my thralls beat on a few different NPCs to test this out. The item can be looted from the following NPCs : Weapon Legendary items cannot be repaired. However, if they dont do it a bunch or if they get interrupted constantly . If anyone was wondering, all Sword of Crom items have been completely reset. There is no way to bypass that at the moment. Due to its fragile nature (450 durability), pair it with a Master Weapon Fitting or Reinforcement Kit. From a lore perspective, it actually makes sense. Anything that will disrupt your thrall's attack pattern - which includes most enemies - stalls the already-short SoC attack pattern so it heavily reduces damage output. I looked at crafting a flawless two-handed sword, but even with a damage kit, it does less damage than the daggers (though more armor penetration). For some reason, the handle of this blade has an inscription bearing a striking resemblance to a troll. Conan Exiles. Feb 9, 2024 · Ps5 Conan Exiles Bug/Glitch with Sword Of Crom They use karak pants which gives them stamina with rolling thrust they roll then lock on doing the running attack and attack with the heavy combo and you get 1 shot when they roll and attack with sword of crom or annialater they loose no stamina cannot fight aggainst a sword that 1 taps you a whole clan using it please fix this. It now reduces stamina cost for all attacks by 15%. While gold is malleable and easily bendable, this sword has a core of solid steel. The Lying Bastard Sword can be found in the Unnamed City, by Aug 12, 2022 · @Palm523, the patch notes read: Redesigned the effect of the Sigil of the Fiend. I feel like it may have gotten caught in a spreadsheet overhaul. 07 For thralls: any 2 handed sword, the end goal is a sword of crom (only drops from 3 skull skeletons using a sword or maul in the unnamed city, the big blue skeleton also drops it) but a teiliths sorrow is also very good (recipe learnt at the black keep, just past a bridge connecting the snow & highlands, must be able to make star metal tools to Jul 25, 2019 · Tbh it was never clarified if it was a bug in the first place, or if it is intended after the Sword of Crom outcry. Only a true barbarian could be worthy. Mar 10, 2024 · It is preposterous. However, such strength comes at the cost of draining your stamina, no matter how much you try to avoid it. 121 damage I believe. X that said it’s no longer usable. ) Aug 10, 2022 · Ah Set, here we go again. It can also be dropped by Nruka on the Isle of Siptah in the Black Hand camp The Sword of Crom remains the best general-purpose thrall weapon. I’m max level, and got 32 points in agility. It gives me the added benefit of being able to use ranged weapons very effectively while also dealing massive close range melee Reply reply More replies More replies Sep 20, 2022 · The sword of crom does the most effecient damage of any weapon in the game in terms of straight damage+penetration. Aug 10, 2022 · Sword of Crom will no longer deal damage when equipped by thralls. 3 (the T4), lower tiers have anything from 0. The topic has been of much speculation among the smiths of Ahkbitan for many, many years - often discussed over tankards of ale in backwater taverns. Some bosses like the brittle Skeleton Bosses in the cellar, hit like a train, but take little damage. They didn’t say they reduced its damage, only ensured it does damage. 20str 20agi 20vit sword of crom, rolling thrust special attack 8shot most bosses and still have stamina to roll away if you missm or do bad timing. A subreddit dedicated to the discussion of Conan Exiles, the open-world survival game set in the Conan… I made a video about it, crafted over 1500 2h sword of legion because it's basically the sword of crom without the stamina effect if you get perfect stats. You can block people to death because they get bleeding from attacking you. . On Exile lands Teliths Sorrow is by far the best I believe. Iv narrowed it down to my predatory blade( my question is does he use the heavy attack or only the light), axe of the lion for the +5 str, blade of the adventurer( but lian is pretty weak already with a shield) or lastly Aja’s bane. However, in the Hyborian cultures such as Aquilonia or Nemedia, where shield walls and cavalry charges have become a reality of combat, short swords are prized for their ability to thrust and stab in spaces where no longsword could ever be wielded. A normal skeleton had a sliver of health left, and he hit the skeleton 3 times with no noticeable damage being done. So no pre-nerf copies exist. Incredibly draining to wield, it causes tremendous damage for each blow that lands. 5264 DMG Which weapon is better for you thrall? Find out here! Subscribe: https://bit. This weapon is occasionally The best would be, you pick any weapon, and let the Thrall do the majority of the work. No lowly thrall should be able to effectively wield Crom’s sword. It vibrates in anticipation for the coming slaughter. So it got fixed. This shortsword is clearly made by human hands in imitation of the bizarre growths and alien materials that cover the strange beings known as the Grey Ones. Sword of Crom is good, but it depends heavily on who/what you're fighting. Note that weapons crafted with the help of a bowmaker, bladesmith or confessor thrall will get additonal damage. Drops from Yuxa of the Brood on the Exiled Lands. Find out the new changes here Greatswords do their damage in a bigger area and work well for crowds. Oct 2, 2023 · Yup, Sword of Crom or the Warmaker's craftable weapons (like blackheart blade etc) are intentionally disabled for followers. 20 strength, Agility, Forged in the depths of the Volcano that looms over the Exiled Lands, this sword is made of obsidian. Bug Reproduction: Place a In primitive cultures, short swords are scoffed at as little more than knives. Bloody nonsense. Swords are straight-bladed, one-handed weapons, both fast and reliable. 92*1. 07 = . The best one is star metal crafted with a bladesmith and modded with an armor pen kit. Surely I'm not the first person to do this, so what's the best weapon to put on my thrall to go farm for the Sword of Crom amongst the undead? Feb 20, 2022 · A sword that is very strong and can do MASSIVE Damage yet its rare. I have also tested it with my sword of crom and also sythe of thag and still doing next to no damage @ZahMaiatt A subreddit dedicated to the discussion of Conan Exiles, the open-world survival game set in the Conan the Barbarian universe! Members Online If you've played Palworld, you've no doubt had inner tears at what Conan's settlement update could have been By Crom is an Emote in Conan Exiles. I think the change to the sword of crom are fine except for the abysmal amount of durability that is has. A subreddit dedicated to the discussion of Conan Exiles, the open-world survival game set in the Conan… A subreddit dedicated to the discussion of Conan Exiles, the open-world survival game set in the Conan the Barbarian universe! Members Online I made a fanart of my current favorite Thralls! Related Conan Exiles Open world Survival game Action-adventure game Gaming forward back r/Grey_Knights Subreddit dedicated to the Grey Knights from Warhammer 40,000 Nov 27, 2022 · pls can someone explain why my thralls cant damage the enemy?? i played almost a year ago and missed changes so many things are new is it a new mechanics messed some thrall mods or i dont get it. This weapon was forged ages ago by one of the Giant King's smiths. Blade of the Adventurer is also good if the Wikis numbers are correct. Specialization: None Avatar: None Crom gives a man courage at birth, and the will and Sep 9, 2022 · I recently learned that the Sword of Crom no longer does damage when wielded by a thrall. Mr-Spankolicious July 27, 2023, 8:54pm The description of the legendary weapon "Blade of the Adventurer" says it does more damage with each hit: The grip of this sword is worn smooth by participation in thousands of battles and the blade is oiled and razor sharp. but not the one i'm after. Are you by any chance using the Sword of Crom on them? That sword has been changed to do no damage when wielded by thralls. so my question is if the sword of crom is still the best or at least one of the best thrall weapons out there? if not, which weapons are the best for thralls right now? in pvE bossfights, not While the sword does massive damage, it often doesn't do any damage at all due to the thrall being knocked down. I personally use 2h sword on the second thrall, but if i am with one thrall only, i would still go with 1h mace. Located in the Unnamed City. When used by players it consumes your entire stamina per attack. 252K subscribers in the ConanExiles community. ITS THE SWORD OF CROM GIVE IT BACK MORE DAMAGE also it broke only after 2 dungeons and i went with a party of 4 so i didnt kill everything with it and it broke so fast from full health. Sep 3, 2022 · Does damage on frist hit then does do no more damage to that enemy. Related Conan Exiles Open Mar 4, 2019 · Game mode: [Online official, with MOD] Type of issue: [Bug | Misc] Server type: [ PvE] Region: [EU] [The Sword of Crom uses all my stamina up in one blow. They don't use stamina so they can swing it endlessly, meanwhile the player can do one swing every 5 seconds or so due to stamina. I wouldn't use it on your character, though. Dec 4, 2021 · Conan Exiles. Funcom Forums Sword of crom, damage glitch. Dec 26, 2022 · Now that thralls are no longer able to deal any damage at all with the Sword of Crom, and players have much larger health pools following the Attributes work, I would like to politely call upon Funcom to buff the Sword of Crom. Always has at least one Fragment of Power and a Grandmaster Weapon Repair Kit or Grandmaster Armor Repair Kit in its inventory when defeated. The conclusion of I'm no experienced player but my thralls wouldn't do damage while using special weapons for instance I tried to use warmaker weapons and my thrall had no damage output. i never read all the information about it since i dint have one, but i heard there were some big nerfs for the sword back in summer. 1568 2. It is brittle, but the sharp facets of the black glass will cause additional damage to opponents. Anything that isnt a bearer will die in seconds. A Yeah. In terms of meta game the greatsword is also given to many thralls (best melee for them IMO) and they give massive boosts to damage, so perhaps devs didn’t want it getting out of hand. Restore the sword to its original pre-nerf value of 121 damage, or raise it even higher to say ~150?. overall about 6-8 hours of contentious farming. Sword of Crom will no longer deal damage when equipped by thralls. Apr 5, 2024 · Inventory menus too small now, legandary 2 handed swords are breaking much faster now for some reason. Weapon stats have been adjusted as a result Sword of Crom is the best 2-handed weapon for thralls, because they have no grit or stamina stats. pc. But I’ve read that now it doesn’t deal damage when held by Thralls, is this bulls**t true ? Did devs completely destroyed another totally fine weapon just because they felt so ? Jul 25, 2023 · I finally got the Sword of Crom and gave it to my thrall. 92 129. If the thrall spins alot , then the 2 hand axe may very well do more damage per second than either a sword of crom or aja's wrath. In the past, the Sword of Crom was the best weapon for thralls. Feb 18, 2023 · Conan Exiles. So you nerfed all new sword of crom drops and forgot to nerf the old one? What is happening? That doesn’t make sense, it is unfair to new players. 0, the other 4 weapons were like that from the get go. A subreddit dedicated to the discussion of Conan Exiles, the open-world… Considered the most dangerous foes in all of Nemedia, the Adventurers are a class of warrior peculiar to that country. Many an opponents last words when seeing this sword has been 'And what do you expect to cut with tha. Great swords are faster than many other two-handed weapons, and their great reach makes them ideal for fending off groups of opponents. Xbox Discussion. This is what the patch notes should say regarding SoC: Ah Set, here we go again. Negative effects are inflicted, though. TeleportPlayer -134738 115141 -11645 Since he has a high 11 votes, 40 comments. the new weapon is too easy cheap to craft and it's really strong, but not that OP as the armor which takes almost no effort to be crafted. For thralls? Sword of Crom. This sword is named Sword Of Crom. I saw an update for 3. Oct 25, 2019 · Hey, while farming in the unnamed city i got my first sword of crom. The Sword of Crom can be found in the Unnamed City, by looting boss creatures. 92x dmg multiplier is per the wiki. Unworthy wielders of this weapon will not be able to wield this weapon. Basic Info: Platform: Xbox Series S Sword of Crom does damage when used by Jul 27, 2023 · Sword of Crom and Cursed Weapons (Warmaker looted and crafted) cannot deal damage when a Thrall uses them. This was not due to the two handed sword changes, as the event predates them. You may do hundreds of damage per strike with the greatsword if you have multiple hostiles. 0. A typical action taken to indicate praise of Crom. Most damage but still usable? Adventurer or Telith. patreon. Stone-Spear March 5, 2020, 7:15pm 1. There’s just no reason I can think of that warranted such a change. Aug 11, 2022 · no stamina drain in theory by simply rolling out of the way of an attack and counter attacking. Teliths sorrow does over 70 with weapon damage kit. While not crafted for or by Crom, this sword might as well have been. May 9, 2019 · So I just got my second sword of crom and noticed its 91 damage. He guards a big eternal flame beacon in a small artificial cove below the stone guardway. I tested this with max Str and max Agility, it works. I am looking for a warhammer comparable to the Sword of Crom in damage output. It is now comparable to the Blade of the Adventurer in the amount of Damage and armor pen it has, If the sword is going to remain in that damage pool it should have more durability. The Sword of Crom! I was overjoyed, and immediately equipped it to my thrall, and it worked great for like a 2-3 kills, then it was doing zero damage. Damage damage but less pen as Sorrow. It used to be the go-to weapon for thralls due to the damage it gave, then the developers decided to nerf it hard. I know he was hitting, because the skeleton was being knocked back a bit, he just wasn’t losing health. Also, ppl usually use them because being grouped by npcs is probably the biggest danger thralls could face. A subreddit dedicated to the discussion of Conan Exiles, the open-world survival game set in the Conan the Barbarian universe! (50 damage 100% armor pen) on the Most damage? Sword of Crom. Scholars who have glimpsed the blade agree that the runes are A subreddit dedicated to the discussion of Conan Exiles, the open-world survival game set in the Conan the Barbarian universe! Members Online TIL golems can be made without arms. Weapon Repairing Obsidian Great Sword requires up to: 23 Thralls don’t deal damage with Sword of Crom or Blackheart weapons, of course Funcom puts No in game indicators telling people this. This sword, discovered by Conan the Cimmerian when he stumbled into the depths of some forgotten pit, seems to resonate with the sorrow of that long-lost continent. Dropped by Petr Storm-heir on the Isle of Siptah A subreddit dedicated to the discussion of Conan Exiles, the open-world survival game set in the Conan the Barbarian universe! Members Online Make sure you know what you're jumping into Okay I have a lvl 14 lian with 50 str. If true that would make it instantly pointless as a weapon - using up the player's entire stamina pool per swing makes it non-viable for player use. Recently, in a patch, they changed the way the sword works and they made it usable by thralls again. It's not a viable weapon for a player character. is it supposed to be this rare? A subreddit dedicated to the discussion of Conan Exiles, the open-world survival game set in the Conan the Barbarian universe! Members Online Make sure you know what you're jumping into There are just so many things wrong with that statement :D First of all, bearers have nowhere near the damage capabilities to solo a crocodile boss. As for swords, not sure if you mean two handed or one but for two handed it'll be teliths sorrow crafted with a bladesmith, has 2 points of raw dmg less than blade of the adventurer but 10% more armor pen which means it's better in 90% of scenarios. Weapon stats have been adjusted as a result; Eldarium Cache and Bag of Essences now have For players? Predatory blade. No less then 2000 probably as the Blade of the Adventurer has 2800 some durability the 2 hand axes are good, IF and only IF the thralls use the spinning attack. All Discussions Screenshots Artwork Broadcasts Videos Workshop News Guides Reviews but where do you get teh sword of crom in siptah? < > Showing 1-2 I would then stand on the edge with sword in one hand and axe in the other, remembering the coolest part from Conan the Destroyer, which I would describe every single time (that poor guy lol). Being the god who answers no prayers, Crom is an excellent choice for players who don't wish to participate in the religion system of Conan Exiles. This former Commander wields an iron crown and a one-handed star metal sword. Still, you should know that it only deals this much damage on light attacks. Farming Unnamed City I noticed he wasn’t doing any damage with it. Sword of Crom was added to the cannot be used by thralls list with update 3. 2-0. azv vxns hdwovxs wgiy cjn ssky kzsnqc zrwag cknzei novcbdm znjn gsqocns tofza emly ryk