Computerization of land records in assam 02 percent Cadastral Maps have been digitized (2,49,57,221 maps out of total 3,66,92,728 maps), 94. The details of the same are as under: Computerization of Land Records has been completed (more than 90%) in 23 States/ UTs and substantial progress has been achieved in 11 States/ UTs. Committee for Framing of New Land Policy. Ministry of Rural Development. Designed & Developed by National Informatics Centre (NIC) Nodal Department Nov 18, 2024 · The basic system of land records in India was developed during the British rule and it has not yet been modified according to the needs and characteristics of present-day requirements. of Districts Where Available) - 0 Note: From Column No. 56 lakh villages in India covering over 94% areas in 29 States/UTs More than 1. Designed & Developed by National Informatics Centre (NIC) Nodal Department The Digital India Land Records Modernization Programme (DILRMP) Guidelines, Technical Manuals and MIS 2018-19 Department of Land Resources Ministry of Rural Development Government of India 1 FOREWORD For modernization of land records system in the country, a modified programme, viz. ILRMS Integrated Land Records Management System. Constitution of an Authority for Rehabilitation of erosion affected families in Assam. 12. Oct 14, 2024 · Digital India Land Records Modernization Programme-MIS 4. Records for Assam as mandated under Re -Survey To be completed by DILRMP 31stDecember, 2023 Purification of Land Records in Mission Mode Portal launch on 2nd Oct 2021 Application by citizens till 30th Nov, 2021 Disposal by 10th May 2022 Portal for Mutation and Partition application etc. Two Centrally sponsored schemes of Computerization of Land Records (CLR) and Strengthening of Revenue Administration and updating of Land Records (SRA&ULR) were merged. Created Date: 5/19/2023 4:31:32 PM Dec 6, 2024 · Integration: The ULPIN is linked with existing land records and Aadhaar. Dec 18, 2023 · Andhra Pradesh pioneered computerization of land records in the early 2000s which covered over 50 million records across 13,000 villages. 5 Subsidy Scheme for Naduar Co-District. Designed & Developed by National Informatics Centre (NIC) Nodal Department Home Assam Land Records Manual. b) Integrated online & issuing NOC for 4 Circles. 00 104. got their entire property records computerized during the year 2007. VARIOUS MODULES OF ILRMS . Jun 1, 2020 · In India, Land Records can be defined as a generic expression that may include records, such as, the Records of Rights (RoRs); tenancy and crop inspection register; mutation register; disputed cases register etc. Therefore, land records and related documents need to be electronically documented. Content Ownership Directorate of Land Records, Govt. The workflow of Integrated Land Records, Registration of Immovable Property, Issuance of No Objection Certificate (NOC) for transfer of immovable property. Organization . to implement the project in a controlled fashion, initially at Junagadh district on pilot basis. DHARITREE Il Land Records Computerization Project 751'. Bhalla Private Secretary to the Ministry of State, Dept. in Phone: 03612452854 Fax: 03612452854. Contact Us for Support. 43@gmail. Search . Newly Computerization of land Records completed in 31 states/Uts Stoppage of Issuance of Records of rights in Uploading of the land records data on web Multiple agencies for service deliveries in five states Digitally signed copy of ROR Computerization of Registration process in 30 states Web enabled registration process The Integrated Land Records Management System ensures that all the processes for the transfer and registration of land and updation of land records, like, Mutation, partition, Conversion, and Reclassification, and land revenue collection are handled online and people will have access to the land records online. I the pre NeGP phase, two schemes of the Ministry of Rural development-computerization of land records (CLR) and strengthening of revenue administration and updation of land records (SRA&ULR) 2016, the digitisation of land records had been relaunched under the National Land Records Modernisation Programme. It is said modernisation of management of land records will minimise the scope of land disputes, and enhance transparency in the land records maintenance system. You can also find your DAG number on the Assam land record paper. 5 ) 1280 145 Registration Deed No:Deed Oate of application for the copy. 00 lakh per Record Room 13 Nos. Subsequently the government introduced the digital India land records modernization programme in 2008. The Project of Computerization of Land Records Phase-I has been initiated in 2013 in 07 districts of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa namely 1) Peshawar 2) Mardan 3) Abbottabad 4) Buner 5) Kohat 6) Bannu& 7) D. GOVERNMENT OF ASSAM Revenue & Disaster Management . It was very difficult to get land related information like Records of Right, Fard, Khata Khatauni, Bhu naksha and other information. of Assam. By STAFF Reporter - 15 Sep 2010 12:00 AM GMT The workflow of Integrated Land Records, Registration of Immovable Property, Issuance of No Objection Certificate (NOC) for transfer of immovable property. Department of Land Resources. . NLRMP program has solved this problem by developing a website. The remaining one will be addressed in the second phase. 2008. Oate on which the copy was road/ for delivery. 2024) SRO Computerized (%) Completed Modern Record Room(%) Bottom 5 Dec 22, 2022 · Computerization of Land Records completed in over 6. Land Records also include geographical information of each parcel of land with its boundary, size, soil-type of the land; and economic information related to irrigation and crops (Bal Jun 28, 2014 · Bhulekh which means bhu + alekh (Land + Records) is the facility to check online land records in Uttar Pradesh state. Jun 25, 2023 · Easy way to find Assam Land Records. 1. 10. Also, 87% of Sub-Registrar Offices (SROs) have been integrated with land records. Designed & Developed by National Informatics Centre (NIC) Nodal Department Accordingly, as per order the Central Government, the scheme was started in Assam taking 3(three) districts viz- Nagaon, Karbi Anglong and Kamrup Metropolitan as pilot districts. The objective of DILRMP is to digitize and modernize the land records and to develop a centralized land record management system in India. The three important components of DILRMP are: Computerization of the land records. Department of Land Resources Ministry of Rural Development, Government of India Digital India Land Records Modernization Programme (DILRMP) Computerization of Land Records(CLR) - Physical Progress State/UT: ASSAM * Data extracted in column no. The principal land records being maintained are: Jamabandi( Records of Rights) Map; Certified copies may be required by owners of land for many reasons. The Department is periodically imparting training to all level of officials in land management and computerization of land records in collaboration with IIT, Guwahati and Survey of India, Hyderabd and Gauhati University. Dec 22, 2023 · In terms of basic components, Computerization of Land Records i. 00 Modern record rooms/land records management centres at tehsil/taluk/ circle/block level (90% Central share) Rs. Address: O/o THE DIRECTOR OF LAND RECORDS AND SURVEYS ETC. 'et. 2023, 161 districts in 14 States (Assam, Andhra Pradesh, Bihar, Chhattisgarh, Gujarat, Jharkhand, Madhya Pradesh, Maharashtra, Odisha, Rajasthan, Tripura, Tamil Nadu, West Bengal and Uttar Pradesh) have achieved Platinum Grading by completing 99% and above the work in above six components. l. NOC : online Jun 1, 2016 · Kuldip Rai Joint Secretary (Land Reforms), Ministry of Rural Development, Department of Land Resources, Government of India. However the city property records are still not fully computerized and “Land Records Information System” (LRIS) is web based multi-tiered, scalable, reliable, and secure network enterprise application. 02% at the national level. , the National Land Records Modernization Programme (NLRMP) has been started since 2008-09 by merging two Centrally-sponsored schemes of Computerization of Land Records (CLR) and Strengthening of Revenue Administration and Updating of Land Records (SRA&ULR). The Survey/Re-survey, the computerization of land records, the automation of sub-registrar offices (SROs), and similar other objectives complement the land digitization process in India. DHARITREE Il Land Records Computerization Project (Jamabandi for Surveyed Village) Case Number : SON/TEZ/JB/6362/2020 Printed Dated : 16/09/2020 Mouza 10 149 5—16 Subdivision Village/Town o-xs-xs Circle District Lot Number:BiTR Soo. (9) to (16) State Level Data Designation: ASSISTANT DIRECTOR OF SURVEYS, ASSAM Email: indrajit141@yahoo. 8. Revenue and Disaster Management Department :: Government of Assam The efficient management of the country's land resources for long-term economic development and social, cultural amity and community that is of the highest importance in the context of modern technology and entrepreneurship is universally recognized. Dhruba Jyoti Designation : Generated Date : 13/05/2019 1/1 Subdivision Village/Town Circle Please note this is a system generated certificate and does not need any signature Content Ownership Directorate of Land Records, Govt. 0 (till 14. b) NOC for Immovable Property Transfer. This land information system would allow basic data entry of all the plots and May 10, 2023 · In the recently concluded National Conference on “Land Governance in North Eastern States” held on 3 rd - 4 th May 2023 in Guwahati, the Territorial and Autonomous District Councils in the States of Assam, Tripura, Mizoram and Meghalaya held that digitization and modernization of land records is essential for development. 4 days ago · In terms of basic components, Computerization of Land Records i. Computerization of PACS/GPSS: Out of the five PACS/GPSS identified for computerization, four have been taken up in the first phase. , the National Land Records Modernization Programme (NLRMP), now renamed as Digital India Land Records Modernization Programme (DILRMP), has been formulated by merging two Centrally sponsored schemes of Computerization of Land Records (CLR) and Strengthening of Computerization of Land Records (CLR) : State/ UT - ASSAM Availability of Gender Based Land Ownership (RoR) (No. co. This e-governance initiative called Meebhoomi enabled self-service access through online portal and kiosks. Designed & Developed by National Informatics Centre (NIC) Nodal Department DHARITREE Il Land Records Computerization Project (Jamabandi for Surveyed Village) case Number : MET/DlS/JB/1345t2019 printed Dated : 13/05/2019 Mouza 10 : Dr. 66 crore in the country Nearly 4,000 Sub Registrar Offices out of 5,254 Offices integrated with Land Records Integrated In 2008, Department of Land Resources (Ministry of Rural Development), Government of India, merged the two existing land record computerization schemes to launch National Land Records Modernization Programme (NLRMP), which was revamped to Digital India-Land Records Modernisation Programme (DI-LRMP) in 2014. Land Record Computerisation: An Innovative Approach to Management damages due to white ants etc. Enhanced Transparency: Eliminates duplication and ensures accurate ownership details. Mouza 10 20/08/2019 BON/BON/2019- 20/98/FPART-Ä 1 1. Dharitree. 0) Draft Settlement (Amendment) Rules 2023 under Chapter 1, section 1 of Assam Land and Revenue Regulation, 1886 Jan 19, 2016 · Other states lag far behind in computerization of records. Hon’ble Supreme Court of India in WP© No. LAND RECORDS / e_Khazana Name: GAYATRI PATHAK, ALRS Designation: ASSISTANT DIRECTOR OF LAND RECORDS, ASSAM Email: dlrs-igr@assam. ILRMS. Digitisation of land records will be critical to the achievements of the goals under this ambitious project scheduled to be launched on October 2. Sep 15, 2010 · The Assam Tribune; Assam; North East; National; Sports; Entertainment; Computerization of land records incomplete. 95 per cent Computerization of Registration Dec 17, 2024 · This achievement is due to the Digital India Land Records Modernization Programme (DILRMP). Land records are of great importance to genealogical research in locating ancestors and tracing their migrations. Conducting a survey or resurvey of the land. Easy way to find Assam Land Records. 66 crore in the country Nearly 4,000 Sub Registrar Offices out of 5,254 Offices integrated with Land Records Integrated Nov 27, 2017 · It provides a synoptic view of land records system and structure, issues/ need for modernization and the salient features of land records modernization programme in India View full-text Article 9/23/2020 Notice : DHARITREE Il Land Records Computerization Project GOVERNMENT OF ASSAM :MET/AZA/LH/29/2020 ( unkown fìf: ) 20 3. 17 crore Cadastral Maps (Bhu Naksha) digitized out of total over 1. DIRECTORATE OF LAND REQUISITION ACQUISITION & REFORMS. Dairy Cooperative Societies: Three Dairy Cooperative Societies have been selected under the Rs. Aug 5, 2011 · Centrally sponsored scheme of Computerization of Land Records was started in 1988-89 with 100% central assistance as a pilot project in eight districts of the States such as Rangareddy in Andhra Pradesh, Sonitpur in Assam, Singhbhum in Bihar, Gandhinagar in Gujarat, Morena in Madhya Pradesh, Wardha in Maharashtra, Mayurbhanj in Orissa, and Oct 14, 2024 · Computerization of Land Records (CLR) Whether Land Records Can Be Checked Online by Civil Courts Through e-Courts System; ASSAM: 35: 159: 22,543: 43,56,826: Assam Administrative Staff College,Khanapara 2Weeks Intensive In-Service Training Course 15/02/2010 26/02/2010 Assam Administrative Staff College,Khanapara DDO Training 18/01/2010 20/01/2010 ASSTC,Dakhingaon Dharitree Computerization of land Records 06/02/2008 08/02/2008 Assam Administrative Staff College,Khanapara 5Days Training Course on Mar 4, 2020 · Our Correspondent Kokrajhar: Dharitree, an integrated land records management system for computerization of land records, was ceremonially launched in Chirang d Sep 26, 2014 · National Land Records Modernization Programme (NLRMP) An Overview Ministry of Rural Development Government of India October 6, 2013 Agenda • NLRMP’s objectives • NLRMP’s Components & Activities - Survey/Re-survey and Updating of Survey & Settlement Records - Computerization of Land Records - Computerization of Registration - Training & Capacity Building - Modern Record Rooms/Land Dec 9, 2024 · To check land records in Assam, you can: Go to the official Assam website; Select Jamanbandi in Assamese or Deposit in English; Choose the district, circle, Patta type and village name. 11. ;'. (9) to (16) State Level Data Sep 15, 2021 · Assam government's Mission Basundhara aims at streamlining revenue administration in the state through the application of digital technology for transparency in land-related issues. Apps. Date fixed for notifying the requisite number of 2. Oate of making over the copy to the applicant. Land Records computerization programme is being executed by Land Record Information Systems Division, NIC, CGO Complex, New Delhi and the State Unit of Delhi, Players's Building, New Delhi. Computerised Land Records & Issuance of Computerized RORs inaugurated on 14th July,2004. The system due to be implemented from 1 April, 2016. (ii) Computerization of revenue courts and their integration with land records. The LRIS is Integrated, Geographical Information System (GIS) based decision support system to cater 24/7 services to JaKLaRMA agency user, state public user, special agency external user for analysis, evaluation and information of revenue records and its The Integrated Land Records Management System ensures that all the processes for the transfer and registration of land and updation of land records, like, Mutation, partition, Conversion, and Reclassification, and land revenue collection are handled online and people will have access to the land records online. This will neccessarily have to include a scientific survey of unmeasured land and recoding of rights of tenants and share-croppers which have remained unrecorded Jamabandi( Records of Rights) Map; Certified copies may be required by owners of land for many reasons. 95 per cent Computerization of Registration Dec 18, 2020 · Blockchain is a way of passing data (such as records, events, or transactions) from one party to another in a very secure way. (MISSION BASUNDHARA 2. To access land records through the portal, citizens need the following information: Dag Number: A unique identification number assigned to each land parcel, similar to a UID for Aadhar cards. He ILRMS Integrated Land Records Management System. 25. The envisaged system was designed to provide prompt issuance of computerized RoR across the counter & online updation of land records. of ROR) is integrated with the State/UT Land Records database Dated : 25/Feb/2021 11:41:07 For modernization of land records system in the country, a modified programme, viz. The Joint Parliamentary Committee on Wakf in its 9th Report recommended computerization of the records of State Wakf Boards at an estimated cost of Rs. 0. But now Telangana Government has computerized all the land record Apr 5, 2022 · Implementation of land digitization. Land records The computerization of land records (CLR) is one of the earliest initiatives of e-governance in India, at the grass root level. It is an electronic record of information that requires digital security. However the city property records are still not fully computerized and Aug 21, 2021 · Office of the Director of Land Records and Surveys, Assam, Rupnagar, Guwahati has released a job advertisement for recruitment of 4 GIS Consultant, System Admin/ Analyst, Computer Programmer vacancy in Assam Land Management & Information Society (ALMIS) under Digital India Land Records Modernization Programmes. In the light of the evolving digital technology or information technology revolution, most countries of the world have begun the computerization of their land records into digital formats thereby creating sound land information systems (LIS), with capacity of providing on-line access to a comprehensive set of land and property information. In order to have a uniform process for registration of deeds/documents across the Country, Department of Land Resources is implementing “One Nation One Registration Software” namely “National Generic Document Registration System (NGDRS)” which is an in- house developed software under the broad aegis of ‘Computerization of Registration’ a component of the Digital India Land Records . The Land Records Computerization Software System of the Government of Assam has been christened as DHARITREE. RAJAH BHAWAN RUPNAGAR, GUWAHATI-32 Computerization of land records (100% Central share) Tehsil, sub-division/ district data centers District data centre Rs. a) Dharitree- Computerization of Land Records a) 4 Circles (Guwahati, Dispur, Azara &Sonapur) are integrated online, The Chandrapur Circle is running in offline due to non-completion of Settlement yet. Cabinet Sub-Committee constituted on Land use perspective. Oct 14, 2024 · Computerization of Land Records (CLR) : State/ UT - UTTAR PRADESH Availability of Gender Based Land Ownership (RoR) (No. 08 per cent Record of Rights (RoR) have been completed (6,25,062 villages out of total 6,57,396 villages in the country), 68. of Women & Child Development Government of India, Shastri Bhawan, New Delhi-110001 Tel: 3385691 The centrally sponsored scheme of computerisation of land records was 10 DHARITREE Il Land Records Computerization Project M Sub0. Games. Recent initiatives of the Land Governance in the Country Computerization of land Records completed in 31 States/UTs Stoppage of Issuance of Records of rights Uploading of the land records data on web Multiple agencies for service deliveries in five states Digitally signed copy of ROR Computerization of Registration process in 30 states Web enabled registration process Delivery of registered full fledged land management Institute and modern equipment of survey is being procured. Maulana Azad Road, New Delhi-110011 Government of India (भारत सरकार) Ministry of Rural Development (ग्रामीण विकास मंत्रालय) Directorate of Land Records Extension of time line for payment of settlement premium. You can get land records in Assam. After the creation of a separate Department, expansion of the Department took place quickly. in Phone: 9864408857 SHRI KHITUBON KONWAR Designation: ASSISTANT DIRECTOR OF SURVEYS, ASSAM Email: khituk@gmail. oo žQ. Additionally, Digitization of cadastral maps has reached 68. Assam became a separate province again in 1912 when Dec 22, 2022 · Computerization of Land Records completed in over 6. Any owner desiring to obtain certified copies of any one of the above land records shall apply before the respective Circle Officer on plain paper affixing court fee stamp as per the Court fee Act. Main Department. Any other work that may be allotted time to time. com Phone: 7086434234 Aug 17, 2021 · Land Records and Surveys Assam invites candidates for the recruitment of Consultant, Analyst, Computer Programmer Jobs in Guwahati, Apply Now! Land Records and Surveys Assam released latest job notification for the recruitment of Consultant, Analyst, Computer Programmer Jobs in Assam. In terms of basic components, Computerization of Land Records i. , the National Land Records Modernization Programme (NLRMP) a Centrally Sponsored Scheme, was formulated by Dec 22, 2023 · In terms of basic components, Computerization of Land Records i. :GEM/2024/B/5577924 Dated 26-11-2024) Directorate of Land Records CORRIGENDUM-I Digitization of Legacy (heritage) registration records in Sub-Registry Offices (SRO) and onboarding in DMS application. 50 lakh per 13 Nos. Jan 21, 2018 · DIGITIZATION OF LAND RECORDS By our Staff Reporter GUWAHATI, Jan 21: As is typical, Assam has been lagging far behind Tripura and Sikkim in digitization of land Content Ownership Directorate of Land Records, Govt. gov. Online verification of land records cannot be done in states like Assam, Delhi and Kerala. NBO Building,G-Wings, Nirman Bhawan. 02 percent Cadastral Maps have been digitized (2,49,57,221 maps out of total 3,66,92,728 maps). I the pre NeGP phase, two schemes of the Ministry of Rural development-computerization of land records (CLR) and strengthening of revenue administration and updation of land records (SRA&ULR) Dec 22, 2023 · In terms of basic components, Computerization of Land Records i. The Directorate of Land Records, Assam website provides information and services related to land records and management in the state. 95 per cent Computerization of Registration 2016, the digitisation of land records had been relaunched under the National Land Records Modernisation Programme. e. All India level. In Karnataka, Andhra Pradesh, Telangana, Kerala, Delhi, Assam and Tamil Nadu. About Digital India Land Records Modernization Programme (DILRMP) Land Records Computerization Board of Revenue, Uttar Pradesh bhulekh-up[at]gov[dot]in तहसील एडमिन यूजर लागिन, तहसील The Website design follows an integrated approach with the entire department and its sub-organisations form an Integrated Portal. Designed & Developed by National Informatics Centre (NIC) Nodal Department The Directorate of Land Records, Assam website provides information and services related to land records and management in the state. 196/2001-PUCL-Vs- Union of India and others has issued directions from time to time regarding computerization of TPDS. Citizen Access: Records can be accessed through state-specific land portals. Designed & Developed by National Informatics Centre (NIC) Nodal Department Government of Assam ILRMS Dashboard. Application for Integrated Land Records Management System. I Khan while the Project of Computerization of Land Records in Remaining Districts of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa (Phase-II) has been initiated in 2015 for Scheme of Computerization of Records of State Wakf Boards Background The Joint Parliamentary on Wakf submitted its 9th report to Parliament on 23. With the launch of computerisation of land records in eight pilot districts in 1988-89 and its further extension to other districts in various states of the Computerization of Registration. 95. c) E-Panjeeyan : Property and Marriage Registration Content Ownership Directorate of Land Records, Govt. Settlement. The Website design follows an integrated approach with the entire department and its sub-organisations form an Integrated Portal. , the National Land Records Modernization Programme (NLRMP) has been formulated by merging two Centrally-sponsored schemes of Computerization of Land Records (CLR) and Strengthening of Revenue Administration and Updating of Land Records (SRA&ULR). åsbn artle . This option provides the details of the sub organisations and links to their respective websites. Directorate of Land Records. Designed & Developed by National Informatics Centre (NIC) Nodal Department Jan 18, 2025 · Thereby, e-Dhara Land Records Management System was conceptualized to manage land records by using IT as a tool. State Government took the decision to launch web-based Integrated Land records management System as an answer to all these problems by ensuring interconnectivity among the Revenue Circle, Sub-registrar, Deputy Commissioners' offices and the Directorate of land Records. The Integrated land Records System has four components – 1. 95 per cent Computerization of Registration Revenue & Disaster Management Directorate of Land Records Inspector General of Registration Arundhati Gold Scheme Important Links Assam CM Portal Assam State Portal Assam Covid-19 Portal Apr 5, 2017 · 5. , the National Land Records Modernization Programme (NLRMP), now renamed as Digital India Land Records Modernization Programme (DILRMP), has been formulated by merging two Centrally sponsored schemes of Computerization of Land Records (CLR) and Strengthening of Aug 21, 2021 · GUWAHATI: Assam chief minister Himanta Biswa Sarma on Saturday asked the revenue and disaster management department to set a goal for digitisation of all land records of the state till 2023. The Directorate also carries out the digitization of maps / compilation of works of the completed land acquisition cases for updating of Land Revenue Records and Computerization of the same. Benefits of ULPIN in Land Records Management. For modernization of land records system in the country, a modified programme, viz. 3. Jan 9, 2025 · Details Required to Check Assam Land Records on Dharitree Assam. 8753 868 Mrinal Borah, The Digital India Land Records Modernization Programme (DILRMP) has been extended till 2025-26 with addition of two new components (i) Consent Based Linkage of Aadhar number with land records database. Jan 29, 2008 · Dharitree is a special endeavor for total land records computerization by the Sonitpur district administration in association with NIC, Assam, under the sponsorship of the Department of Information Technology (DIT), the Government of a) Dharitree- Computerization of Land Records a) 4 Circles (Guwahati, Dispur, Azara &Sonapur) are integrated online, The Chandrapur Circle is running in offline due to non-completion of Settlement yet. Link to OLD MIS 3. ASSAM. 25 Crore. 10. '. 20 lakh villages out of 6. oo ** is a system generated certificate and does not need any signature ** Designation : Land Records Computerization Board of Revenue, Uttar Pradesh bhulekh-up[at]gov[dot]in तहसील एडमिन यूजर लागिन, तहसील Content Ownership Directorate of Land Records, Govt. As on 04. Land digitization consists of several objectives under its ambit. :GEM/2024/B/5577924 Dated 26-11-2024) For modernization of land records system in the country, a modified programme, viz. (Tender Reference No. The Directorate controls the following District offices & they are:-Survey Wing attached with Director of Land Records & Surveys Shillong the new province of Eastern Bengal and Assam the Agriculture Department was separated in 1907 form the combined Department of Land Records and Agriculture. D. 3(Total No. K. Designed & Developed by National Informatics Centre (NIC) Nodal Department Content Ownership Directorate of Land Records, Govt. Newly Revenue Circles 104. c) E-Panjeeyan : Property and Marriage Registration Computerisation of Land Records. & Mandatory Rajah Adalots Timelines For modernization of land records system in the country, a modified programme, viz. com Phone: 9864447061 SHRI SHAHNAWAZ KAWSOR TAPADAR Designation: ASSISTANT DIRECTOR OF SURVEYS, ASSAM Email: sktapadar. About: It is a Central Sector scheme that has been extended to 2023-24 , to complete its original targets as well as expand its ambit with a slew of new schemes. Jul 31, 2020 · Substantial progress has been achieved under the Digital India Land Record Modernization Programme (DILRMP) since its inception. May 18, 2023 · The National Land Record Modernization Programme (NLRMP) was a centrally sponsored scheme that was launched by the Government of India in 2008 with the aim to modernize the land records system in the country and implement the conclusive land-titling system with title guarantee. May 26, 2022 · KOKRAJHAR: A review meeting headed by EM, of Land Revenue and Disaster Management (LR&DM), Ranjit Basumatary on revenue matters with Naren Ch Basumatary, Secretary, LR&DM, Dhiraj Saud, Secretary, Director of Land Records & Survey, BTC, Wilburn Daimary, Joint Secretary, LR&DM and all Circle Officers of five districts of BTR was held in the conference hall of BTCLA, Kokrajhar on Wednesday. Date fixed for notifying the requisite number of Jan 1, 2025 · Directorate of Land Records Post date: 12/09/2024 - 12:42 CORRIGENDUM-I Digitization of Legacy (heritage) registration records in Sub-Registry Offices (SRO) and onboarding in DMS application. Mar 15, 2022 · It was earlier known as the National Land Record Modernization Programme (NLRMP). Dec 4, 2010 · According to the Seventh Plan document, “Land records form the base for all land reform measures and, therefore, regular periodic updating of land records is essential in all states. chtdxcs rpskcx gwdb gyfxvw zwuosli xlo oraulk zvkq sie eqgh vhaw bmjqjes srrtt yzek cmxr