Webbing vs chest rig reddit 10 votes, 37 comments. I have lower back issues so wondering which type would be the best for me. Most British soldiers use webbing from either Dixie’s Corner or JayJay’s. Plates are bulky dead weight if you can avoid them. Haley Strategic makes great rigs(D3CR X). For ground pounding? No way, puts the weight In a terrible location Chest rigs are more conventional for easy frontal access to gear and doesn't impede anything if working from a vehicle. Better version of Kitpimp w/ same limitations Velocity Systems Jungle Kit ~ $540 all in. Easily adjustable, lightweight, easy to take on and off, pretty much everything I like about the chicom chest rig. May 19, 2013 · With a webbing style rig (TT Mav) I lost space on the upper chest and and back but dismounted it was a lot more comfortable, the weight felt more balanced, felt like I could carry more weight too. TRex Arms has a few different ones that are all highly rated(T. I have a Crye jpc, but also a minimalist plate carrier. whereas chest rigs pull the weight forward. 1000D OD back panel. But if you want some non standard ones there’s things like spiritus mk4 chest rig and Shaw concepts chest rigs. 5" wide straps and buckles, the Esstac Boar rig looks like it uses 2" wide stuff. I do recommend getting webbing/LBE at som point down the road though. also, flc is way more comfortable. Low maintenance; a real grab and go option. Split front TT MAV is alright, SORD vest is decent. After buying the chestrig and 6 matrix hard mag pouches (I don’t like the retention system of speed web pouches and they’re not stackable) I realized the rig only has 5 molle collemns but the pouches take 6 (two rows of three stacked in eachother) Is it possible to cram the pouches on/has it been done, or should I return it and go with another option Minimal Chest Rig done in Tiger Stripe Products 500D VN Tiger Stripe with Camo 483 webbing, black hardware . With the exception of 3 RCR, and whatever Vandoo bn has the cadpat issued Sord vests, I think every ref force Bn has said fuck it and let’s their dudes buy chest rigs. with a plain green gas gbb, I will use a belt, but with one of my hpa gbbs/rifles, I use a chest rig and backpack. Molle changed the game by giving us a world wide standard for tactical gear attachment. The Gen IV is an excellent chest rig, with superb build quality. If you're not expecting contact up to a certain point, you can rock the chest rig. Army TAPS and USMC Chest Rigs are good bang for the buck because they carry magazines as well as having the ability to go onto certain plate carriers (IOTVs and USMC plate carriers). 2. Personally, chest rigs are a nice starting point. I like the look and size of the Condor OPS, but i have heard quite mixed reviews on Condor products. But also have a chest rig (can take placards is even better). 56 aluminum mag that’s kind of washed out to the left side of the picture, which would mean there’s 3 cells for mags and slightly offset, making it a 63-could be an 81, but I doubt it as the 81 is less popular to modify as there’s less A warbelt rig beats a chest rig. Thanks I run both chest rigs and plate carriers, in fact my chest rig is a "placard" style one that can fit on the plate carrier. New hardware can be removed to return to standard FLC setup. *I noted the items I have experienced with. In a vehicle based conventional war I cpuld see them being useful again though. Quality, High Speed Low Drag, modular. Upscaling your kit with a carrier? Loosen the straps again. It’s like $45 vs $130. Even on the reserve side, more and more units are giving the okay for non-issued chest rigs. Waist carry is less encumbering, but has limited capacity. 56 mags and much more, also seems pretty durable. Learning and sharing information to aid in emergency preparedness as it relates to… A large battle rattle chest rig is either a TAPS or battle jacket type kit. Any military that still follows this philosophy does so with web gear as it's more practical for the following reasons: sustainment gear like food, a combat load, medical, and other items are distributed across the body in a way that simply carriers the load better than a chest rig. Fabric for MOLLE chest rigs/vest/pouches If your GF is that well endowed I would skip getting a chest rig and go for a harness style rig like the Velocity Systems Jungle Kt. That’s why the niemoller webbing was also used by some units as some needed a big line 2 and a big line 3 ruck and wearing the vest with a ruck sucks and the chest rig doesn’t carry very much even with nods. com I have used a belt rig for over 10 years and am just changing to a split front chest rig. I really liked the harness design and honestly a lot of other mfg's have been low on stock (spiritus/haley etc. Also, if my post was not clear, chest rig (whether concealed or open) is the only correct answer for hiking. As far as chest rigs for long range reconnaissance its really going to be specific to the mountains of Afghanistan as far as the middle east goes To start with, it's large. There are no reviews of it online. Plate carriers interfere with a lot of other LBE out there, whether that be backpacks, chest rigs, rucks frankly, it sucks to put anything over even a slick carrier. Rex arms video with Redbeard and I liked his opinion on carrying his canteen on the chest rig however, that requires me to get something like the size of a Velocity Systems Hybrid or bigger, when I was really aiming for something small and modular like a I have TT rigs, the padded harness from TT is for 1. However, for modular stuff I would suggest the following. This is also why my chest rig is bulky it’s because I’m trying to have the same capacity as webbing Reply reply +1 The kenai is the gold standard for chest rigs. I’m in the market though and did far too much research recently. I’m wanting low profile and very customizable which seems both of them do very well. Those are only useful if you dont carry much or never go prone. 242K subscribers in the tacticalgear community. The back strap isn't really an issue other than it sometimes catches if I'm throwing a pack on. The PPCLI kit shop has TT chest rigs in stock even. Britain has been using webbing since before WW2 and due to the limitations of issue kit lots of British companies were formed using custom webbing kits as their backbone. chest rigs? I'm looking at either a plate carrier or chest rig, but I cannot make up my mind! I was almost certain I would do the Smersh, but then I realized the JPC 2. Introduce the ULTRAcomp harness. I’ve been lucky enough to get a few quality ones second hand. Chicoms, all shapes sizes and configurations welcome! 90 votes, 23 comments. I like webbing (LBE), but for the most part I think chest rigs will be the most versatile and that’s going to be nice for people trying to figure out what they’re going for. It’s an upgraded taps and isn’t super expensive. OD7 webbing. I don’t own it, so no recommendation on h vs x. Pros: Usually cheaper than a plate carrier set up to have the same capabilities Looking for a molle chest rig that will accomodate at least 5 AR mags, a few smaller pouches and 2 canteens. A separate backpack is better than one built into or connected to a chest rig or plate carrier. Did the Chinese make a sand colored tan chest rig, and if so can someone point me in the right direction for one? Finally got a pair of binos (Forge 15x56) and looking for a simple chest rig to carry the binos, a range finder, and hopefully but not required 1 AR mag. Not particularly. If you're in an area you don't want people knowing you've got a plate carrier on in just simply throw on a jacket and nobody knows it's there. They'll be better than Condor. Thigh rigs is a no-go because you’re hiking, don’t put extra shit around your legs. Specifically the the Mk v chassis vs the Haley TRMP. 15 votes, 48 comments. Flaps and “retaining bungees” work just fine. Posted by u/christomisto - 161 votes and 24 comments Those honestly look terrible. 127 votes, 11 comments. defending the larger killhouses, or indoor arenas. I probably forgot something but I'm going to move on to the individual review section. Summer? Tighten em back down. running a chest rig placard (Haley, Spiritus, RDR, etc. So I actually have the T-rex quad flap, UW pusher, VS modified g4 placard, and the heavy. -ian I've got a True North chest rig. There’s a 3rd 5. I run both chest rigs and plate carriers, in fact my chest rig is a "placard" style one that can fit on the plate carrier. As far as the solid colors as long as they’re using a-a55301 webbing it’ll be good. Has 2 extra internal pouches for radio / TQ and 3 more rows of Molle Webbing on both sides. Subreddit for both professional and civilian tactical gear. Its $200 but honestly great. Hey, I recently purchased a Crye Airlite chest rig because I needed a winter rig to throw over a coat. Hip carry is a no-go because of weight bearing hip belt on packs. However web gear (belt kit) reins superior in ease of donning/doffing, cooler to wear in hot weather (assuming unarmored), capacity, and weight distribution. Kitpimp Commanders Webbing ~ $225 (MTP) all in. It's basically just 2 pieces of webbing sewn together. Call me old fashioned, but webbing is the best way to go. True, I don’t have any other setups, but neither my chest rig nor my pc are modular builds. Anything where being quick and unobserved, or where you might be prone for long periods of time, will naturally favor a chest rig. Need a new Chest rig and PC, and wondering pros and cons to each. Could just be the chest rig I used but I’ve seen several guys at the field i play at complain about the same thing with their chest rigs Both work well with chest rig / pc, for the bigger bag I take the battle belt of though. You can also run a chest rig with LBE which typically is better on your shoulders than an assault pack. Personally out the box the Pusher is your best out of the box ready rig without buying additional pouches. MAT-49 pouch for Talons and Rival mags. true. Decent chest rig ruined by the harness placement and lack of aftermarket support/modularity of the harness. I’ve tried numerous things and a good set of webbing just works. On the back of the belt I have 2 more suspenders. Chest rigs usually have a bit more stuff on the front since it Thanks for the info, if they ship to the u. Empty chest rig/pc in pack/ruck. ) so I decided on the Crye. May I suggest a compromise: a chest rig that can accept a front plate in the front. )? Currently running just a regular Crye AVS detachable M4 kangaroo flap on my JPC 2. If your at a milsim game to can carry the carrier in a bag while you rock the chest rig. Would not recommend unless you or know someone who has a good sewing machine that can punch through a few layers of webbing and cordura. 80 votes, 49 comments. I still consider myself to be relatively new to tactical gear so I thought I’d ask you guys. Meanwhile, the chest rig I use for outdoor fields because it feels a lot better to move around in. You should save up and get better gear. Chest rigs always sloshed back and forth on me while my plate carrier sits right where i want it. Any type of recce work I usually wear a chest rig. from someone who used to wear condor gear to now Tactical tailor and mayflower gear you should save the money you where going to spend on condor gear to get proper gear so you're not wasting money on repairs or new ones. it's the perfect size for training and competition use for me. What I'm seeing about them lately on YouTube are guys IMO overloading them. it's well made and straps to my civilian plate carrier well. Like I said in the post, I can’t find a multicam black chest rig that is a bare front with just molle webbing. Type 56 carbine leather chest rig. Go to the jungle and wear a chest rig. 0 with kydex inserts, and I’m wondering if it’d worth it to get a placard? Look at older webbing for ideas on setup. Swipe for pics! Yes the 1. The quick access to gear is super helpful, and having the radio on my chest rig is also nice. Haley chest rig w/ 3mags, fixed blade mounted behind the right mag, 8” cats paw pry bar behind left mag, multi tool in right pistol mag pouch and pistol mag in left pouch, in GP/Admin pouch 4 extra cr123 batteries/write in the rain notebook and pen/ allen/hex keys for my rifle incase I need to tighten screws. I have a custom RRV-like rig/half carrier inspired by the C2R Arctic Warfare chest rig, on commission, which is a split front plate carrier that can convert to a chest rig. Jacquard webbing is only made to avoid print fading on webbing so they weave the pattern into the webbing vs printing. As far as my knowledge goes, split rigs offer better: weight distribution, prone comfortability and airflow. And that’s if your csm or ltc or whoever will approve non standard looking chest rigs. 358K subscribers in the airsoft community. There are Bushnell specific pouches but looking for something a bit more universal and configurable based on whatever kind of hunting/hiking I do with the equipment. Webbing is the most ideal for that environment. Also you get much more in a bag than in a belt rig. sometimes if I use a chest rig and want a dump pouch, i use both. nah, flc is cooler because the hot spot is on the chest, you can unzip it to dissipate heat. save the extra 30$ dollars and get a Tactical Tailor made item. Esstac makes specific Aug mag pouches, and HSGI tacos fit Aug mags. Chest rig replaces webbing (usually) They fell out of fashion because IEDS were causing sharpie / mag / pistol vs face injuries that were serious, so body armour became clean and chest rigs died out. " Posted by u/ripcord_actual - 31 votes and 73 comments I use either, or both depending on the circumstances. I’ve done a lot of recon work professionally, and I can’t say that I have ever wanted to carry extra sustainment with me outside of the patrol base or hide site. PCs, depending on the brand and what you’re getting often require you to pick up pouches and other elements so there is The one advantage of a plate carrier is being able to carry more stuff, but there’s plenty of chest rigs that can carry the same amount or can have their capacity aided by a backpack Though I find webbing kits to be more comfortable than chest rigs so I usually run one of those A chest rig with no elastic? Fuck confirming and moving with your body I guess. The trend of GOON Chestrigs that hold three mags and nothing else has become pervasive, BUT the older school Chestrigs (LBT 1961, etc) were just too big for my tastes, this has been the evolution: Depending on your chest rig and plate carrier (IOTV or SPCS) this could be a big issue or a minor one. And it also Depends on which lot the So I want some opinions from you guys on this, I’m working on choosing a chest rig and this will help me decide on a model. It’s actually a Chinese Type 63 chest rig, which has been heavily modified. 20 round mag pouches with leather and button snaps, some came into American market a number of years ago and tend to go for more than any of the others as they look kind of slick. Swipe for just Ebay fabric with Tan 499 and USMC Coyote Brown with OD7 webbing. We would like to show you a description here but the site won’t allow us. Add MOLLE pouches and PALS webbing and it just gets worse Chest Rigs. However a lot of what I’m reading is saying that chest rigs excel at mounted and urban ops, but not much else whereas webbing is more of a jack of all trades when it comes to infantry work, but suffers on the mounted ops front, but also provides better cooling. Not sure if Esstac even offers parts service for their old rigs if they don't sell the Boar series anymore. Not shown - AK slings and SKS bags. Just depends on what you need. Adding a waist strap and h-harness fixed the floppy was for me. swipe for more pics including a detail shot of TSP watermark! Share Rockywoods AOR2/NWU Type III on top, Ebay AOR2 on bottom. The clone is a pretty good copy of it, with about 90% of the build quality. In my experience with both, I’ve found a plate carrier tends to hold place better than a cheap chest rig. There’s a lost art in jungle/split rigs in conjunction with an awesome field shirt. Both of these recommendations are like tap like set ups because they will more or less blend in with your unit. . [chest rig #2] has a modular X or H harness with elastic for routing, and is just the perfect width to be worn with a pack Ah yes the magic of the 14-molle-column -wide chest rig. The chest rig seems like a more proper choice, but I feel this will make it look too "Western" rather than like a Russian kit. I don’t run a pistol so I don’t need pistol mag pouches. I have a chest rig that accommodates every weapon platform I own. Oh it’s winter? Gotta loosen up the straps. ) vs. my webbing I got issued is old and shiddy that’s why I swapped to chest rig. But it seems like a chest rig’s biggest drawback when compared to belt and webbing kits, is load capacity. They aren’t customizable for what I want. Those honestly look terrible. Pretty much stitched/“tailored” PLCE webbing. I’m putting together an impression kit for an Iraqi soldier and I have a sand colored Iraqi uniform. Anyway the great thing about them is that it doesn’t take a whole lot to modify one too. Quality sewn-in unit, not modular, waterproofing, looks heavy but strong JayJay’s Commander’s Webbing ~$300 all in (if you can find it). I keep snacks, a knife, small booboo kit, leather gloves, nitrile gloves, note taking kit, compass, and my radio in it. Reply reply [deleted] A warbelt rig beats a chest rig. In the jungle a lot of yanks would go down with heat exhaustion because of the chest rigs covering so much area and not allowing heat to dissipate. Avoid Blackhawk Omega and their airsoft clones, they aren't as modular and they are very warm and heavy. I love it but I’m also using it more often as a flexible outdoor activities rig than a tactical chest rig. You don’t need to buy anything else but that, load up your mags and you’re good to roll. You can make one with a vel sys butt pack, some male/female buckles, tri glides and a few yards of nylon webbing. I've had mine for maybe 6 months now and love it. If you're doing something like a recon or "sniper/overwatch" type mission where you need to be light and fast, go chest rig. Edit: forgot to mention ATS makes low profile suspenders (which I use) that fit under a PC/chest rig. Kommandostore P84. I nead to get a chest rig so unfortunately I am of no help. e. Mayflower Research & Consulting Gen IV UW Chest Rig. Eg putting socks, ponchos, ect In the rig. I have another condor chest rig that is bare with webbing and I love it. Dump pouch and webbing for DIY shoulder straps. People get prickly heat and can actually cause worse conditions when youre actually living in the jungle. flc is definitely more versatile and customizable. But, I will also be mounting and dismounting vehicles semi-frequently so a chest rig may be a better option for that reason. I’ve only had a few carriers, no chest rig. The slick carrier + chest rig setup is more suitable for security/quick reaction situations where you’re already wearing hard armor but don’t need it most of the day (think Middle East contractor but they’re just strolling around the Chicom chest rig for full length magazines. Type 63 with mag pouches and grenade pouches Type 79 with SMG pouchs in a similar style as the Type 56 Good for cqb skirmish. SORD, TT, LBT, whatever. I watched the T. However, they are usually heavier, with the exception of rigs like the APC or Crye JPC. I wear british style stitched webbing, I've fucked around with enough modular stuff to know what I want and need as a part of my job. 5" webbing loops are a little long, in order to make removal easier for a convertible setup. I prefer that over a 6-point padded yoke from the same company. I ended up using a webbing strap from another rig and cutting it shorter. Then comment saying if you wear similar… Converted a 2 buckle M81 Woodland FLC into a split front QR chest rig. Transfer magazines to chest rig/pc and you can toss more grenades in the double mag pouches on your belt or just take more magazines out of your pack. it has minimal back coverage. This. [chest rig #1] has an X harness with elastic for routing, and is just the perfect width to be worn with a pack. Aug 19, 2024 · Continuing my journey of discovering advantages of webbing vs chest rig. Best item of gear by far, my life is vastly better when I'm wearing it. Posted by u/WelshMullet - 8 votes and 3 comments Jay Jays webbing vs battle-belt based kit Has anyone used aftermarket British kit? I’m tempting to find a set of Jay Jay’s commander webbing after spending nearly a grand on different options to experiment with while trying to put together a similar setup. I'll start with the Mayflower Research & Consulting Gen IV UW Chest Rig. But yeah it’s huge as a chest rig. Carrying 10lbs of armor doesn't make logical sense for me 99% of the time, but I still own it for those 1% situations. REX 556 Ready Rig). I know not everyone likes the company but the rig is awesome, have it clipped to my plate carrier, holds 8 x 5. This is advice I can give lol. My plan was to get the TRMP with the auxiliary molle attachment but realized that the my v chassis is way cheaper for essentially the same thing. Much of the resources I've been able to find for this stuff are from the myog community and most of their sources are for ultralight backpacking stuff lol. What are the advantages and disadvantages of running a tripping mag shingle (Esstac, Crye, etc. Those aren’t technically 5. It’s about average looks around 14-18 molle rows across for reference micro rigs are 6-8 mid size are 10-14 full size is 14-18 and I’d consider anything bigger then that a mega rig as it’s not gonna ride on nothing but the largest male chest. Price isn’t really a concern. Yea. It is truly one of the finest chest rigs, stands up well to the light loads that make many rigs lopsided due to the elastic that hugs your torso, and has just enough padding and excellent load distribution through the harness for heavy loads. A chest rig beats a plate carrier. I have a tear down systems split rig so it's wide. Also you do not really want to wear a slick carrier, chest rig, and a rucksack all at the same time. Sewtac had everything I needed and it was pretty inexpensive vs a company selling belly bands for $20 or some wild shit. wow Thank you for the input. Iv used the Kommandostore Pattern 84 for my fighting load and the Nixiworks litefighter as LBE for sustainment. The 2 buckles on each side of the chest rig clip in where the shoulder strap and waist belt used to connect to on the bottom corners of the Camelbak. Benefit of an armored vest is better shrapnel protection, an unarmored vest offers good load distribution and keeps your belt line clear, but the major con is added heat retention, as well as being harder 124 votes, 19 comments. 56 inserts in the middle two. Holster made from modified P37 pouch. I took the vel syst butt pack and put 4 split buckles on the Airlite is bae, all my homies love the Airlite chest rig. i like my helikon rig though. However if that isn’t working for you then there are always surplus “short back” PLCE bergens, or otherwise you might have to swap out some things on the Alice like use a different waist pad and shoulder straps. The nixie works rig is $10 less but includes pockets on the side for water bottles, but if you have the LFR you're stuck with a LFR, whereas the spiritus setup can flex between a chest rig and a battle jacket/belt kit/patrol style setup. If the vest is slick, it's usually called a "flak jacket" that is worn with a separate load carrying system, like a chest rig or LBE webbing. So only webbing that is multicolored like multicam would be made using the jacquard woven method. Would love to hear thoughts, opinions, etc between the two. Biggest determinant for guys overseas was usually heat and rucks, plates are uncomfortable to ruck with and they prevent you from venting heat properly. Our old army rig had from left to right: Mag pouch, rear bag with raingear, gasmask and hearing protection (+snacks, of course), utility pouch with e-tool and canteen bottle (and more snacks). That way you get the best of both worlds. When you drop rucks or set up and no longer have a bag throw the carrier (nothing attached) under the chest rig. A solution in search of a problem. You can buy a knock-off Airlite harness and attach it to anything. For patrols, you want armor because contact is likely. Further up those straps I have 1" buckles to clip in the two top buckles of the chest rig so the belt suspender setup goes behind the chest rig. Vest/webgear type rig. But then my friend and I played indoors, and I got hit quite a few times in the chest on my PC. Especially one that can split in the front for extra comfort. It’s essentially a 3” wide x-harness made of Murdock webbing. I think both have their place, and I’ll list some of the use cases for Nov 23, 2024 · use the following search parameters to narrow your results: subreddit:subreddit find submissions in "subreddit" author:username find submissions by "username" site:example. I'll be getting a D3CRM chest rig here soon for it and the nice thing a out this plate carrier is how minimalist it is. wide surface area strap it just feels like a fishing vest. com Chicoms are great, but shipping times have been spotty all last year. Definitely seconds for Ebay, and greener than MARPAT going from the Coyote Brown webbing. 500D Cordura both. Recommendation, this may help broaden your perspective. A chest rig works very well for carrying maps, tools, a notepad, and other things I need to access frequently. Depending on if you plan on jumping out of a plane with your rig or rack on flaps tend to be more preferred I have jumped with the tension bungees and they worked perfectly. Okay. if you're looking for an 8mag rig as your first, an army surplus lbt taps rig would probably be best for you. My favorite rig of the set is the T-rex quad flap when buying pouches and cost isn't a issue. It spreads the load way more efficiently and sat under armor or a back much better than padded harness. Let's go over the differences. Tegris vs scuba webbing belts Why is one better than the other or the pros and cons of each? I see a lot of people use the tegris lined belts but I’ve always used the thicker scuba webbing belts like Lead Devil or Blue Alpha. 268K subscribers in the tacticalgear community. Plate carriers with MOLLE webbing allow greater customization and storage space for longer term OPs, or even shorter OPs, as well as protection to the chest and back. Beez Combat is really nice and well made(AK47 CHEST RIG GRID) but lead times aren’t great. With lessons learned on that I wondered if there was such a thing for chest rigs. My suggestion- don’t get a “chest rig” that is a block of pouches all on your chest. That would be ideal or a universal style placard. Granted, I'm not trying to 100% replicate a Russian Army/Special Forces kit, but I want it to stand out when compared to a US kit. I was considering it but I'm going a different route now with my chest rig setup Other than that, Eagle Industries, 0241 Tactical and Direct Action all sell flapped chest rigs I recently purchased the Trex Arms Quad Flap Chest Rig. 5K subscribers in the ChicomChestRig community. Chest Rigs: Gear Dynamics Patrolling Rig Tac Tailor MAV Suggestions for GP pouches for chest rig. Belt rigs are very good, I've used a few in different roles with different setups, overall they are really comfy and versatile. Unlike the old PLCE the pouches are sewn directly onto a wide hippo belt, so it eliminates quite a few things such as slop/flop, bulk and weight that you’d get with molle style webbing but it also allows the pouches to mount much tighter and firmly together whereas modular pouches have that little bit of extra edging material that takes up With web gear you sit the ruck/pack on top of the rear pouches, waist pad/strap optional but adds security. 374K subscribers in the preppers community. There’s a reason why its still a go to ran in foreign countries that have to sustain themselves in the jungle. I will forever prefer something closer to webgear- the blackhawk modular webbing was good. As a standalone, the straps would suck. A lot of my friends swear by SORD and Tactical Tailor chest rigs. That new Onward Research chest rig is looking pretty good. Civilians should recognize that they have limited resources and should only acquire gear that is flexible by modularity, like a placard that can go on a PC or be stripped and setup for a chest rig. You could look at a split rig that can be set up below her breasts. Yeah, I’ll be a little sweaty and tired over getting hit in the nipples and soft tissue… I still wouldn’t mind a chest rig for outdoors as a DMR or support gunner setup. There are a number of scenarios where a chest rig is preferable. The harness: The buckles connecting the harness to the rig are attached via a loop of webbing bartacked to the chest rig itself, on the Gen IV. My western eye for drip can’t stand using my green chest rig with it. If you've the cash, LBT makes great H harnesses and chest rigs in addition to all the chest rigs available and used here. Which seems like its biggest advantage at the same time. But you take the bag of for stuff like that. These guys really like reinventing the wheel Now that my first ever rig is close to final touches on pedal position. It's obviously change for the sake of marketing and profit. Jul 13, 2024 · use the following search parameters to narrow your results: subreddit:subreddit find submissions in "subreddit" author:username find submissions by "username" site:example. Hi, trying to find what works and looking for experience from anyone that have been rucking using a chest rig and ruck with hip belt and also rucking with having the ruck sit on the plce webbing back pouches. I'd like to show my next project, not sure how far I'll go with this but for now the plan is to have it go into the helmet to where the visor padding of the vr sits firmly on my face. Still the best fighting rig if you don't wear plates, goes great with a frag vest too. I may buy from them, or just ask if they have suggestions for a more localized source. I have one of their gen2 aegs and it works well but I don’t know anything about their gear. On a side note I also discovered I didn't like drop leg holsters or TCCC bags hanging off my legs. Split rigs are also more useful when lying prone, chest rigs also work well if you’re ordered to wear a flak jacket and a PC isn’t an option. Question I have two sections of MOLLE webbing on either side of my chest rig, looking for suggestions on general purpose pouches, having trouble finding seems like a lot of places out out of stock. So I can just toss it on, and grab a chest rig and put that over it. s. If you mix everything up just vote the color of your plate carrier and/or chest rig. Construction is good. For all things airsoft. Dude's asking about a chest rig, which has mag pouches and whatnot, and your response is to suggest a plate carrier that doesn't even have PALS webbing on it? It's one thing to say "Naw, dude. The brand comes pretty highly recommended and that’s one of the only setups I’d found that turns most placards into chest rigs. 0 is also a great option, as well as it being a bit difficult to get a quality Smersh in the US, considering the embargos I believe it was, EBay has some but they're chineseum crap. Looking to start buying pieces to put together a chest rig and then add a battle belt, plate carrier down the line. Converted a 2 buckle M81 Woodland FLC into a split front QR chest rig. Please read the rules, Wiki/FAQ, and use the search bar! Chest Rig Setups Over The Years I’ve gone through many Chestrigs over the years, but just recently have settled on what I was looking for. I’d rather have a few more gp pouches. I would like to keep my chest rig as slim as possible, so I don’t really like the idea of kangaroo or double mag pouches. If you're looking for a belt kit thats comfortable and sensible, look to the UK webbing options, and used PLCE as well. The upper "bib" portion of the chest rig can be folded down for stowage in the plate pocket if you're not using it to hold a ballistic plate, like an RRV. The vest protects me if we're doing close-quarters stuff i. That’s not including a harness for either. The USGI taps is great especially with upgraded hit o highly recommend this chest rig from beez combat systems. If anyone makes a modular chest rig harness that allows you to pick your mag pouches. Even BDS Tactical stuff uses 1. Please read the rules, Wiki/FAQ, and use the search bar! Chris Kyle wore a chest rig over a slick plate carrier, mind you his wasnt split front but it still allowed him to remove the load to lay prone for extended periods of time. If you want added mobility and less weight take off the chest rig and wear only it. As a chest rig, I set it up similar to how they show for a plate carrier- top=G-hook, bottom= straps replace the straps for the chest rig and buckle in (if I need to be in my bag, I should be somewhere that having the rig tight against me shouldn't be an issue). Haley and Spiritus are names that keep reappearing for good reason, but most of their rigs look quite small. It’s modular, different lines of gear are incredibly useful. Chest Rig vs Split Rig I’ve never considered chest rigs until I started to really take my environment (AO) into consideration. They're not padded, just nylon webbing. I'd compare it with an Eagle Industries RRV, though this is hard-sewn as opposed to being all PALS webbing on the front. Some 550 paracord to make molle webbing, bungee for open top mag retention and a convenience store sewing kit but all these would go even smoothly with proper 1” mil spec webbing and 3-4” elastic weave and a economy sewing machine Posted by u/Emperor_Zeus_Thor - 3 votes and 12 comments I prefer webbing because it is more comfortable and doesn't compress my torso making it easier to stay warm in the winter when I'm wearing layers. Surplus chest rigs like the SDS RACK, or Tactical Tailor MAVs can be had for relatively affordable prices without the pouches. I considered swapping out my PC for a chest rig. A chest rig/tactical vest (ideally with mag pouches but it depends what marker you buy as to which mags and pouches you'll need and may have to buy piece by piece) Mag pouches Spare 13ci tank (definitely ninja or first strike) Mag winder Beer backpack Damn good kneepads What's your thoughts on PCs vs. 5" hardware and webbing. Posted by u/christomisto - 161 votes and 24 comments I have been looking to get a relatively inexpensive chest rig and have found this from lancer tactical. you can even convert it to a chest rig. oqlv xayc ymo kboouq bdsuca vglmh bfczjj zjnary abjt qwfqlgr ytov anitzkk oaqv higle glgqjepv