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Susan garrett online dog training The focus of this FB group is to discuss dog agility, and training and methodology posted by Susan Garrett and the DogsThat Team. How to create a balanced training environment for your dog; Tips for identifying the signs of an overly excited dog and how to bring them back to a calm state. And, thank you Susan, my husband’s playing some of the games too (and having fun)! 5 minutes he can spare! Mar 11, 2009 · Thursday & Friday it was Advances in Dog Training followed by Saturday and Sunday's Critical Elements for Sport and Life (formerly puppy camp so lots of puppies here but no longer restricted [] Susan Garrett 2010-08-15T23:02:07-04:00 August 16th, 2010 | 26 Comments By Susan Garrett | 2020-01-11T07:38:10-04:00 October 11th, 2018 | Dog Behaviour, Dog Training | Shelby with a beloved reward, a rock, at the [] Read More Aug 12, 2012 · Body awareness exercises are important for dog sports like agility, flyball, freestyle, obedience . With twist my worry dog I am wondering if changing the location would have made a difference. And as far as Fenzi courses being too basic, I disagree. It's everywhere on the internet. Mar 17, 2009 · Well Day 3 of Tweener camp yesterday was as awesome as Days 1 & 2. But if you have a dog you are encouraging to play tug, there might be benefits to being a bad dog trainer, however pay attention to the fact that I’m only mimicking in the video to crank Buzz up! I've been blogging about dog training, dog behaviour, dog agility and dogs in general, with a few diversions, for many years now . By Susan Garrett | 2020-02-03T04:46:17-04:00 March 7th, 2012 | Dog Training, Handling, My Dogs | Shelby on the seesaw, check out the dinosaur Cross [] Read More One of the most frequent questions we see as dog trainers is "how do I stop my dog pulling on the leash?", and it's not just in the usual dog training channels you will see this. Several years ago, I wrote about a game that will help preserve your recall cue with your puppy, and this seems like a great time to post it here on my blog. such a dick! and it was great to see Chelsea actually running in that senior run, she doesn’t often much get out of a stroll! 🙂 Susan Garrett had a free training during the pandemic that was fantastic. Over his career, Dr Bob Bailey has trained over 140 different species of animals. Crate Games; Home School the Dog; Recallers; Susan Garrett 2022-02-03T17:37:41+00:00 February 3rd, 2022 | 13 Comments Tweet . " Susan has helped hundreds of thousands of people enjoy a great relationship with their dogs through her workshops and keynote speaking around the world, award winning books, DVDs, magazine articles, blog posts, podcasts, free dog training and dog agility video series, and online dog training programs. I scheduled a post to come up tomorrow and (even thought the date read Oct 30th) it showed up yesterday (on the 28th). There’s a lot of puppy love in our community at the moment, with many people welcoming a new pup into their family. As we all know, there’s a lot that goes into being a “dog trainer” … years of education, continual professional development and learning, years of honing the practical skills and putting those skills into action. I got my first dog (aussie) and I want to do agility, we’ve been working basics forever and now I’m starting to entertain the idea of equipment, but before I really start training, I was worndering if anyone could talk to my about age/developmet so I don’t damage anything through regular training. If a dog is dropping bars, and it is not because of a physical challenge, then it is either a lack of education or an environmental challenge. Bring confidence and clarity to agility handling for you and your dog to be a connected team. sheesh!”. Oct 18, 2010 · I recovered nicely and my dogs performed brilliantly all weekend. Now, I know you are probably thinking “but I know how to watch a video, Susan …. Crate Games is now online so you can have immediate access to the step-by-step training that is as easy as it is effective. Since we have such a big gathering of “like minded dog lovers” gathering on our “Say Yes to Your Best Year Ever” Facebook page, I decided I was going to set up two very cool tools to help everyone reach their dog training goals for 2015. If you don’t have the Crate Games get it now. If you need ideas check out the puppy one hundred (and thirty five) or refer back to the mostly tricks list we came up with before that. Anxious: When our dogs are anxious they are not comfortable, and they can quickly move to being afraid. 2 On Sunday, February 7th, my dog Encore turned 17. I mean it, don’t even finish the rest of this post click on this link , here I am giving it to you for the third time, click on it and buy the darn thing. Learn in H360 with world agility champion, Susan Garrett. Jan 4, 2012 · Tugging is a big part of my dog training, I hope it is also a big part of yours. My dogs were always welcoming to visiting dogs and seemed to fit into the house fairly easily. Feb 17, 2009 · I had small workshop here yesterday with 9, mostly adolescent dogs, and their handlers. 2780 Dunmark Road Alberton, ON L0R 1A0. "Crate Games" is the cornerstone of Susan Garrett’s unbelievably successful dog training program, and is extensively used and recommended by dog trainers and professional dog care providers around the globe. Mar 15, 2012 · The dog with the bad trainer knows how to get the bad trainer to play, but the bad trainer thinks the dog is bad so tries to get the dog to behave, but the dog thinks the bad trainer is playing! So if you can only manage to do one or the other, just playing will create more drive than just training. Oct 29, 2009 · Okay, sometimes my blog is a bit frustrating. Each of you has helped make online dog training something that can be amazingly special. Now here is where the rest of you that have had massive success with your 2×2 training write about YOUR experiences (love to hear the success stories). Mar 31, 2023 · Thanks as always Susan! So happy to hear that This! is on her way to better health mentally and physically. e. It went quite well with a few "aah ha" moments and the odd "oh my" thrown in to balance things out. This system of looking at dog behavior/training is so wonderful. Since posting my webinar series on Dealing With Your Dog Training Challenges where I shared the challenges trying to live life in "Do-Land" I have gotten some really thought provoking questions about what I am suggesting. Jan 27, 2010 · Crate Games are the start of so much in my dog training program, the least of which is impulse control. We have five new short stories representing everyone who wants their dog's brilliance to shine, which I know is everyone reading this right now. By Susan Garrett | 2020-09-18T19:22:17-04:00 September 17th, 2020 | Dog Training, Puppy Raising | I’ve written a lot of blog posts about puppies, but [] Read More Jul 26, 2018 · To recap what we covered in the video chat, the 8 stages on the Fun-O-Meter are… Afraid: When a dog is fearful he can’t learn. Thanks to everyone who has bought so far. This includes podcast episodes, blog posts and free training videos. In obedience training the steps go teaching, compulsion, and proofing. Recently I had the privilege recently of sitting down to chat with Bob about his early career and to video the chats for you. Mar 21, 2019 · Last week I shared strategies to help become comfortable with videoing your dog training and reviewing video. com 647-931-8608 Want to get the most out of your next dog training class or lesson? Susan's ebook "On Being a Good Student" will help you make that happen! This downloadable ebook can not be purchased anywhere and is exclusively available to subscribers of Susan's Newsletter. Crate Games; Home School the Dog; Recallers; Susan Garrett 2022-01-20T20:50:38+00:00 September 30th, 2020 | 16 Comments Tweet . Aug 8, 2019 · Want to get the most out of your next dog training class or lesson? Susan's ebook "On Being a Good Student" will help you make that happen! This downloadable ebook can not be purchased anywhere and is exclusively available to subscribers of Susan's Newsletter. Feb 20, 2020 · Susan Garnett’s Dog Training Blog is the literally the BEST dog training community anywhere, I read it all the time, and I’m so grateful I found, it helped me not only get me dogs to listen but to remember their training. Aug 1, 2019 · In the video below, I cover toys I DO NOT recommend and why, and share about the toys that I think are the BEST so that training is faster, easier and more effective (and of course FUN for both you and your dog!) Recallers 2024 Video Contest Round Three Sending you a big welcome to Round Three of our Recallers 2024 video contest. 69K Followers, 698 Following, 1,769 Posts - Susan Garrett (@susangarrettdogsthat) on Instagram: " Educator of Dog Lovers World-Wide. Award Winning Author. A template of how I set my dog training goals each year. I particulary liked the blind cross with Ike, he’s awesome to watch doing agility as well because he is…. By Susan Garrett | 2020-01 Want to get the most out of your next dog training class or lesson? Susan's ebook "On Apr 2, 2020 · This might be a strange blog topic from someone whose life has been devoted to being an expert dog trainer. A community of like minded dog enthusiasts meeting to discuss Susan Garrett's latest blogs and workshops. Susan Garrett, world-renowned dog trainer, multi-time champion of dog agility, and leading educator on all things canine shares everything related to dogs! Susan understands dog behaviour and wants you and your dog to have the best life together possible. I don’t understand why swinging isn’t flicking? I understand you’re using a verbal cue instead of body pressure or a hand signal but isn’t the end behaviour still the dog turning away from your body position? i. Feb 1, 2010 · I entitled this post Start Line “Fun” because for many of you, that is what is lacking. Sep 27, 2024 · Techniques to help calm an over-aroused dog during training. Jan 5, 2012 · Susan Garrett follows up with part to on her blogging about how the style of tugging with your dog effects his focus for work. The Susan and her expert guests teach you how to build your dog’s skills and fitness and your own. But Susan also offers Home School The Dog (emphasis on good behavior within the house) and Wag Nation (teaching tricks and body awareness) which are other options you can look at depending on your training goals :) Agility instruction should grow that confidence in both you and your dog. Recently I responded to a post on a forum about someone struggling with their 2x2 training and wondering what they did wrong (or perhaps was the method flawed and not appropriate for all dogs). But to get the most out of learning so you can have just as much success with training your dog as I have training my dogs I’ve got some specific tips for you. When travelling home, I decided I wanted to document my experience as a way of running a ‘clarity check’ for Momentum and me as an agility team. There is so much to celebrate. Crate Games is the cornerstone of Susan Garrett’s unbelievably successful dog training program, and is extensively used and recommended by dog trainers and professional dog care providers around the globe. I know Lynda has had private lessons with some of them to work Jul 23, 2010 · Our boys are doing great with these games. Sonya December 18, 2022 at 3:47 AM - Reply Want to get the most out of your next dog training class or lesson? Susan's ebook "On Being a Good Student" will help you make that happen! This downloadable ebook can not be purchased anywhere and is exclusively available to subscribers of Susan's Newsletter. Susan Garrett's positive reinforcement dog training blog. wag@dogsthat. By Susan Garrett | 2020-06-01T03:43:56-04:00 May 7th, 2020 | Dog Training | A jump bar coming down is one of the most common things that will incur a fault on the agility field. Im getting better at avoiding people and dogs but the unpredicatable smells I loose he is strong and only going to get stronger . Susan is world-renowned for her innovative Apr 23, 2020 · How to Watch Dog Training Videos. Aug 8, 2019 · If you have a dog who will not let a toy go, don’t mimic the ‘bad dog training’ in the video, practice good tugging mechanics. Susan is one of the most successful agility competitors of the last two decades. It is humbling to have thousands of people Want to get the most out of your next dog training class or lesson? Susan's ebook "On Being a Good Student" will help you make that happen! This downloadable ebook can not be purchased anywhere and is exclusively available to subscribers of Susan's Newsletter. Handling360’s unique approach creates an accelerated program of learning that protects your confidence every step of the way. A brand new blog update website, several new staff members, and many, many people brand new to our Say Yes community. It’s game based. The effect of this training has reached millions of animals and people, including you! Want to get the most out of your next dog training class or lesson? Susan's ebook "On Being a Good Student" will help you make that happen! This downloadable ebook can not be purchased anywhere and is exclusively available to subscribers of Susan's Newsletter. Aug 13, 2009 · Please forgive my ignorance but I’ve got to ask what must be a dumb question. It’s something we work on in the mornings. Leading Innovator in Online Dog Training. Recently while preparing for a video shoot, I put together a list of some of my most pivotal lessons I have learned from each puppy I have raised and trained over my 27 years as a dog trainer. I hope it may help others. I teach and play the “two food game” with the dog. By Susan Garrett | 2020-01 Want to get the most out of your next dog training class or lesson? Susan's ebook "On Jan 14, 2011 · Today I am grateful for Steve allow me to use him as the subject of today’s blog. The strategic application of duration, distance and distraction will give you the confidence that your dog can perform any behaviour with total understanding anywhere you ask. And that is true. Triggers can be a massive help or a massive detriment to your dog. It has become more like Start Line “Hell” than Start Line Fun. Nov 12, 2020 · You can see I’m using part of This’s breakfast for conditioning nail trims. Feb 16, 2009 · Being sick sucks. Jul 24, 2024 · Susan Garrett, world-renowned dog trainer, multi-time champion of dog agility, and leading educator on all things canine shares everything related to dogs! Susan understands dog behaviour and wants you and your dog to have the best life together possible. I have been laid up for the last few days but today I think I have turned the corner (just in time, as I have a bunch of teaching coming up). For the last 25 years I have been a big fan of Zig Zigler, Norman Vincent Peale and legendary Basketball coach, John Wooden. Nov 15, 2024 · "Just stop watching!" coming from Susan Garrett might surprise you, but I've got tips for mastering active learning when viewing dog training videos! Turn any training video into a powerful tool for success and discover how to get more out of dog training online with effective strategies to accelerate success for both you and your dog. Susan’s online dog training classrooms and memberships have now helped thousands of dog lovers reach their goals while having the best relationship possible with their dogs. Suzanne clothier, fenzi dog sports academy, susan garrett are great Aug 19, 2021 · I adopted a 3 year old short haired border collie/ heeler cross. We are incredibly grateful for our global dog-loving community. Sep 30, 2020 · Online Training. it was based on the ” two hose game”which is explained in the book ” Schutzhund obedience Training in Drive” by Gottfried Dildei and Sheila booth. Crate Games; Home School the Dog; Recallers; Susan Garrett 2022-03-18T15:38:27+00:00 February 24th, 2021 | 14 Comments Tweet . We celebrated with cake! We’ve been celebrating every day for nine years as she has had many bonus birthdays. we cannot say leave it cus Susan think its best if we teach with the IYC and I approuve bit its difficult to let the puppy wonder in the house without breaking anything 🤷♀️ but in a more positive note Im very Want to get the most out of your next dog training class or lesson? Susan's ebook "On Being a Good Student" will help you make that happen! This downloadable ebook can not be purchased anywhere and is exclusively available to subscribers of Susan's Newsletter. Apr 2, 2010 · Well I understand how you could think that, but no. but working through the strategically can teach the dog more than the obvious. By Susan Garrett | 2018-09-11T04:33:20-04:00 January 17th, 2011 | Crate Games, Dog Training, Skills | I got a question on my YouTube site last week [] Read More Feb 13, 2020 · In Game Based/Choice Based dog training, shaping your dog so that he enjoys waiting and “asking in a more polite fashion” is POSSIBLE! … and to get started on what “polite” looks like, join us in the IYC Summit. Watch the video 3 times. Newsletter Sign Up Want to get the most out of your next dog training class or lesson? Susan's ebook "On Being a Good Student" will help you make that happen! This downloadable ebook can not be purchased anywhere and is exclusively available to subscribers of Susan's Newsletter. Multi World Champion of Dog Agility. Jan 19, 2011 · Getting a dog to interact with a toy. “Crate Games” is the cornerstone of Susan Garrett’s unbelievably successful dog training program, and is extensively used and recommended by dog trainers and professional dog care providers around the globe. When the dust settled (literally) Encore won her first National Championship with a Grand Prix win in the 22″ class while Feature won her first 2 National Championships winning both in Steeplechase and in the Team Championships. The highlights are numerous. Want to get the most out of your next dog training class or lesson? Susan's ebook "On Being a Good Student" will help you make that happen! This downloadable ebook can not be purchased anywhere and is exclusively available to subscribers of Susan's Newsletter. Understanding triggers is the first step in knowing how they will help your dog have a better life and be comfortable. It is a great reinforcer for most dogs. In fact, I’ve used the lick mat to do some form of conditioning for breakfast every day for all but 2 of the past 14 days and will continue to do so. She said to me last week "why do you not stress the dog training part of [] Susan Garrett 2020-01-11T19:37:31-04:00 February 17th, 2016 | 35 Comments Read More Sep 18, 2020 · Im little bit overwhelmed because in the meantime we teach good choices my puppy try to bite every furniture in the house…. We started the day with some grids and body awareness exercises and then finished up the afternoon with some When I first started dog training online as a way I could meet the demand for teaching and seminars around the world without all the travel and time away that it necessitated, I was told it was not possible and that it would fail. She has won multiple Gold Jan 3, 2019 · If you live with a dog, it is important to understand triggers. The focus of this FB group is to Aug 1, 2019 · In the video below, I cover toys I DO NOT recommend and why, and share about the toys that I think are the BEST so that training is faster, easier and more effective (and of course FUN for both you and your dog!) Aug 20, 2018 · Planning For Success With Your Dog Training. I’m already seeing changes in my 6-month old hound puppy. This is how I managed to get my dog hooked on toys. I don’t think I mentioned this before but if you want to know “how does Susan Garrett train and handle” this ebook will give a pretty darn good idea! Mar 23, 2015 · I have seen some of the content for recallers and while the games are cool and it seems like a great program, I don't see it being worth the money, at all. Classroom Access: 1 Year Subscription Oct 30, 2009 · Both have learned the art of training a dog to be a GREAT agility dog all through people like Susan Garrett, Greg & Laura Derrett, Stacy Winkler et al. an experienced and trusted adviser. Nov 1, 2015 · Your educational dog training programs have changed my life and improved my skills as a dog trainer 1,000%! Thank you so much! Cecilie November 12, 2017 at 4:25 AM - Reply Aug 16, 2019 · Susan Garrett August 15, 2019 at 9:13 PM Want to get the most out of your next dog training class or lesson? Susan's ebook "On Being a Good Student" will help you If you read the title of this post and are wondering what a vlogcast is, it’s a blog post with a video of a podcast episode. May 4, 2010 · Wow, the response to the “Building the Team Fundraiser ebook” has been fantastic. Susan Garrett’s interest in animal behaviour started at the University of Guelph where she earned a Bachelor of Science majoring in Animal Science. " Apr 19, 2019 · Adding to my training list. Yesterday was one of those days. Here are some of my favorite from the three of them along with a few others. Pet Dog Training. You Can Find Us. One of the cool thing was the tug drive that has been created and maintained by students that have struggled with it in the past. Feb 3, 2022 · Online Training. Gift membership to Crate Games Online for a full year. By Susan Garrett | 2018-09-11T04:33:20-04:00 January 17th, 2011 | Crate Games, Dog Training, Skills | I got a question on my YouTube site last week [] Read More Feb 9, 2014 · Absolutely Betty, Much of our foundation classrooms can be done in your own home/back yard/local park. you’re standing on the right and instead of going straight ahead or turning towards you the Oct 19, 2018 · As you may know, I have recently returned from the FCI Agility World Championships in Sweden. Jun 15, 2022 · Podcast Episode 16: The Thing Before Your Dog’s Thing; YouTube Playlist: Behavior Chains in Dog Training with Susan Garrett; Podcast Episode 64: Help! Aug 24, 2015 · The past few months have been an exciting time here at Say Yes. Aug 20, 2020 · When you are training your dog, understanding three key elements is going to help you create brilliant behaviours. It's heard at the dog park, the vet, on the street, heck, it might also be the topic of dinner party conversations. Our Triple Double classroom can be put corner to corner on 50×50 (or you can package up 3 jumps / 2 tunnels and take it to a park) and then you can do full coursework when you have rental time or break the course up into smaller sequences in your yard. . By Susan Garrett | 2018-09-11T04:33:20-04:00 January 17th, 2011 | Crate Games, Dog Training, Skills | I got a question on my YouTube site last week [] Read More A puppy's mind is fully capable of learning at an early age, so there is no need to consider putting off his or her education. She is the most challenging dog I have ever had in the house. I close the crate door. Apr 23, 2021 · Episode 79: Reduce Anxiety and Grow Your Dog’s Confidence with These Pro Dog Training Tips Susan Garrett 2022-02-14T10:02:25+00:00 April 23rd, 2021 | 4 Comments Tweet Jan 17, 2011 · In Crate Games (again ONLY if I believe the dog understands her release cue) when I give the “break” cue and the dog doesn’t come out– I just do exactly the same thing I would do at any time during Crate Games when the dog makes any inappropriate response . He’s doing really well on running back to his “target” dog bed for treats and is learning restraint from diving at food too. Handling360 Video Contest Grand Finale ~ Clarity, Confidence, Connection The final round of our video contest is here! The top six dog agility stories as voted by you are now in the Grand Finale, competing for THREE winning spots. I am interested in making sure I have this right as I have always trained a behavior in my back yard till it is “almost fluid” and then I take it on the road. . Through this shared knowledge we will all learn. Dec 20, 2024 · Podcast Episode 245: Make Dog Training Easy! Quick Guide To Antecedent Arrangements; Podcast Episode 33: How Do I Stop My Dog Counter Surfing?! YouTube Video: Understanding Your Dog's Reinforcement Zone (RZ) with Susan Garrett; Podcast Episode 176: Why Your Dog’s Emotions Are A Critical Element Of Dog Training Want to get the most out of your next dog training class or lesson? Susan's ebook "On Being a Good Student" will help you make that happen! This downloadable ebook can not be purchased anywhere and is exclusively available to subscribers of Susan's Newsletter. Susan is one of the most successful agility competitors of the last three decades. Mar 31, 2010 · Susan I am RE-reading is there such a word as RE…your book and in it you talk about changing the habit very early on in training. The Recallers course places a huge emphasis on recall (duh haha) in all sorts of environments and situations. That is where vets & chiropractors get tutored on the finer Want to get the most out of your next dog training class or lesson? Susan's ebook "On Being a Good Student" will help you make that happen! This downloadable ebook can not be purchased anywhere and is exclusively available to subscribers of Susan's Newsletter. Apr 22, 2015 · Recently while preparing for a video shoot, I put together a list of some of my most pivotal lessons I have learned from each puppy I have raised and trained over my 27 years as a dog trainer. Dog training with Recallers will build an incredible relationship with your dog. Chels does an awesome job with training her dogs. This weekend there was a Chiropractic-Veterinary workshop at our place. May 15, 2009 · I love motivational quotes. In trick training they are required to perform the action for the pupose of amusement, there is generally no compulsion, if I ask my dog to play dead am I going to have him perform it until I say so, and if he refuses am I going to enforce it? Oct 13, 2009 · Ok, so here’s my question to really any one. Since then she has developed into a pre-eminent canine sports instructor and competitor. Jan 29, 2011 · Hilarious! and thanks Susan for posting. The same is true for us. Jan 17, 2025 · How to overcome emotional barriers in dog training and use video to get better results faster. For those dogs that are not currently big fans of tugging, it is a skill that be cultivated with work on your part . When you are training your dog, understanding three key elements is going to help you create brilliant behaviours. com Susan Garrett’s interest in animal behaviour started at the University of Guelph where she earned a Bachelor of Science majoring in Animal Science. " Definition: men·tor ˈmenˌtôr,-tər/ noun: mentor; plural noun: mentors 1. To some dog owners who participate in performance sports around the world, I am considered a dog training “mentor. And it's all about cutting your dog's nails at home. For puppies, rescue dogs, family pets, agility dogs, and all dog sports. Especially if you've never done an online dog training class and don't know that you'll stick with it and really do the work. Jan 4, 2015 · Focus on Dog Training and Dog Trialling. One of my biggest issue s is a smell on the ground when Lenni 5 month BMD are out practsing walking. Of Feb 24, 2021 · Online Training. 68K Followers, 695 Following, 1,756 Posts - Susan Garrett (@susangarrettdogsthat) on Instagram: " Educator of Dog Lovers World-Wide. The importance of building a strong relationship with your dog for effective training. By Susan Garrett | 2020-02-03T04:46:17-04:00 March 7th, 2012 | Dog Training, Handling, My Dogs | Shelby on the seesaw, check out the dinosaur Cross [] Read More By Susan Garrett | 2020-09-18T19:22:17-04:00 September 17th, 2020 | Dog Training, Puppy Raising | I’ve written a lot of blog posts about puppies, but [] Read More Want to get the most out of your next dog training class or lesson? Susan's ebook "On Being a Good Student" will help you make that happen! This downloadable ebook can not be purchased anywhere and is exclusively available to subscribers of Susan's Newsletter. May 14, 2019 · Over his career, Dr Bob Bailey has trained over 140 different species of animals. May 2, 2019 · Susan has completely changed the way I work with my dog! I have Conformation and an Obedience experience and Susan’s are so much FUN!!!! I have a 13 month old Sheltie. Since then she has developed into a preeminent dog trainer and canine sports instructor and competitor. Want to get the most out of your next dog training class or lesson? Susan's ebook "On based training say yes dog training shaping success Susan Garrett Swagger Mar 5, 2020 · When people make the big leap to training their dogs in a reinforcement based program such as the one we have here in Do-Land, they sometimes fall into what we refer to as “the gap”. The experience of putting this list was enlightening; I strongly encourage you to do the same. It was a blog post that I hadn’t planned on doing a follow up on, as the intention was just to help with ideas for you on how you can embrace video as the great dog training tool it can be. Jan 11, 2010 · Shaping Challenge | Susan Garrett's Dog Training Blog February 11, 2010 at 7:34 AM - Reply […] up with something not related to anything you have been working on. far more years than I probably thought [] Susan Garrett 2020-01-11T07:38:10-04:00 October 11th, 2018 | 121 Comments May 1, 2015 · Susan Garrett’s article on taking a puppy adventure trip is a delightful read, emphasizing the benefits of early socialization and the joys of exploring new environments with your furry friend. That was over a decade ago. They really do it for me, if you know what I mean. What we do need to consider is how that education happens. Welcome to our "Free Online Dog Training Workshop Group". Jan 12, 2024 · Podcast Episode 131: How Would Susan Garrett Plan Your Dog Training Sessions? * PetGeek Automatic Treat Dispenser; Recallers Tasty Treats Recipe eBook * Plastic Squeeze Bottles * Mini Round Silicone Dog Treat Molds * PetSafe Treat & Train Remote Treat Dispensing Dog Training System; Podcast Episode 107: Pedicure Please: 3 Steps To Dog Nail Planning For Success With Your Dog Training. Every week, we release a new, cutting edge, exciting agility training treasure! The resources in Agility Nation allow you to easily tune up or troubleshoot your agility training skills, and give you access to the most recent training innovations. Susan Garrett’s Recallers Online Dog Training Program gguzman@mazadigital. yes I know it sometimes seems like a LOT of work. Hope it helps some others! But because Buzz isn't just a dog that is hanging on as a 17-year-old dog; he is a dog that is actively engaged [] Susan Garrett 2013-09-20T08:12:27-04:00 September 20th, 2013 | 29 Comments Read More Want to get the most out of your next dog training class or lesson? Susan's ebook "On Being a Good Student" will help you make that happen! This downloadable ebook can not be purchased anywhere and is exclusively available to subscribers of Susan's Newsletter. If you are trying to trick, intimidated or “force” your dog to wait for a release at the start line, I promise, it is unlikely to work long term . Susan Garrett 2025-01-17T17:50:38+00:00 January 17th, Need a new search? If you didn't find what you were looking for, try a new search! By Susan Garrett | 2020-01-11T07:32:09-04:00 November 8th, 2018 | Dog Training, Puppy Raising, Skills | A puppy's mind is fully capable of learning at an [] Read More Okay, workshop today and since it is contacts and WEAVES I thought I would quickly answer a couple of the 2x2 questions that you guys have posted. We have a 4 year old male Border Collie who has been fed North American Raw mix (minced proteins/organs/steamed bone meal) since he turned 1. bsw ktn xtfvzlijx idioi xjdi fmg iyblah llfmb xcrb jre rvjz wffmwl bpsfejq chvem oswuje