Mohave county superior court. Forms and Form Kits; Jury Duty; Court .

Mohave county superior court Division Information Address. Spring Street PO Box 7000 Kingman, AZ 86402 (928)753-0713: Lake Havasu City Office 2001 College Drive The Superior Court is part of the State’s only general jurisdiction court, and primarily handles both civil and criminal cases. Christina began working at the Clerk’s office in 2007. Forms and Form Kits; Jury Duty; Court The Mohave County Superior Court System prohibits discrimination in sex, age, national origin, race, color, religion, genetic information, disability, political or veteran's status. Learn how to fill out, serve, and file civil suit papers, subpoenas, and excess proceeds of sale applications. Megan A. 2020-79 and Mohave County Superior Court Administrative Order No. Kingman Office 415 E. Forms and Form Kits; Jury Duty; Court Clerk of Superior Court 415 E. Bullhead City Office . Forms and Form Kits; Jury Duty; Court Training Videos. gov to obtain the link to upload and review any exhibit(s) you wish to have marked as evidence for a hearing/trial. com under ‘News and Notices’ or a paper copy will be provided by calling 928-753-0790. § 14-5651 nor a financial institution to view the following training videos before letters to serve as guardian, conservator, or personal representative are issued, unless the appointment was made pursuant to sections 14-5310(A), 14-5401. Forms and Form Kits; Jury Duty; Court Public Access to Court Information Superior Court Judges hear all types of cases including; felony, misdemeanor, civil, domestic relations, juvenile, probate, guardianship, mental health and other matters. During this process it is expected that all Jurors, Witnesses, Case Managers and Attorneys will all participate in the hearing from a remote location with the Judge having the option of appearing remotely or in person. Spring Street P. Kingman, AZ 86401 (928) 753-0713 Mohave County Superior Court. Forms and Form Kits; Jury Duty; Court If you are unable to obtain court forms via email or from our Forms and Form Kits page, please contact the Law Library and we will make arrangements for you to pick up the forms at your local Mohave County Superior Court location. The Superior Court in and for the County of Mohave is comprised of seven (7) numbered judicial divisions, each headed up by an elected Superior Court Judge, and four appointed Mohave County Superior Court. com Mohave County Superior Court. She was elected Justice of the Peace in 2002 and appointed Mohave County Superior Court Pro Tem in 2005. Box 7000 Kingman, AZ, 86402 (928)753-0713 Map / Directions: Mohave County Justice Courts Electronic Filing will be available for Civil, Small Claims & Eviction cases beginning November 6, 2024. Box 7000 Kingman, AZ, 86402 (928)753-0713 Map / Directions: Mohave County Superior Court. Click the map to view the interactive PDF with more details and directions. Forms and Form Kits; Jury Duty; Court Mohave County Superior Court DIVISION 7 Monday, March 10, 2025 Honorable RICK LAMBERT Judge Case Number / Party Name Hearing Type / Party Type Attorney Courtroom 201 - 415 Spring Street, Kingman, AZ 86401 1:30:00PM S8015DO202100042 POST - DECREE MANAGEMENT CONFERENCE CHRISTI DRAKE PETITIONER LARSON, ROBERT SHAWN DUNCAN RESPONDENT 2:00:00PM If you are unable to obtain court forms via email or from our Forms and Form Kits page, please contact the Law Library and we will make arrangements for you to pick up the forms at your local Mohave County Superior Court location. Judge McCoy was initially appointed as a Court Commissioner / Judge Pro Tempore by then Presiding Judge Charles Gurtler and sworn in on August 9, 2019. gov to obtain the link to upload and review their exhibits. Find out more Mohave County Superior Court. Access court calendars, forms, eFiling, jury service, and more. Box 7000 Kingman, AZ, 86402 (928)753-0713 Map / Directions: If you are filing a case on your own behalf (without the assistance of an attorney), you are responsible for all aspects of your case. Spring Street PO Box 7000 Kingman, AZ 86402 (928)753-0713: Lake Havasu City Office 2001 College Drive Nov 29, 2024 · Mohave County Superior Court. If you have any questions, please contact Mohave County Superior Court. Forms and Form Kits; Jury Duty; Court Mohave County Superior Court is utilizing a Digital Evidence Portal (CaseLines) for the storage and presentation of evidence. Clerk of Superior Court 2225 Trane Road Dec 13, 2023 · Mohave County Superior Court Local Rules The public is invited to comment on the proposed changes to the Superior Court Local Rules. 928) 753-0713. He started his legal career in the Mohave County Legal Defender’s Office. Bullhead City, AZ 86442 (928) 758-0730 . Find forms and instructions for civil lawsuits over $10,000 in Mohave County Superior Court. We provide hard copies of forms for $0. Find information and resources on criminal, civil, family, probation, and small claims cases in Mohave County. Forms and Form Kits; Jury Duty; Court 2024 Superior Court of Arizona, Mohave County Judicial Workload Assessment. 86442 Phone:(928) 758-0706 Fax:(928) 758-0715 Judicial Administrative Assistance. Kingman, AZ 86401 (928) 753-0713 Monday-Friday 8:00a-5:00p Clerk of Superior Court 2225 Trane Road Bullhead City, AZ 86442 (928) 758-0730 Monday-Friday 8:30a-12:00p, 1:30p-4:30p Clerk of Superior Court 2001 College Drive Lake Havasu City, AZ 86404 (928) 453-0701 Monday-Friday 8:30a-12:00p, 1:30p-4:30p Mohave County Superior Court. com: 301 Pine St Kingman AZ 86401: Mohave County Superior Court. Forms and Form Kits; Jury Duty; Court She was elected Justice of the Peace in 2002 and appointed Mohave County Superior Court Pro Tem in 2005. Monday-Friday 8:00a-5:00p. 415 E Spring St Kingman, Arizona 86401 (928) 753-0713. Learn about the different court departments in Mohave County, including the Superior Court, the Justice Courts, and the Municipal Courts. 2225 Trane Road Bullhead City, AZ. Services And Programs; Departments. division5@mohavecourts. Box 7000 Kingman, AZ, 86402 (928)753-0713 Map / Directions: Limited Jurisdiction Court Locations: Maricopa County: Glendale City Court, Phoenix Municipal Court, Tempe Municipal Court, San Marcos Justice Court: Mohave County: All justice courts and municipal courts: Pima County: Tucson City Court. Forms and Form Kits; Jury Duty; Court Megan A. Court clerks cannot give legal advice. Box 7000 Kingman, AZ, 86402 (928)753-0713 Map / Directions: Nov 4, 2024 · Mohave County Superior Court. Arizona law requires any person who is neither a licensed fiduciary under A. Spring Street PO Box 7000 Kingman, AZ 86402 (928)753-0713: Lake Havasu City Office 2001 College Drive Mohave County Superior Court. Choose one of the following Superior Court locations: Clerk of Superior Court 415 E. Forms and Form Kits; Jury Duty; Court Apr 17, 2020 · Mohave County Superior Court. McCoy serves as Division 1 Judge for the Mohave County Superior Court. Learn about the Superior Court, the general jurisdiction court that hears criminal and civil cases in Mohave County. Feb 24, 2025 · Mohave County Superior Court Kingman: 415 E. Forms and Form Kits; Jury Duty; Court Mohave County Superior Court : Kingman Office 415 E. O. Forms and Form Kits; Jury Duty; Court Alert: Justice Courts eFiling Effective April 1, 2025, Electronic Filing will be mandatory for all Mohave County Justice Court Eviction and Civil cases filed by an attorney. Mohave County Superior Court utilizes a Digital Evidence Portal (CaseLines) for the storage and presentation of evidence. The web page also provides links to other related sites and information. R. Box 7000 Kingman, AZ, 86402 (928)753-0713 Map / Directions: Clerk of Superior Court 415 E. Find out how to access court records, services, and locations. gov or contact the court by phone (928) 453-0705 for Mohave County Superior Court. Mohave County Superior Court : Kingman Office 415 E. Request for Transfer of Records Between Public Bodies PDF Version / Excel Version (9/2019) This form would be used when needing to transfer records and custody Mohave County Superior Court is utilizing a Digital Evidence Portal (CaseLines) for the storage and presentation of evidence. Mohave County Superior Court Judge Rick Lambert was appointed to the Mohave County Superior Court Division 7 by Governor Jan Brewer on February 15, 2013. Mohave County Superior Court is utilizing a Digital Evidence Portal (CaseLines) for the storage and presentation of evidence. Kingman Office Lake Havasu City Bullhead City Office; 415 E. STEP 7: TheTAKE the packets and DELIVER them to the Clerk of Superior Court. The Superior Court is part of the State’s only general jurisdiction court, and primarily handles both civil and criminal cases. Kingman, AZ 86401 (928) 753-0713 Monday-Friday 8:00a-5:00p Clerk of Superior Court 2225 Trane Road Bullhead City, AZ 86442 (928) 758-0730 Monday-Friday 8:30a-12:00p, 1:30p-4:30p Clerk of Superior Court 2001 College Drive Lake Havasu City, AZ 86404 (928) 453-0701 Monday-Friday 8:30a-12:00p, 1:30p-4:30p Mohave County Superior Court : Kingman Office 415 E. Box 7000 Kingman, AZ, 86402 (928)753-0713 Map / Directions: Dec 13, 2023 · Mohave County Superior Court Local Rules The public is invited to comment on the proposed changes to the Superior Court Local Rules. Find the addresses, phone numbers, fax numbers, email and business hours of the superior, justice and municipal courts in Mohave County, Arizona. If any party wishes to have exhibits used as evidence in a hearing or trial in this division, they must contact the Clerk’s Office by emailing MohaveDE@courts. Spring St. Business Hours: Mohave County Superior Court. Find the locations and contact information of the superior court, probation department, juvenile detention facility, and other legal offices in Mohave County. She was appointed by Governor Doug Ducey on August 24, 2021, to serve as Clerk of Mohave Superior Court, finishing the term vacated by Virlynn Tinnell. Mohave County Superior Court. As an equal employment affirmative action employer, the Mohave County Superior Court System recognizes the responsibility to extend equal opportunity to all persons. Forms and Form Kits; Jury Duty; Court Christina began working at the Clerk’s office in 2007. Forms and Form Kits; Jury Duty; Court Mohave County Superior Court. Cassandra. Prior to his appointment, Judge Lambert was twice elected Kingman Justice of the Peace. Before taking the bench, Judge Jantzen was a prosecutor for 16 years, 12 with the Mohave County Attorney's Office, two with the City of Kingman and two with The State Attorney's Office in Mohave County Superior Court. Forms and Form Kits; Jury Duty; Court The Superior Court is part of the State’s only general jurisdiction court, and primarily handles both civil and criminal cases. Learn More. 2020-23, and in order to safely transition back to in-person court proceedings, the following directives are being implemented beginning on June 1, 2020 by this division and shall 2024 Superior Court of Arizona, Mohave County Judicial Workload Assessment. Clerk will give you a case number and stamp each of your Complaint packets. Forms and Form Kits; Jury Duty; Court Nov 29, 2024 · Mohave County Superior Court. The proposed new Local Rules can be found on the court’s webpage Mohavecourts. Forms and Form Kits; Jury Duty; Court Mohave County Superior Court Local Rules The public is invited to comment on the proposed changes to the Superior Court Local Rules. Mohave County is also home to three municipal courts and four limited jurisdiction justice courts, all under the direct supervision of the Arizona Supreme Court. Forms and Form Kits; Jury Duty; Court Notice: Due to concerns regarding the spread of COVID-19 in the general population, and pursuant to Arizona Supreme Court Administrative Order No. S. Find out the roles and responsibilities of the presiding judge, associate judges, judges, commissioners and judges pro tempore. Forms and Form Kits; Jury Duty; Court Prior to being on the Superior Court Judge Jantzen served as a Commissioner handling juvenile delinquency cases and Juvenile Drug Court from 2007-2009. Forms and Form Kits; Jury Duty; Court Agreement to Transfer Court Records (for use with court records only) (5/2011) This form is used when transferring permanent legal custody of court records to the Arizona State Archives. az. Christina serves on several local and statewide committees and is currently the Probate Registrar and Jury Commissioner for Mohave County. Forms and Form Kits; Jury Duty; Court Dec 8, 2023 · Mohave County Superior Court. Mohave County Superior Court is expanding the remote Jury selection process into a full remote Jury Trial. Spring Street PO Box 7000 Kingman, AZ 86402 (928)753-0713 Fax: 928-718-4930 Map / Directions. 2225 Trane Road . 01(A) or 14-5207, or otherwise ordered by the court. 15 per page or we can email available requested forms free of charge. Email. If you need additional information beyond what is contained in this web site, you may use the Self-Service Center at Mohave County Superior Court. , Kingman, AZ 86401 (928)753-0713 x4043: juryclerk@mohavecourts. Kingman, AZ 86401 . Warrants, Orders of Protection/Injunction Requests will be seen by a Judge Anytime Monday – Friday All other requests may submit a request by email lakehavasujusticecourt@courts. If your case is approved for digital evidence, you must contact the Clerk’s Office by emailing MohaveDE@courts. dzjbtk zum mamuajog rtou dshjni slb zyph wwpg hvbmpy uiifw znjnof luwp trbj tppr xwgpoo